There are specific things that happen, that make you change your life...take a turn in your thinking

My husband is a Disabled Vet, and he's pretty happy with his Doctors at the VA Clinic, nearest to us.... but if he needed to be hospitalized or needs an MRI he has to go 60-70 miles to the VA hospital... I believe something changed under Obama yet it did not become effective until recently... but my husband was able to get approval for 10 visits to the regular public regional hospital near to us, including surgery, and not have to go the 70 miles to the VA in Augusta.

I don't buy in to the free health care for all thing.... nothing is free, our taxes pay for it, or our income pays for it with private insurance..... somebody pays for it, and that somebody is us. Even on the Employer paid portion of our health Insurance, that really is counted in our total income the company pays for us to work there....which also includes what the employer pays for other benefits and things too, like their portion of our Social Security and Medicare, so we are paying the employer portion as well.... if you think about it as part of our total income that we are paid for a job delivered... it's not just the cost of our salaries, it's all other benefitstoo that is our total income.

A 'Nam Vet buddy of mine has actually been served pretty well by the local VA, but it wasn't until he had full blown COPD that he even tried to get any benefits. It was 40 years after he served. They've kept him alive for an amazingly long time.

He is the exception though. All my other vet buddies have avoided the VA like the coroner's office. I went to see what I could get, and it was deliberately a more fucked up hassle than it was worth. I just suffer with the pain and flakey skin.

From my understanding It was Trump's admin that made it possible to seek private care closer to home, I could be wrong but that's my understanding. Regardless, we have all heard the stories about vets dying while waiting, and we see the homeless vets screaming at invisible monsters in very city.

I may have misjudged you if you can at least accept the fact that NOTHING IF FREE, and that socialized care isn't a great solution.

I'm always amused by bed wetter threads when the concept of "thinking" is even mentioned.

In this thread the OP admits the government not only couldn't do much if anything about the disaster during Katrina, it became PART OF THE DISASTER, because so many people were dependent on it.

Yet the OP would flat line a polygraph if asked about government providing "free" medical care for every person in the country when it can't even provide care to the Vets it's actually obligated to care for.

My husband is a Disabled Vet, and he's pretty happy with his Doctors at the VA Clinic, nearest to us.... but if he needed to be hospitalized or needs an MRI he has to go 60-70 miles to the VA hospital... I believe something changed under Obama yet it did not become effective until recently... but my husband was able to get approval for 10 visits to the regular public regional hospital near to us, including surgery, and not have to go the 70 miles to the VA in Augusta.

I don't buy in to the free health care for all thing.... nothing is free, our taxes pay for it, or our income pays for it with private insurance..... somebody pays for it, and that somebody is us. Even on the Employer paid portion of our health Insurance, that really is counted in our total income the company pays for us to work there....which also includes what the employer pays for other benefits and things too, like their portion of our Social Security and Medicare, so we are paying the employer portion as well.... if you think about it as part of our total income that we are paid for a job delivered... it's not just the cost of our salaries, it's all other benefitstoo that is our total income.
Keep this language up and you are going to have a lot of libs , putting the full hate on you.
They won't hate me if they differ with me on anything, because I am nice to them!:p

You, on the other hand, are a sour puss, always negative, same with Pete above... I sometimes wonder, what in the heck happened to you all in your life to have so much negativity and nastiness spewing out of it?

It might take me 5 to 10 years, but if ya'll hang around, I am going to try to make you, NICE people again and not grouchy, old sour pusses!!! :D :D :D
Hells Bells, I could not really find a forum to put this in... so since the thought just came in to my head, I decided Current Events, would be good enough! :D:lol:

When Katrina hit, well, I mean after Katrina hit... and watching the whole debacle and failure of near every level of government from local, state, to federal...

It became evident, like a brick in the face, that if Matt and I were in a catastrophe or National Disaster event, we better be darn well PREPARED ourselves, because the government can not handle any kind of emergency, or disaster... without a Ground Hog's Day movie of Murphy's Law occurring.

And the 9/11 attack was under 5 years from Katrina so future terror attacks was a possibility still fresh on the mind...

