There Has Never Been A Greater Betrayal By A President

That's Liz Cheney talking about her impending vote to Impeach Donald J Trump

Cheney is no AOC clone. She's a hard core right wing Republican.

Today Trump will be Impeached for the second time and it will be a bi-partisan effort.

End this. This stain of democracy must end
Obama using our investigative branches and Russians as agents to overthrow an elected President and manipulate the mid term elections is by far the worse and is part of you believing the propaganda in your own commentary, meaning Obama got you, so dance puppet dance.
Which election was overthrown by Oblama?
The AG himself called it an attempted coup, according to Schumer and the bunch, the involved Democrata including Biden, have to step down.-oops
Which AG?
WOW, do you realize what kind of problem this is that you didn't know Bill Barr was on interview saying it? It means your news source is denying your rights. Notice every single station on both sides of the isle had Schumer and Pelosi calling the Capitol hill protest an Insurrection, and the parroted phrase of the day was in sync on MSM, but you are saying they neglected to report Bill Barr the AG calling the 4 year Russia Hoax part of a conspired coup? WOW, JUST WOW NOTICE THE DIFFERENCE AND ASK YOURSELF WHO DOES THAT, BUT A FASCIST TOTALITARIAN REGIME.
One or two Republicans will peel off and vote to impeach

The rest are still prepared to look the other way while he shoots someone on Fifth Ave

Some reports have perhaps 20 Republican Senators willing to impeach.

Let's do it!

Get this fucking crazy man out now!
Not nearly enough

Trump will just declare it as proof of his innocence
There's no evidence of his guilt, so why would he need proof of his innocence?
You DIM nazis care only when a Republican kills a cop.
At least you finally admit the truth of that
When are you going to admit that you're a fucking NAZI?
You just admitted that Republicans killed a cop and YOU DON'T CARE

Where do you go from there finger boi?
Who said I don't care? However, you're saying we should ignore a dozen cops that Antifa/BLM killed. You fucking Nazi asshole.
Republicans want this stink of Trump washed away. McConnell wants every last vestige of putrid Trumpism purged from the GOP. Real patriotic Americans want Trump thrown to the trash heap of history.

Unfortunately, this stink will not be easily washed away. Republicans have abetted, encouraged and coddled Trump’s Anti-American rhetoric and quasi-authoritarianism for far too long.

The American people will not soon forget this Republican abandonment of American principles.
But I thought the GOP was the Taliban white Supremacist party long before Trump got there.
One or two Republicans will peel off and vote to impeach

The rest are still prepared to look the other way while he shoots someone on Fifth Ave

Some reports have perhaps 20 Republican Senators willing to impeach.

Let's do it!

Get this fucking crazy man out now!

After all the time the commie news sources led you in the wrong direction, you still believe them. Any Republican that votes to impeach will likely be seeing their last term in office. Trump may be gone, but his supporters still live on.
One or two Republicans will peel off and vote to impeach

The rest are still prepared to look the other way while he shoots someone on Fifth Ave
Trump has ready shot someone on 5th Avenue. A cop lies dead because of Trump’s incitement of insurrection. The rest of the Pubs supporting Trump are now dancing on his corpse.
Claiming Trump shot the cop is the lowest kind of slime imaginable. You only proved that there is no bar so low that you aren't eager to slither under it.
The blood is on Twice Impeached Trump's hands.
No it isn't, you fucking NAZI.
Of course it is, fucking moron. That's why he's being impeached for it.
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You're an idiot. Sure, the cop who died because a fire extinguisher was thrown at his head, died of his own"medical issues"

Break free of your delusional state or seek help for it.
That's Antifa's M.O. Not a Trump supporter. Want to comment on the unarmed woman who was
murdered in cold blood?
Liar..that was a Trumper who killed the police officer. A domestic terrorist who murdered the officer for doing his job.

If you can't admit to that one simple truth, then there is no hope.

As I said you need to break free of your delusional state or seek help.

Do you know this guy?

They were terrorists and insurrectionists who killed, vandalized and looted our citadel of democracy.
The only person shot down in cold blood was an unarmed Air Force vet. That's murder in any court.

A couple of police died due to their own
medical issues. Stop with your moronic lies.

