There is a Good Chance That We Won't Know Who is President For Days...

I've never heard of such an outcome in the U.S or Canada. When you have an election, the votes are counted in personal, witnessed, confirmed and results determined. Letting something simmer, for what? Mystery ballots that can be used either way? Like a truck full of them for instance, both sides can say "they are adding ballots!" or, "they are denying and hiding ballots!"

Trump is right to sound the alarm. I bet if you did a poll most Americans do not support mail-in ballots as they are being presented in places like California.
You must have missed the 2000 election

Well, that was the rarest of occasions. I didn't really even follow politics then but I remember some guy at work all worked up about it. He said that Bush was going to steal the election, I didn't much care to follow any of it.

As it were, throwing in millions of ballots that are out there, is very suspicious, especially when the forced close came from Fauci. They seem a little too giddy about his actions, as if he is doing the work for the Establishment or something. I also found it odd how Newsom praised Trump early, only to quickly drop the "we need to send out millions of ballots to citizens". How can this be acceptable in a federal election? As Trump asked, "where have all these millions been sent, to whom"?

The best person with the best policies must win, or the West will just have weak, unpatriotic leaders in power that are chosen by some global conglomerate. Domestic/local issues need to matter for citizens to have faith in their leaders caring about their best interests. Values of capitalism, civil liberty and sovereignty of the state must prevail, not simply "sell out to the highest bidder" that lines someones pockets.

You’ve gone from “never” hearing about such a delay to knowing it happened. Pretty quick too

Hah. You reminded me, it wasn't top of mind. As I said, I didn't follow it much, still don't know the circumstances behind it all, except it was a recount of Florida.

You prefer a delay of days, weeks, or even in the case of Primaries in some places, months before knowing who won the election?

It needs to be above board, this is an election, not a sporting event. If citizens lose faith in the process which has served democracies will forever, then what? Maybe some would prefer the Communist system of choosing leaders, but the majority most certainly do not.
Jeb Bush you mean?

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