There is ABSOLUTELY no doubt in my mind that Joe Biden and the Democrats are intentionally destroying the United States

Only a damn fool would argue that Biden is without blame because Putin is a dictatorial war criminal. Biden is responsible for Biden, quit trying to defend the INDEFENSIBLE.
Agree, Biden is responsible for Biden.

He is also responsible for building an international coalition to defeat Putin
I am surprised that you still have a sledgehammer in working condition. Get a new one so that you can continue to tear us down.
I have an indestructible one made during the drug war you supported
Weird how Putin feels comfortable invading other countries when Dimwinger cucks like Barry Hussein and Tater are in charge, but did nothing while Trump was President.
Weird how Putin feels comfortable invading other countries when Dimwinger cucks like Barry Hussein and Tater are in charge, but did nothing while Trump was President.

How did that work out for your boy Putin?

His mighty army and airforce ground to a halt and he has lost thousands of tanks and aircraft along with over 100,000 casualties.

All because of the coalition and war supplies provided to Ukraine by our President.
The transformation of America into a 21st interconnected member of the global society and market economy is not 'American is being torn down.' MAGA and uninformed nonsense.
I have an indestructible one made during the drug war you supported
I supported????????????? I don't remember ever creating an open border, allowing the free flow of killer drugs. I wonder who did and will never admit it?
There is ABSOLUTELY no doubt in my mind that Joe Biden and the Democrats are intentionally destroying the United States. Republicans control the purse strings and should have FORCED Biden to close the border, and to keep his BLABBERING mouth zipped over Gun Control, upgrade the military in preparation for any possibility of a war with China, etc. This is as serious as it gets - they should have shut down this Progressive Government until Biden caved.
The problem with Americans like you, is that you're only concerned with issues that have to do with immigration (I suspect if the immigration was coming from Germany or Norway, you wouldn't give a shit..), guns, and fighting wars (the military). Really? Sure, we shouldn't have open borders. We should deport most, if not all illegal immigrants. Firearms, including combat rifles, should remain legal for every law-abiding citizen. But bro, is that all we care about? Those darn Mexicans, guns, abortion, pink unicorns, and fruitcakes? Is that all you American conservatives are concerned with? Because it seems that way. There's more to it than that. The situation is a bit more complex.

You ignore practically everything else, especially anything that actually, tangibly helps the working class (people that have to wake up in the morning and go to work for a wage). You serve the interests of the rich and powerful at the expense of the average Joe American. That's why our manufacturing base was gutted starting in the 1980s with President Ronald Reagan.


Our local economies have been swallowed up by multinational corporations like Walmart. The mom-and-pop stores are mostly gone.


In the golden age of our economy back in the 1950s, until the early 80s, the highest tax rate for the wealthiest elites was between 90% & 70% (when Reagan entered the Whitehouse in 1981, the highest tax rate was 70%, and when he left office in 1988, it was down to 28%). Until around 1980, 1/3rd of the American workforce was unionized, earning good wages (you could support a family with one blue-collar wage). Huge, unmanageable Credit Card debts were unheard of for the working class (the middle-class/working class, didn't start using credit cards until the 1980s. Before then, they purchased most goods and services with cash or check).

My grandfather purchased his house cash in 1965 (without a mortgage loan), after only four years of legally migrating here from Cuba, without a penny in his pocket and working a blue-collar job. The highest-paid CEOs in the 1950s and 60s earned a salary 20 times that of the average worker in their companies. Today Fortune 500 CEOs earn 400 times the amount of an average worker.

unions 3-31-13.jpg

We live in a country where the working class has been stripped of its collective bargaining power, through deregulation that undermines labor's ability to unionize and effectively negotiate its terms of employment with wealthy, powerful employers. The employer-owner class has done an incredible job of dividing workers, convincing them that they should negotiate with their employer as an individual rather than as a group of people sharing the same financial interests.

The capitalists want you to believe the myth, that all labor unions are run by the Italian mafia. Capitalists love demonizing labor unions because they're directly working in the interest of workers, and not in the direct and immediate interest of their employers (happy, healthy workers = A healthier economy and more profits in the long-term for capitalists, but unfortunately they rarely think in such terms, hence they foolishly break-up the labor unions, seeing them as adversaries, rather than a means to stabilize and grow markets and enhance their business output).

