Considering we are all supposed to be sons and daughters of god. I wonder if those around this world in slavery can see a downside? Those who are tortured, raped, murdered, robbed and abused - sometimes by the very people who claim they are in the service of god - can see a downside?
Seems to me these poor folk will need some major satisfying from this absent god bloke when they pass to his rehabilitation clinic in the sky.
There are those who praise the lord for their circumstances, who, had they been born in a different part of the world, be in a world of hurt.
So you carry on singing the praises of your lord, just don't forget there are those who share your passion for this no show who are enduring some pretty harsh conditions, which you would consider the downside.
Why not get out there and help your fellow believers, instead of making brash statements in hyper space which do little to help?
Join with them in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.

No!!! God rejecting unbelievers are children of satan, only believers that accept Jesus as their lord and savior are sons of God!!!
So you think all those who are not enjoying the comforts which you are accustom to are all unbelievers?
So you think all those who are not enjoying the comforts which you are accustom to are all unbelievers?

By this the children of God and the children of the devil are obvious: anyone who does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor the one who does not love his brother.(fellow believer)

11 For this is the message which you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another; 12 not as Cain, who was of the evil one and slew his brother. And for what reason did he slay him? Because his deeds were evil, and his brother’s were righteous.
1 john 3:10-12
Quite a bad case of tunnel vision you have there pal.
So those believers who are suffering the evils of this world are not true believers? Is that right?
Quite a bad case of tunnel vision you have there pal.
So those believers who are suffering the evils of this world are not true believers? Is that right?

While we are all capable of being God's children, not all are. Those who have committed themselves to Him are His children.
How do you know Gismys charitable record? Spreading the Good News is our reasonable service. Be careful not to condemn one for doing so. God's doesn't.
It is written that (especially in the end times) Christians will be persecuted for their beliefs. Not by God, but by man. There is an all out assault on Christians today, and we ain't seen nothing yet.

This life is a vapor. To endure hardship a moment, for Christ's sake, in exchange for an eternal life as co-heir of the universes, and to be with the Lord for eternity, is a small sacrifice on our part.

Why should we expect from mankind any different treatment than what man subjected Christ and the disciples to? The world hated them before they hated us.
If God wants Gismys to suffer, He'll suffer. God would rather bless His children. So, God Bless Gismys for preaching the word of the LORD. So may it be. So may it be.
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Do you know god GISMYS? You may boast about there being no downside (in your case maybe) but there are those a lot more worthy than yourself who do not have it easy like you. They are suffering just as your christ jesus did. Are you a better man because you are comfortable?

I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings
Do you know god GISMYS? You may boast about there being no downside (in your case maybe) but there are those a lot more worthy than yourself who do not have it easy like you. They are suffering just as your christ jesus did. Are you a better man because you are comfortable?

I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings

You haven't answered though GISMYS, are those who suffer the aforementioned ills not as worthy as yourself? Those experiencing the 'downside' They too know jesus, yet somehow don't live with his protection? Why is that?
You say jesus paid your sin debt on the cross, but what about those who believe in him outside of your cosy comfort community? Has he missed a payment or is he running up a debt like the US GOV?
Do you know god GISMYS? You may boast about there being no downside (in your case maybe) but there are those a lot more worthy than yourself who do not have it easy like you. They are suffering just as your christ jesus did. Are you a better man because you are comfortable?

I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings

Good, then know that we are judged according to the extent we judge others.

Gismys' walk with Christ is between Gismys, Christ and our Father. Christ said we live by EVERY word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Gismys is reminding us of those words. What is it you find fault with? That he isn't doing it while starving to death from a dungeon somewhere?
What makes you think comfort is not of God? Christ left us with the Comforter when He ascended to His Father.

If you insist on suffering move to Iraq. They have just turned 300 Christian churches into rubble. There are 57 left, so hurry so as not to miss out on pain and suffering.
Feel free to suffer all you want if you feel that is your calling, or what God requires of you. But remember that he also serves who stands and waits. 2 actions that do not require suffering at all.
God wants us to prosper. Man wants us to suffer. To hell with self righteous suffering or pious pain. Go with God and prosper. And if suffering is thrust on you, then do it with the peace that surpasses understanding, not so you can be like Jesus. :eusa_angel:

The exact number of American states there are according to this country's New Messiah!


I think not! Just proof that the number 57 is of some mystical importance to He and His following! Thank you for pointing that out! Here we had all been watching for his proclaiming 666!
Not at all Ms Ram...what I find fault with is the fact that he thinks because you believe, everything is rosy. It isn't, there are millions of followers/believers in Christ who do not have it as comfortable as he does.
Whilst we are on the subject of Christian suffering at the hands of Muslims, what about the Muslims suffering at the hands of Christians in Somalia?
The trouble with some believers - on every side I might add - is they only see things from their own perspective. If any of them/you really were true believers in the every man is made equal philosophy, there would be none of this us and them rhetoric.
As for my suffering? I do not feel any need suffer. Equally I do not feel the need to boast of my blessings as some do. God may call me to do as he wishes, as of yet, I haven't heard anything!
Not at all Ms Ram...what I find fault with is the fact that he thinks because you believe, everything is rosy. It isn't, there are millions of followers/believers in Christ who do not have it as comfortable as he does.
Whilst we are on the subject of Christian suffering at the hands of Muslims, what about the Muslims suffering at the hands of Christians in Somalia?
The trouble with some believers - on every side I might add - is they only see things from their own perspective. If any of them/you really were true believers in the every man is made equal philosophy, there would be none of this us and them rhetoric.
As for my suffering? I do not feel any need suffer. Equally I do not feel the need to boast of my blessings as some do. God may call me to do as he wishes, as of yet, I haven't heard anything!

