There are some folks having a really bad holiday weekend, and that makes me smile!

You're a fool.

No I'm not, I voted Republican. And maybe this time, the Republicans will come out with a plan that doesn't favor their voting base like Commie Care did. After all, most lower income people like you vote Democrat, and vote buying was part of the plan at the cost to the rest of us. So while you're driving around in your boat, the rest of us are paying for your coverage.

Get ready to sell that boat, Trump and the Republicans are in charge now.

Trump care is going to dump 24 million people off of their insurance, and skyrocket premiums for the rest. If anyone is paying for anyones coverage it is me paying for yours. Get a job.
An outright lie. Surprising this is not.

Not surprising you would call this an "outright lie", I'm sure you don't believe what independent healthcare analysts have concluded. You instead believe Hannity, Beck and Limbaugh.
We have all heard the reports that at least 3 leakers have been identified

I'm pretty sure there are more than 3 traitors still working in the executive branch of government

The reports also state that the "proper authorities" have been notified

I'm pretty sure that a few people are just a little worried and looking over their shoulder

I hate to find joy in someone else's misfortune, but in this instance, I'll make an exception!


The Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989, Pub.L. 101-12 as amended, is a United States federal law that protects federal whistleblowers who work for the government and report agency misconduct.
Whistleblower Protection Act - Wikipedia

Colluding with Russia may even make Trump supporters blush.

There is nothing to Whistlebow other than what lies between your ears. GET SOME EVIDENCE!!!

Q. Do you know how evidence is discovered

A. By investigations

That's all you need to know, the investigation(s) are on going. Remember how many investigations were involved in Benghazi and E-Mail Gate, and remember how long it took them to indict and convict HRC? Oh, wait, after dozens of committee hearings and millions of tax dollars spent nothing culpable was discovered; yet you and other hacks still hold to the adage, guilty until proved innocent.

Of course now that Trump and his minions are on the hot seat, your hypocrisy is showing Big Time.

Q. Why do you go out of your way to expose your character flaws
Good point

We should investigate Seth Rich's murder

"We"? It has been investigated by the proper legal authority. BY "we" do you mean those who subscribe to your conspiracy theory and already have concluded HRC is guilty?
"We"? It has been investigated by the proper legal authority. BY "we" do you mean those who subscribe to your conspiracy theory and already have concluded HRC is guilty?
Hillary is guilty of hiding and erasing evidence, how can a person like that be investigated properly?
We have all heard the reports that at least 3 leakers have been identified

I'm pretty sure there are more than 3 traitors still working in the executive branch of government

The reports also state that the "proper authorities" have been notified

I'm pretty sure that a few people are just a little worried and looking over their shoulder

I hate to find joy in someone else's misfortune, but in this instance, I'll make an exception!


The Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989, Pub.L. 101-12 as amended, is a United States federal law that protects federal whistleblowers who work for the government and report agency misconduct.
Whistleblower Protection Act - Wikipedia

Colluding with Russia may even make Trump supporters blush.

They weren't whistle blowers, they uncovered no wrong. They betrayed the federal government who they work for. It is punishable by job termination.

Why pretend you know something and present it as a fact?

If you knew who the are, what they do and what they told and to whom you would have posted it. If you do post all of the above; if you don't be honest and admit it.

Quit drunk posting.
We have all heard the reports that at least 3 leakers have been identified

I'm pretty sure there are more than 3 traitors still working in the executive branch of government

The reports also state that the "proper authorities" have been notified

I'm pretty sure that a few people are just a little worried and looking over their shoulder

I hate to find joy in someone else's misfortune, but in this instance, I'll make an exception!


The Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989, Pub.L. 101-12 as amended, is a United States federal law that protects federal whistleblowers who work for the government and report agency misconduct.
Whistleblower Protection Act - Wikipedia

Colluding with Russia may even make Trump supporters blush.
Hahahaha what a dumbfuck. Doesn't know the difference between a leaker & a whistleblower.

Makes me wonder if he can count without the use of his fingers.
We have all heard the reports that at least 3 leakers have been identified

I'm pretty sure there are more than 3 traitors still working in the executive branch of government

The reports also state that the "proper authorities" have been notified

I'm pretty sure that a few people are just a little worried and looking over their shoulder

I hate to find joy in someone else's misfortune, but in this instance, I'll make an exception!


More than 3?

Yes... definitely... a lot more than 3 leakers and bed-wetters there.
Democrats handle their leaks one way (SETH RICH)

Conservatives hopefully handle their leaks another way (HERBERT HAUPT)
Of course now that Trump and his minions are on the hot seat, your hypocrisy is showing Big Time.

Q. Why do you go out of your way to expose your character flaws
There is no hot seat. We've had months of allegations with no facts to back them up. Nobody is listening anymore.
The only pleasure I will be taking in someone else's misfortune is when Trump supporters lose their healthcare coverage. Make them feel the pain of their decision making, it is the only thing that will cause them to take notice of their stupidity.
Hey retard. They didn't have health insurance before obamacare came along? Idiots like you need mother government. You can't compete or even keep up.

