There goes that theoretical idea ANTIFA, causing real destruction last night.

It seems that crazy make believe idea ANTIFA went wild in Portland again, spray painting and toppling statues of Lincoln and Roosevelt.
Police stood by and did nothing. I guess their batons and pepper spray doesn’t work against imaginary ideas, so I understand.

Incredibly, there are mugshots of a bunch of the imaginary creatures arrested by police and LET GO WITHOUT CHARGES.


They all look like sound-minded progressives to me. The kind of people you want as your friends, because they're smart, trustworthy and have great character raised under the influence of good parenting and a school system that relied on discipline and education as opposed everyone is special and indoctrination.

They were charged with blocking traffic and obstructing the police. Yah, some real hardened criminals here. Maybe you think they should have gotten the death penalty.

Well dumbshit, we'll set a side they're meth users right, they're just normal people. Why do PROGS feel it's okay to obstruct police when the hand they jerk-off with cries when one does and dies for it?

Wow, nice making something from a big nothing burger.

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