God's Word=eternal truth!!!! I chose to believe it!!And forget none of His benefits!==== Bless the Lord, O my soul,
And all that is within me, bless His holy name.
Bless the Lord, O my soul,
And forget none of His benefits;
Who pardons all your iniquities,
Who heals all your diseases;
Who redeems your life from the pit,
Who crowns you with lovingkindness and compassion;
Who satisfies your years with good things,
So that your youth is renewed like the eagle.
Not at all Ms Ram...what I find fault with is the fact that he thinks because you believe, everything is rosy. It isn't, there are millions of followers/believers in Christ who do not have it as comfortable as he does.
Whilst we are on the subject of Christian suffering at the hands of Muslims, what about the Muslims suffering at the hands of Christians in Somalia?
The trouble with some believers - on every side I might add - is they only see things from their own perspective. If any of them/you really were true believers in the every man is made equal philosophy, there would be none of this us and them rhetoric.
As for my suffering? I do not feel any need suffer. Equally I do not feel the need to boast of my blessings as some do. God may call me to do as he wishes, as of yet, I haven't heard anything!

Then you must really hate King David! He boasted and sang and danced about the blessings our Father showers us with, personally, as a nation, on our houses, and as mankind, in the midst of hardship or comfort. Praise His name in the Sunshine and the rain.

1. Samuel 22:1-5
“These are the last words of David: “The oracle of David son of Jesse, the oracle of the man exalted by the Most High, the man anointed by the God of Jacob, Israel’s singer of songs”:

Psalm 3:8
Salvation belongs to the LORD; Thy blessing be upon Thy people! Selah

Psalm 1:1
How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, Nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!

And then there was Peter:

1 Peter 3:9
not returning evil for evil, or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead; for you were called for the very purpose that you might inherit a blessing.
Blessing begets blessings.

Man's inhumanity to man knows no bounds. It is sad regardless of religious affiliation, and not what God wants for man. He'd prefer we bless each other....
It is far better not to find fault with someone else's walk, than to magnify it to prove a point.

In the meantime, Be still and keep listening. He may just be saving the best for last. :)
May God bless you and yours.
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Ah yes King David. The adulterer who sent his lovers husband to die in battle for his throne? Any wonder he sung the praises of a god who forgave him sinning one of the ten commandments?
Sing on Ms Ram with all the quotes that cement your position, just remember there are as many quotes against the proud and boastful.
Do I hate King David? - I never gave him a thought until you mentioned him - But an adulterer and possibly a murderer? Maybe you shouldn't put him on such a high pedestal?
Ah yes King David. The adulterer who sent his lovers husband to die in battle for his throne? Any wonder he sung the praises of a god who forgave him sinning one of the ten commandments?
Sing on Ms Ram with all the quotes that cement your position, just remember there are as many quotes against the proud and boastful.
Do I hate King David? - I never gave him a thought until you mentioned him - But an adulterer and possibly a murderer? Maybe you shouldn't put him on such a high pedestal?

YES!!! God will forgive you of sin if you confess and repent in truth but don't think you can fool or play games with God!!!
Ah yes King David. The adulterer who sent his lovers husband to die in battle for his throne? Any wonder he sung the praises of a god who forgave him sinning one of the ten commandments?
Sing on Ms Ram with all the quotes that cement your position, just remember there are as many quotes against the proud and boastful.
Do I hate King David? - I never gave him a thought until you mentioned him - But an adulterer and possibly a murderer? Maybe you shouldn't put him on such a high pedestal?

Never met the man, never put him on a pedestal except to acknowledge his enduring love for our Father. But with all of David's shortcomings, (more than just one) God still loved his child enough to forgive him, because David asked to be forgiven and had a repentant heart. Something you have no insight into, nor do you seem to need it. You can judge a man's works.
Good thing for David, and the rest of us, you're not God, heh?
Judging gets you judged. But if it is that important for you to judge David's actions, or God's mercy on him, or Gismys motives, you certainly have that option. Here's hoping you have a spotless record.

What do you think God should have done concerning David's sins? Maybe you are right and God was wrong to be merciful to David. You seem to think David, of all people, scum that he was, got lucky. Bad God for the oversight and non judgment. For being merciful to David's iniquities and remembering his sins no more. Bad, bad God.
Good Potato to hold God, David and Gismys to your standards instead.
Surely, you know best. :eusa_angel:

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