There goes Christie,

He'll shoot down Russia's planes too. These guys keep saying "I'll keep you safe". Starting WWlll isn't too safe.
Anyway I think Trump finally crossed the line, lost his temper in a way that made him look childish even to the dumbest R on the planet.

Christie has joined the neo conservative lunatic fringe. A fringe group which wants to carpet bomb the ME, make the sand glow from a nuclear bomb in Syria and prevent five year old orphans from seeking a safe harbor in the US.

The once Isolationist Republican Party has devolved into a a neo fascists, militaristic, authoritarian, plutocratic anti democratic well-defined set.

Most of its members seeking the nomination for POTUS seems to have forgotten how the previous Republican Administration's bellicose rhetoric made recruitment easier for AQ. The current iteration of Republicans, especially those who want to become leaders & its standard bearer, are even more bellicose as they try to out do each other as the most neo conservative. They've made recruitment easier from Muslim nations and even from Western Democracies.
Crispie provided the single most hilarious moment when he said King Hussein of Jordan knows with Crispie as president, he would have a friend. Only Hussein died in what? 1995 or so?
I told you these dumbass Republicans have no idea what the fuck they are talking about.
He'll shoot down Russia's planes too. These guys keep saying "I'll keep you safe". Starting WWlll isn't too safe.
Anyway I think Trump finally crossed the line, lost his temper in a way that made him look childish even to the dumbest R on the planet.
Sick of Trump's ego. I like Christie but need to hear more from him. These debates with more than four people in them doesn't really help any one. They candidates can't establish momentum and we get nothing, basically.

The early debates are the best in my opinion. Wow. Last night was riveting and fantastic.

Last night was riveting. Scary though how they all tried to be Mr. ToughGuy, looking right into the camera promising "I will keep you safe". They will keep you safe even if they have to "punch Putin in the face" shoot down Russian planes or indiscriminately carpet bomb civilian populations to get one bad guy.
You certainly would have to be a drooling tard to believe a war with Russia would keep us "safe".
He'll shoot down Russia's planes too. These guys keep saying "I'll keep you safe". Starting WWlll isn't too safe.
Anyway I think Trump finally crossed the line, lost his temper in a way that made him look childish even to the dumbest R on the planet.
Sick of Trump's ego. I like Christie but need to hear more from him. These debates with more than four people in them doesn't really help any one. They candidates can't establish momentum and we get nothing, basically.

The early debates are the best in my opinion. Wow. Last night was riveting and fantastic.

Last night was riveting. Scary though how they all tried to be Mr. ToughGuy, looking right into the camera promising "I will keep you safe". They will keep you safe even if they have to "punch Putin in the face" shoot down Russian planes or indiscriminately carpet bomb civilian populations to get one bad guy.
This is American politics, bud. You're not making news. Trump and Rand Paul are the only people in the race who don't subscribe to regime change. There's no such option in the dnc.
He'll shoot down Russia's planes too. These guys keep saying "I'll keep you safe". Starting WWlll isn't too safe.
Anyway I think Trump finally crossed the line, lost his temper in a way that made him look childish even to the dumbest R on the planet.
Sick of Trump's ego. I like Christie but need to hear more from him. These debates with more than four people in them doesn't really help any one. They candidates can't establish momentum and we get nothing, basically.

The early debates are the best in my opinion. Wow. Last night was riveting and fantastic.

Last night was riveting. Scary though how they all tried to be Mr. ToughGuy, looking right into the camera promising "I will keep you safe". They will keep you safe even if they have to "punch Putin in the face" shoot down Russian planes or indiscriminately carpet bomb civilian populations to get one bad guy.
You certainly would have to be a drooling tard to believe a war with Russia would keep us "safe".
Russia is not what they used to be. I don't see them provoking the US, period. Turkey is more their size, and we didn't see them draw a sword over getting a medium bomber downed.
My question to Christie is

Why so fast in wanting to start a thermonuclear war with Russia?

Does he really know what that means? :(
He'll shoot down Russia's planes too. These guys keep saying "I'll keep you safe". Starting WWlll isn't too safe.
Anyway I think Trump finally crossed the line, lost his temper in a way that made him look childish even to the dumbest R on the planet.

Christie has joined the neo conservative lunatic fringe. A fringe group which wants to carpet bomb the ME, make the sand glow from a nuclear bomb in Syria and prevent five year old orphans from seeking a safe harbor in the US.

