There is NO RISK in privatizing SS and investing in stock market!!!

Democrat sub-prime mortgages caused the meltdown, not the Republicans.

Dude, your stupidity is ASTOUNDING. Really. Fucking stupidity that is almost beyond belief. Do it hurt to be so stupid? It has to. I am surprised you can post your stupidity on a computer.

Don't you ever read ANYTHING beside right wing trash and bullshit? Your well thought out position that Dems caused the housing mess has been shown to be bullshit so many times it makes me think you can't read and comprehend anything beyond right wing nuts drivel. They keep it real simple for your simple mind, don't they?

Of course, you haven't offered a shred of proof to support your post.

How beautifully liberal!

It has been shown countless times that Democrats caused the sub-prime mortgage debacle. If you didn't soak your head in leftwing Kool-Aid, you might know the facts.

Briarpatty; LMAO. I should have gone with the short version of response that Dad 23 favors; Liar.

No shred of proof? Is that what you asked for? You and I both know that there is NOTHING that could be presented that you would believe, if that information was contrary to your right wing beliefs. And I do mean not a thing.

Just cut to the chase and admit that there is nothing that anyone could present that would change the fucked up thinking that you cling to. Saves a lot of time that way.

But proof? You got proof that the Dems came up with the idea of sub prime mortgages eh? And then made the banks make those bad nasty loans. With all that profit that the banks made.

Lets see your "proof" . You made the claim. It was Barney. Wasn't it? That's the guy you all always trot out. Good ole Barney.

Sure I can. The Community Reinvestment act, pushed banks to make bad loans. Bill Clinton pushed for more sub-prime lending, under the guise of being against the supposedly 'racists' Redlining.

In 1997, Freddie Mac, signed an agreement with two banks, to make bad loans, under the Community Reinvestment Act. The two banks were Bear Stearns, and First Union, which became Wachovia. Sound familiar?

The take off, of Sub-prime lending began in 1997, as did the start of the Housing Price bubble.

So, yes. Yes Government did in fact, cause the sub-prime boom, and the housing price bubble and the eventual melt down in 2008.

You want me to repost all the direct evidence?

"Sure I can. The Community Reinvestment act, pushed banks to make bad loans. Bill Clinton pushed for more sub-prime lending, under the guise of being against the supposedly 'racists' Redlining."


The historical "originate and hold" mortgage model was replaced with the "originate and distribute" model. Incentives were such that you could get paid just to originate and sell the mortgages down the pipeline, passing the risk along.

Nobody forced the big five investment banks to do what they did; they were not subject to CRA or other regulations common to depository banks. In fact, they mainly bought and sold loans rather than originate them. They did it because they thought they would make money.

Given CEOs' proclivity for government bashing, any lenders being driven to write bad loans by the CRA would have been on CNBC screaming at the top of their lungs.

But that dog that didn't bark.
Reagan and a Democratic Congress fixed Social Security in 1983. That will amount to about a 50 year fix. All we need is another 50 year fix and neither I nor 90% of you will ever have to worry about it again.

But it's not true. It didn't fix it for 50 years. Claim to, I get that, but that was false promise.

What's so funny is that Carter supposedly fixed it for 30 years and less than 30 months later, it was staring at a potential benefits cut. Reagan had to rescue it then too. One of those tax increases the left loves to quack about.

Jimmy Carter Social Security Amendments of 1977 Statement on Signing S. 305 Into Law.

I am happy to be here today to sign legislation which will reassure the 33 million people who are receiving benefits and the 104 million workers now making contributions that the social security system will be financially sound well into the next century.
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What's so funny is that Carter supposedly fixed it for 30 years and less than 30 months later, it was staring at a potential benefits cut. Reagan had to rescue it then too. One of those tax increases the left loves to quack about.

