There Is Evidence For God

I don't know of any religious folks who don't accept that the earth is some three billion years old.
your ignorance is showing, as usual!
So why does a young-earth view of creation matter? Does the Bible have anything to say about this topic?

Young-Earth Creationism Supports the Concept of ā€œTruthā€
Is there such a thing as ā€œtruthā€? Or is everything relative? Even if truth exists, is it possible for us to know it?

These are the questions our children will have to grapple with. Even if we allow them to ā€œopen their mindsā€ to many different viewpoints, they will still eventually have to choose one or more that seems to make the most sense to them. What tools will they use to make those choices? All homeschoolers teach these skills to their children, whether they intend to or not.

It is significant that Scripture opens with the words, ā€œIn the beginning God created the heavens and the earthā€ (Genesis 1:1). These words form the most basic premise of everything else in the Bible. In other words, all other things presented in the Bible will be filtered through the lens of how we interpret the first verse.

If we believe that God ā€œcreatedā€ the world but we mean it only in a mystical, figurative sense, then we will interpret the rest of Scripture with a mystical, figurative sense as well. Commands and promises become bendable to my circumstances, molding to my own opinion.

Young-Earth Creationism Believes Scripture over ā€œScienceā€
Romans 1 says that ā€œwhat may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain.ā€ The creation of the world, Scripture says, is the tool God uses to teach about His ā€œinvisible qualitiesā€”his eternal power and divine nature.ā€ In our study of the created world, God is ā€œclearly seen, being understood from what has been made.ā€

True science is based upon observation of the physical world. In order to believe in evolution, we have to suppress our God-given senses of the physical world. We have to ignore physical evidence and exchange it for a lie.
Unbeknownst to themselves, dummies decry traditional religion while bowing their head to their own religion, Militant Secularism. One denomination of MS religion is the cult of Darwinism. As much as it is trumpeted by Secularists, there is no proof of same.

"Darwinism, by contrast, is an essential ingredient in secularism, that aggressive, quasi-religious faith without a deity. The Sternberg case seems, in many ways, an instance of one religion persecuting a rival, demanding loyalty from anyone who enters one of its churches -- like the National Museum of Natural History.ā€ The Branding of a Heretic

There is far more evidence for the God of the Bible. Examples on this thread.

1.We donā€™t often think about it, but we are lucky on this board to have some of the dumbest human beings around, folks for whom it wouldnā€™t be uncharacteristic to put the opposite shoes on their feet. Youā€™d see ā€˜em walkinā€™ around, oblivious, as they are about even important things. Anyway, weā€™d miss out on a lot of humor, and also, the inspiration to dash off responses, sometimes impolite ones.

Sometimes those dummies open the door to the discussion.

2. The other day, one of the dumbest was irate that I posted criticism of a saint in his religion, Darwinism, and he wrote this:

ā€œthere is MORE evidence that evolution is TRUE than that the bible is true.
in fact...THERE IS NO EVIDENCE that god exists at all!ā€
Real Scienceā€¦Not Darwin

BIG LETTERS!!! He sure was mad. But, he did cause me to consider if there is any evidence for the existence of God.

3. And he represents many of those who, no doubt, vote Democrat, and call themselves Liberals or Progressives, you know, the ā€˜tolerantā€™ folks. And they get really nasty if you donā€™t bow down to their god.
"It's shocking how much venom and bile you can stir up by criticizing Darwin in public. I more or less expected, when I wrote a post critical of evolutionary theory at, there'd be a few heated comments. I didn't expect so many of the 600+ comments to be so heated. Quite a few of the comments were and are just plain ugly. And the most vitriolic attacks came not from the religious right, but from supporters of Darwin! "
Scientists should be humble, not arrogant

4. Funny thing is, lots of actual scientists write critical papers disputing Darwinism, and many are religious folks, as well.
"According to a survey of members of the American Assn. for the Advancement of Science, conducted by the Pew Research Center in May and June this year, a majority of scientists (51%) say they believe in God or a higher power, while 41% say they do not.
ā€¦the public does not share scientistsā€™ certainty about evolution. While 87% of scientists say that life evolved over time due to natural processes, only 32% of the public believes this to be true, according to a different Pew poll earlier this year.

