There is just so much to hate about President Trump

Think about what this “jerk” has done...
  • Restored power to the states (per the U.S. Constitution)
  • Created over 1 million jobs for Americans
  • Secured the border
  • Eliminated illegal Executive Orders from previous regimes
  • Renegotiated trade agreements in America’s favor
  • Paid off $70 billion of the U.S. debt
And now he has the audacity to crack down hard on some of the worst crime in the U.S. How dare he make our streets exponentially safer for our children!

More than 200 arrested in crackdown on MS-13 gang

State rights? for bathrooms, but no marijuana. And States cant have their own net neutrality

A million jobs? labor participation is flat.
US economy neeeds to create 145,000 jobs per month to keep up with population growth.

Secured the border? tourism industry is losing billions.

Illegal executive order? And another one.

Renegotiated trade agreements in America’s favor.

Paid off $70 billion of the U.S. debt? never happened, he doesnt understand debt.
Think about what this “jerk” has done...
  • Restored power to the states (per the U.S. Constitution)
  • Created over 1 million jobs for Americans
  • Secured the border
  • Eliminated illegal Executive Orders from previous regimes
  • Renegotiated trade agreements in America’s favor
  • Paid off $70 billion of the U.S. debt
And now he has the audacity to crack down hard on some of the worst crime in the U.S. How dare he make our streets exponentially safer for our children!

More than 200 arrested in crackdown on MS-13 gang

Trump broke 80 promises in 100 days – ThinkProgress

Repeal and replace Obamacare???

Build the wall ???

Prosecute Hillary Clinton???

Muslim ban/registry ???

Tax cuts for all???

Minimize government waste, take no vacation days???

Al of it is true.

This president wants to kill millions of Americans, destroy the civil rights of entire groups of people and make life shit for all.

He has shown nothing but hatred for dozens of different groups of people but yet you think we're the ones hating? Look in the mirror. jeezz.
What civil rights does he want to destroy?
Freedom of Religion, for starters.
How is that?
His hostility towards Muslims and willingness to profile them based solely upon their faith. He also has no problems with the Christians promoting their faith using the government.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
Al of it is true.

This president wants to kill millions of Americans, destroy the civil rights of entire groups of people and make life shit for all.

He has shown nothing but hatred for dozens of different groups of people but yet you think we're the ones hating? Look in the mirror. jeezz.
What civil rights does he want to destroy?
Freedom of Religion, for starters.
How is that?
His hostility towards Muslims and willingness to profile them based solely upon their faith. He also has no problems with the Christians promoting their faith using the government.
You say that like it's a bad thing.

whether it is a bad or ?? GOOD thing-------I have not seen
any evidence that any of the accusations are true.. Any examples of governmental promotion of Christianity (or the Methodist faith)????

He wants to abridge "FREEDOM OF RELIGION"? got an
Think about what this “jerk” has done...
There's "so much to hate" about anything or anyone if you're filled with hate.

What a shitty way to go through life.
There's "so much to hate" about anything or anyone if you're filled with hate.

What a shitty way to go through life.
You didn't read the OP did you, Mac? You can't see much from that high horse you are on can you?
I hate the son of a bitch as I hate that he wants us to live in the 18th century, gut our safetynet, hates education, wants to put abunch of anti-freedom judges on the goddamn bench and so much more. The guys real scum and has earned it in spades.

Sound like another mentally unstable leftwing nut is about to go postal....
Al of it is true.

This president wants to kill millions of Americans, destroy the civil rights of entire groups of people and make life shit for all.

He has shown nothing but hatred for dozens of different groups of people but yet you think we're the ones hating? Look in the mirror. jeezz.
What civil rights does he want to destroy?
Freedom of Religion, for starters.
How is that?
His hostility towards Muslims and willingness to profile them based solely upon their faith. He also has no problems with the Christians promoting their faith using the government.
Oh, so there wasn't actually any law passed limiting freedom of religion in the USA, huh?
Think about what this “jerk” has done...
  • Restored power to the states (per the U.S. Constitution)
  • Created over 1 million jobs for Americans
  • Secured the border
  • Eliminated illegal Executive Orders from previous regimes
  • Renegotiated trade agreements in America’s favor
  • Paid off $70 billion of the U.S. debt
And now he has the audacity to crack down hard on some of the worst crime in the U.S. How dare he make our streets exponentially safer for our children!

More than 200 arrested in crackdown on MS-13 gang

Trump broke 80 promises in 100 days – ThinkProgress

Repeal and replace Obamacare???

Build the wall ???

Prosecute Hillary Clinton???

Muslim ban/registry ???

Tax cuts for all???

Minimize government waste, take no vacation days???


LOL, as Nat and his friends stopped everything, but it is Trump's fault.
LOL, as Nat and his friends stopped everything, but it is Trump's fault.

Moron....give it UP......

Your crooked side has a super majority in both chambers of congress.....So, where the fuck is that legislation to push through the orange clown's promises????..........LOL
Your crooked side has a super majority in both chambers of congress.....So, where the fuck is that legislation to push through the orange clown's promises????..........LOL
Snowflake...presidents sit in the executive branch. They don’t craft, vote on, or “push through” legislation. That is the exclusive responsibility of the legislative branch. :laugh:
LOL, as Nat and his friends stopped everything, but it is Trump's fault.

Moron....give it UP......

Your crooked side has a super majority in both chambers of congress.....So, where the fuck is that legislation to push through the orange clown's promises????..........LOL

When are you guys going to get out of the way? Wait, let me help you-------->after we hose your SENATORS running for re-election in 2018. Adios to you, and your obstructionism.

And let me be the 1st to tell you to get off the computer and watch TV between December 1st, and February 28th. Come back on March 1st, and tell us your chances then-)
I hate that he wants us to live in the 18th century. awful that we abide by the U.S. Constitution. If you weren’t so greedy, you’d realize that it’s actually awesome to live in liberty.
Think about what this “jerk” has done...
  • Restored power to the states (per the U.S. Constitution)
  • Created over 1 million jobs for Americans
  • Secured the border
  • Eliminated illegal Executive Orders from previous regimes
  • Renegotiated trade agreements in America’s favor
  • Paid off $70 billion of the U.S. debt
And now he has the audacity to crack down hard on some of the worst crime in the U.S. How dare he make our streets exponentially safer for our children!

More than 200 arrested in crackdown on MS-13 gang
Wait, so what specific legislation did all this?

That’s right - none.
None of it required “legislation”, snowflake. It didn’t require legislation to renegotiate trade agreements. It didn’t require legislation to pay off debt. It didn’t require legislation to secure the border (it already exists). And it didn’t require legislation to eliminate Barack Insane Obama’s illegal Executive Orders.

Thanks for playing! :laugh:
Snowflake...presidents sit in the executive branch. They don’t craft, vote on, or “push through” legislation. That is the exclusive responsibility of the legislative branch

MORON........we ALL know how bills are introduced and passed..,,,,,,

So, let me ask again to tax (pardon the expression) your half brain.......

If a president CANNOT influence any legislation, why the fuck does a candidate push for an agenda that he or she has no control over????

Your orange clown, was not only given the oval office but ALSO a majority in both chambers of congress......


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