"What's so funny is that Carter supposedly fixed it for 30 years"

GOT A LINK , lol

What's so funny is that Carter supposedly fixed it for 30 years and less than 30 months later, it was staring at a potential benefits cut. Reagan had to rescue it then too. One of those tax increases the left loves to quack about.

"What's so funny is that Carter supposedly fixed it for 30 years"

GOT A LINK , lol


You need a link ?

But you run up the B.S. flag.

Go fuck yourself.

You are on ignore.
What's so funny is that Carter supposedly fixed it for 30 years and less than 30 months later, it was staring at a potential benefits cut. Reagan had to rescue it then too. One of those tax increases the left loves to quack about.

"What's so funny is that Carter supposedly fixed it for 30 years"

GOT A LINK , lol


You need a link ?

But you run up the B.S. flag.

Go fuck yourself.

You are on ignore.

Got it, YOU make up a bullshit premise and argue from there, when called on it, you run like the cowards conservatives are, lol
What's so funny is that Carter supposedly fixed it for 30 years and less than 30 months later, it was staring at a potential benefits cut. Reagan had to rescue it then too. One of those tax increases the left loves to quack about.

"What's so funny is that Carter supposedly fixed it for 30 years"

GOT A LINK , lol


You need a link ?

But you run up the B.S. flag.

Go fuck yourself.

You are on ignore.

SO NOTHING on your false premise yet huh?

YOU ARE SO f...king DUMB!!!
Ever hear of EMTALA???
"In 1986, Congress enacted the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) to ensure public access to emergency services regardless of ability to pay. Section 1867 of the Social Security Act imposes specific obligations on Medicare-participating hospitals that offer emergency services to provide a medical screening examination (MSE) when a request is made for examination or treatment for an emergency medical condition (EMC), including active labor, regardless of an individual's ability to pay. Hospitals are then required to provide stabilizing treatment for patients with EMCs. If a hospital is unable to stabilize a patient within its capability, or if the patient requests, an appropriate transfer should be implemented."
Emergency Medical Treatment Labor Act EMTALA - Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services

SO you dumb f..ks blaming insurance companies WHEN hospitals do this to recoup the above
EMTALA patient that aren't insured!!!

"How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers. We must charge each patient more to recover the unreimbursed cost of care provided to the uninsured and “government payers.”
From PAGE 1 of this document:

DO YOU comprehend the above hospital CEO statement?? Or does it go WAY over your head??
HE said the pad and pass charges that the uninsured run up in the claims they submit to the PAYERS..i.e. insurance companies/ Medicare!
PROVE ME wrong on this you dummy!! I have access to 6,000 hospital records as to what they charged Medicare...for example:

In 2012.. "The Florida hospital" in Tampa SENT to Medicare 1,120 claims for Computed Tomography without Contrast services..
Each claim filed with Medicare was for $3,639. (Do you understand? THIS IS WHAT THEY BILLED!)
The cost to do the CAT scan to the hospital - $59 (THIS IS WHAT IT COST THEM!!!)
A markup of $3,580.00 over the cost to do the service of: 6,067.8% MARK UP over costs!

SO again DUMMY!!!! Why do you think then if insurance companies have to pay the claims and PAYERS are being passed on the costs of the "UNINSURED" by the hospitals... DUMMY!!!
What would any business do ? RAISE the premiums as you so stupidly claim were used to make profits!
DUMMY!!! AVERAGE Insurance company NET profit BEFORE taxes and AFTER paying out 80% of premiums in CLAIMS is less then or 6% of gross revenue as profit --- BEFORE THEY PAID FEDERAL INCOME TAXES!

BUT of course total numbskulls such as you have NO grasp of how health insurance works!
Less grasp of how health expenses are calculated.
AND even LESS what it costs to operate a business much less an insurance company!
JUST plain ignorant comments....
OH and YES the EMTALA bill was Passed by a GOP Congress thinking they were doing something
beneficial when all they did was create a gigantic massive snowball of health care expenses!!!

