BREAKING UPDATE! Obama-Appointed Judge Rules Illegal Immigrants Can Carry Guns in the U.S.

Kindly point out where it makes that distinction, hag. :)

Because of the sheer numbers of immigrants coming to the border, they are released en mass, without proper verification of there ID's... not including the ones who didnt trun themselves in and snuck through unaccounted for. SO since Biden's election there have been about 8 million people from around the world and we dont really know who they are. What we do know is that a certain number of them are drug cartel opperatives, as their billion dollar operations who also deal in human trafficking, operate on both sides of the border. We also know that many of these people are criminals with horrific crimes being commited in their home countries.
Its really not a good idea for them to be allowed weapons unless they were actually vetted.
Bruen is the law of the land. All six gop justices voted. The three dems dissented. Reap what you sow, maga
Judges in the USA have seized power they do not have per the constitution. We need a congress and president that stands up to rogue judges.
Legislating from the bench is forbidden by law. Yet Democrat Neo-Marxist appointed Judges do it constantly.
For American citizens... dumbass

They have been preaching to us about guns for years.

Now, watch as they defend illegal's gun rights.


Remember when Obama said we would have a national civil force of some kind that would be larger than the military?

The designed plan for the foreign invasion has been in place since Biden reversed Trump's policies on day one by executive order. Now to complete the plan has just taken place, an Obama appointed judge just ruled to let the illegal invaders be armed with firearms. This will lead to anarchy and senseless American deaths across the country.

What happened to the progressive liberal democrat ban on guns?
Why would they allow more people to to carry guns?
Because it's the building of the Obama/ Biden army.



It appears that Judge Sharon Lynn Johnson Coleman never read the Comstitution of the United States of America, or refuses to reccognize ut's authority.
It begins "We the People of The United States of America". The U.S. ConstitutionIt make no referemce to illegal aliens who have criminally crossed our borders.
Pssst....that Constitution?....applies to everyone, sweetie.

Educate yourself. :)

Article IV​

Section 1​

Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.

Section 2​

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.
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by any "conservative" reading the 2nd amendment says "open carry any weapon any place any time." nothing about immigration status.
I love it - when MAGA's and Co. start to denounce,refute and ravage their own beloved 2nd, respectively the US Constitution.

It states: "the People" and not, the Citizens
Any potential person applying for US citizenship - could have been an "illegal" immigrant in e.g. 1860 - since no one bothered about a respective "Whites" status, living residing in the USA.
The 2nd and a long time, totally outdated US Constitution - simply resulted into the known Chaos pertaining to the USA - And the Constitution didn't even behold the "citizen issue", before the

1790 Naturalization Act​

Which entitled an individual -"the people"- who was of good moral character, had lived in the United States, and was a free white person, to apply for citizenship.

The Fuehrers Grandfather immigrated in 1885 to the USA - factually an "illegal" immigrant, since he was sought for by the Bavarian government. By law the USA was required to extradite him or to deport him - damn "illegal" immigrants!!.
One also can be quite sure that he possessed firearms upon setting up shop in the USA - even though he only became a US citizen in 1892.

BTW - who sold that gun?? is he/she being prosecuted??
Is the gun manufacturer prosecuting/suing the gun-shop??
Is the gun manufacturer sued for negligence??

Also interesting of note:
The court-ruling stated: that this "illegal" immigrant has a "consistent income"
Who hired this "illegal immigrant"? - is he/she being prosecuted for having hired an illegal??
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I love it - when MAGA's and Co. start to denounce,refute and ravage their own beloved 2nd, respectively the US Constitution.

It states: "the People" and not, the Citizens
Any potential person applying for US citizenship - could have been an "illegal" immigrant in e.g. 1860 - since no one bothered about a respective "Whites" status, living residing in the USA.
The 2nd and a long time, totally outdated US Constitution - simply resulted into the known Chaos pertaining to the USA - And the Constitution didn't even behold the "citizen issue", before the

1790 Naturalization Act​

Which entitled an individual -"the people"- who was of good moral character, had lived in the United States, and was a free white person, to apply for citizenship.

The Fuehrers Grandfather immigrated in 1885 to the USA - factually an "illegal" immigrant, since he was sought for by the Bavarian government. By law the USA was required to extradite him or to deport him - damn "illegal" immigrants!!.
One also can be quite sure that he possessed firearms upon setting up shop in the USA - even though he only became a US citizen in 1892.

BTW - who sold that gun?? is he/she being prosecuted??
Is the gun manufacturer prosecuting/suing the gun-shop??
Is the gun manufacturer sued for negligence??

Also interesting of note:
The court-ruling stated: that this "illegal" immigrant has a "consistent income"
Who hired this "illegal immigrant"? - is he/she being prosecuted for having hired an illegal??
if our immigration law is not being followed to the letter biden would have already been impeached and removed, and they refuse to change the law, so i'm not convinced they care about this 'sky is falling" immigration crisis.

as long as "america's job creators" pay "consistant income," the immigrants will be on the roofs and in the fields, exactly where patriots want them.

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