The rich and powerful know the benefits of collectivizing (i.e. consolidating) their resources and efforts, as a group (as a socioeconomic class), lobbying their cronies in the government to eliminate needed regulations and enact certain legislation that serves their vested interests (often at the expense of you and your family, if you're a working-class person). The rich are class-conscious (and that's an understatement), they understand that society consists, not just of individuals, but of social-economic classes and their unique group interests.

They have no problem, unionizing among themselves, through their "Chamber of Commerce", through super-PACs ("citizens united"), industrial guilds, industry associations, an army of lobbyists legally bribing our politicians in the halls of government and of course, we can't forget about the "Think Tanks", that write the legislation. Those capitalist-funded Stink Tanks, hand over their "white papers"(i.e. studies) and bills (laws, policies) to the lobbyists that work for them.

What does Adam Smith, the father of capitalism, say about capitalists unionizing to advance their financial interests? In his book "The Wealth Of Nations", Smith writes:

What are the common wages of labour, depends everywhere upon the contract usually made between those two parties, whose interests are by no means the same. The workmen desire to get as much, the masters (the capitalist employers = masters) to give as little as possible. The former are disposed to combine (unionize) in order to raise, the latter in order to lower the wages of labor (capitalist "combine" to lower wages).

It is not, however, difficult to foresee which of the two parties must, upon all ordinary occasions, have the advantage in the dispute, and force the other into a compliance with their terms. The masters, being fewer in number, can combine much more easily; and the law, besides, authorises, or at least does not prohibit their combinations, while it prohibits those of the workmen.

We have no acts of parliament against combining to lower the price of work; but many against combining to raise it. In all such disputes, the masters can hold out much longer. A landlord, a farmer, a master manufacturer, or merchant, though they did not employ a single workman, could generally live a year or two upon the stocks which they have already acquired. Many workmen could not subsist a week, few could subsist a month, and scarce any a year without employment. In the long-run the workman may be as necessary to his master as his master is to him, but the necessity is not so immediate.

Emphasis mine.

Our wealthy masters are smart, they're not dumb. They conquer the working class by dividing it racially, politically, socially..etc. They love to see working-class people at each other's throats. Also, the more they can emasculate working-class males, the better. They want subservient, submissive, effeminate workers, who without question, do what they're told and don't have the balls to ask for a raise or unionize. That's one of the reasons so many workers today are literally cutting their dicks and balls off..OK that statement was way too vulgar. Sorry about that.

Is this a disparaging word toward our LGBTQ brothers and sisters? No. It's simply the truth. Who's funding all of this gender confusion? Look at the companies and billionaires behind all of this gender chaos.

I have nothing against gays or transsexuals, but the truth is that big-money interests, love crapping on masculinity and "normies". The so-called "ciss" gendered are often disparaged and made to look evil, among our youth by their "woke" teachers and corporate media, Hollywood. etc. Add destructive feminism to that, which hates men and wants to create unnecessary tension and problems between men and women. Feminism today isn't what it used to be in the past.

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The big-money, liberal capitalists, love to promote this shit:




All of this lunacy hurts the working class and our country. It makes us look weak to foreign adversaries and renders the working man culturally and psychologically impotent and confused. Not knowing or appreciating what it means to be manly.

Republicans need to stop serving the interests of wealthy capitalists at the expense of the working class. We need to unite and improve our lot together, or else America isn't going to be able to compete with China and Russia. They will kick our ass, if not destroy us. We need to rebuild America and restore its manufacturing base and make it truly independent and GLORIOUS AGAIN.


We can't do that without at least a little bit of socialism. For capitalism to work for everyone, not just the rich and powerful, we need to apply a bit of socialism. We must realize the reality of socioeconomics, or class. Our capitalist masters want to blind us to this reality, in order to dominate us.

If you're selling your labor power or renting your life daily to a capitalist owner for X amount of hours daily for a wage, you are of the working class. It's in your best interest to unite with other workers, like yourself. The employers want to divide us, trying to convince us that class doesn't exist and that we are just isolated individuals within a labor market. No, we're not isolated individuals, living and working in a vacuum, commodified and often exploited, in a "labor market". We are actually a social-economic class of human beings, made in the image of God, who sell their labor power (rent their lives), to capitalists. Our interests are not the same as those who employ us (rent our lives for 8 hours daily to people who in general, in most cases, don't care about us).

