There are specific things that happen, that make you change your life...take a turn in your thinking


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
Hells Bells, I could not really find a forum to put this in... so since the thought just came in to my head, I decided Current Events, would be good enough! :D:lol:

When Katrina hit, well, I mean after Katrina hit... and watching the whole debacle and failure of near every level of government from local, state, to federal...

It became evident, like a brick in the face, that if Matt and I were in a catastrophe or National Disaster event, we better be darn well PREPARED ourselves, because the government can not handle any kind of emergency, or disaster... without a Ground Hog's Day movie of Murphy's Law occurring.

And the 9/11 attack was under 5 years from Katrina so future terror attacks was a possibility still fresh on the mind...

I USED TO THINK the Government would be able to handle things like Katrina, after all, we are the richest and best country in the world, (in my bloated patriot head),

So Katrina, made us become preppers... well, not really REAL Preppers, but kind of a layman type kind of "be prepared" boy scout kind of thing! :)

The same thing happened to my older sister, but it was earlier, with Andrew, she lived in Miami, and had no electricity for 6 weeks, got part of her roof taken, the house got drowned with rain water.... but the weeks afterwards, were the most difficult, because she was not prepared for 6 darn weeks of no electric and no water... anyway, she is 10 times more prepared than I am for a natural disaster now, but she herself is who went through that life changing event... one on one faced that monster called Andrew!

anyway, I kkinda slacked off for a while.... let my guard down in trusting government again, to be there in an emergency or crisis.... and low and behold, our government is in one of those kind of crisis where what can go wrong will go wrong and unable to handle the crisis in an efficient manner, with these asylum seekers...

made me think it is time to go back to being prepared.

This is just one situation where something happened that made me change.... it happens to do with government, but there are plenty of other instances where I have had an "oh shit' moment, and changed my previous thinking 180 that had absolutely nothing to do with politics or government....

Have you had any?
I'm always amused by bed wetter threads when the concept of "thinking" is even mentioned.

In this thread the OP admits the government not only couldn't do much if anything about the disaster during Katrina, it became PART OF THE DISASTER, because so many people were dependent on it.

Yet the OP would flat line a polygraph if asked about government providing "free" medical care for every person in the country when it can't even provide care to the Vets it's actually obligated to care for.

I really disliked leftists before the Kavanaugh I despise them.

Of course 2 1/2 years of Orange Man bad, Russia Russia Russia and TDS overload hasn't helped much either
Hells Bells, I could not really find a forum to put this in... so since the thought just came in to my head, I decided Current Events, would be good enough! :D:lol:

When Katrina hit, well, I mean after Katrina hit... and watching the whole debacle and failure of near every level of government from local, state, to federal...

It became evident, like a brick in the face, that if Matt and I were in a catastrophe or National Disaster event, we better be darn well PREPARED ourselves, because the government can not handle any kind of emergency, or disaster... without a Ground Hog's Day movie of Murphy's Law occurring.

And the 9/11 attack was under 5 years from Katrina so future terror attacks was a possibility still fresh on the mind...

I USED TO THINK the Government would be able to handle things like Katrina, after all, we are the richest and best country in the world, (in my bloated patriot head),

So Katrina, made us become preppers... well, not really REAL Preppers, but kind of a layman type kind of "be prepared" boy scout kind of thing! :)

The same thing happened to my older sister, but it was earlier, with Andrew, she lived in Miami, and had no electricity for 6 weeks, got part of her roof taken, the house got drowned with rain water.... but the weeks afterwards, were the most difficult, because she was not prepared for 6 darn weeks of no electric and no water... anyway, she is 10 times more prepared than I am for a natural disaster now, but she herself is who went through that life changing event... one on one faced that monster called Andrew!

anyway, I kkinda slacked off for a while.... let my guard down in trusting government again, to be there in an emergency or crisis.... and low and behold, our government is in one of those kind of crisis where what can go wrong will go wrong and unable to handle the crisis in an efficient manner, with these asylum seekers...

made me think it is time to go back to being prepared.

This is just one situation where something happened that made me change.... it happens to do with government, but there are plenty of other instances where I have had an "oh shit' moment, and changed my previous thinking 180 that had absolutely nothing to do with politics or government....