You don't know jack shit you fool, so don't even try. Many people who previously were unable to afford insurance could get it under Obamacare, and many others finally had affordable premiums. That is all going bye-bye under the Orange Dunce. I just hope a majority of these people voted for the man-child for President, I want them to suffer for their choice. And many will.

You and your brainwashed ilk who think that government needs to stay out of healthcare say nothing when that same healthcare changes $600 for two aspirin. Do you know why? Because people like you are idiots, thats why.
Many people's premiums went way up, some can't afford it anymore, asshole. Don't tell me what to do. Your little pea brain only sees what your master taught you. You are suffering right now, I don't have to wait. And I'm lovin' it.

You're an idiot. I pay $150 a month for for health care coverage, to include $20 office visits and free check ups. My blood pressure is 90/60. Go back to your food bowl.
Obamacare would cost me $1650/mo for coverage comparable to what I have from my employer.
You are hostage to what your employer offers. I feel sorry for you.

Everyone should be buying their health insurance the same way they buy their home, auto, and life insurance.

But you all prefer to be hostage to someone. Either your employer or the government.

And even when you get your insurance from your employer, you are actually hostage to the government which set up the tax exemption program to help make sure you are a hostage.
The only pleasure I will be taking in someone else's misfortune is when Trump supporters lose their healthcare coverage. Make them feel the pain of their decision making, it is the only thing that will cause them to take notice of their stupidity.
Hey retard. They didn't have health insurance before obamacare came along? Idiots like you need mother government. You can't compete or even keep up.

You don't know jack shit you fool, so don't even try. Many people who previously were unable to afford insurance could get it under Obamacare, and many others finally had affordable premiums. That is all going bye-bye under the Orange Dunce. I just hope a majority of these people voted for the man-child for President, I want them to suffer for their choice. And many will.

You and your brainwashed ilk who think that government needs to stay out of healthcare say nothing when that same healthcare changes $600 for two aspirin. Do you know why? Because people like you are idiots, thats why.
Many people's premiums went way up, some can't afford it anymore, asshole. Don't tell me what to do. Your little pea brain only sees what your master taught you. You are suffering right now, I don't have to wait. And I'm lovin' it.

You're an idiot. I pay $150 a month for for health care coverage, to include $20 office visits and free check ups. My blood pressure is 90/60. Go back to your food bowl.
----------------------------------------- when healthcare is an important issue to an individual its usually because they are standing on thin ice with one foot on a banana peel . ME , i'm 68 and the last thing i concern myself with is healthcare or blood pressure but i am thinking about the new wheels [chrome or polished aluminim ] that i am getting for my truck Odanny !!.
Obamacare would cost me $1650/mo for coverage comparable to what I have from my employer.

It's not perfect, but it's better then what preceded it. Not everyone could afford it either, I get that. But many could, especially the poor and elderly, and those with pre existing conditions.
No, it's not better than what proceeded it. By what measure is it better?
We have all heard the reports that at least 3 leakers have been identified

I'm pretty sure there are more than 3 traitors still working in the executive branch of government

The reports also state that the "proper authorities" have been notified

I'm pretty sure that a few people are just a little worried and looking over their shoulder

I hate to find joy in someone else's misfortune, but in this instance, I'll make an exception!

I thought you cons said they were full of shit.
We have all heard the reports that at least 3 leakers have been identified

I'm pretty sure there are more than 3 traitors still working in the executive branch of government

The reports also state that the "proper authorities" have been notified

I'm pretty sure that a few people are just a little worried and looking over their shoulder

I hate to find joy in someone else's misfortune, but in this instance, I'll make an exception!


The Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989, Pub.L. 101-12 as amended, is a United States federal law that protects federal whistleblowers who work for the government and report agency misconduct.
Whistleblower Protection Act - Wikipedia

Colluding with Russia may even make Trump supporters blush.

There has to be an actual crime before that applies, moron.

A nefarious act occurred, a foreign power attempted and likely succeeded in a cyber attack on our election. Was that a crime, can we arrest Russia? No! We need to support an investigation, no matter where or to whom it will lead, to discover if aid or comfort was provided to Russia by any citizen of the United States.

Even a partisan fool like you ought to agree on that one point.

Except there's no evidence that anyone in the Trump campaign did what you claim. None. You just admitted that we are conducting an investigation without a crime. That's the classic definition of a witch hunt.

Only leftwing reptiles like you support witch hunts.
Hey retard. They didn't have health insurance before obamacare came along? Idiots like you need mother government. You can't compete or even keep up.

You don't know jack shit you fool, so don't even try. Many people who previously were unable to afford insurance could get it under Obamacare, and many others finally had affordable premiums. That is all going bye-bye under the Orange Dunce. I just hope a majority of these people voted for the man-child for President, I want them to suffer for their choice. And many will.