There's the bad "waking up" where you can't even define what a woman is, and you end up with bright purple hair and cutting your picker and testicles off or breasts if you're a woman. Then there's the good "waking up". I say, wake up, in the sense of the latter. Wake up my brothers and sisters, we are of the working class and we must unite to rebuild our country. To get our country back on track, or we will be eaten alive by China and Russia.




She works 60 hours weekly for a company that makes tens of billions of dollars in profits yearly and she still has to be on food stamps (public assistance). This shit has to end, and we can do it together.



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All you doing here is giving Pissant Biden a pass and assigning the burden to someone else, expecting them to fix his mess. You and your ilk are as guilty as Biden.
Yeah we're looking for someone who can raise our debt 25% like your last idiot did
Biden did not create that war. Putin did.

The US military has never started a war legal or illegal. They go to war when ordered to not on their own initiative you moron.
The Us military LEGALL invade mexico. It was the government which violated the treasties with natives.

WW1 put us on the moral side against tyranny.

WWII was due to the japanese and germans not due to the treay of versailles.

All those wars you mention were legal and all were MORAL

Fighting against communist expansion ( korea vietnam grenada ) is always moral

Yeah we're looking for someone who can raise our debt 25% like your last idiot did
The rights presidents own the major majority of the debt , but they still try to make a issue out of it. They are the problems, getting rid of a problem is the solution to all problems.
There is ABSOLUTELY no doubt in my mind that Joe Biden and the Democrats are intentionally destroying the United States. Republicans control the purse strings and should have FORCED Biden to close the border, and to keep his BLABBERING mouth zipped over Gun Control, upgrade the military in preparation for any possibility of a war with China, etc. This is as serious as it gets - they should have shut down this Progressive Government until Biden caved.
Clearly Democrats are trying to destroy this country. They are like Xi, sick of having opposition and ready to go to any length to destroy it. The most perplexing part to me are leftists who obviously enjoy having the money and the freedom of being an American and are completely going along with destroying us. When they win, they will have no more freedom than we do. I really don't think they get that
Is that why Biden lead his cult members to STOP the certification of a free and fair election?

Damn that Biden…….
Yeah we're looking for someone who can raise our debt 25% like your last idiot did
Do you believe them, when they tell you that we have a national monetary debt? Where there is a monetary debt, there's an asset. Where are the assets of that debt? In the private sector. The so-called "national debt" is a misnomered paper tiger, used by capitalists and their cronies in government to scare you from allowing the government to do anything that benefits the working class (i.e. middle class). Unlike you and I, the US federal government is the exclusive issuer of the dollar. We are the users of the currency and our federal government is the "creator" of the dollar. There's a huge difference between our debt as users of the currency and the so-called "debt" of the US federal government. It's not the same.

The budgetary constraints of the US federal government are determined by our GDP (Gross Domestic Product). The GDP is our nation's production capacity. All of the production and business transactions, amount to our GDP, which is now at around 25 trillion dollars. Our federal government budget is way below that. Not even close. We can afford to do a lot more than what we're doing now but the Republicans and Democrats, don't want you to know that. They're both stingy-skimpy when it comes to the government doing anything for the economy, for our infrastructure, for our elderly who have spent a lifetime working and now deserve their Social Security and Medicare.

Capitalists hate the government doing anything other than bailing them out in a crisis. They despise the idea of the government serving the public or bailing you out when you're up the creek without a paddle and need some help. So they pretend that we are drowning in "debt". The truth is that that's all a big scam and a lie. It's fearmongering in order to get you to depend completely on the private sector and not even consider the government as a solution or source of assistance, when you need it.

The national debt can just as well be called, the "National Surplus". The government's so-called "debt" is a ledger of how many dollars are circulating or saved in the private sector, and in the hands of the public, that hasn't been collected in taxes or other government fees. It accounts for all of the dollars, from private bank checking and savings accounts to treasury bonds. Our federal government's "red ink", is our black ink (surplus).