Have you had any?
I remember Ray Nagen riding in the military vehicle to his house, so he could get the cash(illegal) that he had in his freezer. Also how he had said New Orleans was the "Chocolate City", and how the Democrap Governor had school busses that could of driven everyone to safety, under water and out of action. But, and always a but, the liberals have to blame Bush, while it was the Governor who told the President to stay away, because it would be a distraction so he flew over the disaster. Go figure.
I really disliked leftists before the Kavanaugh I despise them.

Of course 2 1/2 years of Orange Man bad, Russia Russia Russia and TDS overload hasn't helped much either

It was the deliberate ignorance during the 8 years of the moonbat messiah that did it for me. All of the shit that regime got away with, all of the stagnation, malaise, chaos around the world, riots, North Korea setting off nukes, Iran making the shit to build them and getting PAID OFF to "slow it down some", and these foaming at the mouth barking moonbats have the gall to say the shit they say about Trump after insisting any criticism of that meat puppet was based on nothing but "racism"....

That's why I do not want to do anything about abortion. Abortions are provided to sociopath leftists who don't care about humanity. Decent conservative people own up to their "mistakes" and deal with the consequences. I've HAD IT with these "people" and I don't care if they wipe themselves out. In fact I wish they would hurry the fuck up.

Hells Bells, I could not really find a forum to put this in... so since the thought just came in to my head, I decided Current Events, would be good enough! :D:lol:

When Katrina hit, well, I mean after Katrina hit... and watching the whole debacle and failure of near every level of government from local, state, to federal...

It became evident, like a brick in the face, that if Matt and I were in a catastrophe or National Disaster event, we better be darn well PREPARED ourselves, because the government can not handle any kind of emergency, or disaster... without a Ground Hog's Day movie of Murphy's Law occurring.

And the 9/11 attack was under 5 years from Katrina so future terror attacks was a possibility still fresh on the mind...

I USED TO THINK the Government would be able to handle things like Katrina, after all, we are the richest and best country in the world, (in my bloated patriot head),

So Katrina, made us become preppers... well, not really REAL Preppers, but kind of a layman type kind of "be prepared" boy scout kind of thing! :)

The same thing happened to my older sister, but it was earlier, with Andrew, she lived in Miami, and had no electricity for 6 weeks, got part of her roof taken, the house got drowned with rain water.... but the weeks afterwards, were the most difficult, because she was not prepared for 6 darn weeks of no electric and no water... anyway, she is 10 times more prepared than I am for a natural disaster now, but she herself is who went through that life changing event... one on one faced that monster called Andrew!

anyway, I kkinda slacked off for a while.... let my guard down in trusting government again, to be there in an emergency or crisis.... and low and behold, our government is in one of those kind of crisis where what can go wrong will go wrong and unable to handle the crisis in an efficient manner, with these asylum seekers...

made me think it is time to go back to being prepared.

This is just one situation where something happened that made me change.... it happens to do with government, but there are plenty of other instances where I have had an "oh shit' moment, and changed my previous thinking 180 that had absolutely nothing to do with politics or government....

Have you had any?
I remember Ray Nagen riding in the military vehicle to his house, so he could get the cash(illegal) that he had in his freezer. Also how he had said New Orleans was the "Chocolate City", and how the Democrap Governor had school busses that could of driven everyone to safety, under water and out of action. But, and always a but, the liberals have to blame Bush, while it was the Governor who told the President to stay away, because it would be a distraction so he flew over the disaster. Go figure.
Also it was found out that money that was supposed to go to the levee's ended up going into social programs since the levees were rated for a cat 3 hurricane. The army corp(not corpse as Obama called them) of engineers had realized that if the money had gone where it was supposed to go, the levees would of held and many houses would of been saved. A liberal and other peoples money are not well spent. Yet dumbass liberals(redundant statement) still vote for these people even if it kills them.

Nagin Bust Confirms Democrat Graft, Real Katrina Villain | Investor's Business Daily
Indeed, a confidential and independent report commissioned by the Defense Department found that "corruption and mismanagement within the New Orleans city government diverted money earmarked for improving flood protection."