I USED TO THINK the Government would be able to handle things like Katrina, after all, we are the richest and best country in the world, (in my bloated patriot head),

So Katrina, made us become preppers... well, not really REAL Preppers, but kind of a layman type kind of "be prepared" boy scout kind of thing! :)

The same thing happened to my older sister, but it was earlier, with Andrew, she lived in Miami, and had no electricity for 6 weeks, got part of her roof taken, the house got drowned with rain water.... but the weeks afterwards, were the most difficult, because she was not prepared for 6 darn weeks of no electric and no water... anyway, she is 10 times more prepared than I am for a natural disaster now, but she herself is who went through that life changing event... one on one faced that monster called Andrew!

anyway, I kkinda slacked off for a while.... let my guard down in trusting government again, to be there in an emergency or crisis.... and low and behold, our government is in one of those kind of crisis where what can go wrong will go wrong and unable to handle the crisis in an efficient manner, with these asylum seekers...

made me think it is time to go back to being prepared.

This is just one situation where something happened that made me change.... it happens to do with government, but there are plenty of other instances where I have had an "oh shit' moment, and changed my previous thinking 180 that had absolutely nothing to do with politics or government....

Have you had any?

Oh that's a big fuckin surprise, a bed wetter that can't think....
Hells Bells, I could not really find a forum to put this in... so since the thought just came in to my head, I decided Current Events, would be good enough! :D:lol:

When Katrina hit, well, I mean after Katrina hit... and watching the whole debacle and failure of near every level of government from local, state, to federal...

It became evident, like a brick in the face, that if Matt and I were in a catastrophe or National Disaster event, we better be darn well PREPARED ourselves, because the government can not handle any kind of emergency, or disaster... without a Ground Hog's Day movie of Murphy's Law occurring.

And the 9/11 attack was under 5 years from Katrina so future terror attacks was a possibility still fresh on the mind...

I USED TO THINK the Government would be able to handle things like Katrina, after all, we are the richest and best country in the world, (in my bloated patriot head),

So Katrina, made us become preppers... well, not really REAL Preppers, but kind of a layman type kind of "be prepared" boy scout kind of thing! :)

The same thing happened to my older sister, but it was earlier, with Andrew, she lived in Miami, and had no electricity for 6 weeks, got part of her roof taken, the house got drowned with rain water.... but the weeks afterwards, were the most difficult, because she was not prepared for 6 darn weeks of no electric and no water... anyway, she is 10 times more prepared than I am for a natural disaster now, but she herself is who went through that life changing event... one on one faced that monster called Andrew!

anyway, I kkinda slacked off for a while.... let my guard down in trusting government again, to be there in an emergency or crisis.... and low and behold, our government is in one of those kind of crisis where what can go wrong will go wrong and unable to handle the crisis in an efficient manner, with these asylum seekers...

made me think it is time to go back to being prepared.

This is just one situation where something happened that made me change.... it happens to do with government, but there are plenty of other instances where I have had an "oh shit' moment, and changed my previous thinking 180 that had absolutely nothing to do with politics or government....

Have you had any?
Grew up in tornado Ally. Always got several days food, water, and necessary medicines on hand.
"In 2014, Nagin was convicted on twenty of twenty-one charges of wire fraud, bribery, and money laundering related to bribes from city contractors before and after Katrina[and was sentenced to ten years in federal prison"

Ten years seems rather lenient for such a rat.
Hells Bells, I could not really find a forum to put this in... so since the thought just came in to my head, I decided Current Events, would be good enough! :D:lol:

When Katrina hit, well, I mean after Katrina hit... and watching the whole debacle and failure of near every level of government from local, state, to federal...

It became evident, like a brick in the face, that if Matt and I were in a catastrophe or National Disaster event, we better be darn well PREPARED ourselves, because the government can not handle any kind of emergency, or disaster... without a Ground Hog's Day movie of Murphy's Law occurring.

And the 9/11 attack was under 5 years from Katrina so future terror attacks was a possibility still fresh on the mind...