The Reagan administration allowed healthcare insurance companies to invest customers premiums speculation in the market. When the market crashed in 1988, the realization for healthcare insurance companies was a loss in the hundreds of billions, thus the 180% increase in healthcare premiums.
If they get it, they will find a way to steal it, they are the government after all, it's what they do. It just fucking kills them that there is all that money out there that they cannot get their grubby mitts on.

Why don't you post your effective tax for 2013 and prove your point?
If they get it, they will find a way to steal it, they are the government after all, it's what they do. It just fucking kills them that there is all that money out there that they cannot get their grubby mitts on.

Why don't you post your effective tax for 2013 and prove your point?

You need me to prove that it kills liberals that they can't get their grubby mitts on more tax revenue?
YOU ARE SO f...king DUMB!!!
Ever hear of EMTALA???
"In 1986, Congress enacted the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) to ensure public access to emergency services regardless of ability to pay. Section 1867 of the Social Security Act imposes specific obligations on Medicare-participating hospitals that offer emergency services to provide a medical screening examination (MSE) when a request is made for examination or treatment for an emergency medical condition (EMC), including active labor, regardless of an individual's ability to pay. Hospitals are then required to provide stabilizing treatment for patients with EMCs. If a hospital is unable to stabilize a patient within its capability, or if the patient requests, an appropriate transfer should be implemented."
Emergency Medical Treatment Labor Act EMTALA - Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services

SO you dumb f..ks blaming insurance companies WHEN hospitals do this to recoup the above
EMTALA patient that aren't insured!!!

"How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers. We must charge each patient more to recover the unreimbursed cost of care provided to the uninsured and “government payers.”
From PAGE 1 of this document:

DO YOU comprehend the above hospital CEO statement?? Or does it go WAY over your head??
HE said the pad and pass charges that the uninsured run up in the claims they submit to the PAYERS..i.e. insurance companies/ Medicare!
PROVE ME wrong on this you dummy!! I have access to 6,000 hospital records as to what they charged Medicare...for example:

In 2012.. "The Florida hospital" in Tampa SENT to Medicare 1,120 claims for Computed Tomography without Contrast services..
Each claim filed with Medicare was for $3,639. (Do you understand? THIS IS WHAT THEY BILLED!)
The cost to do the CAT scan to the hospital - $59 (THIS IS WHAT IT COST THEM!!!)
A markup of $3,580.00 over the cost to do the service of: 6,067.8% MARK UP over costs!

SO again DUMMY!!!! Why do you think then if insurance companies have to pay the claims and PAYERS are being passed on the costs of the "UNINSURED" by the hospitals... DUMMY!!!
What would any business do ? RAISE the premiums as you so stupidly claim were used to make profits!
DUMMY!!! AVERAGE Insurance company NET profit BEFORE taxes and AFTER paying out 80% of premiums in CLAIMS is less then or 6% of gross revenue as profit --- BEFORE THEY PAID FEDERAL INCOME TAXES!

BUT of course total numbskulls such as you have NO grasp of how health insurance works!
Less grasp of how health expenses are calculated.
AND even LESS what it costs to operate a business much less an insurance company!
JUST plain ignorant comments....
OH and YES the EMTALA bill was Passed by a GOP Congress thinking they were doing something
beneficial when all they did was create a gigantic massive snowball of health care expenses!!!

The Reagan administration allowed healthcare insurance companies to invest customers premiums speculation in the market. When the market crashed in 1988, the realization for healthcare insurance companies was a loss in the hundreds of billions, thus the 180% increase in healthcare premiums.

The market crashed in 1988? LOL!
You need me to prove that it kills liberals that they can't get their grubby mitts on more tax revenue?

No. I'm disproving your overtaxed claim.

Show where I made that claim and then post your tax returns and I'll show how you're wrong.

'grubby mitts on more tax revenue'.......

Thanks for posting a quote that doesn't prove your claim.
It seems to be the thing you're best at.

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