[As for Darwin himself, the] concluding sentence of ā€œOrigin of Speciesā€ speaks of a ā€œCreatorā€ breathing life ā€œinto a few forms or into one.ā€
What do scientists think about religion? - Los Angeles Times

Is that what the Darwinist fanatics so afraid of??

5. Hereā€™s an interesting point from Dennis Prager:
ā€œIn my lifetime alone, science went from positing a universe that always existed to positing a universe that had a beginning (the Big Bang). So, in just one generation [the Bible], in describing a beginning to the universe, went from conflicting with science to agreeing with scienceā€¦.[The Bible] should not violate essential truths (for example, it accurately depicts human beings as the last creation).ā€

And thatā€™s not the only corresponding point between modern science and a belief in Godā€¦.

And the Darwinists cannot abide by it.
Lol, point one was obviously a self portrait.

Prager is a lying sack of monkey nuts.

There is no objective proof of goD's existence. In fact I'd go so far as to say there's plenty of evidence against it.

Perhaps you know that there is no objective proof of Darwin's theory.....yet it is taught in school as though it is provne.

Strange, huh?
I don't know of any religious folks who don't accept that the earth is some three billion years old.
your ignorance is showing, as usual!
So why does a young-earth view of creation matter? Does the Bible have anything to say about this topic?

Young-Earth Creationism Supports the Concept of ā€œTruthā€
Is there such a thing as ā€œtruthā€? Or is everything relative? Even if truth exists, is it possible for us to know it?

These are the questions our children will have to grapple with. Even if we allow them to ā€œopen their mindsā€ to many different viewpoints, they will still eventually have to choose one or more that seems to make the most sense to them. What tools will they use to make those choices? All homeschoolers teach these skills to their children, whether they intend to or not.

It is significant that Scripture opens with the words, ā€œIn the beginning God created the heavens and the earthā€ (Genesis 1:1). These words form the most basic premise of everything else in the Bible. In other words, all other things presented in the Bible will be filtered through the lens of how we interpret the first verse.

If we believe that God ā€œcreatedā€ the world but we mean it only in a mystical, figurative sense, then we will interpret the rest of Scripture with a mystical, figurative sense as well. Commands and promises become bendable to my circumstances, molding to my own opinion.

Young-Earth Creationism Believes Scripture over ā€œScienceā€
Romans 1 says that ā€œwhat may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain.ā€ The creation of the world, Scripture says, is the tool God uses to teach about His ā€œinvisible qualitiesā€”his eternal power and divine nature.ā€ In our study of the created world, God is ā€œclearly seen, being understood from what has been made.ā€

True science is based upon observation of the physical world. In order to believe in evolution, we have to suppress our God-given senses of the physical world. We have to ignore physical evidence and exchange it for a lie.

I didn't say there weren't any....after all some fool claimed that there is proof that energy always existed.

What I said is I don't know of any, either types above.

You should learn to read more carelfully.
Unbeknownst to themselves, dummies decry traditional religion while bowing their head to their own religion, Militant Secularism. One denomination of MS religion is the cult of Darwinism. As much as it is trumpeted by Secularists, there is no proof of same.

"Darwinism, by contrast, is an essential ingredient in secularism, that aggressive, quasi-religious faith without a deity. The Sternberg case seems, in many ways, an instance of one religion persecuting a rival, demanding loyalty from anyone who enters one of its churches -- like the National Museum of Natural History.ā€ The Branding of a Heretic

There is far more evidence for the God of the Bible. Examples on this thread.

1.We donā€™t often think about it, but we are lucky on this board to have some of the dumbest human beings around, folks for whom it wouldnā€™t be uncharacteristic to put the opposite shoes on their feet. Youā€™d see ā€˜em walkinā€™ around, oblivious, as they are about even important things. Anyway, weā€™d miss out on a lot of humor, and also, the inspiration to dash off responses, sometimes impolite ones.

Sometimes those dummies open the door to the discussion.