I USED TO THINK the Government would be able to handle things like Katrina, after all, we are the richest and best country in the world, (in my bloated patriot head),

So Katrina, made us become preppers... well, not really REAL Preppers, but kind of a layman type kind of "be prepared" boy scout kind of thing! :)

The same thing happened to my older sister, but it was earlier, with Andrew, she lived in Miami, and had no electricity for 6 weeks, got part of her roof taken, the house got drowned with rain water.... but the weeks afterwards, were the most difficult, because she was not prepared for 6 darn weeks of no electric and no water... anyway, she is 10 times more prepared than I am for a natural disaster now, but she herself is who went through that life changing event... one on one faced that monster called Andrew!

anyway, I kkinda slacked off for a while.... let my guard down in trusting government again, to be there in an emergency or crisis.... and low and behold, our government is in one of those kind of crisis where what can go wrong will go wrong and unable to handle the crisis in an efficient manner, with these asylum seekers...

made me think it is time to go back to being prepared.

This is just one situation where something happened that made me change.... it happens to do with government, but there are plenty of other instances where I have had an "oh shit' moment, and changed my previous thinking 180 that had absolutely nothing to do with politics or government....

Have you had any?

And want government to control your healthcare, your retirement, how much money you can earn, how much money you can keep......absolute power over your life.....and then you post this?
I'm always amused by bed wetter threads when the concept of "thinking" is even mentioned.

In this thread the OP admits the government not only couldn't do much if anything about the disaster during Katrina, it became PART OF THE DISASTER, because so many people were dependent on it.

Yet the OP would flat line a polygraph if asked about government providing "free" medical care for every person in the country when it can't even provide care to the Vets it's actually obligated to care for.

My husband is a Disabled Vet, and he's pretty happy with his Doctors at the VA Clinic, nearest to us.... but if he needed to be hospitalized or needs an MRI he has to go 60-70 miles to the VA hospital... I believe something changed under Obama yet it did not become effective until recently... but my husband was able to get approval for 10 visits to the regular public regional hospital near to us, including surgery, and not have to go the 70 miles to the VA in Augusta.

I don't buy in to the free health care for all thing.... nothing is free, our taxes pay for it, or our income pays for it with private insurance..... somebody pays for it, and that somebody is us. Even on the Employer paid portion of our health Insurance, that really is counted in our total income the company pays for us to work there....which also includes what the employer pays for other benefits and things too, like their portion of our Social Security and Medicare, so we are paying the employer portion as well.... if you think about it as part of our total income that we are paid for a job delivered... it's not just the cost of our salaries, it's all other benefitstoo that is our total income.

I believe something changed under Obama yet it did not become effective until recently

And you would be wrong....

That would be Trump.....

Veterans to get expanded access to private doctors at VA expense starting Thursday

Veterans will have expanded access to medical care outside Department of Veterans Affairs facilities beginning Thursday under a law signed by President Donald Trump last year and touted as a major achievement by Trump on the campaign trail.

Rules established under the law and published Wednesday in the Federal Register say the VA will pay for veterans to see non-VA doctors if they have to wait longer than 20 days or drive more than 30 minutes for primary or mental healthcare at a VA facility.

For specialty care, they can see private doctors at VA expense if they have to wait longer than 28 days or drive more than an hour to see a VA provider.

Previously, veterans who had to drive more than 40 miles or wait longer than 30 days could choose to see a private doctor paid for by the VA.

VA officials previously estimated the new rules could increase the number of veterans eligible for VA-sponsored private care to as many as 2.1 million – up from about 560,000.
Hells Bells, I could not really find a forum to put this in... so since the thought just came in to my head, I decided Current Events, would be good enough! :D:lol:

When Katrina hit, well, I mean after Katrina hit... and watching the whole debacle and failure of near every level of government from local, state, to federal...

It became evident, like a brick in the face, that if Matt and I were in a catastrophe or National Disaster event, we better be darn well PREPARED ourselves, because the government can not handle any kind of emergency, or disaster... without a Ground Hog's Day movie of Murphy's Law occurring.

And the 9/11 attack was under 5 years from Katrina so future terror attacks was a possibility still fresh on the mind...