You and your brainwashed ilk who think that government needs to stay out of healthcare say nothing when that same healthcare changes $600 for two aspirin. Do you know why? Because people like you are idiots, thats why.
Many people's premiums went way up, some can't afford it anymore, asshole. Don't tell me what to do. Your little pea brain only sees what your master taught you. You are suffering right now, I don't have to wait. And I'm lovin' it.

You're an idiot. I pay $150 a month for for health care coverage, to include $20 office visits and free check ups. My blood pressure is 90/60. Go back to your food bowl.

Then your profession must be a french fry maker. Nobody with an average income is paying 150 a month.

I applied for Commie Care. They only had one insurance company for my doctors at the Cleveland Clinic. They wanted 20% of my net pay, it had a $7,000 deductible and a $7,100 out of pocket, $50.00 copay for doctors visits, no dental, no prescriptions.

The next plan down was half that price but I would have to give up my providers that I've been going to all my life, and again, with the same coverage as the other plan. It's hardly insurance at all.

You're a fool. My employer offers good insurance. Maybe if you got a decent job you'd find affordable health care. Get off your couch and get a job.
So when confronted with actually cases where Commiecare screwed over Americans, the snowflake insults the victim. That was totally predictable.
The pseudocons are completely oblivious to the fact that health insurance was outpacing inflation and GDP for decades before ObamaCare.

I really do think they were all in a coma during the Bush years.

The cost of health insurance rose faster during the Bush years than it did in the Obama years. Fact.

So, yeah. Repeal ObamaCare so we can Make America Great Again! :lol:

The rubes have not yet caught on the GOP sold us all down the river to single payer healthcare a long time ago. Trump is here to make sure the final stages are inevitable.

It is amazing to me the tards are as stupid as they are and are still able to draw a breath. I mean, they never noticed or cared the GOP never came up with a comprehensive health care reform plan to replace ObamaCare!

When I pointed it out to them countless times over the past six years, they went into shrieking denial. They positively SHRIEKED their denials of the truth.

But they can't deny it now! :lol:
We have all heard the reports that at least 3 leakers have been identified

I'm pretty sure there are more than 3 traitors still working in the executive branch of government

The reports also state that the "proper authorities" have been notified

I'm pretty sure that a few people are just a little worried and looking over their shoulder

I hate to find joy in someone else's misfortune, but in this instance, I'll make an exception!


The Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989, Pub.L. 101-12 as amended, is a United States federal law that protects federal whistleblowers who work for the government and report agency misconduct.
Whistleblower Protection Act - Wikipedia

Colluding with Russia may even make Trump supporters blush.

There is nothing to Whistlebow other than what lies between your ears. GET SOME EVIDENCE!!!

Q. Do you know how evidence is discovered

A. By investigations

That's all you need to know, the investigation(s) are on going. Remember how many investigations were involved in Benghazi and E-Mail Gate, and remember how long it took them to indict and convict HRC? Oh, wait, after dozens of committee hearings and millions of tax dollars spent nothing culpable was discovered; yet you and other hacks still hold to the adage, guilty until proved innocent.

Of course now that Trump and his minions are on the hot seat, your hypocrisy is showing Big Time.

Q. Why do you go out of your way to expose your character flaws
In both case, Benghazi and email gate, we knew the crime occurred before we had any senate hearings or the FBi involved.

You disproved your own argument.
We have all heard the reports that at least 3 leakers have been identified

I'm pretty sure there are more than 3 traitors still working in the executive branch of government

The reports also state that the "proper authorities" have been notified

I'm pretty sure that a few people are just a little worried and looking over their shoulder

I hate to find joy in someone else's misfortune, but in this instance, I'll make an exception!


The Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989, Pub.L. 101-12 as amended, is a United States federal law that protects federal whistleblowers who work for the government and report agency misconduct.
Whistleblower Protection Act - Wikipedia

Colluding with Russia may even make Trump supporters blush.

They weren't whistle blowers, they uncovered no wrong. They betrayed the federal government who they work for. It is punishable by job termination.

Why pretend you know something and present it as a fact?

If you knew who the are, what they do and what they told and to whom you would have posted it. If you do post all of the above; if you don't be honest and admit it.
You mean like your claim that the Trump campaign "colluded" with the Russians?
The only pleasure I will be taking in someone else's misfortune is when Trump supporters lose their healthcare coverage. Make them feel the pain of their decision making, it is the only thing that will cause them to take notice of their stupidity.

From a political perspective, it would have been better if the republicans just left Obamacare alone and allowed premiums to continue to rise 30 - 110% a year! When every health insurance company dropped out of the Obamacare exchange, what would the solution then be?

Single payer? Oh, that's right, conservatives want the "free market" to decide. How's that working out for us?
WE don't have a free market, moron, and we haven't had one for 80 years.

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