There are just some things whites need to learn


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Mar 11, 2015
There are far too many whites here arguing with things said by blacks without having read any information. And while I doubt if those who are only here because they can talk their racist trash without getting their teeth busted will read these facts, be forewarned that off topic posts will be reported immediately.

You are about to begin looking at information from a report named "More Black than Blue: Politics and Power in the 2019 Black Census" by the Black Futures Lab

"The Black Futures Lab’s Black Census Project is the largest survey of Black people conducted in the United States since Reconstruction. Reached through online outreach methods and community partnerships, over 30,000 Black people from across the country participated in the Black Census Project, providing experiences, views and opinions about politics, society, and the opportunities and challenges facing Black communities and the nation. The Black Census Project amplifies the concerns and aspirations of the most politically and civically engaged Black adults in the U.S., revealing issues critical to activating and engaging Black communities in the years ahead."

To conduct the Census, the Black Futures Lab worked in partnership with more than 30 grassroots organizations serving Black communities nationwide. The Black Futures Lab also partnered with 2 of the largest online civil rights organizations serving Black communities and their allies— PushBlack and Color of Change. As a result, the Black Census includes populations that are usually not represented or are underrepresented in traditional surveys, such as homeless people, incarcerated people, LGBTQ people, Black Republicans and conservatives, Black immigrants, and mixed-raced people with a Black parent, among others.

The Black Census is not a traditional probabilistic survey sample, which often fails to fully represent populations whose experiences are important to understanding the complexity of Black life. Instead, the Black Census utilized unique survey collection methods that drew on robust online networks and sent local organizers into Black businesses, churches, libraries, barbershops and other community gathering places from North Carolina to Nevada, providing a rare and important opportunity to hear and learn from voices too often at the margins of America’s political debate.

This is the first in a series of reports on the Black Census, focusing on the most pressing economic and criminal justice issues among Black Census respondents, with a spotlight on how respondents are engaged in the electoral process.
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There are far too many whites here arguing with things said by blacks without having read any information. And while I doubt if those who are only here because they can talk their racist trash without getting their teeth busted will read these facts, be forewarned that off topic posts will be reported immediately.

You are about to begin looking at information from a report named "More Black than Blue: Politics and Power in the 2019 Black Census" by the Black Futures Lab

"The Black Futures Lab’s Black Census Project is the largest survey of Black people conducted in the United States since Reconstruction. Reached through online outreach methods and community partnerships, over 30,000 Black people from across the country participated in the Black Census Project, providing experiences, views and opinions about politics, society, and the opportunities and challenges facing Black communities and the nation. The Black Census Project amplifies the concerns and aspirations of the most politically and civically engaged Black adults in the U.S., revealing issues critical to activating and engaging Black communities in the years ahead."

To conduct the Census, the Black Futures Lab worked in partnership with more than 30 grassroots organizations serving Black communities nationwide. The Black Futures Lab also partnered with 2 of the largest online civil rights organizations serving Black communities and their allies— PushBlack and Color of Change. As a result, the Black Census includes populations that are usually not represented or are underrepresented in traditional surveys, such as homeless people, incarcerated people, LGBTQ people, Black Republicans and conservatives, Black immigrants, and mixed-raced people with a Black parent, among others.

The Black Census is not a traditional probabilistic survey sample, which often fails to fully represent populations whose experiences are important to understanding the complexity of Black life. Instead, the Black Census utilized unique survey collection methods that drew on robust online networks and sent local organizers into Black businesses, churches, libraries, barbershops and other community gathering places from North Carolina to Nevada, providing a rare and important opportunity to hear and learn from voices too often at the margins of America’s political debate.

This is the first in a series of reports on the Black Census, focusing on the most pressing economic and criminal justice issues among Black Census respondents, with a spotlight on how respondents are engaged in the electoral process.

Another poll? By Acorn or some other LW nutfarm? No thanks. It all depends oh how they ask whatever I have important stuff to learn.
There are far too many whites here arguing with things said by blacks without having read any information. And while I doubt if those who are only here because they can talk their racist trash without getting their teeth busted will read these facts, be forewarned that off topic posts will be reported immediately.

You are about to begin looking at information from a report named "More Black than Blue: Politics and Power in the 2019 Black Census" by the Black Futures Lab

"The Black Futures Lab’s Black Census Project is the largest survey of Black people conducted in the United States since Reconstruction. Reached through online outreach methods and community partnerships, over 30,000 Black people from across the country participated in the Black Census Project, providing experiences, views and opinions about politics, society, and the opportunities and challenges facing Black communities and the nation. The Black Census Project amplifies the concerns and aspirations of the most politically and civically engaged Black adults in the U.S., revealing issues critical to activating and engaging Black communities in the years ahead."