I USED TO THINK the Government would be able to handle things like Katrina, after all, we are the richest and best country in the world, (in my bloated patriot head),

So Katrina, made us become preppers... well, not really REAL Preppers, but kind of a layman type kind of "be prepared" boy scout kind of thing! :)

The same thing happened to my older sister, but it was earlier, with Andrew, she lived in Miami, and had no electricity for 6 weeks, got part of her roof taken, the house got drowned with rain water.... but the weeks afterwards, were the most difficult, because she was not prepared for 6 darn weeks of no electric and no water... anyway, she is 10 times more prepared than I am for a natural disaster now, but she herself is who went through that life changing event... one on one faced that monster called Andrew!

anyway, I kkinda slacked off for a while.... let my guard down in trusting government again, to be there in an emergency or crisis.... and low and behold, our government is in one of those kind of crisis where what can go wrong will go wrong and unable to handle the crisis in an efficient manner, with these asylum seekers...

made me think it is time to go back to being prepared.

This is just one situation where something happened that made me change.... it happens to do with government, but there are plenty of other instances where I have had an "oh shit' moment, and changed my previous thinking 180 that had absolutely nothing to do with politics or government....

Have you had any?

I can't believe you really trusted government.
I really disliked leftists before the Kavanaugh I despise them.

Of course 2 1/2 years of Orange Man bad, Russia Russia Russia and TDS overload hasn't helped much either

It was the deliberate ignorance during the 8 years of the moonbat messiah that did it for me. All of the shit that regime got away with, all of the stagnation, malaise, chaos around the world, riots, North Korea setting off nukes, Iran making the shit to build them and getting PAID OFF to "slow it down some", and these foaming at the mouth barking moonbats have the gall to say the shit they say about Trump after insisting any criticism of that meat puppet was based on nothing but "racism"....

That's why I do not want to do anything about abortion. Abortions are provided to sociopath leftists who don't care about humanity. Decent conservative people own up to their "mistakes" and deal with the consequences. I've HAD IT with these "people" and I don't care if they wipe themselves out. In fact I wish they would hurry the fuck up.

Decent conservative people ??And you're an asshole that thinks he is decent ?? FK you and all like you for a better country
Hells Bells, I could not really find a forum to put this in... so since the thought just came in to my head, I decided Current Events, would be good enough! :D:lol:

When Katrina hit, well, I mean after Katrina hit... and watching the whole debacle and failure of near every level of government from local, state, to federal...

It became evident, like a brick in the face, that if Matt and I were in a catastrophe or National Disaster event, we better be darn well PREPARED ourselves, because the government can not handle any kind of emergency, or disaster... without a Ground Hog's Day movie of Murphy's Law occurring.

And the 9/11 attack was under 5 years from Katrina so future terror attacks was a possibility still fresh on the mind...

I USED TO THINK the Government would be able to handle things like Katrina, after all, we are the richest and best country in the world, (in my bloated patriot head),

So Katrina, made us become preppers... well, not really REAL Preppers, but kind of a layman type kind of "be prepared" boy scout kind of thing! :)

The same thing happened to my older sister, but it was earlier, with Andrew, she lived in Miami, and had no electricity for 6 weeks, got part of her roof taken, the house got drowned with rain water.... but the weeks afterwards, were the most difficult, because she was not prepared for 6 darn weeks of no electric and no water... anyway, she is 10 times more prepared than I am for a natural disaster now, but she herself is who went through that life changing event... one on one faced that monster called Andrew!

anyway, I kkinda slacked off for a while.... let my guard down in trusting government again, to be there in an emergency or crisis.... and low and behold, our government is in one of those kind of crisis where what can go wrong will go wrong and unable to handle the crisis in an efficient manner, with these asylum seekers...

made me think it is time to go back to being prepared.

This is just one situation where something happened that made me change.... it happens to do with government, but there are plenty of other instances where I have had an "oh shit' moment, and changed my previous thinking 180 that had absolutely nothing to do with politics or government....

Have you had any?

Why would you ever rely on the government to take care of you?
I live on the Gulf Coast and I'm always prepared for a hurricane.
I have more than four months worth of grub and well over a years worth of water.
I wont talk about ammo for when things really hit the fan,or the place I can go if things get really bad.
Hells Bells, I could not really find a forum to put this in... so since the thought just came in to my head, I decided Current Events, would be good enough! :D:lol:

When Katrina hit, well, I mean after Katrina hit... and watching the whole debacle and failure of near every level of government from local, state, to federal...

It became evident, like a brick in the face, that if Matt and I were in a catastrophe or National Disaster event, we better be darn well PREPARED ourselves, because the government can not handle any kind of emergency, or disaster... without a Ground Hog's Day movie of Murphy's Law occurring.