Whenever the US federal government "balances the budget", getting rid of its "debt", there is less money in public hands. That's why without fail, there's always an economic recession, within two to three years of balancing the budget. You can look at the record, and see the stats for yourself. Every time we balance the books, we end up with a nasty recession, because there's less money in the economy. Governments with a sovereign currency, need to have a so-called "debt". Without a national debt, there is no national surplus. You're broke.

It's impossible for the US federal government to ever go insolvent. Because it creates the dollar, hence it will never run out of it. Why does the federal government tax us and charges us fees for licenses and permits? Answer: To maintain the value of the dollar, control inflation, and increase production. If you have to pay the US government, taxes and fees, in USD, then get to work. You have to produce. Find a job, start a business. That increases our GDP. That's why we pay taxes. It's not because the US federal government needs to be supplied with dollars.

Whenever the federal government invests in our national infrastructure, it increases GDP and the government's ability to fund different projects and programs, like Social Security and Medicare. Don't drink the capitalist kool-aid, that our federal government is drowning in debt and unable to meet its obligations. It will never go insolvent, it will always have plenty of "liquidity" because it creates the money ex-nihilo (i.e. from nothing). The creator of the money never goes broke, just like the scorekeeper in a football game, never runs out of points to give the scoring team. Can the scorekeeper arbitrarily, willy-nilly, give one of the teams a million, million points? No. That would collapse the game. Games have rules.

Within the rules of the game of our economy, our federal government has A LOT OF MONEY that it can use to fund itself, and pay for your Social Security and Medicare, and our military, and NASA, and all of that good stuff. Don't drink the Kool-Aid that tells you otherwise.

Now, to learn more about this, you can watch these videos:

Excuse the horrible interviewer in the next video, and listen to the person who is being interviewed, if you can. Not easy but it's worth it.

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Do you believe them, when they tell you that we have a national monetary debt? Where there is a monetary debt, there's an asset. Where are the assets of that debt? In the private sector. The so-called "national debt" is a misnomered paper tiger, used by capitalists and their cronies in government to scare you from allowing the government to do anything that benefits the working class (i.e. middle class). Unlike you and I, the US federal government is the exclusive issuer of the dollar. We are the users of the currency and our federal government is the "creator" of the dollar. There's a huge difference between our debt as users of the currency and the so-called "debt" of the US federal government. It's not the same.

The budgetary constraints of the US federal government are determined by our GDP (Gross Domestic Product). The GDP is our nation's production capacity. All of the production and business transactions, amount to our GDP, which is now at around 25 trillion dollars. Our federal government budget is way below that. Not even close. We can afford to do a lot more than what we're doing now but the Republicans and Democrats, don't want you to know that. They're both stingy-skimpy when it comes to the government doing anything for the economy, for our infrastructure, for our elderly who have spent a lifetime working and now deserve their Social Security and Medicare.

Capitalists hate the government doing anything other than bailing them out in a crisis. They despise the idea of the government serving the public or bailing you out when you're up the creek without a paddle and need some help. So they pretend that we are drowning in "debt". The truth is that that's all a big scam and a lie. It's fearmongering in order to get you to depend completely on the private sector and not even consider the government as a solution or source of assistance, when you need it.

The national debt can just as well be called, the "National Surplus". The government's so-called "debt" is a ledger of how many dollars are circulating or saved in the private sector, and in the hands of the public, that hasn't been collected in taxes or other government fees. It accounts for all of the dollars, from private bank checking and savings accounts to treasury bonds. Our federal government's "red ink", is our black ink (surplus).

Whenever the US federal government "balances the budget", getting rid of its "debt", there is less money in public hands. That's why without fail, there's always an economic recession, within two to three years of balancing the budget. You can look at the record, and see the stats for yourself. Every time we balance the books, we end up with a nasty recession, because there's less money in the economy. Governments with a sovereign currency, need to have a so-called "debt". Without a national debt, there is no national surplus. You're broke.

It's impossible for the US federal government to ever go insolvent. Because it creates the dollar, hence it will never run out of it. Why does the federal government tax us and charges us fees for licenses and permits? Answer: To maintain the value of the dollar, control inflation, and increase production. If you have to pay the US government, taxes and fees, in USD, then get to work. You have to produce. Find a job, start a business. That increases our GDP. That's why we pay taxes. It's not because the US federal government needs to be supplied with dollars.