The once Isolationist Republican Party has devolved into a a neo fascists, militaristic, authoritarian, plutocratic anti democratic well-defined set.

Most of its members seeking the nomination for POTUS seems to have forgotten how the previous Republican Administration's bellicose rhetoric made recruitment easier for AQ. The current iteration of Republicans, especially those who want to become leaders & its standard bearer, are even more bellicose as they try to out do each other as the most neo conservative. They've made recruitment easier from Muslim nations and even from Western Democracies.

Everything you said there is 100% true. But why? Has Christie really become a neocon who is willing to risk nuclear war - armageddon, in fact - because a Russian pilot intentionally or unintentionally strays into a GPS defined no-fly zone over Syria? Nah, I don't think so. I think he knows in order to get through the primaries he has to speak to an audience that has been primed by Fox news and talk radio, primed and radicalized to the point where everybody outside a Rupert Murdoch/Roger Ailes defined circle is a dangerous terrifying enemy.
Obama, al-Baghdadi, Clinton, the muslim next door, the pizza delivery guy? Doesn't matter, they're "the enemy" and Christie and Trump and Jeb Bush and the rest have to embrace these "truths" that Hannity and O'Reilly have been pumping into the "base" of the Republican party for decades.
He'll shoot down Russia's planes too. These guys keep saying "I'll keep you safe". Starting WWlll isn't too safe.
Anyway I think Trump finally crossed the line, lost his temper in a way that made him look childish even to the dumbest R on the planet.
Sick of Trump's ego. I like Christie but need to hear more from him. These debates with more than four people in them doesn't really help any one. They candidates can't establish momentum and we get nothing, basically.

The early debates are the best in my opinion. Wow. Last night was riveting and fantastic.

Last night was riveting. Scary though how they all tried to be Mr. ToughGuy, looking right into the camera promising "I will keep you safe". They will keep you safe even if they have to "punch Putin in the face" shoot down Russian planes or indiscriminately carpet bomb civilian populations to get one bad guy.
You certainly would have to be a drooling tard to believe a war with Russia would keep us "safe".
Russia is not what they used to be. I don't see them provoking the US, period. Turkey is more their size, and we didn't see them draw a sword over getting a medium bomber downed.

Putin is road rage with nuclear weapons.
He'll shoot down Russia's planes too. These guys keep saying "I'll keep you safe". Starting WWlll isn't too safe.
Anyway I think Trump finally crossed the line, lost his temper in a way that made him look childish even to the dumbest R on the planet.
Sick of Trump's ego. I like Christie but need to hear more from him. These debates with more than four people in them doesn't really help any one. They candidates can't establish momentum and we get nothing, basically.

The early debates are the best in my opinion. Wow. Last night was riveting and fantastic.

Last night was riveting. Scary though how they all tried to be Mr. ToughGuy, looking right into the camera promising "I will keep you safe". They will keep you safe even if they have to "punch Putin in the face" shoot down Russian planes or indiscriminately carpet bomb civilian populations to get one bad guy.
This is American politics, bud. You're not making news. Trump and Rand Paul are the only people in the race who don't subscribe to regime change. There's no such option in the dnc.
Actually, since no one has been listening, Obama toned down the rhetoric months ago. But Republicans are such fucking racist and uneducated idiots, they only see what they want when it comes to Obama. He could cure cancer and the GOP would call it a socialist and communist Muslim plot.
Actually, since no one has been listening, Obama toned down the rhetoric months ago. But Republicans are such fucking racist and uneducated idiots, they only see what they want when it comes to Obama. He could cure cancer and the GOP would call it a socialist and communist Muslim plot.

My question to Christie is

Why so fast in wanting to start a thermonuclear war with Russia?

Does he really know what that means? :(
IT is nothing more than 'politics'.

Christie knows he cannot establish a no-fly zone that impacts only ISIS because they dont have an air force.
Actually, since no one has been listening, Obama toned down the rhetoric months ago. But Republicans are such fucking racist and uneducated idiots, they only see what they want when it comes to Obama. He could cure cancer and the GOP would call it a socialist and communist Muslim plot.


Not just you

OK, got a true story related to this.