And the 9/11 attack was under 5 years from Katrina so future terror attacks was a possibility still fresh on the mind...

I USED TO THINK the Government would be able to handle things like Katrina, after all, we are the richest and best country in the world, (in my bloated patriot head),

So Katrina, made us become preppers... well, not really REAL Preppers, but kind of a layman type kind of "be prepared" boy scout kind of thing! :)

The same thing happened to my older sister, but it was earlier, with Andrew, she lived in Miami, and had no electricity for 6 weeks, got part of her roof taken, the house got drowned with rain water.... but the weeks afterwards, were the most difficult, because she was not prepared for 6 darn weeks of no electric and no water... anyway, she is 10 times more prepared than I am for a natural disaster now, but she herself is who went through that life changing event... one on one faced that monster called Andrew!

anyway, I kkinda slacked off for a while.... let my guard down in trusting government again, to be there in an emergency or crisis.... and low and behold, our government is in one of those kind of crisis where what can go wrong will go wrong and unable to handle the crisis in an efficient manner, with these asylum seekers...

made me think it is time to go back to being prepared.

This is just one situation where something happened that made me change.... it happens to do with government, but there are plenty of other instances where I have had an "oh shit' moment, and changed my previous thinking 180 that had absolutely nothing to do with politics or government....

Have you had any?

Good on you. Being prepared for a civil emergency is smart. When I lived in Oxnard CA for 3 plus decades, we had an 'earthquake' kit. Something to feed us for a few days before the real pain sets in. I had (2) outs. One was my HD and the other would have been a hot wired plane at the airport across the field. When the big one hits, not if, but when, the human suffering to follow on the West Coast will be horrific. I picture rations being airdropped to the 1000's, and 1000's of folks stranded on the So Cal freeways.

Your post brought back that fear we once felt. Here in rural TN, we are fairly self supportive if a National disaster should strike

Thanks for sharing your thoughts

we are kind of self sufficient in rural Maine... there are 2 other families on our 5 mile long dirt road, so we are there for each other when needed and would be able to coordinate and compensate for our different weaknesses if it was a long term natural disaster catastrophe, but in Massachusetts, where we lived before Maine, it would be scary!!!!

We have no worries on meat availability, deer galore, my problem is I feed Bambi, and bambi's mom every day... I call them Lady, and the Tramp... I am 6 inches away from the Tramp taking the apples out of my hand, her mom gets to maybe 2 feet from me, I could Never Kill them for food.... my neighbor would have no problem doing it! He usually teases me and Thanks me, for fattening the Deer up for him! :lol: But we have rabbits and bear too, and these wild chicken like birds, maybe they are Pheasants and Grouse, and of course ducks and Canadian Geese who do a flyover in the Fall, and lobster and atlantic salmon so we could have meats off the land/sea if we had to... it's all the other stuff i need prepping on.

I just do not think it would be Mayhem out here with a natural disaster because there are few people up here, and most Mainers around here are used to loosing electricity in major snow storms or ice storms, we all have generators.... well, most smart locals, it took a major snow/ice storm with no electricity for a week, before we learned our lesson and bought one.... thank the good Lord we had a fireplace and wood.

I worry about all the people from Boston and Worcester making their way up here though...

gosh, I do not know if my nerves could handle being in Cali, with the BIG Quake possibilities... :eek:
Hells Bells, I could not really find a forum to put this in... so since the thought just came in to my head, I decided Current Events, would be good enough! :D:lol:

When Katrina hit, well, I mean after Katrina hit... and watching the whole debacle and failure of near every level of government from local, state, to federal...

It became evident, like a brick in the face, that if Matt and I were in a catastrophe or National Disaster event, we better be darn well PREPARED ourselves, because the government can not handle any kind of emergency, or disaster... without a Ground Hog's Day movie of Murphy's Law occurring.

And the 9/11 attack was under 5 years from Katrina so future terror attacks was a possibility still fresh on the mind...

