There Has Never Been A Greater Betrayal By A President

All of the blood spilled that day is on Trumpybear and his Banana Republicans.

He owns this insurrection.
No serious official has made such a claim. Only nut jobs like you.

Now we see the ultimate display of his deranged state in his incitement of the seditious attack on the Capitol, and on his baseless claims that the election was “stolen” from him. If you have supported him, you have blood on your hands as well.
Fucking scary.
That no one mentions. Thanks to BLM and their Democrat enablers, any law officer with an IQ>-50 knows who has their back.

8,700 riots. 2,000 police officers injured. Billions in property lost, stolen or destroyed. 69 cities ransacked. Millions of lives ruined. Highways blocked. Months and months of violence and fear. Never-ending shutdowns.

Democrats have made this the NEW NORMAL for America, but now that a few people have employed similar if far lesser tactics for a just end this time which threatened the illegal installation of the guy who approved it all, we're supposed to believe that our nation voted for this guy that was fine with it?

Not one of riots over the policing issue ever shut down Congress while it was in a joint session counting the Certirfied EC votes from the States.

Trumpybear is now America's Greatest Domestic Terrorist. Step aside William, a new enemy of America has trumped you.
And this is the problem...
The first thing fascism calls for is knowing that the State is more important than the people.
You wouldn't feel this way if your family went through the Holocaust.
Republicans want this stink of Trump washed away. McConnell wants every last vestige of putrid Trumpism purged from the GOP. Real patriotic Americans want Trump thrown to the trash heap of history.

Unfortunately, this stink will not be easily washed away. Republicans have abetted, encouraged and coddled Trump’s Anti-American rhetoric and quasi-authoritarianism for far too long.

The American people will not soon forget this Republican abandonment of American principles.

I'd rather have the stink of Communism and Nazism, that is the putrid democrat party, washed away.

Unfortunately it appears that blood is the only thing that washes out the stain and the stink of the tyrant Nazis who have seized power.

To refer to the fucking Nazi pigs like you as "patriotic" is hilarious - after your violent 10 month Kristalnacht, your attacks on civil rights, your vile racism, now your blood lust to hunt down your political enemies, it just doesn't cut it, Nazi.

After you Nazi pigs spent the summer telling us that protesting is the most sacred right, even if a minority of them became violent, now you say that protesting is treason and must be forbidden - I mean, the Reich has power now - no dissent will be tolerated.

You Nazis are playing a dangerous game. People like me call for peace, but you won't allow peace. You want revenge, you are filled with hate and blood lust.

I get it, you want to push patriotic Americans - your enemies - beyond the point we will tolerate, so that unfocused and unorganized violence breaks out - then you can sweep in with the Totalitarian edicts already in the works and use violence as your excuse - while the little Goebbels of the Reich Press cover up the last 10 months of Kristalnacht that you have waged against America.
Not one of riots over the policing issue ever shut down Congress while it was in a joint session counting the Certirfied EC votes from the States

Nothing was shut down. Congress is not special. They are not more important than the people they serve. If they were doing their jobs, no one would be so angry. It took them 8 months just to approve a check for $600 while they send 130 billion to foreign countries EVERY FUCKING YEAR.

The proof is out now and we know that the protest was engineered into a riot on purpose by the Left to blame it on Trump hoping to bar him from getting reelected. He did no such thing.

If Trump lost as badly as the democrats claim, they wouldn't be so worried about him coming back.

You'll never be free of the guy. :21:
The stain on the Republican Party will be there for a LONG time

You mean Liz Cheney?

75 million people voted for Donald Trump. That's more than have voted for any Republican in history.

As the Republicans attack not only Trump, but his supporters, they are committing suicide. The Republican party is done. This doesn't mean that you Nazis will rule unopposed, it means that a new party will arise, and one that does not bow to the Nazi democrats the way the feckless and faithless Republicans do.

You Nazis spew about the storming of the capitol, while lying that your troops hadn't stormed the capitol just a few short months ago and tried to murder a sitting president.


The faithless Republicans are going along with your lies and treason. Don't think that we are ruled by they fools.

You have awakened a sleeping giant.

You seek to incite violence so that you can crush all civil rights with an iron fist. But many are wise to what you Nazis are doing.
All of the blood spilled that day is on Trumpybear and his Banana Republicans.

He owns this insurrection.

You mean like he owns a worldwide pandemic from China and forest fires in California? Yes, the riots had to be Trump's fault. It couldn't have been the commies fault for trying to get rid of him before he leaves on the 20th. Nah, that wouldn't piss off anybody.

"The best thing about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault."
Ray from Cleveland

Well he certainly has shown he is no leader of the free world as has shown no responsibility to the world in response the new virus. He own his response. This attack was on The Congress of the USA and most important, the Constitutional process it was carrying out. It was not about wildfires or the Policing Riots. The attack and the halting of the EC vote count was sedition. Trumps and his conspirators gathered the kindling and they lit the fire.
Republicans want this stink of Trump washed away. McConnell wants every last vestige of putrid Trumpism purged from the GOP. Real patriotic Americans want Trump thrown to the trash heap of history.

Unfortunately, this stink will not be easily washed away. Republicans have abetted, encouraged and coddled Trump’s Anti-American rhetoric and quasi-authoritarianism for far too long.

The American people will not soon forget this Republican abandonment of American principles.

I'd rather have the stink of Communism and Nazism, that is the putrid democrat party, washed away.