When I was stationed in Germany, the company commander volunteered the company to do firing range monitoring in Wildflicken (sp?) and it pissed off a lot of people and there were unkind words about our company commander over heard from various lower ranking folks. This outraged our First Looey, so he got a chip on his shoulder through the whole thing, touchy, overly sensitive, etc. He even made Top come to attention to address him while we were in the barracks, and I did not ever see such a thing ever again. Dont know how he got away with that. No one locks Tops heels, which is why he is nicknamed Top.

Anyway, so we were bivouacked out in these pitch black night time woods and we had those old helmets that had a plastic liner inside a steel pot.

So, the Looey thought he over heard some bad mouthing and he flew into a shouting rage, as I recall. He shut up all the NCOs that were there and yelled a challenge to anyone that wanted to have a go with him. I am not kidding.

Well, no one took him up on the offer, obviously, but the next day the Looey was walking around and occasionally stopping and asking people if they could smell that smell. At first no one seemed to know what he was talking about, then it hit; there was a distinct odor of fecal material around the Looey. But no one would admit that they could smell it. This went on for days with the Looey asking if anyone could smell anything and everyone saying no, but laughing when the Looey was out of hearing range.

Then late at night a few days later,an overwhelming beam of bright white light broke light protocol in that black forest and the Looey screamed out, 'I will get you for this! Whoever did this; I will find out who you are and I will nail you for this! You are dead!' Then the flap closed and all was pitch black again. Well, everyone guessed that the Looey found the source of his aroma, but I didnt find out what it was until the net morning.

Someone had snuck the Looey's helmet out of the command cadre's tent, took the plastic liner out of the steal pot, took a dump in the pot, then put the liner back in. It drove the Looey crazy when he found out what it was, but then he was a dick and deserved it, IMHO.

An officer should never provoke his troops. Some of them have been in the Army a lot longer and know how to fuck anyone over in a million ways.
He'll shoot down Russia's planes too. These guys keep saying "I'll keep you safe". Starting WWlll isn't too safe.
Anyway I think Trump finally crossed the line, lost his temper in a way that made him look childish even to the dumbest R on the planet.
Sick of Trump's ego. I like Christie but need to hear more from him. These debates with more than four people in them doesn't really help any one. They candidates can't establish momentum and we get nothing, basically.

The early debates are the best in my opinion. Wow. Last night was riveting and fantastic.

Last night was riveting. Scary though how they all tried to be Mr. ToughGuy, looking right into the camera promising "I will keep you safe". They will keep you safe even if they have to "punch Putin in the face" shoot down Russian planes or indiscriminately carpet bomb civilian populations to get one bad guy.
This is American politics, bud. You're not making news. Trump and Rand Paul are the only people in the race who don't subscribe to regime change. There's no such option in the dnc.
Actually, since no one has been listening, Obama toned down the rhetoric months ago. But Republicans are such fucking racist and uneducated idiots, they only see what they want when it comes to Obama. He could cure cancer and the GOP would call it a socialist and communist Muslim plot.
That's shadow politics. From the sound of it, regime change or not, we're getting sucked further into Syria, 180* from the narrative the president's putting out. Whereas the president has managed the lead from behind position he was hoping for, following from the front is proving to be confusing for the western alliance. Neither Russia nor ISIS, nor Syria are US interests, we can afford to take our time.
He'll shoot down Russia's planes too. These guys keep saying "I'll keep you safe". Starting WWlll isn't too safe.
Anyway I think Trump finally crossed the line, lost his temper in a way that made him look childish even to the dumbest R on the planet.
Sick of Trump's ego. I like Christie but need to hear more from him. These debates with more than four people in them doesn't really help any one. They candidates can't establish momentum and we get nothing, basically.

The early debates are the best in my opinion. Wow. Last night was riveting and fantastic.

Last night was riveting. Scary though how they all tried to be Mr. ToughGuy, looking right into the camera promising "I will keep you safe". They will keep you safe even if they have to "punch Putin in the face" shoot down Russian planes or indiscriminately carpet bomb civilian populations to get one bad guy.
You certainly would have to be a drooling tard to believe a war with Russia would keep us "safe".
Russia is not what they used to be. I don't see them provoking the US, period. Turkey is more their size, and we didn't see them draw a sword over getting a medium bomber downed.

Putin is road rage with nuclear weapons.
Putin's not crazy. It's ok.

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