I USED TO THINK the Government would be able to handle things like Katrina, after all, we are the richest and best country in the world, (in my bloated patriot head),

So Katrina, made us become preppers... well, not really REAL Preppers, but kind of a layman type kind of "be prepared" boy scout kind of thing! :)

The same thing happened to my older sister, but it was earlier, with Andrew, she lived in Miami, and had no electricity for 6 weeks, got part of her roof taken, the house got drowned with rain water.... but the weeks afterwards, were the most difficult, because she was not prepared for 6 darn weeks of no electric and no water... anyway, she is 10 times more prepared than I am for a natural disaster now, but she herself is who went through that life changing event... one on one faced that monster called Andrew!

anyway, I kkinda slacked off for a while.... let my guard down in trusting government again, to be there in an emergency or crisis.... and low and behold, our government is in one of those kind of crisis where what can go wrong will go wrong and unable to handle the crisis in an efficient manner, with these asylum seekers...

made me think it is time to go back to being prepared.

This is just one situation where something happened that made me change.... it happens to do with government, but there are plenty of other instances where I have had an "oh shit' moment, and changed my previous thinking 180 that had absolutely nothing to do with politics or government....

Have you had any?
Cuban Missile Crisis
Hells Bells, I could not really find a forum to put this in... so since the thought just came in to my head, I decided Current Events, would be good enough! :D:lol:

When Katrina hit, well, I mean after Katrina hit... and watching the whole debacle and failure of near every level of government from local, state, to federal...

It became evident, like a brick in the face, that if Matt and I were in a catastrophe or National Disaster event, we better be darn well PREPARED ourselves, because the government can not handle any kind of emergency, or disaster... without a Ground Hog's Day movie of Murphy's Law occurring.

And the 9/11 attack was under 5 years from Katrina so future terror attacks was a possibility still fresh on the mind...

I USED TO THINK the Government would be able to handle things like Katrina, after all, we are the richest and best country in the world, (in my bloated patriot head),

So Katrina, made us become preppers... well, not really REAL Preppers, but kind of a layman type kind of "be prepared" boy scout kind of thing! :)

The same thing happened to my older sister, but it was earlier, with Andrew, she lived in Miami, and had no electricity for 6 weeks, got part of her roof taken, the house got drowned with rain water.... but the weeks afterwards, were the most difficult, because she was not prepared for 6 darn weeks of no electric and no water... anyway, she is 10 times more prepared than I am for a natural disaster now, but she herself is who went through that life changing event... one on one faced that monster called Andrew!

anyway, I kkinda slacked off for a while.... let my guard down in trusting government again, to be there in an emergency or crisis.... and low and behold, our government is in one of those kind of crisis where what can go wrong will go wrong and unable to handle the crisis in an efficient manner, with these asylum seekers...

made me think it is time to go back to being prepared.

This is just one situation where something happened that made me change.... it happens to do with government, but there are plenty of other instances where I have had an "oh shit' moment, and changed my previous thinking 180 that had absolutely nothing to do with politics or government....

Have you had any?

I can't believe you really trusted government.
i did, I really did...I grew up as a Military brat, so my experience as a child was good, when it came to government, moved around a lot, the govt moved us, my dad worked for the military and he loved his job, which was gvt so my view was positive, i went to several grades of school on military bases and loved the schools, playgrounds on base.... it was all a positive experience.... plus we were stationed overseas several times, which made me realize how GREAT America was, and missed it, dearly... it was ALL A POSITIVE experience, and positive thoughts, for the USA! This made me, subconsciously trust my government.
Hells Bells, I could not really find a forum to put this in... so since the thought just came in to my head, I decided Current Events, would be good enough! :D:lol:

When Katrina hit, well, I mean after Katrina hit... and watching the whole debacle and failure of near every level of government from local, state, to federal...

It became evident, like a brick in the face, that if Matt and I were in a catastrophe or National Disaster event, we better be darn well PREPARED ourselves, because the government can not handle any kind of emergency, or disaster... without a Ground Hog's Day movie of Murphy's Law occurring.

And the 9/11 attack was under 5 years from Katrina so future terror attacks was a possibility still fresh on the mind...