The leaked 2005 report, which was commissioned by the Office of Secretary of Defense as an "independent and critical review" of what went so wrong, details how taxpayer money earmarked for flood control was diverted "to other, more vote-getting, projects."

c Ray.jpg
Hells Bells, I could not really find a forum to put this in... so since the thought just came in to my head, I decided Current Events, would be good enough! :D:lol:

When Katrina hit, well, I mean after Katrina hit... and watching the whole debacle and failure of near every level of government from local, state, to federal...

It became evident, like a brick in the face, that if Matt and I were in a catastrophe or National Disaster event, we better be darn well PREPARED ourselves, because the government can not handle any kind of emergency, or disaster... without a Ground Hog's Day movie of Murphy's Law occurring.

And the 9/11 attack was under 5 years from Katrina so future terror attacks was a possibility still fresh on the mind...

I USED TO THINK the Government would be able to handle things like Katrina, after all, we are the richest and best country in the world, (in my bloated patriot head),

So Katrina, made us become preppers... well, not really REAL Preppers, but kind of a layman type kind of "be prepared" boy scout kind of thing! :)

The same thing happened to my older sister, but it was earlier, with Andrew, she lived in Miami, and had no electricity for 6 weeks, got part of her roof taken, the house got drowned with rain water.... but the weeks afterwards, were the most difficult, because she was not prepared for 6 darn weeks of no electric and no water... anyway, she is 10 times more prepared than I am for a natural disaster now, but she herself is who went through that life changing event... one on one faced that monster called Andrew!

anyway, I kkinda slacked off for a while.... let my guard down in trusting government again, to be there in an emergency or crisis.... and low and behold, our government is in one of those kind of crisis where what can go wrong will go wrong and unable to handle the crisis in an efficient manner, with these asylum seekers...

made me think it is time to go back to being prepared.

This is just one situation where something happened that made me change.... it happens to do with government, but there are plenty of other instances where I have had an "oh shit' moment, and changed my previous thinking 180 that had absolutely nothing to do with politics or government....

Have you had any?
I remember Ray Nagen riding in the military vehicle to his house, so he could get the cash(illegal) that he had in his freezer. Also how he had said New Orleans was the "Chocolate City", and how the Democrap Governor had school busses that could of driven everyone to safety, under water and out of action. But, and always a but, the liberals have to blame Bush, while it was the Governor who told the President to stay away, because it would be a distraction so he flew over the disaster. Go figure.
That wasn’t Nagin that went to get his cash. It was another politician. Can’t find it now.
But Nagin also said they had dodged a bullet.
Hells Bells, I could not really find a forum to put this in... so since the thought just came in to my head, I decided Current Events, would be good enough! :D:lol:

When Katrina hit, well, I mean after Katrina hit... and watching the whole debacle and failure of near every level of government from local, state, to federal...

It became evident, like a brick in the face, that if Matt and I were in a catastrophe or National Disaster event, we better be darn well PREPARED ourselves, because the government can not handle any kind of emergency, or disaster... without a Ground Hog's Day movie of Murphy's Law occurring.

And the 9/11 attack was under 5 years from Katrina so future terror attacks was a possibility still fresh on the mind...

I USED TO THINK the Government would be able to handle things like Katrina, after all, we are the richest and best country in the world, (in my bloated patriot head),

So Katrina, made us become preppers... well, not really REAL Preppers, but kind of a layman type kind of "be prepared" boy scout kind of thing! :)

The same thing happened to my older sister, but it was earlier, with Andrew, she lived in Miami, and had no electricity for 6 weeks, got part of her roof taken, the house got drowned with rain water.... but the weeks afterwards, were the most difficult, because she was not prepared for 6 darn weeks of no electric and no water... anyway, she is 10 times more prepared than I am for a natural disaster now, but she herself is who went through that life changing event... one on one faced that monster called Andrew!

anyway, I kkinda slacked off for a while.... let my guard down in trusting government again, to be there in an emergency or crisis.... and low and behold, our government is in one of those kind of crisis where what can go wrong will go wrong and unable to handle the crisis in an efficient manner, with these asylum seekers...

made me think it is time to go back to being prepared.

This is just one situation where something happened that made me change.... it happens to do with government, but there are plenty of other instances where I have had an "oh shit' moment, and changed my previous thinking 180 that had absolutely nothing to do with politics or government....