Unfortunately it appears that blood is the only thing that washes out the stain and the stink of the tyrant Nazis who have seized power.

To refer to the fucking Nazi pigs like you as "patriotic" is hilarious - after your violent 10 month Kristalnacht, your attacks on civil rights, your vile racism, now your blood lust to hunt down your political enemies, it just doesn't cut it, Nazi.

After you Nazi pigs spent the summer telling us that protesting is the most sacred right, even if a minority of them became violent, now you say that protesting is treason and must be forbidden - I mean, the Reich has power now - no dissent will be tolerated.

You Nazis are playing a dangerous game. People like me call for peace, but you won't allow peace. You want revenge, you are filled with hate and blood lust.

I get it, you want to push patriotic Americans - your enemies - beyond the point we will tolerate, so that unfocused and unorganized violence breaks out - then you can sweep in with the Totalitarian edicts already in the works and use violence as your excuse - while the little Goebbels of the Reich Press cover up the last 10 months of Kristalnacht that you have waged against America.
Hey Dumbshit...First of all Communism and Nazism are on opposite sides of the political spectrum. I notice that you constantly post this claptrap. I also remember that you are sympathetic to Putin and his brand of authoritarianism. Thus it is no surprise that you are in support of the insurrection and the end of our constitutional republic.

Nazi stink is all over you. You accuse others of what you want others to do. As the good little Nazi you are, you bring up Kristalnacht knowing damn well that the sacking and looting of the Capitol House is right out of the Nazi playbook. Kristalnacht meets the burning of the Reichstag.

Nothing would please your anti-Amiercan ilk more than if the Capitol Building was burned to the Ground and you started to referring to your Orange messiah as, "The Leader."

So, spare me your stupidity, Little Adolf.
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LOL..You are too stupid to realize what is referred to as the “citadel of democracy.”

You need to go back to school and get your 6th grade diploma.

Herr Himmler, can you point to posts by you condemning the democrat Brown Shirts who attacked the citadel of democracy in July, necessitating moving the President to the Nuclear bunker as democrat troops attempted to kill him as part of their attempted coup?

How many Brown Shirts were put in prison? Would that be zero? As I recall, you Nazis attacked the Police for using "pepper balls," which you Nazis lied was tear gas, to subdue the attacking mob.

You fucking Nazis shut down Parler and crush free speech - but you have not erased the past as thoroughly as you think you have.
LOL..You are too stupid to realize what is referred to as the “citadel of democracy.”

You need to go back to school and get your 6th grade diploma.

Herr Himmler, can you point to posts by you condemning the democrat Brown Shirts who attacked the citadel of democracy in July, necessitating moving the President to the Nuclear bunker as democrat troops attempted to kill him as part of their attempted coup?

How many Brown Shirts were put in prison? Would that be zero? As I recall, you Nazis attacked the Police for using "pepper balls," which you Nazis lied was tear gas, to subdue the attacking mob.

You fucking Nazis shut down Parler and crush free speech - but you have not erased the past as thoroughly as you think you have.
There goes little Adolf again lying. The attempted overthrow of our democracy were from fascist like yourself.
Trump has ready shot someone on 5th Avenue. A cop lies dead because of Trump’s incitement of insurrection. The rest of the Pubs supporting Trump are now dancing on his corpse.

Just as 5 cops lie dead because of YOUR incitement to insurrection, Herr Himmler.


That's Liz Cheney talking about her impending vote to Impeach Donald J Trump

Cheney is no AOC clone. She's a hard core right wing Republican.

Today Trump will be Impeached for the second time and it will be a bi-partisan effort.

End this. This stain of democracy must end

Say, remind us again why Trump is being impeached this time.

I recognize cause isn't a consideration for PROGS, but in your case you're smart, so you'll have no problems providing the reason(s) why Trump is being impeached.
Say, remind us again why Trump is being impeached this time.

I recognize cause isn't a consideration for PROGS, but in your case you're smart, so you'll have no problems providing the reason(s) why Trump is being impeached.

The Nazis are staging another coup because the President said;

"You're the real people. You're the people that built this nation. You're not the people that tore down this nation."

"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."
LOL..You are too stupid to realize what is referred to as the “citadel of democracy.”

You need to go back to school and get your 6th grade diploma.

Herr Himmler, can you point to posts by you condemning the democrat Brown Shirts who attacked the citadel of democracy in July, necessitating moving the President to the Nuclear bunker as democrat troops attempted to kill him as part of their attempted coup?

How many Brown Shirts were put in prison? Would that be zero? As I recall, you Nazis attacked the Police for using "pepper balls," which you Nazis lied was tear gas, to subdue the attacking mob.

You fucking Nazis shut down Parler and crush free speech - but you have not erased the past as thoroughly as you think you have.
There goes little Adolf again lying. The attempted overthrow of our democracy were from fascist like yourself.
Wrong, NAZI. there was no attempted overthrow. What Nazis do is spout constant lies designed to demonize their critics. That's your modus operandi.
After you Nazi pigs spent the summer telling us that protesting is the most sacred right, even if a minority of them became violent, now you say that protesting is treason and must be forbidden - I mean, the Reich has power now - no dissent will be tolerated.

Unhinged2008 you old Imperialist dog, you are up to your old tricks again, picking and choosing bits and pieces of what people have said and are conflating them all to conform to your message.

Protesting is a right, rioting, looting and arson are not.

Attacking and shutting down Congress during a Joint Session while they were counting the valid and certified EC votes from the States to confirm the next president was a seditious act of insurrection.
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