There is NO shortage of smart people in politics, that is not what we need.


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
There is no shortage of educators to educate us about political corruption in America. But what we need is for one man to be very clear, to the point, and without wasting our time to tell us the solution, the way to end this political corruption. And since your time for me is limited, let me get right to the point. Like many others, I can not live my life, as a human being, knowing that my government, the government of America, regardless of political party, continues to support terrorism, to stir up wars, to serve the interests of international bankers under the disguise of bringing democracy. This government, could NEVER win a referendum with it's own people, it can only win popularity contests that they call democratic elections, where they select a few of their own friends, publicize them and call them opposition. They could never win a referendum because the majority of people are well aware, that many of the congressmen and senators are selected pedophiles and womanizers because they are easier to blackmail and control that way, people understand that there is a thriving human trafficking and sex slave trafficking business going on right under the nose of this establishment and it's allies in other so called democratic nations.

But the question is what is the alternative, electing a party with a new name is no guarantee that anything will change, it's been tried many times, and we all know what happens when all power is given to one man who then becomes a dictator. But the reality is, that only one man can unite a nation, two or more men can only divide a nation. So the solution is, to unite behind one man that we can trust, And we can not trust any men who are in any way associated with, who are showcasing on, the establishment media.
Hitler much?

The last thing we need is a cult of personality. Revolutions that stick are made of ideas, not men.
1. Hitler much?

2. The last thing we need is a cult of personality. Revolutions that stick are made of ideas, not men.
1. I did not have television service in my house for the last 20 years, so no, but I assume you DO have television service like most, and they tell you about Hitler every day, on history channel, on national geographic, and even the political experts on the news bamboozle you about Hitler, don't they?
2. Maybe you can give an example
Saying that "money is speech" is legitimating corruption. The problem is too much money in the hands of a very small minority of the world's population. Wealth has consolidated to the ruling class because the ruling class controls the means of our production. While society is dependent on the ruling class, the ruling class will continue to reap the profits and use their extravagant wealth to buy favor with politicians.

The key to ending the ruling class' control over the means of our production is for the majority of the working public to be able to contribute equally to the means of our production. This can be accomplished by allowing the middle and lower classes to grow industrial hemp for the production of transportation fuel and thousands of other essential everyday items. This resource can be grown anywhere, by anyone, and can end society's dependence on monopolized fossil fuels and other major industries while still supplying the majority of the world's needs.

Saying that "money is speech" is legitimating corruption.

No, it's establishing that economic freedom is every bit as important as freedom of expression. The day we give our freedom to spend our money as we see fit is the day we give up on freedom completely. A government that controls your wallet controls you, utterly.
Saying that "money is speech" is legitimating corruption.

No, it's establishing that economic freedom is every bit as important as freedom of expression. The day we give our freedom to spend our money as we see fit is the day we give up on freedom completely. A government that controls your wallet controls you, utterly.
Yeah, fuck all that. "Money is speech" means that those with the most money have the loudest voices. You are a broke schmuck on a messageboard like the rest of us. You don't make the rules. You need to learn that the system was designed by the rich for the rich. They feed you that bullshit that your money is just as good as theirs to make you support the system that they designed for themselves.
Saying that "money is speech" is legitimating corruption.

No, it's establishing that economic freedom is every bit as important as freedom of expression. The day we give our freedom to spend our money as we see fit is the day we give up on freedom completely. A government that controls your wallet controls you, utterly.
Yeah, fuck all that. "Money is speech" means that those with the most money have the loudest voices. You are a broke schmuck on a messageboard like the rest of us. You don't make the rules. You need to learn that the system was designed by the rich for the rich. They feed you that bullshit that your money is just as good as theirs to make you support the system that they designed for themselves.

If you don't like what they have to say, don't give them your money.
More dumb people then? Nah. We have enough progressives in politics:)
No, it's establishing that economic freedom is every bit as important as freedom of expression. The day we give our freedom to spend our money as we see fit is the day we give up on freedom completely. A government that controls your wallet controls you, utterly.
Yeah, fuck all that. "Money is speech" means that those with the most money have the loudest voices. You are a broke schmuck on a messageboard like the rest of us. You don't make the rules. You need to learn that the system was designed by the rich for the rich. They feed you that bullshit that your money is just as good as theirs to make you support the system that they designed for themselves.

If you don't like what they have to say, don't give them your money.
I don't give them my money now and yet they still write laws written by the super-rich for the super-rich. My money doesn't matter to them. Your money doesn't matter to them, either. They get more than enough from the super-rich.

Maybe Americans should be asking themselves why elections suddenly cost billions of dollars to hold.
The problem is the shortage of smart people who put smart politicians in office. Today's excuse for an education system teaches kids to put a condom on a banana and not much else. Ignorant Blacks call Clarence Thomas an "uncle tom" because he is a legal genious who doesn't conform to the stereotype that democrats have created for Black people. Why does the radical left (and moderate right?) hate the Tea Party? Because they are smart people who are asking the right questions and trying to put the best people in office.
Yeah, fuck all that. "Money is speech" means that those with the most money have the loudest voices. You are a broke schmuck on a messageboard like the rest of us. You don't make the rules. You need to learn that the system was designed by the rich for the rich. They feed you that bullshit that your money is just as good as theirs to make you support the system that they designed for themselves.