Have you had any?
I remember Ray Nagen riding in the military vehicle to his house, so he could get the cash(illegal) that he had in his freezer. Also how he had said New Orleans was the "Chocolate City", and how the Democrap Governor had school busses that could of driven everyone to safety, under water and out of action. But, and always a but, the liberals have to blame Bush, while it was the Governor who told the President to stay away, because it would be a distraction so he flew over the disaster. Go figure.
Don’t forget he got his family out to Dallas before the storm, yet never commandeered the buses for his own city.
Hells Bells, I could not really find a forum to put this in... so since the thought just came in to my head, I decided Current Events, would be good enough! :D:lol:

When Katrina hit, well, I mean after Katrina hit... and watching the whole debacle and failure of near every level of government from local, state, to federal...

It became evident, like a brick in the face, that if Matt and I were in a catastrophe or National Disaster event, we better be darn well PREPARED ourselves, because the government can not handle any kind of emergency, or disaster... without a Ground Hog's Day movie of Murphy's Law occurring.

And the 9/11 attack was under 5 years from Katrina so future terror attacks was a possibility still fresh on the mind...

I USED TO THINK the Government would be able to handle things like Katrina, after all, we are the richest and best country in the world, (in my bloated patriot head),

So Katrina, made us become preppers... well, not really REAL Preppers, but kind of a layman type kind of "be prepared" boy scout kind of thing! :)

The same thing happened to my older sister, but it was earlier, with Andrew, she lived in Miami, and had no electricity for 6 weeks, got part of her roof taken, the house got drowned with rain water.... but the weeks afterwards, were the most difficult, because she was not prepared for 6 darn weeks of no electric and no water... anyway, she is 10 times more prepared than I am for a natural disaster now, but she herself is who went through that life changing event... one on one faced that monster called Andrew!

anyway, I kkinda slacked off for a while.... let my guard down in trusting government again, to be there in an emergency or crisis.... and low and behold, our government is in one of those kind of crisis where what can go wrong will go wrong and unable to handle the crisis in an efficient manner, with these asylum seekers...

made me think it is time to go back to being prepared.

This is just one situation where something happened that made me change.... it happens to do with government, but there are plenty of other instances where I have had an "oh shit' moment, and changed my previous thinking 180 that had absolutely nothing to do with politics or government....

Have you had any?
I remember Ray Nagen riding in the military vehicle to his house, so he could get the cash(illegal) that he had in his freezer. Also how he had said New Orleans was the "Chocolate City", and how the Democrap Governor had school busses that could of driven everyone to safety, under water and out of action. But, and always a but, the liberals have to blame Bush, while it was the Governor who told the President to stay away, because it would be a distraction so he flew over the disaster. Go figure.
That wasn’t Nagin that went to get his cash. It was another politician. Can’t find it now.
But Nagin also said they had dodged a bullet.
Yep, you are correct, how can I forget a name like William Jefferson (when it is too close to William Jefferson Clinton) who was a flaming liberal from New Orleans. I guess William Jefferson's have a real issue when it comes to being crooked as hell.

Cash-in-Freezer Probe a Hot Topic in New Orleans
So when the FBI revealed that it had videotape of Jefferson accepting $100,000 in cash that the bureau said was intended to bribe a Nigerian official -- and that $90,000 of it had been found in the freezer of Jefferson's home -- constituents of Louisiana's 2nd Congressional District reacted with shock, disappointment and a touch of amusement hardened by experience.
I just remember that the people that didn't take responsibility for them selves ended up getting fecked pretty nicely . Plus then of course the actual USA Government disarming the people .
Hells Bells, I could not really find a forum to put this in... so since the thought just came in to my head, I decided Current Events, would be good enough! :D:lol:

When Katrina hit, well, I mean after Katrina hit... and watching the whole debacle and failure of near every level of government from local, state, to federal...

It became evident, like a brick in the face, that if Matt and I were in a catastrophe or National Disaster event, we better be darn well PREPARED ourselves, because the government can not handle any kind of emergency, or disaster... without a Ground Hog's Day movie of Murphy's Law occurring.

