There are some folks having a really bad holiday weekend, and that makes me smile!

The whole reason ObamaCare was achieved is because Americans were getting buried under health care costs. The number one cause of bankruptcy in the United States was medical expenses.

And the Republicans did NOTHING about it.

They had total control of the House, the Senate, and the White House, and they did NOTHING.

Well, they did add a new trillion dollar government medical entitlement program to win votes for the 2004 election, but the pseudocons' puppeteers would prefer no one remembered that. Hell, most of the tards don't even know what I'm talking about. That's how in the dark they have been kept.

And the GOP didn't even work out a way to pay for that giveaway. They just piled it onto the national debt. And it is still there, adding to our debt every day.

That's how you know all their screaming and wailing over ObamCare and the debt is just theater for the pseudocon tards who have been very carefully and very deliberately dumbed down for the past 20 years.

And that, boys and girls, is why we have ObamaCare in the first place.
You're a fool.

No I'm not, I voted Republican. And maybe this time, the Republicans will come out with a plan that doesn't favor their voting base like Commie Care did. After all, most lower income people like you vote Democrat, and vote buying was part of the plan at the cost to the rest of us. So while you're driving around in your boat, the rest of us are paying for your coverage.

Get ready to sell that boat, Trump and the Republicans are in charge now.

Trump care is going to dump 24 million people off of their insurance, and skyrocket premiums for the rest. If anyone is paying for anyones coverage it is me paying for yours. Get a job.
Less than obummerfail
Today is about those who died for this country, not about hate.

An Army veteran who did three tours in Iraq was murdered Friday protecting two young Muslim women on a train in Portland, Oregon from a right wing fanatic.

God bless him for protecting the ideals of our nation and making the ultimate sacrifice.
There are some folks having a really bad holiday weekend, and that makes me smile!

Wow! I guess for some people, the anonymity makes it okay to take pleasure in others' challenging circumstances. And, no, I don't care that you expressed that feeling, OP-er, I find it pathetic that you actually have the vile thoughts and feelings making your words be honest outgrowths of them. What a horrible life you must have....

Others' challenging circumstances? And what might those circumstances be?
Those circumstances are whatever gives rise to their "having a really bad holiday weekend." To figure out what they might be, draw from your own experience of having had a bad day or weekend at some point in your life. I'm sure you'll have no shortage of events and situations that can inform you in that regard. I'm equally sure you'd not appreciate someone else having taken joy in your dismay on any of those occasions. You see, it really doesn't matter why someone else is sad; that they are is nothing that makes decent members of our society smile. Only genuinely evilly hateful, deplorable, depraved, villainous cretins would feel happy enough to smile because of someone else's sadness.
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Of course now that Trump and his minions are on the hot seat, your hypocrisy is showing Big Time.

Q. Why do you go out of your way to expose your character flaws

There is no hot seat. We've had months of allegations with no facts to back them up. Nobody is listening anymore.

The investigation is on going, evidence is being collected, both exculpatory and incriminating, and each tidbit of information opens a new door. There is no rush to judgment, no group of miscreants are yelling in unison "Lock Her/Him Up"; be assured real adults with real investigation skills are afoot, and this fact scares the crap out of you (lucky you have an unending supply).
Today is about those who died for this country, not about hate.

An Army veteran who did three tours in Iraq was murdered Friday protecting two young Muslim women on a train in Portland, Oregon from a right wing fanatic.

God bless him for protecting the ideals of our nation and making the ultimate sacrifice.
The crazy wasn't a right wing fanatic. He was a left leaning fanatic but mostly just a fanatic. Now, though, every street criminal is a right wing fanatic.
The only pleasure I will be taking in someone else's misfortune is when Trump supporters lose their healthcare coverage. Make them feel the pain of their decision making, it is the only thing that will cause them to take notice of their stupidity.
It may well be their just desserts, but even there and as much as I despise Trumpkins, I'm not about to take pleasure in their misfortune in that regard or any other. I might even feel they deserve it, but I'm not joyful over they they do or that they get what they deserve.

I'm sorry, but there's just nothing acceptable about taking pleasure in others' pain, however great or small it be. There's a term for that; it's "sadistic."
Of course now that Trump and his minions are on the hot seat, your hypocrisy is showing Big Time.