Whenever the federal government invests in our national infrastructure, it increases GDP and the government's ability to fund different projects and programs, like Social Security and Medicare. Don't drink the capitalist kool-aid, that our federal government is drowning in debt and unable to meet its obligations. It will never go insolvent, it will always have plenty of "liquidity" because it creates the money ex-nihilo (i.e. from nothing). The creator of the money never goes broke, just like the scorekeeper in a football game, never runs out of points to give the scoring team. Can the scorekeeper arbitrarily, willy-nilly, give one of the teams a million, million points? No. That would collapse the game. Games have rules.

Within the rules of the game of our economy, our federal government has A LOT OF MONEY that it can use to fund itself, and pay for your Social Security and Medicare, and our military, and NASA, and all of that good stuff. Don't drink the Kool-Aid that tells you otherwise.

Now, to learn more about this, you can watch these videos:

Excuse the horrible interviewer in the next video, and listen to the person who is being interviewed, if you can. Not easy but it's worth it.

There is no debt that will be called , we as a country and its population own that debt so you think we will call the debt on ourselves. We own just about all of it . About 4 trillion is owned by other than us. Our government is the largest holder of our debt. And the debt can't be called, actually it only can be sold when it comes to maturity. The debt is not necessarily a good thing but it isn't anything like the hate party says it is.
There is ABSOLUTELY no doubt in my mind that Joe Biden and the Democrats are intentionally destroying the United States. Republicans control the purse strings and should have FORCED Biden to close the border, and to keep his BLABBERING mouth zipped over Gun Control, upgrade the military in preparation for any possibility of a war with China, etc. This is as serious as it gets - they should have shut down this Progressive Government until Biden caved.
No, they're just stupid
There is ABSOLUTELY no doubt in my mind that Joe Biden and the Democrats are intentionally destroying the United States. Republicans control the purse strings and should have FORCED Biden to close the border, and to keep his BLABBERING mouth zipped over Gun Control, upgrade the military in preparation for any possibility of a war with China, etc. This is as serious as it gets - they should have shut down this Progressive Government until Biden caved.
I think the Democrats and Joe Biden are promoting change in America, a very needed change that I am so happy to see. A lot of things have needed to change for so long and I am so happy I am seeing the Democrats making these changes, it will make us such a better nation. Joe is doing such a good job I hope he keeps up the good work.

I love what he is doing with healthcare. I hope one day we have socialized medicine. His progress he has made with the Affordable Healthcare Act I applaude Joe for. Thank you Joe!
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That’s it?
More Conservative drivel

Too many brown people at the border
Most Americans support more gun control measures
We have the strongest military in the world right now, it does not need to gger
You are out of touch like most california libtards. If you can manage, go to u tube and type in WORLD GOVERNMENT SUMMIT and observe them talking about the new world order that you leftists refer to as a VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY when it is really you people on the LEFT bringing in a UTOPIA FOR THE ULTRA WEALTHY

I have yet to hear what the Grand Libtard Plan is for the world once you help the uber rich destroy what little we have left. How you r libtards going to employ 5 billion people around the world ?
You are out of touch like most california libtards. If you can manage, go to u tube and type in WORLD GOVERNMENT SUMMIT and observe them talking about the new world order that you leftists refer to as a VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY when it is really you people on the LEFT bringing in a UTOPIA FOR THE ULTRA WEALTHY

I have yet to hear what the Grand Libtard Plan is for the world once you help the uber rich destroy what little we have left. How you r libtards going to employ 5 billion people around the world ?

New World Order?

There is ABSOLUTELY no doubt in my mind that Joe Biden and the Democrats are intentionally destroying the United States. Republicans control the purse strings and should have FORCED Biden to close the border, and to keep his BLABBERING mouth zipped over Gun Control, upgrade the military in preparation for any possibility of a war with China, etc. This is as serious as it gets - they should have shut down this Progressive Government until Biden caved.
All that would have done is cause enough Americans to blame Republicans that come 2024 Democrats would keep the presidency, the Senate, and take back the House. We need to be smarter than that and get enough Americans on our side that we have all three come 2024. Sometimes you have to lose the battle to win the war.

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