I USED TO THINK the Government would be able to handle things like Katrina, after all, we are the richest and best country in the world, (in my bloated patriot head),

So Katrina, made us become preppers... well, not really REAL Preppers, but kind of a layman type kind of "be prepared" boy scout kind of thing! :)

The same thing happened to my older sister, but it was earlier, with Andrew, she lived in Miami, and had no electricity for 6 weeks, got part of her roof taken, the house got drowned with rain water.... but the weeks afterwards, were the most difficult, because she was not prepared for 6 darn weeks of no electric and no water... anyway, she is 10 times more prepared than I am for a natural disaster now, but she herself is who went through that life changing event... one on one faced that monster called Andrew!

anyway, I kkinda slacked off for a while.... let my guard down in trusting government again, to be there in an emergency or crisis.... and low and behold, our government is in one of those kind of crisis where what can go wrong will go wrong and unable to handle the crisis in an efficient manner, with these asylum seekers...

made me think it is time to go back to being prepared.

This is just one situation where something happened that made me change.... it happens to do with government, but there are plenty of other instances where I have had an "oh shit' moment, and changed my previous thinking 180 that had absolutely nothing to do with politics or government....

Have you had any?

I can't believe you really trusted government.
i did, I really did...I grew up as a Military brat, so my experience as a child was good, when it came to government, moved around a lot, the govt moved us, my dad worked for the military and he loved his job, which was gvt so my view was positive, i went to several grades of school on military bases and loved the schools, playgrounds on base.... it was all a positive experience.... plus we were stationed overseas several times, which made me realize how GREAT America was, and missed it, dearly... it was ALL A POSITIVE experience, and positive thoughts, for the USA! This made me, subconsciously trust my government.

You trust our government?
I'm always amused by bed wetter threads when the concept of "thinking" is even mentioned.

In this thread the OP admits the government not only couldn't do much if anything about the disaster during Katrina, it became PART OF THE DISASTER, because so many people were dependent on it.

Yet the OP would flat line a polygraph if asked about government providing "free" medical care for every person in the country when it can't even provide care to the Vets it's actually obligated to care for.

My husband is a Disabled Vet, and he's pretty happy with his Doctors at the VA Clinic, nearest to us.... but if he needed to be hospitalized or needs an MRI he has to go 60-70 miles to the VA hospital... I believe something changed under Obama yet it did not become effective until recently... but my husband was able to get approval for 10 visits to the regular public regional hospital near to us, including surgery, and not have to go the 70 miles to the VA in Augusta.

I don't buy in to the free health care for all thing.... nothing is free, our taxes pay for it, or our income pays for it with private insurance..... somebody pays for it, and that somebody is us. Even on the Employer paid portion of our health Insurance, that really is counted in our total income the company pays for us to work there....which also includes what the employer pays for other benefits and things too, like their portion of our Social Security and Medicare, so we are paying the employer portion as well.... if you think about it as part of our total income that we are paid for a job delivered... it's not just the cost of our salaries, it's all other benefitstoo that is our total income.
Keep this language up and you are going to have a lot of libs , putting the full hate on you.
They won't hate me if they differ with me on anything, because I am nice to them!:p

You, on the other hand, are a sour puss, always negative, same with Pete above... I sometimes wonder, what in the heck happened to you all in your life to have so much negativity and nastiness spewing out of it?

It might take me 5 to 10 years, but if ya'll hang around, I am going to try to make you, NICE people again and not grouchy, old sour pusses!!! :D :D :D
I beg to differ, I am not always a sour puss and negative, only when Liberals "FORCE" their immorality upon me, do I get angry. Other than that, I am just fine. Also I am prepared for the worst that the Liberals keep showing, you know burning cities and attacking gay people. When it escalates, I will be very prepared.
Hells Bells, I could not really find a forum to put this in... so since the thought just came in to my head, I decided Current Events, would be good enough! :D:lol:

When Katrina hit, well, I mean after Katrina hit... and watching the whole debacle and failure of near every level of government from local, state, to federal...

It became evident, like a brick in the face, that if Matt and I were in a catastrophe or National Disaster event, we better be darn well PREPARED ourselves, because the government can not handle any kind of emergency, or disaster... without a Ground Hog's Day movie of Murphy's Law occurring.

And the 9/11 attack was under 5 years from Katrina so future terror attacks was a possibility still fresh on the mind...