To conduct the Census, the Black Futures Lab worked in partnership with more than 30 grassroots organizations serving Black communities nationwide. The Black Futures Lab also partnered with 2 of the largest online civil rights organizations serving Black communities and their allies— PushBlack and Color of Change. As a result, the Black Census includes populations that are usually not represented or are underrepresented in traditional surveys, such as homeless people, incarcerated people, LGBTQ people, Black Republicans and conservatives, Black immigrants, and mixed-raced people with a Black parent, among others.

The Black Census is not a traditional probabilistic survey sample, which often fails to fully represent populations whose experiences are important to understanding the complexity of Black life. Instead, the Black Census utilized unique survey collection methods that drew on robust online networks and sent local organizers into Black businesses, churches, libraries, barbershops and other community gathering places from North Carolina to Nevada, providing a rare and important opportunity to hear and learn from voices too often at the margins of America’s political debate.

This is the first in a series of reports on the Black Census, focusing on the most pressing economic and criminal justice issues among Black Census respondents, with a spotlight on how respondents are engaged in the electoral process.

Another poll? By Acorn or some other LW nutfarm? No thanks. It all depends oh how they ask whatever I have important stuff to learn.

If you're scared of the truth, telling me what you won't do is not going to stop the facts that are coming.
The OP would not accept a white person telling him what black people need to learn. The OP is dismissed.
Before we go to the census, we will look at the

This is a annual report from the National Urban League. As of 2019, this report has been published annually for 43 years. The National Urban League is 109 years old. These numbers are evidence of just how wrong these "conservatives" are about black people. The racists here who seem to think they are the experts on blacks even as they can't figure wtf they are don't read this information.

We will start with the 2011 report.

"In this 101st year of the National Urban League, The State of Black America 2011, Jobs Rebuild America: Putting Urban America Back to Work, uses the 12-point Jobs Plan as a springboard to focus on productive solutions for bringing jobs to urban communities and to highlight the programs that we and our affiliates continue to provide for the purpose of elevating the standard of living in urban communities through economic empowerment, education and youth programs, health and quality of life, civic engagement and civil rights."

2011 Book |

It's over 200 pages so all the racists will make excuses as to why they can't read that much. And it is because you cannot read that much is why you are unqualified to preach your racist vomit about what blacks need to do.
The OP would not accept a white person telling him what black people need to learn. The OP is dismissed.

I won't accept a white racist telling me what blacks need to learn. You were dismissed long ago.
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Very interesting.

I wonder about her presentation and sampling though. I took several courses on this at Uni, and it is really hard to take this seriously as an academic undertaking given her history. Given the timing in the election cycle, and her position in society, it seems more self-serving, both for her career, and for her in-group, specifically, left leaning elite blacks.

We know that BLM is a progressive movement. It is hard to understand how much credibility or how much the weighing of conservative blacks would be counted? :dunno:

This is clearly being used to leverage the black vote into the DNC. I haven't read the whole report, so I do not know if her conclusions are well meaning but wrongheaded, IOW, a useful idiot, or if she is just evil.

What the 2019 Black Census report reveals about Black voter power in the 2020 election
What the 2019 Black Census report reveals about Black voter power in the 2020 election - theGrio

“No Democratic candidate will win the White House without an engaged national movement of Black voters. More than half of Black Census respondents saying politicians do not care about Black people and their interests is a major problem for the party and for the country,” said Alicia Garza in a statement. “Candidates at every level, and especially those running for President, are being advised to follow a playbook for reaching Black voters that is ineffective, insincere and sometimes even embarrassing. The Black Census shows that the Black electorate want policies that improve our lives, not pandering photo ops at Black institutions.”

Garza expounded on that point in a New York Times op-ed: “During election season, I always cringe when I see candidates eating fried chicken next to a bottle of hot sauce in Harlem or taking staged photos with black leaders. These shallow symbolic gestures are not a substitute for meaningful engagement with black voters. And candidates should know that we see right through them,” Garza wrote. . . . .

. . . lo and behold? Funded by SOROS? :ack-1:

Black Lives Matter co-creator launches Black Futures Lab and Black Census Project to build, mobilize Black political power

NEW YORK – Alicia Garza, co-creator of Black Lives Matter, has launched the Black Futures Lab (BFL), a new mobilization effort that will engage Black people, legislators, and community-based organizations to build political power and push for policies that help strengthen Black communities. Launched in partnership with Demos, Color of Change, Center for Third World Organizing, Socioanalitica Research, and the Tides Foundation, the Black Futures Lab will develop strategies that help Black people imagine the political, social and economic alternatives needed at the local, state, and federal level, while also building the political power needed to implement those alternatives.