2. The other day, one of the dumbest was irate that I posted criticism of a saint in his religion, Darwinism, and he wrote this:

ā€œthere is MORE evidence that evolution is TRUE than that the bible is true.
in fact...THERE IS NO EVIDENCE that god exists at all!ā€
Real Scienceā€¦Not Darwin

BIG LETTERS!!! He sure was mad. But, he did cause me to consider if there is any evidence for the existence of God.

3. And he represents many of those who, no doubt, vote Democrat, and call themselves Liberals or Progressives, you know, the ā€˜tolerantā€™ folks. And they get really nasty if you donā€™t bow down to their god.
"It's shocking how much venom and bile you can stir up by criticizing Darwin in public. I more or less expected, when I wrote a post critical of evolutionary theory at, there'd be a few heated comments. I didn't expect so many of the 600+ comments to be so heated. Quite a few of the comments were and are just plain ugly. And the most vitriolic attacks came not from the religious right, but from supporters of Darwin! "
Scientists should be humble, not arrogant

4. Funny thing is, lots of actual scientists write critical papers disputing Darwinism, and many are religious folks, as well.
"According to a survey of members of the American Assn. for the Advancement of Science, conducted by the Pew Research Center in May and June this year, a majority of scientists (51%) say they believe in God or a higher power, while 41% say they do not.
ā€¦the public does not share scientistsā€™ certainty about evolution. While 87% of scientists say that life evolved over time due to natural processes, only 32% of the public believes this to be true, according to a different Pew poll earlier this year.

[As for Darwin himself, the] concluding sentence of ā€œOrigin of Speciesā€ speaks of a ā€œCreatorā€ breathing life ā€œinto a few forms or into one.ā€
What do scientists think about religion? - Los Angeles Times

Is that what the Darwinist fanatics so afraid of??

5. Hereā€™s an interesting point from Dennis Prager:
ā€œIn my lifetime alone, science went from positing a universe that always existed to positing a universe that had a beginning (the Big Bang). So, in just one generation [the Bible], in describing a beginning to the universe, went from conflicting with science to agreeing with scienceā€¦.[The Bible] should not violate essential truths (for example, it accurately depicts human beings as the last creation).ā€

And thatā€™s not the only corresponding point between modern science and a belief in Godā€¦.

And the Darwinists cannot abide by it.
Lol, point one was obviously a self portrait.

Prager is a lying sack of monkey nuts.

There is no objective proof of goD's existence. In fact I'd go so far as to say there's plenty of evidence against it.

Perhaps you know that there is no objective proof of Darwin's theory.....yet it is taught in school as though it is provne.

Strange, huh?
You home skoolurs missed much when it came to relevant STEM work.
Prager's comment that, now, the fact that there was an origin to the universe, and the Bible always claimed, is accepted by even atheistic science.....
neither Prager nor the bigot's bible of hate can cope with the fact that science has proven that energy always existed!
IOW, energy existed before man created God.

What a stupid claim.
But....exactly what one would expect from you.
Again your homeschooled STUPIDITY is showing!!!
It has been PROVEN with a REPEATABLE EXPERIMENT that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. That proven SCIENTIFIC fact annihilates creationism at its core!!!!
Prager's comment that, now, the fact that there was an origin to the universe, and the Bible always claimed, is accepted by even atheistic science.....
neither Prager nor the bigot's bible of hate can cope with the fact that science has proven that energy always existed!
IOW, energy existed before man created God.

What a stupid claim.
But....exactly what one would expect from you.
Again your homeschooled STUPIDITY is showing!!!
It has been PROVEN with a REPEATABLE EXPERIMENT that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. That proven SCIENTIFIC fact annihilates creationism at its core!!!!

You said it was proven that energy was always here, yet modern science believes there was a beginning to the universe, to time the Bible states.

How stupid must you be to claim that something existed before anything existed.....AND....that you can prove it.

Maybe itā€™s time for you to have a brain scanā€¦.itā€™s possible the squirrel has died.
Perhaps you know that there is no objective proof of Darwin's theory.....yet it is taught in school as though it is provne.

Strange, huh?
Actually, Darwinā€™s theory is among the best supported theories in science.

Itā€™s better supported than the theory of talking snakes and a 6,000 year old planet.

Thatā€™s not strange at all.

Yet another disappointment. Yet another thread claiming proof of the gods yet no proof for any gods is presented.