14 officers were assaulted.
The Antifa/BLM body count of police officers is 100 times higher, NAZI.
You're an idiot. Sure, the cop who died because a fire extinguisher was thrown at his head, died of his own"medical issues"

Break free of your delusional state or seek help for it.
That's Antifa's M.O. Not a Trump supporter. Want to comment on the unarmed woman who was
murdered in cold blood?
Ashli Target was not murdered in cold blood, you imbecile. She had to be put down like the rabid dog she was as she tried to advance on Congressmen/women who were holdup in the House chamber. She died a traitor.
Unlike the men and women who died in concentration camps in Nazi Germany. They were great citizens who followed the law. And none of them...I repeat...none of them were traitors.
That's correct, unlike them.
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That no one mentions. Thanks to BLM and their Democrat enablers, any law officer with an IQ>-50 knows who has their back.

8,700 riots. 2,000 police officers injured. Billions in property lost, stolen or destroyed. 69 cities ransacked. Millions of lives ruined. Highways blocked. Months and months of violence and fear. Never-ending shutdowns.

Democrats have made this the NEW NORMAL for America, but now that a few people have employed similar if far lesser tactics for a just end this time which threatened the illegal installation of the guy who approved it all, we're supposed to believe that our nation voted for this guy that was fine with it?

deep fake 4.36.23 AM.gif
All of the blood spilled that day is on Trumpybear and his Banana Republicans.

He owns this insurrection.
No serious official has made such a claim. Only nut jobs like you.

Now we see the ultimate display of his deranged state in his incitement of the seditious attack on the Capitol, and on his baseless claims that the election was “stolen” from him. If you have supported him, you have blood on your hands as well.

That's Liz Cheney talking about her impending vote to Impeach Donald J Trump

Cheney is no AOC clone. She's a hard core right wing Republican.

Today Trump will be Impeached for the second time and it will be a bi-partisan effort.

End this. This stain of democracy must end
Cheney is Deep State and her husband killed a lot of people needlessly.
The Tea Party was the polite request, Trump is the less polite request. It does not get more polite from here.
One or two Republicans will peel off and vote to impeach

The rest are still prepared to look the other way while he shoots someone on Fifth Ave
Trump has ready shot someone on 5th Avenue. A cop lies dead because of Trump’s incitement of insurrection. The rest of the Pubs supporting Trump are now dancing on his corpse.
Claiming Trump shot the cop is the lowest kind of slime imaginable. You only proved that there is no bar so low that you aren't eager to slither under it.
Are you really that stupid? Another post goes over your head.
How is that "stupid?" Anyone who claims shot the police officer is obviously suffering brain damage.

The cabbagehead has no credibility. Leftists will say anything because they believe anything that supports their insane ideology.

That's Liz Cheney talking about her impending vote to Impeach Donald J Trump

Cheney is no AOC clone. She's a hard core right wing Republican.

Today Trump will be Impeached for the second time and it will be a bi-partisan effort.

End this. This stain of democracy must end

Liz Cheney is a never Trump Rino who is well left of center and belongs to the swamp.

What you Nazis are doing is idiocy, meant to create fear among your enemies with no practical purpose.
One or two Republicans will peel off and vote to impeach

The rest are still prepared to look the other way while he shoots someone on Fifth Ave

Some reports have perhaps 20 Republican Senators willing to impeach.

Let's do it!

Get this fucking crazy man out now!

After all the time the commie news sources led you in the wrong direction, you still believe them. Any Republican that votes to impeach will likely be seeing their last term in office. Trump may be gone, but his supporters still live on.
You should call your Senators and let them know that if they vote to impeach Trump their days are numbered.
That no one mentions. Thanks to BLM and their Democrat enablers, any law officer with an IQ>-50 knows who has their back.

8,700 riots. 2,000 police officers injured. Billions in property lost, stolen or destroyed. 69 cities ransacked. Millions of lives ruined. Highways blocked. Months and months of violence and fear. Never-ending shutdowns.

Democrats have made this the NEW NORMAL for America, but now that a few people have employed similar if far lesser tactics for a just end this time which threatened the illegal installation of the guy who approved it all, we're supposed to believe that our nation voted for this guy that was fine with it?

Not one of riots over the policing issue ever shut down Congress while it was in a joint session counting the Certirfied EC votes from the States.

Trumpybear is now America's Greatest Domestic Terrorist. Step aside William, a new enemy of America has trumped you.

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