There is no far-right extremism; liberals have no ideology


Aug 23, 2011
I've noticed that a lot of people bemoan the Republicans being "taken over" by the far-right. They think the Tea Party is far-right. They think every idea Republicans have is far-right. The term almost doesn't mean anything since so many people conclude it to mean "everything". Ever notice how nobody talks about the far-left? I don't even think most liberals think such a thing exists outside of a few pot-smoking hippies.

It's not that the right-wing is extremist or that the Republican party has been hijacked by these extremists. It's that the right-wing has an ideology that goes beyond the next election to speak of, and liberals are only concerned with looking good, tearing down the boogey men on the right, never being blamed for anything.

In fact, notice how liberals manage to reject any attempt to saddle them with an ideology. Socialism. Keynesian economics. The principles of Obama's early mentor, Saul Alinsky. Even speaking of "liberalism" in an ideological sense is rejected as harsh language.

It's seen as extremism by the far-right crazies to question what so many on the left assume is conventional wisdom. Like the notion that we needed a 2nd round of stimulus spending. Ok why? Why didn't Obama ask for it if it was needed? The HCR bill needed a public option. How are we going to pay for it? Why didn't he refuse to sign a bill that didn't have one? Democrats haven't taken a single hard budgetary vote in the last three years...but it's the far-right wackos who said we shouldn't spend so much that need to be squashed.
Maynard would disagree with you. He probably wouldn't like someone with your mindset using that avatar.
I've noticed that a lot of people bemoan the Republicans being "taken over" by the far-right. They think the Tea Party is far-right. They think every idea Republicans have is far-right. The term almost doesn't mean anything since so many people conclude it to mean "everything". Ever notice how nobody talks about the far-left? I don't even think most liberals think such a thing exists outside of a few pot-smoking hippies.

It's not that the right-wing is extremist or that the Republican party has been hijacked by these extremists. It's that the right-wing has an ideology that goes beyond the next election to speak of, and liberals are only concerned with looking good, tearing down the boogey men on the right, never being blamed for anything.

In fact, notice how liberals manage to reject any attempt to saddle them with an ideology. Socialism. Keynesian economics. The principles of Obama's early mentor, Saul Alinsky. Even speaking of "liberalism" in an ideological sense is rejected as harsh language.

It's seen as extremism by the far-right crazies to question what so many on the left assume is conventional wisdom. Like the notion that we needed a 2nd round of stimulus spending. Ok why? Why didn't Obama ask for it if it was needed? The HCR bill needed a public option. How are we going to pay for it? Why didn't he refuse to sign a bill that didn't have one? Democrats haven't taken a single hard budgetary vote in the last three years...but it's the far-right wackos who said we shouldn't spend so much that need to be squashed.

This is all wrong. No one talks about the far left? You wanna know why? Simply because after 2008 the far left was running this country, and they promised a lot. They promised a great health care overhaul, that after it passed no one liked. They promised to quickly end this recession and get America growing again, which we are still waiting for. When the next elections came around they got their proverbial butts handed to them and now the far left is sitting like an injured dog licking their wounds, being quite and not doing much.
And has the far right taken over the republican party? How about this from fox news
"One of the most astounding parts of the debate for me was when the moderators polled the candidates and asked if they would oppose a deficit reduction package that included government spending cuts to tax increases by a ratio of 10:1. Every single candidate on the stage raised their hand in opposition. No tax increases under any circumstances.
This puts the candidates out of step with the realities of America today, and American public opinion. As a CBS/New York Times poll from last week showed, a majority of Americans - in both political parties – want to see tax increases on the wealthiest Americans in addition to spending cuts. By taking the no-new-taxes-pledge the candidates are even in disagreement majority of the Republicans – the very people who will choose the nominee. "

Debate Shows GOP Is Out Of Step With Realities Of Today's America |
Liberal ideology = situational ethics driven by individualized, emotional rationalization.
This post, along with some other threads, seem to be more appropriate in the "Politics" section.
If by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people — their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties — someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal." ~ President John F Kennedy
BB I doubt you'd know a socio-political ideology if one bit you on the ass.

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