The GOP Conventrion 2024

And responding also to BackAgain:

Yes. I think Trump should have edited that speech a good deal as late in the evening, the somewhat cooled down presentation after all the enthusiasm went on way too long and became tedious thus losing much of the impact. I would have preferred something equally pertinent and thoughtful but designed better to have everyone on their feet, cheering and wanting more at the end. As it was I think we all were so happy when he finally would it up.

But oh well. All in all it was a great convention, the best I've seen yet. I hope it generated a lot of public interest. The Democrat Convention may get a lot of attention most especially if there will be a dogfight over who their nominee will be but I can't imagine it will have the class and competence the GOP managed to put together this year.
I checked the View this AM and yuck. Terrible as usual. So bad I spent maybe 2 minutes listening to the phony republican Alyssa talk and she was just awful. I believe she admits to being a Democrat.
Again my selection of channels sucked because the announcers hardly spoke of the convention. So I switched over to Cspan and got very good results. Tucker was excellent. I frankly am not fond of Hulk Hogan. Trump as he normally does talked way too long but his messages, man there were many, were themselves good. I simply was thinking his poor wife was sitting with others and probably wishing he said things shorter. I am not saying he gave any bad messages. They were good ones.
I have come to the conclusion that Melania does not like the spot light that comes with the position. I can't say that I blame her.
I have come to the conclusion that Melania does not like the spot light that comes with the position. I can't say that I blame her.
Melania has never been the attention hound that some are for sure. As she walked out to join the family last night, I was struck at how elegant, poised, graceful, self-assured and absolutely gorgeous she is. And everything I have read about her in interactions with others says she is just as graceful, beautiful, elegant on the inside as she is on the outside

I really hoped she would speak--I know she was given the opportunity--but public speaking just isn't her thing. But she's stuck with being the center of attention wherever she is. :)

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