I USED TO THINK the Government would be able to handle things like Katrina, after all, we are the richest and best country in the world, (in my bloated patriot head),

So Katrina, made us become preppers... well, not really REAL Preppers, but kind of a layman type kind of "be prepared" boy scout kind of thing! :)

The same thing happened to my older sister, but it was earlier, with Andrew, she lived in Miami, and had no electricity for 6 weeks, got part of her roof taken, the house got drowned with rain water.... but the weeks afterwards, were the most difficult, because she was not prepared for 6 darn weeks of no electric and no water... anyway, she is 10 times more prepared than I am for a natural disaster now, but she herself is who went through that life changing event... one on one faced that monster called Andrew!

anyway, I kkinda slacked off for a while.... let my guard down in trusting government again, to be there in an emergency or crisis.... and low and behold, our government is in one of those kind of crisis where what can go wrong will go wrong and unable to handle the crisis in an efficient manner, with these asylum seekers...

made me think it is time to go back to being prepared.

This is just one situation where something happened that made me change.... it happens to do with government, but there are plenty of other instances where I have had an "oh shit' moment, and changed my previous thinking 180 that had absolutely nothing to do with politics or government....

Have you had any?

Good on you. Being prepared for a civil emergency is smart. When I lived in Oxnard CA for 3 plus decades, we had an 'earthquake' kit. Something to feed us for a few days before the real pain sets in. I had (2) outs. One was my HD and the other would have been a hot wired plane at the airport across the field. When the big one hits, not if, but when, the human suffering to follow on the West Coast will be horrific. I picture rations being airdropped to the 1000's, and 1000's of folks stranded on the So Cal freeways.

Your post brought back that fear we once felt. Here in rural TN, we are fairly self supportive if a National disaster should strike

Thanks for sharing your thoughts

Wow. And a 6.4 hit there today.

Hells Bells, I could not really find a forum to put this in... so since the thought just came in to my head, I decided Current Events, would be good enough! :D:lol:

When Katrina hit, well, I mean after Katrina hit... and watching the whole debacle and failure of near every level of government from local, state, to federal...

It became evident, like a brick in the face, that if Matt and I were in a catastrophe or National Disaster event, we better be darn well PREPARED ourselves, because the government can not handle any kind of emergency, or disaster... without a Ground Hog's Day movie of Murphy's Law occurring.

And the 9/11 attack was under 5 years from Katrina so future terror attacks was a possibility still fresh on the mind...

I USED TO THINK the Government would be able to handle things like Katrina, after all, we are the richest and best country in the world, (in my bloated patriot head),

So Katrina, made us become preppers... well, not really REAL Preppers, but kind of a layman type kind of "be prepared" boy scout kind of thing! :)

The same thing happened to my older sister, but it was earlier, with Andrew, she lived in Miami, and had no electricity for 6 weeks, got part of her roof taken, the house got drowned with rain water.... but the weeks afterwards, were the most difficult, because she was not prepared for 6 darn weeks of no electric and no water... anyway, she is 10 times more prepared than I am for a natural disaster now, but she herself is who went through that life changing event... one on one faced that monster called Andrew!

anyway, I kkinda slacked off for a while.... let my guard down in trusting government again, to be there in an emergency or crisis.... and low and behold, our government is in one of those kind of crisis where what can go wrong will go wrong and unable to handle the crisis in an efficient manner, with these asylum seekers...

made me think it is time to go back to being prepared.

This is just one situation where something happened that made me change.... it happens to do with government, but there are plenty of other instances where I have had an "oh shit' moment, and changed my previous thinking 180 that had absolutely nothing to do with politics or government....

Have you had any?

Good on you. Being prepared for a civil emergency is smart. When I lived in Oxnard CA for 3 plus decades, we had an 'earthquake' kit. Something to feed us for a few days before the real pain sets in. I had (2) outs. One was my HD and the other would have been a hot wired plane at the airport across the field. When the big one hits, not if, but when, the human suffering to follow on the West Coast will be horrific. I picture rations being airdropped to the 1000's, and 1000's of folks stranded on the So Cal freeways.

Your post brought back that fear we once felt. Here in rural TN, we are fairly self supportive if a National disaster should strike

Thanks for sharing your thoughts

Wow. And a 6.4 hit there today.

I WAS THINKing ABOUT YOU! When the news of the quake was breaking news!

Some times, we need to follow what our inner selves are saying and telling us to do! You and the wife y Got out of Dodge...

A bigger one is just waiting to happen, and this one today is pretty darn big!!

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