And the 9/11 attack was under 5 years from Katrina so future terror attacks was a possibility still fresh on the mind...

I USED TO THINK the Government would be able to handle things like Katrina, after all, we are the richest and best country in the world, (in my bloated patriot head),

So Katrina, made us become preppers... well, not really REAL Preppers, but kind of a layman type kind of "be prepared" boy scout kind of thing! :)

The same thing happened to my older sister, but it was earlier, with Andrew, she lived in Miami, and had no electricity for 6 weeks, got part of her roof taken, the house got drowned with rain water.... but the weeks afterwards, were the most difficult, because she was not prepared for 6 darn weeks of no electric and no water... anyway, she is 10 times more prepared than I am for a natural disaster now, but she herself is who went through that life changing event... one on one faced that monster called Andrew!

anyway, I kkinda slacked off for a while.... let my guard down in trusting government again, to be there in an emergency or crisis.... and low and behold, our government is in one of those kind of crisis where what can go wrong will go wrong and unable to handle the crisis in an efficient manner, with these asylum seekers...

made me think it is time to go back to being prepared.

This is just one situation where something happened that made me change.... it happens to do with government, but there are plenty of other instances where I have had an "oh shit' moment, and changed my previous thinking 180 that had absolutely nothing to do with politics or government....

Have you had any?

Good on you. Being prepared for a civil emergency is smart. When I lived in Oxnard CA for 3 plus decades, we had an 'earthquake' kit. Something to feed us for a few days before the real pain sets in. I had (2) outs. One was my HD and the other would have been a hot wired plane at the airport across the field. When the big one hits, not if, but when, the human suffering to follow on the West Coast will be horrific. I picture rations being airdropped to the 1000's, and 1000's of folks stranded on the So Cal freeways.

Your post brought back that fear we once felt. Here in rural TN, we are fairly self supportive if a National disaster should strike

Thanks for sharing your thoughts

I'm always amused by bed wetter threads when the concept of "thinking" is even mentioned.

In this thread the OP admits the government not only couldn't do much if anything about the disaster during Katrina, it became PART OF THE DISASTER, because so many people were dependent on it.

Yet the OP would flat line a polygraph if asked about government providing "free" medical care for every person in the country when it can't even provide care to the Vets it's actually obligated to care for.

My husband is a Disabled Vet, and he's pretty happy with his Doctors at the VA Clinic, nearest to us.... but if he needed to be hospitalized or needs an MRI he has to go 60-70 miles to the VA hospital... I believe something changed under Obama yet it did not become effective until recently... but my husband was able to get approval for 10 visits to the regular public regional hospital near to us, including surgery, and not have to go the 70 miles to the VA in Augusta.

I don't buy in to the free health care for all thing.... nothing is free, our taxes pay for it, or our income pays for it with private insurance..... somebody pays for it, and that somebody is us. Even on the Employer paid portion of our health Insurance, that really is counted in our total income the company pays for us to work there....which also includes what the employer pays for other benefits and things too, like their portion of our Social Security and Medicare, so we are paying the employer portion as well.... if you think about it as part of our total income that we are paid for a job delivered... it's not just the cost of our salaries, it's all other benefitstoo that is our total income.
Hells Bells, I could not really find a forum to put this in... so since the thought just came in to my head, I decided Current Events, would be good enough! :D:lol:

When Katrina hit, well, I mean after Katrina hit... and watching the whole debacle and failure of near every level of government from local, state, to federal...

It became evident, like a brick in the face, that if Matt and I were in a catastrophe or National Disaster event, we better be darn well PREPARED ourselves, because the government can not handle any kind of emergency, or disaster... without a Ground Hog's Day movie of Murphy's Law occurring.

And the 9/11 attack was under 5 years from Katrina so future terror attacks was a possibility still fresh on the mind...

