There Are Now More (Anti-Gun) Bureaucrats With Guns Than U.S. Marines

This book begins in 2006, Boosh must had wanted his own militia also..

I, for the life of me, don't know why you libs must always insist on bringing up Bush, but in this case, you are right.

I was NEVER a fan of either HW or that Son of his. NEVER. George H W Bush was a leading "New World Order" asshole that started the flood of illegals into America and his Son went right along with it.
Flood of illegals were so bad Reagan had to give them amnesty..
That was actually the beginning for the perpetual lie and BS politicians have fed the American peple ever since. promising to do something about stopping the illegal invasion - dropping that carrot attached to the stick in front of the American people without every having any intention to do anything about it. NOBOBDY has done it as well as Obama, though. He threw away the carrot, threw away the stick, threw away the Constitution, threw away the Rule of law, and began running his own human trafficking program.,
...Obama did say in 2008 that he wanted his own militia / security force just as strong and as well-funded as the military. Ummmm......don't look now. but.....

THEN-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE BARACK OBAMA: We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
-- Barack Obama's Civilian Army | Fox News

Obama strips our military while building own militia

Barry tried his best......the IRS, EPA, and BLM are now armed to the teeth...why? nobody knows.
You know I watch this video above every day, it reminds me of HOW THINGS SHOULD BE..... Its also kinda funny how the helpless unarmed Sheeple in that video cant do a damn thing about their children being taken away ..... haha....... probably for ever.
Priceless! According to a report there are more (Anti-Gun-Toting) Bureaucrats With Guns Than U.S. Marines Carrying Them!

"There are now more non-military government employees who carry guns than there are U.S. Marines, according to a new report.

Open the Books, a taxpayer watchdog group, released a study Wednesday that finds domestic government agencies continue to grow their stockpiles of military-style weapons, as Democrats
sat on the House floor calling for more restrictions on what guns American citizens can buy.

The “
Militarization of America” report found civilian agencies spent $1.48 billion on guns, ammunition, and military-style equipment between 2006 and 2014. Examples include IRS agents with AR-15s, and EPA bureaucrats wearing camouflage."

The EPA, Bureau of land management, and many other Obama Agencies who have no need for military hardware and weapons have militarized!


"That's right, while the Department Of parks and Recreations buys several million dollars worth of flak vests, helmets, automatic weapons, and armored vehicles and while our politicians are traveling around with their own private militias protecting them from the American people Obama and the DHS are calling the REAL THREAT, we are going to have to ask you citizens to peacefully hand over your all of your weapons."

Nothing to see here, people. Just comply and there will be no trouble.

There Are Now More Bureaucrats With Guns Than U.S. Marines
And you believe it....:lol:
Once we take away Guns from all American Sheeple, we can then do and take anything we want without uprising..... like in this video:

an important factor to all this is to do away


something the left has been working on feverishly

day and night to do

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