“If we’ve learned anything from this past election, it’s that Black folks drive the progressive political power in this country, but rarely benefit from the fruits of our labor. Today, we are launching the Black Futures Lab as a way to mobilize around our needs, hopes and dreams,” said Alicia Garza, founder of The Black Futures Lab. “For too long, people have spoken for us and perpetuated false representations of the issues that drive our votes.”

The Black Census Project Is About To Change Your World

Very interesting.

I wonder about her presentation and sampling though. I took several courses on this at Uni, and it is really hard to take this seriously as an academic undertaking given her history. Given the timing in the election cycle, and her position in society, it seems more self-serving, both for her career, and for her in-group, specifically, left leaning elite blacks.

We know that BLM is a progressive movement. It is hard to understand how much credibility or how much the weighing of conservative blacks would be counted? :dunno:

This is clearly being used to leverage the black vote into the DNC. I haven't read the whole report, so I do not know if her conclusions are well meaning but wrongheaded, IOW, a useful idiot, or if she is just evil.

What the 2019 Black Census report reveals about Black voter power in the 2020 election
What the 2019 Black Census report reveals about Black voter power in the 2020 election - theGrio

“No Democratic candidate will win the White House without an engaged national movement of Black voters. More than half of Black Census respondents saying politicians do not care about Black people and their interests is a major problem for the party and for the country,” said Alicia Garza in a statement. “Candidates at every level, and especially those running for President, are being advised to follow a playbook for reaching Black voters that is ineffective, insincere and sometimes even embarrassing. The Black Census shows that the Black electorate want policies that improve our lives, not pandering photo ops at Black institutions.”

Garza expounded on that point in a New York Times op-ed: “During election season, I always cringe when I see candidates eating fried chicken next to a bottle of hot sauce in Harlem or taking staged photos with black leaders. These shallow symbolic gestures are not a substitute for meaningful engagement with black voters. And candidates should know that we see right through them,” Garza wrote. . . . .

. . . lo and behold? Funded by SOROS? :ack-1:

Black Lives Matter co-creator launches Black Futures Lab and Black Census Project to build, mobilize Black political power

Black Lives Matter co-creator launches Black Futures Lab and Black Census Project to build, mobilize Black political power - Nashville PRIDE, Inc.

NEW YORK – Alicia Garza, co-creator of Black Lives Matter, has launched the Black Futures Lab (BFL), a new mobilization effort that will engage Black people, legislators, and community-based organizations to build political power and push for policies that help strengthen Black communities. Launched in partnership with Demos, Color of Change, Center for Third World Organizing, Socioanalitica Research, and the Tides Foundation, the Black Futures Lab will develop strategies that help Black people imagine the political, social and economic alternatives needed at the local, state, and federal level, while also building the political power needed to implement those alternatives.

“If we’ve learned anything from this past election, it’s that Black folks drive the progressive political power in this country, but rarely benefit from the fruits of our labor. Today, we are launching the Black Futures Lab as a way to mobilize around our needs, hopes and dreams,” said Alicia Garza, founder of The Black Futures Lab. “For too long, people have spoken for us and perpetuated false representations of the issues that drive our votes.”

The Black Census Project Is About To Change Your World

Whites do not get to determine credibility of information derived by blacks. This information is from 30,000 people from every spectrum of the black community. BLM has great credibility in the black community. White conservatives have done to this organization what they have for every black organization that stands strong against white fascism in America. And you play right along trying to dismiss the validity of this report because you don't want to face the truth.

There is nothing wrong with this organization and we black folks don't give a fuck about these so called right wing imaginary boogeymen. If republicans want the black vote, do the motherfucking work and create policies that have a positive impact on the black community. Quit the fucking attempts to gaslight us and stop the lying about how racism doesn't exist anymore. Your post, where you have tried dissing BLM calling yourself not able to take this seriously is why blacks aren't republican. You talk about this womans history. What history? The lies white conservatives made up at Fake News? .

So let me break it down for you. These are black people speaking to legit black issues as seen by blacks. Not what black issues should be according to whites.
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I read the document and it provides, IMO, valid information for thought on and consideration of. To discount this report would require factual evidence of it's errors that are beyond a reasonable doubt.

I look forward to reading the next part of their data. Thanks for posting this OP.
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