I USED TO THINK the Government would be able to handle things like Katrina, after all, we are the richest and best country in the world, (in my bloated patriot head),

So Katrina, made us become preppers... well, not really REAL Preppers, but kind of a layman type kind of "be prepared" boy scout kind of thing! :)

The same thing happened to my older sister, but it was earlier, with Andrew, she lived in Miami, and had no electricity for 6 weeks, got part of her roof taken, the house got drowned with rain water.... but the weeks afterwards, were the most difficult, because she was not prepared for 6 darn weeks of no electric and no water... anyway, she is 10 times more prepared than I am for a natural disaster now, but she herself is who went through that life changing event... one on one faced that monster called Andrew!

anyway, I kkinda slacked off for a while.... let my guard down in trusting government again, to be there in an emergency or crisis.... and low and behold, our government is in one of those kind of crisis where what can go wrong will go wrong and unable to handle the crisis in an efficient manner, with these asylum seekers...

made me think it is time to go back to being prepared.

This is just one situation where something happened that made me change.... it happens to do with government, but there are plenty of other instances where I have had an "oh shit' moment, and changed my previous thinking 180 that had absolutely nothing to do with politics or government....

Have you had any?

Good on you. Being prepared for a civil emergency is smart. When I lived in Oxnard CA for 3 plus decades, we had an 'earthquake' kit. Something to feed us for a few days before the real pain sets in. I had (2) outs. One was my HD and the other would have been a hot wired plane at the airport across the field. When the big one hits, not if, but when, the human suffering to follow on the West Coast will be horrific. I picture rations being airdropped to the 1000's, and 1000's of folks stranded on the So Cal freeways.

Your post brought back that fear we once felt. Here in rural TN, we are fairly self supportive if a National disaster should strike

Thanks for sharing your thoughts

But, but, you libtardocraps want US to give up our guns and rely totally on the government to take care of US from cradle to grave. Now all of a sudden you dont want the government but be self sufficient? There is hope in the world yet, to get a few libtards to use their brain.
I'm always amused by bed wetter threads when the concept of "thinking" is even mentioned.

In this thread the OP admits the government not only couldn't do much if anything about the disaster during Katrina, it became PART OF THE DISASTER, because so many people were dependent on it.

Yet the OP would flat line a polygraph if asked about government providing "free" medical care for every person in the country when it can't even provide care to the Vets it's actually obligated to care for.

My husband is a Disabled Vet, and he's pretty happy with his Doctors at the VA Clinic, nearest to us.... but if he needed to be hospitalized or needs an MRI he has to go 60-70 miles to the VA hospital... I believe something changed under Obama yet it did not become effective until recently... but my husband was able to get approval for 10 visits to the regular public regional hospital near to us, including surgery, and not have to go the 70 miles to the VA in Augusta.

I don't buy in to the free health care for all thing.... nothing is free, our taxes pay for it, or our income pays for it with private insurance..... somebody pays for it, and that somebody is us. Even on the Employer paid portion of our health Insurance, that really is counted in our total income the company pays for us to work there....which also includes what the employer pays for other benefits and things too, like their portion of our Social Security and Medicare, so we are paying the employer portion as well.... if you think about it as part of our total income that we are paid for a job delivered... it's not just the cost of our salaries, it's all other benefitstoo that is our total income.
Keep this language up and you are going to have a lot of libs , putting the full hate on you.
I really disliked leftists before the Kavanaugh I despise them.

Of course 2 1/2 years of Orange Man bad, Russia Russia Russia and TDS overload hasn't helped much either

Me thinks you may need to read the book, "Don't Sweat the Small stuff''....
Hells Bells, I could not really find a forum to put this in... so since the thought just came in to my head, I decided Current Events, would be good enough! :D:lol:

When Katrina hit, well, I mean after Katrina hit... and watching the whole debacle and failure of near every level of government from local, state, to federal...

It became evident, like a brick in the face, that if Matt and I were in a catastrophe or National Disaster event, we better be darn well PREPARED ourselves, because the government can not handle any kind of emergency, or disaster... without a Ground Hog's Day movie of Murphy's Law occurring.

And the 9/11 attack was under 5 years from Katrina so future terror attacks was a possibility still fresh on the mind...

