There Is No Such Thing As A Future The Antichrist.

Unfortunately, replacing the physical forms that had souls is all that is left us now. Right now less than half of the people being born have souls. This will only increase as the physical population increases. The best all-around thing this world could do is reduce the population drastically.

is that subjective, not to mention -


ludicrous, though there is sympathy for your rhetorical beliefs.
sorry, that's not computing ... there seems something fundamental - lacking in your brain.
That's not the case, but I can't prove it to you; that's up to your own journey. At least you've been informed of the truth.
That's not the case, but I can't prove it to you; that's up to your own journey. At least you've been informed of the truth.

or misconceptions you claim are facts ... what does not function for a metaphysical cohesion that does exist.

you're not present in anyone else's physiology than your own, why would you want to be -

your own might be of your own creation what planet you visit otherwise you are a parasite and is not possible.
or misconceptions you claim are facts ... what does not function for a metaphysical cohesion that does exist.

you're not present in anyone else's physiology than your own, why would you want to be -

your own might be of your own creation what planet you visit otherwise you are a parasite and is not possible.
Hardly a parasite. The human race to exist without us.
We understand 2 things, 1) You see yourself as a "superior" being and 2) You truly believe that we are inferior and that when the time comes and you decide people like us are holding your great leap forward back you will call for our annihilation.
In other words, he's trying to eat your God's lunch. Go get him, tiger!
Some people will always have enemies; even when they don't have them, they will create them.

You aren't an "enemy", I see you as deluded as you think I am. You are a New Ager and that's fine. I am Bible believing Christian and that's fine too. The difference is you are pretentions and condescending to those who think differently than you. We all get to choose.
No, you deal in what you have chosen to be true and look down on everyone else.

An interesting possibility that no one seems to consider with people like stann, or anyone 'hearing voices' or claiming that the devil or a malevolent entity, not of this world, has invaded their thoughts and is trying to possess their soul is that they may be telling the truth however confused they may be about what is actually happening to them. Much related behavioral aberrations in people are indications that they are resisting while others do not resist at all and even feel blessed like Stann believing the lies by which Us has gained entry.

Think about it. In NT "unclean spirits" cast out by Jesus spoke in the plural. "We are many"

If there was intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, whether good or malevolent, they would have noticed that this planet was teeming with life millions of years before the first human to wonder about a fart was born. Some might have taken advantage while others have taken pity as is what is described in the creation story and its teaching about the knowledge of good and evil, clean and unclean etc., concepts that did not exist on this planet before.

'The world was without shape or form (lawless) and void (astonishingly pointless); and darkness (superstition, ignorance) covered the face of the deep (the unknown)'

"And the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said "let there be light"
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No souls?

"What does it profit a man if he should gain all the money in the world at the cost of his own soul? All the money in the world can't buy it back." Jesus H. Christ!

Think of the soul as sanity. There are lots of people out there who have lost that long ago.

And even if they had all of the money in the world they still couldn't buy it back.

But everyone whose 'demons" were cast out by Jesus were restored to a right mind, sanity.
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"What does it profit a man if he should gain all the money in the world at the cost of his own soul? All the money in the world can't buy it back." Jesus H. Christ!

Think of the soul as sanity. There are lots of people out there who have lost that long ago.

And even if they had all of the money in the world they still couldn't buy it back.

But everyone whose 'demons" were cast out by Jesus were restored to a right mind, sanity.

really hob, how is reading the false desert books - not losing your own unique spirit, their 10 commandments an example. tablets that never existed.

that's what they have done for centuries stole the spirits of the unsuspecting ... (and its their own fault) is the excuse used to not put an end to it.
really hob, how is reading the false desert books - not losing your own unique spirit, their 10 commandments an example. tablets that never existed.

that's what they have done for centuries stole the spirits of the unsuspecting ... (and its their own fault) is the excuse used to not put an end to it.

The desert books are not false. How Gentiles interpret them, literally, is the problem, what is false. If you hope to get anywhere in your quest for good to triumph over evil, think Jewish.

Scripture was deliberately written in figurative language to both educate their own and divert their many more powerful, numerous, superstitious, and violent enemies hell bent on destroying them and by usurping those writings received the destruction intended for Israel.

So try to remember. Your argument is with those who have usurped scripture knowing nothing about what Jewish people have never hidden from anyone at least since Jesus came and revealed it and Maimonides confirmed it in 1190 c.e.. Scripture uses figurative language - metaphors, analogies, homonyms, similis, hyperbole, etc. - to teach so stop bitching about false desert books and desert dwellers and learn something already. Damn.
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