Q. Why do you go out of your way to expose your character flaws

There is no hot seat. We've had months of allegations with no facts to back them up. Nobody is listening anymore.

The investigation is on going, evidence is being collected, both exculpatory and incriminating, and each tidbit of information opens a new door. There is no rush to judgment, no group of miscreants are yelling in unison "Lock Her/Him Up"; be assured real adults with real investigation skills are afoot, and this fact scares the crap out of you (lucky you have an unending supply).
The investigations will go on as long as a Republican is in the white House. Anyone with a brain knows they would have found SOMETHING by now. Instead it's just a round of new allegations. Your shit is runny everyday over it, each day nothing is found your bowels churn away in the bile you created. You fool nobody.
You're an idiot. I pay $150 a month for for health care coverage, to include $20 office visits and free check ups. My blood pressure is 90/60. Go back to your food bowl.
I don't know what the other member wrote that led to your comment above (nor do I want to know; I've already decided the individual has and expresses no thoughts of which I need be aware), but I know that in all likelihood s/he is a total stranger to you; thus s/he cannot know of your pain, if any. Whatever her/his remark, it is nothing but a puerile grasp at a straw to get a rise from you. You should know that too and therefore not dignify his remark with something that seems a substantive reply to their charge. That empowers them. In common Internet parlance: don't feed the troll.
We have all heard the reports that at least 3 leakers have been identified

I'm pretty sure there are more than 3 traitors still working in the executive branch of government

The reports also state that the "proper authorities" have been notified

I'm pretty sure that a few people are just a little worried and looking over their shoulder

I hate to find joy in someone else's misfortune, but in this instance, I'll make an exception!


The Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989, Pub.L. 101-12 as amended, is a United States federal law that protects federal whistleblowers who work for the government and report agency misconduct.
Whistleblower Protection Act - Wikipedia

Colluding with Russia may even make Trump supporters blush.
Lmao why are you posting that....

Do you even know what that law covers?.
  1. It stands to reason that Wry Catcher read the content at the link s/he posted, but maybe s/he didn't.
  2. It's clear you don't know what the law says for the protections it affords "covers" "whos" not "whats," people not things. Whistleblower Act falls under the category of law called "public law," which is law that governs the relationship between people and the State. The Whistleblower Act doesn't afford protections to the state, it affords them to individuals who work for the state.
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An Army veteran who did three tours in Iraq was murdered Friday protecting two young Muslim women on a train in Portland, Oregon from a Bernie Sanders supporter.

God bless him for protecting the ideals of our nation and making the ultimate sacrifice.
You see, it really doesn't matter why someone else is sad; that they are is nothing that makes decent members of our society smile. Only genuinely evilly hateful, deplorable, depraved, villainous cretins would feel happy enough to smile because of someone else's sadness.


someone who is genuinely pleased that a traitor to this country is about to get taken down
one of those two...

Obamacare would cost me $1650/mo for coverage comparable to what I have from my employer.

It's not perfect, but it's better then what preceded it. Not everyone could afford it either, I get that. But many could, especially the poor and elderly, and those with pre existing conditions.
No, it's not better than what proceeded it. By what measure is it better?

Because it got rid of "pre existing conditions", which meant outright discrimination by health insurance providers. And, for many elderly and low income people they were finally able to afford healthcare.

But guess what? The Trumpcare is bringing back the "pre existing condition", sure hope your mother or wife did not have breast cancer. Or some other condition that can disqualify her. Or you for that matter.
The only pleasure I will be taking in someone else's misfortune is when Trump supporters lose their healthcare coverage. Make them feel the pain of their decision making, it is the only thing that will cause them to take notice of their stupidity.
Hey retard. They didn't have health insurance before obamacare came along? Idiots like you need mother government. You can't compete or even keep up.

You don't know jack shit you fool, so don't even try. Many people who previously were unable to afford insurance could get it under Obamacare, and many others finally had affordable premiums. That is all going bye-bye under the Orange Dunce. I just hope a majority of these people voted for the man-child for President, I want them to suffer for their choice. And many will.

You and your brainwashed ilk who think that government needs to stay out of healthcare say nothing when that same healthcare changes $600 for two aspirin. Do you know why? Because people like you are idiots, thats why.
Many people's premiums went way up, some can't afford it anymore, asshole. Don't tell me what to do. Your little pea brain only sees what your master taught you. You are suffering right now, I don't have to wait. And I'm lovin' it.