I USED TO THINK the Government would be able to handle things like Katrina, after all, we are the richest and best country in the world, (in my bloated patriot head),

So Katrina, made us become preppers... well, not really REAL Preppers, but kind of a layman type kind of "be prepared" boy scout kind of thing! :)

The same thing happened to my older sister, but it was earlier, with Andrew, she lived in Miami, and had no electricity for 6 weeks, got part of her roof taken, the house got drowned with rain water.... but the weeks afterwards, were the most difficult, because she was not prepared for 6 darn weeks of no electric and no water... anyway, she is 10 times more prepared than I am for a natural disaster now, but she herself is who went through that life changing event... one on one faced that monster called Andrew!

anyway, I kkinda slacked off for a while.... let my guard down in trusting government again, to be there in an emergency or crisis.... and low and behold, our government is in one of those kind of crisis where what can go wrong will go wrong and unable to handle the crisis in an efficient manner, with these asylum seekers...

made me think it is time to go back to being prepared.

This is just one situation where something happened that made me change.... it happens to do with government, but there are plenty of other instances where I have had an "oh shit' moment, and changed my previous thinking 180 that had absolutely nothing to do with politics or government....

Have you had any?

Deep topic Care4all

When I first realized how far we as a society, our legal
system and govt were OFF from what our Constitutional laws
say, I went into as deep a shock as when I realized the same
was OFF BASE with what Jesus/the Bible REALLY means
vs. what religions and people are teaching instead.

My first AHA moment was in 1990 and everything branched
out from there:

1. After Clinton took office, I took a public oath to uphold the
First Amendment to the US Constitution and all religions
protected thereunder, because I knew at that point the govt
and party politics were in trouble. The divisions over prochoice
and prolife camps only got worse and fueled the hostility we
see today where parties have become pure ugliness and
bullying and media/power abuses have gotten worse out of hand.

2. When I volunteered in Freedmen's Town starting around 1993-1995,
I found out the hard way that politicians colluded with city and state govt and private corporate developers to swindle taxpayer money, abuse the court system, and defraud to destroy nationally registered historic landmarks for private profit at taxpayer expense. While nobody in
govt fought to challenge, change or correct these abuses deemed normal and legal as part of politics.

That's when I really knew we were in it ALONE.
You either enforced the laws FOR YOURSELF or nobody would,
because no one had legal resources to sue to force otherwise
in courts, which required WINNING against city and corporate interests.

(NOTE: Only after lawyers and pastors successfully sued the City in later court cases, over
red light cameras and the HERO/trans bathroom ordinance, did we finally see the tables turn, and citizens ORGANIZE resources to start fighting back. People had to lead this fight themselves, waiting on govt just allowed corrupt forces and interests to go Unchecked.)

3. When Obama's ACA mandates passed through Congress and Courts, and Democrats were in denial this was completely unconstitutional, but Republicans found it more expedient to let it fail and use that to get elected instead of fighting to change it legally.

THAT was where I really realized a lawsuit was needed and again, I would be out on my own. Everyone against it, who KNEW it was Unconstitutional, couldn't afford the legal burden and process it would take and just relied on the political process to get rid of it indirectly. In the meantime, the laws were still unforced Unconstitutionally.

Just like Trump's Tariff's that are justified while they cause financial harm to American businesses and workers who suffer in the meantime.

4. Last, and I hope this brings some GOOD NEWS to all this heavy realizations -- I discovered that there was a nonprofit health care cooperative program in Houston. So it would save 20-50 years of preaching about cooperative models by expanding on an existing program already in operations that had the research over 10 years to prove how the numbers work more effectively to solve the economic issues with medical coverage, access and universal care to make it work.

The good news is this preserves both the approaches and beliefs of Conservatives on the right who want free market and minimal govt and Liberals on the left who want universal care through federal guarantees. Through cooperatives, everyone can have both, and choose which programs work best for what they need and want.

The "bad news" is this will still take HEAVY work to EDUCATE, train and set up jobs and chapters owned and run by the actual people per district. It's a mix of DIY and perhaps turning to Govt Officials and asking help for public outreach to educate and support all the job training and clinic development it will take to democratize health care in every district. It's still through a nonprofit cooperative structure, but since most people are NOT prepared to DIY/build it directly themselves and manage it by self-government, all that is going to take mass education. Money should be invested setting up training, sites and programs to help people create, expand and access cooperative services by organizing across their own communities and districts.

Good news, bad news.
The more you find the solutions that will work,
the more you find it's DIY. The Govt IS the PEOPLE.
WE are going to have to do the work.

Another wakeup call, but at least
it's because the SOLUTION is right in reach!