Bummer, man.
You said it was proven that energy was always here, yet modern science believes there was a beginning to the universe, to time the Bible states.
Please show where SCIENCE says there was a beginning to energy, idiot!
" Gardens East Of Eden Creation In Full Form More Likely By Extraterrestrials *

* Irony Of Paradox *

ā€œthere is MORE evidence that evolution is TRUE than that the bible is true.
This is a very common logical fallacy known as a false dilemma. A bifurcation fallacy.

You cited that quotation as if it were Chic's words. She quoted someone else. This is known as misattribution.

Speaking as a lifelong athiest (sic) who is very tolerant of religious folks, I think it is a mistake to frame it as an either/or proposition in the first place.

And you still have not learned how to spell "atheist." More's the pity.

The 'evolution vs. bible' (sic) bullshit posits that either the bible (sic) must be true, or the theory of evolution must be true, when actually both could be true. And both could be false.

AFAIK, there is nothing in the bible (sic) that inherently contradicts evolution or vice-versa.

Darwin's very title of his seminal book stated that some humans were inferior to others. In its pages, he stated that before very long, those inferior races (Africans) would be eliminated.
Stalin LOVED this book and recommended it highly to his good friend, Adolph Hitler, an atheist committed to eliminating all religions, especially Jewish. In contrast, the Holy Bible said all men are made of the same blood and in God's image.

ā€œThe dogma of Christianity gets worn away before the advance of science. Religion will have to make more and more concessions. Gradually the myths crumble.ā€ ā€“ Adolf Hitler

Science is not inevitable. (Japan from 1639 to 1853 and China from 1450 for 500 years.) In short, the end of science is a much more practical goal for humanity than the end of faith. ā€“ The Irrational Atheist, by Vox Day, page 54
neither Prager nor the bigot's bible of hate can cope with the fact that science has proven that energy always existed!
IOW, energy existed before man created God.

"Science doesn't do proofs." - Professor John Lennox, Oxford
His lecture on YouTube, A Matter of Gravity, is something you need desperately to watch.
It will make you gnash your teeth and get very angry.

"Nothing is known for certain except in pure mathematics." - The Late Carl Sagan, whose science books are fraught with errors and left wing bias, the same as yours.

Again your homeschooled STUPIDITY (Political Chic) is showing!!!
It has been PROVEN with a REPEATABLE EXPERIMENT that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. That proven SCIENTIFIC fact annihilates creationism at its core!!!!

Please see Carl Sagan and John Lennox's quotes above about what science does NOT "prove" as you so gnashingly insist.

"Anger comes from the bosom of a fool." - The Holy Bible

"Pride goeth before a fall." - The Holy Bible

People of faith only have to explain evil. Atheists have to explain everything else. - Dennis Prager

neither Prager nor the bigot's bible of hate can cope with the fact that science has proven that energy always existed!
IOW, energy existed before man created God.

"Science doesn't do proofs." - Professor John Lennox, Oxford
His lecture on YouTube, A Matter of Gravity, is something you need desperately to watch.
It will make you gnash your teeth and get very angry.

"Nothing is known for certain except in pure mathematics." - The Late Carl Sagan, whose science books are fraught with errors and left wing bias, the same as yours.

Again your homeschooled STUPIDITY (Political Chic) is showing!!!
It has been PROVEN with a REPEATABLE EXPERIMENT that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. That proven SCIENTIFIC fact annihilates creationism at its core!!!!

Please see Carl Sagan and John Lennox's quotes above about what science does NOT "prove" as you so gnashingly insist.

"Anger comes from the bosom of a fool." - The Holy Bible

"Pride goeth before a fall." - The Holy Bible

People of faith only have to explain evil. Atheists have to explain everything else. - Dennis Prager

It must be a syndrome common to xtian extremists. Absent an ability to assemble words into sentences, they dump ''quotes'' in threads.
ā€œThe dogma of Christianity gets worn away before the advance of science. Religion will have to make more and more concessions. Gradually the myths crumble.ā€ ā€“ Adolf Hitler
FAKE QUOTE from the fake "Table Talk" book.
You cited that quotation as if it were Hitler's words. You quoted someone else. This is known as misattribution.

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