There is just so much to hate about President Trump

You can play stupid all you want.
That is your best response when you can’t dispute the facts?!? :uhh:
Nothing changes the fact he had nothing to do with job growth.
He had everything to do with job growth. I just proved that in the previous post that you ran from (approval of Keystone Pipeline, renegotiations of trade agreements, eliminating unconstitutional, job-killing Executive Orders by Barack Insane Obama, etc.).
More importantly, he is the first modern president to not achieve any major legislation at this point in his presidency. That’s with a republican congress. It’s pretty pathetic.
For the third time now, snowflake, the president sits in the executive branch. He does not craft, vote on, or pass, legislation. That is the constitutional responsibility of the legislative branch. The only thing pathetic is your lack of understanding of U.S. government.
You are such an idiot. Either you’re too stupid to know that Presidents work with congress to pass legislation or you are just a child pretending It doesn’t work that way. Which is it?
You are such an idiot. Either you’re too stupid to know that Presidents work with congress to pass legislation or you are just a child pretending It doesn’t work that way. Which is it?
It’s sad that you have no idea that the President is constitutionally forbidden from engaging in legislation. Not surprising though considering you are a Dumbocrat (they all view the presidency as a dictator with unlimited power).

Furthermore, even if we play your immature game and view it your way, it’s a reflection on the failure of the Republicans in Congress - not Trump, you dimwit.
You are such an idiot. Either you’re too stupid to know that Presidents work with congress to pass legislation or you are just a child pretending It doesn’t work that way. Which is it?
It’s sad that you have no idea that the President is constitutionally forbidden from engaging in legislation. Not surprising though considering you are a Dumbocrat (they all view the presidency as a dictator with unlimited power).

Furthermore, even if we play your immature game and view it your way, it’s a reflection on the failure of the Republicans in Congress - not Trump, you dimwit.
God you’re dense. Are you really too stupid to know that Presidents come up with signature legislation with congress, congress votes on it, and then the president signs off on it? ACA, the stimulus, and Bush’s Medicare expansion were all crafted this way you doofus.

Of course here’s a glaring Trump failure you’re pretending didn’t happen: the utter failure in repealing ACA.
It didn’t require legislation to renegotiate trade agreements.
Could you list ALL of the trade agreements that have been renegotiated as of TODAY???...LOL
Here you go...

China offers concessions to avert trade war with U.S.: FT

Now...can you tell us how you manage to be so profoundly ignorant and uninformed?

:dance::dance::dance: wrote (above) that Trump....."renegotiate[d] trade agreements"......Now,find a grown up walking by your basement and ask him or her if some "concessions" from China is the same as renegotiating a trade agreement...

Go the spirit of Thanksgiving, I'm sure that a grown up would be glad to help the "poorly educated"..........
If you are speaking of Uranium One deal that ship has sailed. She had nothing to do with it and neither did the guy who wrote the check to the foundation.

As you know well, the Uranium One scandal is just getting warmed up.
Maybe Trump should have thought about being respectful and non-combative against dozens of different groups of people. Too late fucker! You are the one that likes to throw stones but can't take the heat right the hell back.

Trump is a complete piece of shit.

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It didn’t require legislation to renegotiate trade agreements.
Could you list ALL of the trade agreements that have been renegotiated as of TODAY???...LOL
Here you go...

China offers concessions to avert trade war with U.S.: FT

Now...can you tell us how you manage to be so profoundly ignorant and uninformed?

:dance::dance::dance: wrote (above) that Trump....."renegotiate[d] trade agreements"......Now,find a grown up walking by your basement and ask him or her if some "concessions" from China is the same as renegotiating a trade agreement...
Ahahahahahah! Natalie here is embarrassed by her ignorance. Those “concessions” altered the existing Trade Agreement. That was done through his negotiations.

He literally renegotiated the trade agreements in favor of the U.S. Your desperate attempt to declare “hey...that doesn’t count” is pitiful.
Think about what this “jerk” has done...
  • Restored power to the states (per the U.S. Constitution)
  • Created over 1 million jobs for Americans
  • Secured the border
  • Eliminated illegal Executive Orders from previous regimes
  • Renegotiated trade agreements in America’s favor
  • Paid off $70 billion of the U.S. debt
And now he has the audacity to crack down hard on some of the worst crime in the U.S. How dare he make our streets exponentially safer for our children!

More than 200 arrested in crackdown on MS-13 gang

how delusional of you. :cuckoo:
Nope, completely false. The ACA, while flawed, is definitely not a disaster. If it was, enrollment would have stopped by now. It’s increased. Duh.

Stop pretending anyone feeds off of you. It’s so stupid. Food stamps cost the average tax payer $36 per year.
If only that were the only cost of maintaining negro vermin!

cost of maintaining white trash is higher.

2017’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States
Stop pretending anyone feeds off of you. It’s so stupid. Food stamps cost the average tax payer $36 per year.
That is $36 of my money that you are not entitled to. Not sure what is wrong with you to make you think you are entitled to what other people earned, but you’re not.
Al of it is true.

This president wants to kill millions of Americans, destroy the civil rights of entire groups of people and make life shit for all.

He has shown nothing but hatred for dozens of different groups of people but yet you think we're the ones hating? Look in the mirror. jeezz.
/——/ Your strawman arguments are so cute. Are you going to hold your breath and turn blue until Trump resigns?? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Nope, completely false. The ACA, while flawed, is definitely not a disaster. If it was, enrollment would have stopped by now. It’s increased. Duh.

Stop pretending anyone feeds off of you. It’s so stupid. Food stamps cost the average tax payer $36 per year.
If only that were the only cost of maintaining negro vermin!

cost of maintaining white trash is higher.

2017’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States
Where does it say that?
Nope, completely false. The ACA, while flawed, is definitely not a disaster. If it was, enrollment would have stopped by now. It’s increased. Duh.

Stop pretending anyone feeds off of you. It’s so stupid. Food stamps cost the average tax payer $36 per year.
If only that were the only cost of maintaining negro vermin!

cost of maintaining white trash is higher.

2017’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States
Where does it say that?

you need someone to tell you which of those states is red and which is blue? or do you not understand what being federally dependent means?
Stop pretending anyone feeds off of you. It’s so stupid. Food stamps cost the average tax payer $36 per year.
If only that were the only cost of maintaining negro vermin!

cost of maintaining white trash is higher.

2017’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States
Where does it say that?

you need someone to tell you which of those states is red and which is blue? or do you not understand what being federally dependent means?
I'm trying to see where it contradicts racial per capita statistics regarding welfare dependency. Stats I've seen show the negroes to be the vermin. Your stats apparently deal with the colors red and blue. Is that some sort of liberal pseudoscience you're trying to pass off as science in lieu of actual per capita racial statistics?
Stop pretending anyone feeds off of you. It’s so stupid. Food stamps cost the average tax payer $36 per year.
That is $36 of my money that you are not entitled to. Not sure what is wrong with you to make you think you are entitled to what other people earned, but you’re not.
I’m not on food stamps, you sack of shit.
Democrats hate. It’s what they do. The Democrat Party is the largest hate group in the USA.

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