Thanks Care4all
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I'm always amused by bed wetter threads when the concept of "thinking" is even mentioned.

In this thread the OP admits the government not only couldn't do much if anything about the disaster during Katrina, it became PART OF THE DISASTER, because so many people were dependent on it.

Yet the OP would flat line a polygraph if asked about government providing "free" medical care for every person in the country when it can't even provide care to the Vets it's actually obligated to care for.

My husband is a Disabled Vet, and he's pretty happy with his Doctors at the VA Clinic, nearest to us.... but if he needed to be hospitalized or needs an MRI he has to go 60-70 miles to the VA hospital... I believe something changed under Obama yet it did not become effective until recently... but my husband was able to get approval for 10 visits to the regular public regional hospital near to us, including surgery, and not have to go the 70 miles to the VA in Augusta.

I don't buy in to the free health care for all thing.... nothing is free, our taxes pay for it, or our income pays for it with private insurance..... somebody pays for it, and that somebody is us. Even on the Employer paid portion of our health Insurance, that really is counted in our total income the company pays for us to work there....which also includes what the employer pays for other benefits and things too, like their portion of our Social Security and Medicare, so we are paying the employer portion as well.... if you think about it as part of our total income that we are paid for a job delivered... it's not just the cost of our salaries, it's all other benefitstoo that is our total income.
yep, the Choice program he then tried to gut the next year-

Politicians, VA Already Plot To Gut Veterans Choice Program
Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VA) claims underuse of Veterans Choice Program supports Monday’s proposal by President Obama and VA to divert funds from the program into other areas of the agency.

Given the program is just a couples months old, is this push to divert funds too early or is it a move to ensure its later failure by moving to gut it now? I suspect this is a move to gut the program early to avoid its later success with the goal of minimizing future calls to downsize VA due to veterans preferring non-VA health care.

But Trump expanded it-
Trump Signs Bill to Extend Veterans Choice Program
And then replaced it-
Trump Signs $55 Billion Bill to Replace VA Choice Program
President Donald Trump signed a landmark bill Wednesday to replace the troubled Veterans Choice Program and expand private health care options amid a fight between the White House and Congress over how to pay for it.

The bill, the VA Mission Act, would also expand caregivers assistance to the families of disabled veterans and order an inventory of the Department of Veterans Affairs' more than 1,100 facilities with a long-term view to trimming excess.
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Hells Bells, I could not really find a forum to put this in... so since the thought just came in to my head, I decided Current Events, would be good enough! :D:lol:

When Katrina hit, well, I mean after Katrina hit... and watching the whole debacle and failure of near every level of government from local, state, to federal...

It became evident, like a brick in the face, that if Matt and I were in a catastrophe or National Disaster event, we better be darn well PREPARED ourselves, because the government can not handle any kind of emergency, or disaster... without a Ground Hog's Day movie of Murphy's Law occurring.

And the 9/11 attack was under 5 years from Katrina so future terror attacks was a possibility still fresh on the mind...

I USED TO THINK the Government would be able to handle things like Katrina, after all, we are the richest and best country in the world, (in my bloated patriot head),

So Katrina, made us become preppers... well, not really REAL Preppers, but kind of a layman type kind of "be prepared" boy scout kind of thing! :)

The same thing happened to my older sister, but it was earlier, with Andrew, she lived in Miami, and had no electricity for 6 weeks, got part of her roof taken, the house got drowned with rain water.... but the weeks afterwards, were the most difficult, because she was not prepared for 6 darn weeks of no electric and no water... anyway, she is 10 times more prepared than I am for a natural disaster now, but she herself is who went through that life changing event... one on one faced that monster called Andrew!

anyway, I kkinda slacked off for a while.... let my guard down in trusting government again, to be there in an emergency or crisis.... and low and behold, our government is in one of those kind of crisis where what can go wrong will go wrong and unable to handle the crisis in an efficient manner, with these asylum seekers...

made me think it is time to go back to being prepared.

This is just one situation where something happened that made me change.... it happens to do with government, but there are plenty of other instances where I have had an "oh shit' moment, and changed my previous thinking 180 that had absolutely nothing to do with politics or government....

Have you had any?

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