You're an idiot. I pay $150 a month for for health care coverage, to include $20 office visits and free check ups. My blood pressure is 90/60. Go back to your food bowl.
----------------------------------------- when healthcare is an important issue to an individual its usually because they are standing on thin ice with one foot on a banana peel . ME , i'm 68 and the last thing i concern myself with is healthcare or blood pressure but i am thinking about the new wheels [chrome or polished aluminim ] that i am getting for my truck Odanny !!.

That's because you're on Medicare, which is GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTH CARE.
The only pleasure I will be taking in someone else's misfortune is when Trump supporters lose their healthcare coverage. Make them feel the pain of their decision making, it is the only thing that will cause them to take notice of their stupidity.
It may well be their just desserts, but even there and as much as I despise Trumpkins, I'm not about to take pleasure in their misfortune in that regard or any other. I might even feel they deserve it, but I'm not joyful over they they do or that they get what they deserve.

I'm sorry, but there's just nothing acceptable about taking pleasure in others' pain, however great or small it be. There's a term for that; it's "sadistic."

It's not about "taking pleasure", I take no pleasure from others pain, but what I will take from this is pleasure when they are FORCED to realize the consequences of their decisions. Thats the thing with Republicans: They believe every lie their fake news outlets tell them, and they cannot comprehend that they are even wrong about anything. Unless the FEEL the consequences, they simply will not learn, and even if they do feel the consequences, most probably still won't learn.
Hey retard. They didn't have health insurance before obamacare came along? Idiots like you need mother government. You can't compete or even keep up.

You don't know jack shit you fool, so don't even try. Many people who previously were unable to afford insurance could get it under Obamacare, and many others finally had affordable premiums. That is all going bye-bye under the Orange Dunce. I just hope a majority of these people voted for the man-child for President, I want them to suffer for their choice. And many will.

You and your brainwashed ilk who think that government needs to stay out of healthcare say nothing when that same healthcare changes $600 for two aspirin. Do you know why? Because people like you are idiots, thats why.
Many people's premiums went way up, some can't afford it anymore, asshole. Don't tell me what to do. Your little pea brain only sees what your master taught you. You are suffering right now, I don't have to wait. And I'm lovin' it.

You're an idiot. I pay $150 a month for for health care coverage, to include $20 office visits and free check ups. My blood pressure is 90/60. Go back to your food bowl.
----------------------------------------- when healthcare is an important issue to an individual its usually because they are standing on thin ice with one foot on a banana peel . ME , i'm 68 and the last thing i concern myself with is healthcare or blood pressure but i am thinking about the new wheels [chrome or polished aluminim ] that i am getting for my truck Odanny !!.

That's because you're on Medicare, which is GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTH CARE.

Guy better have at least 200,000 dollar saved up for healthcare needs when his republicans take it away from him. The republican poor are so blind to the knifes edge.
Those circumstances are whatever gives rise to their "having a really bad holiday weekend." To figure out what they might be, draw from your own experience of having had a bad day or weekend at some point in your life. I'm sure you'll have no shortage of events and situations that can inform you in that regard. I'm equally sure you'd not appreciate someone else having taken joy in your dismay on any of those occasions. You see, it really doesn't matter why someone else is sad; that they are is nothing that makes decent members of our society smile. Only genuinely evilly hateful, deplorable, depraved, villainous cretins would feel happy enough to smile because of someone else's sadness.

That would be true for those that have sadness fall upon them. But when people do evil things and are met with sadness they brought upon themselves, why not enjoy it?

It's kind of like when I see an idiot on the highway driving like a nut endangering the rest of us, and then a trooper sees him, pulls him over and writes him a ticket or worse. I'm happy to see that because the asshole deserved what he got.
The whole reason ObamaCare was achieved is because Americans were getting buried under health care costs. The number one cause of bankruptcy in the United States was medical expenses.

Wrong. The main reason for Commie Care was so Democrats could create as many new government dependents as possible. The more government dependents--the more likely Democrat voters.

So the DumBama administration gloated about creating 20 million more new government dependents on Commie Care. Then you add another 20 million new government dependents on food stamps, and between those two programs alone, that's 40 million more new government dependents for the Democrat party.

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