There Is Debate Over Whether Networks Should Stop Interviewing Kellyanne Conway Altogether

She is an absolute genius at what she does, but it's wearing hard on her. Compare pictures of her when she first started speaking for Trump and ones now that have bags under her eyes big enough to pack a picnic lunch in.
She's smarter than they are, they can't catch her in a 'gotcha' question so naturally they foam at the mouth pissed that they have to cover her. Told you the left are cry babies.
Kellyanne Conway Hits Back Against 'Morning Joe' for Saying Regrets Trump Support
"I made a fraction of what other consultants have made."


Michael Horn


The hosts of MSNBC’s Morning Joe have become virulent critics of the President and those close to him. Ignoring insults and insinuations is a valuable skill. But when sentiments are attributed to me that are not true, it is necessary to respond. My beliefs, commitments and loyalties are plain to see. The notion that I am serving for ‘the money’ or a ‘paycheck’ is absurd. As campaign manager, I made a fraction of what other consultants have made on unsuccessful presidential campaigns. Then I walked away from dozens of opportunities for millions of dollars, and instead walked into the White House. I would do it again. It is a privilege to assist President Trump in the White House, just as it was during the campaign. I know him, I respect him, I believe in him, and I am confident in his capacity to be a transformative and successful President.

Kellyanne Conway Hits Back Against 'Morning Joe' for Saying Regrets Trump Support
There Is Debate Over Whether Networks Should Stop Interviewing Kellyanne Conway Altogether

Wow, the media is now seriously considering banning a Presidential spokeswoman from speaking on television.

The hate has gotten so overheated that is reaching total insanity level.

I don't think I've seen anything like it.

they never report anything accurately anyway, I don't see why anybody talks to them at all now. The questions they ask are just infantile and bizarre, and nobody takes them seriously. they are irrelevant, just like their core audience is.
Turn em off, I've turned it all off. No news. Just weather and sports. When the media either gives up or goes through a major change then I will turn it back on. But while they make shit up to harm my president I will keep them off of my television. Squinty eyes Joe and the tramp are the worst of the bunch aside from the nut jobs at CNN. So turn them off.
Kellyanne Conway Responds to “Morning Joe” Cast’s Insult

“The hosts of MSNBC’s Morning Joe have become virulent critics of the President and those close to him,” Conway wrote. “Ignoring and insinuations is a valuable skill. But when sentiments are attributed to me that are not true, it is necessary to respond.

“My beliefs, commitments and loyalties are plain to see,” she continued.

“The notion that I am serving for ‘the money’ or a ‘paycheck’ is absurd. As campaign manager, I made a fraction of what other consultants have made on unsuccessful presidential campaigns. Then I walked away from dozens of opportunities for millions of dollars, and instead walked into the White House. I would do it again.

Full story @ Kellyanne Conway Issues Perfect Response to Sick Insult From MSNBC's "Morning Joe"
MSNBC Not Only Goes After Kellyanne but the WaPo Snipes at Her Husband

Meanwhile, the Washington Post decided to take some shots at Kellyanne’s husband, George Conway, an extraordinarily accomplished litigator. The Post’s Bruce Terris chose to focus on George Conway’s role in Bill Clinton’s legal difficulties — the ones that centered on Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky. Terris airs unsubstantiated claims of misconduct by Conway, while glossing over Clinton’s misconduct, including having sex with a young White House intern and lying under oath.

Full story @ MSNBC attacks Kellyanne Conway; the Washington Post snipes at her husband
There Is Debate Over Whether Networks Should Stop Interviewing Kellyanne Conway Altogether

Wow, the media is now seriously considering banning a Presidential spokeswoman from speaking on television.

The hate has gotten so overheated that is reaching total insanity level.

I don't think I've seen anything like it.
She's a word salad of alternative facts. It is counterproductive to interview her. She does more harm than good for Trump.

Interviewing her is like kicking a handicapped retard. The optics are bad.
There Is Debate Over Whether Networks Should Stop Interviewing Kellyanne Conway Altogether

Wow, the media is now seriously considering banning a Presidential spokeswoman from speaking on television.

The hate has gotten so overheated that is reaching total insanity level.

I don't think I've seen anything like it.
She's a word salad of alternative facts. It is counterproductive to interview her. She does more harm than good for Trump.

Interviewing her is like kicking a handicapped retard. The optics are bad.
Wow so libtarts kick the handicapped, no wonder most people hate lefties, sad...
It is hilarious that the butthurt MSM cannot stand getting beat up by Kellyanne Conway. Chuck Todd was one of her most recent victims at the last Meet The Press episode. The thing is she listens carefully to the interviewer and responds not only to the question but how and why they present the question. In addition, she is extremely effective because she is polite, quick witted, and articulate and basically ended up making Rachel "Blinky" Maddow, for example, look like a mental patient without "Blinky" realizing it.
Bwahahaha! Facts bounce off her head with an audible 'plink'.
Kellyanne Conway Hits Back Against 'Morning Joe' for Saying Regrets Trump Support
"I made a fraction of what other consultants have made."


Michael Horn


The hosts of MSNBC’s Morning Joe have become virulent critics of the President and those close to him. Ignoring insults and insinuations is a valuable skill. But when sentiments are attributed to me that are not true, it is necessary to respond. My beliefs, commitments and loyalties are plain to see. The notion that I am serving for ‘the money’ or a ‘paycheck’ is absurd. As campaign manager, I made a fraction of what other consultants have made on unsuccessful presidential campaigns. Then I walked away from dozens of opportunities for millions of dollars, and instead walked into the White House. I would do it again. It is a privilege to assist President Trump in the White House, just as it was during the campaign. I know him, I respect him, I believe in him, and I am confident in his capacity to be a transformative and successful President.

Kellyanne Conway Hits Back Against 'Morning Joe' for Saying Regrets Trump Support

So Trump pays more for male staffers?
She's a word salad of alternative facts. It is counterproductive to interview her. She does more harm than good for Trump.

Interviewing her is like kicking a handicapped retard. The optics are bad
You wish that were true but it's not. She kicked the democrats but all year long.

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