If you don't like what they have to say, don't give them your money.
I don't give them my money now and yet they still write laws written by the super-rich for the super-rich. My money doesn't matter to them. Your money doesn't matter to them, either. They get more than enough from the super-rich.

Maybe Americans should be asking themselves why elections suddenly cost billions of dollars to hold.

The answer is obvious. Elections cost billions of dollars because elected officials can manipulate the economy. If you want to eliminate the corruption, you need to eliminate the ability of Congress to monkey in economics on behalf of their sponsors. The liberal interpretation of the Commerce Clause is the heart and soul of this problem.
Mandatory voting would do much to reduce corrupt practices in government.

Enhance revenue, too, as a cleverly disguised tax on NOT voting might pay off The Great Obama Deficit in hours!
The problem is the shortage of smart people who put smart politicians in office. Today's excuse for an education system teaches kids to put a condom on a banana and not much else. Ignorant Blacks call Clarence Thomas an "uncle tom" because he is a legal genious who doesn't conform to the stereotype that democrats have created for Black people. Why does the radical left (and moderate right?) hate the Tea Party? Because they are smart people who are asking the right questions and trying to put the best people in office.

BAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!! The Teabaggers who said "Let's teabag the White House" are smart people? The right-wing religious fundamentalist Christian Teabagger Taliban terrorist cowards who threatened US Federal agents with armed violence from behind volunteer human shields to protect a racist criminal who lost in court four times over twenty years? These are smart people? They're asking the right questions? "What happened in Benghazi!? Something happened in Benghazi! We just KNOW something happened! Because we're SMART! Tell us what happened in Benghazi!"

The brilliant Teabagger wing of the right-wing fundamentalist Christian neo-Confederate Republican party. America's bright future of old white Conservatives.
If you don't like what they have to say, don't give them your money.
I don't give them my money now and yet they still write laws written by the super-rich for the super-rich. My money doesn't matter to them. Your money doesn't matter to them, either. They get more than enough from the super-rich.

Maybe Americans should be asking themselves why elections suddenly cost billions of dollars to hold.

The answer is obvious. Elections cost billions of dollars because elected officials can manipulate the economy. If you want to eliminate the corruption, you need to eliminate the ability of Congress to monkey in economics on behalf of their sponsors. The liberal interpretation of the Commerce Clause is the heart and soul of this problem.

The problem isn't in the millions of dollars needed for a federal campaign. Qualified candidates can raise the money easily. The problem ain't money in politics. The supreme court correctly ruled that money is speech. It's interesting to note that the same people who seem to have a knee jerk opposition to lawful campaign contributions are the same people who sit on their asses and criticize grassroots hard working people like the Tea Party who want to make things better.
There is no shortage of educators to educate us about political corruption in America. But what we need is for one man to be very clear, to the point, and without wasting our time to tell us the solution, the way to end this political corruption. And since your time for me is limited, let me get right to the point. Like many others, I can not live my life, as a human being, knowing that my government, the government of America, regardless of political party, continues to support terrorism, to stir up wars, to serve the interests of international bankers under the disguise of bringing democracy. This government, could NEVER win a referendum with it's own people, it can only win popularity contests that they call democratic elections, where they select a few of their own friends, publicize them and call them opposition. They could never win a referendum because the majority of people are well aware, that many of the congressmen and senators are selected pedophiles and womanizers because they are easier to blackmail and control that way, people understand that there is a thriving human trafficking and sex slave trafficking business going on right under the nose of this establishment and it's allies in other so called democratic nations.

But the question is what is the alternative, electing a party with a new name is no guarantee that anything will change, it's been tried many times, and we all know what happens when all power is given to one man who then becomes a dictator. But the reality is, that only one man can unite a nation, two or more men can only divide a nation. So the solution is, to unite behind one man that we can trust, And we can not trust any men who are in any way associated with, who are showcasing on, the establishment media.

We don't need more smart people?

But that is what we are sold by collectivists. Just look at History and you will see collectivist leaders like Lenin, Mao, Chavez all embalmed and put under glass for all eternity. Why? It's because they have made themselves a god to the people. They have convinced them that they cannot live without them, so they opt for being under glass so that the people never have to live without them.

It's like Obama really. We were all sold on the notion of just how smart this Harvard graduate was. I guess it makes sense really. Collectivists wish to run every aspect of our lives. They want to tell us what doctor to see, how our children will be educated, and even what type of light bulb or toilet we can use. For someone with this much power over us, he better be a god.
Rich people are getting richer and everyone else is having their food stamps cut. This is proof that liberal collectivists are redistributing all of the wealth to lazy moochers.

Smart teabaggers.
There is NO shortage of smart people in politics, that is not what we need.

Yea, because stupid people like Bush and Boehner have done so well.
Rich people are getting richer and everyone else is having their food stamps cut. This is proof that liberal collectivists are redistributing all of the wealth to lazy moochers.

Smart teabaggers.

Where is my EBT card??

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