There Is No Way Obama Can Get Re-Elected


Jul 19, 2011
How in the world is Barack Obama going to get re-elected as President? The economy was in shambles when he came into office, and its still in shambles. That is not change that we can believe in, surely. Of course, it is certainly not all Obama's fault. The economy is still suffering a hangover from the financial crisis, when the problems in the system were never addressed, merely papered over. America is becoming an economic disaster zone, the exact outcome that Obama told us he would avert. It was all about jobs, and getting people back to work, the economy on track etc... What a bunch of crap.

Source: Benzinga
Hey - the market's tanking again today, our unemployment rate is higher than Mexico, gas is $4+ gallon, and there's a shovel-ready job for everyone !

Who wouldn't re-elect him ?
How in the world is Barack Obama going to get re-elected as President? The economy was in shambles when he came into office, and its still in shambles. That is not change that we can believe in, surely. Of course, it is certainly not all Obama's fault. The economy is still suffering a hangover from the financial crisis, when the problems in the system were never addressed, merely papered over. America is becoming an economic disaster zone, the exact outcome that Obama told us he would avert. It was all about jobs, and getting people back to work, the economy on track etc... What a bunch of crap.

Source: Benzinga

The bottom line.....

He was not able to handle the situation as he promised he would...regardeless of who created the problem.

If the democratic party truly cared about getting the country moving forward, they would have another democrat compete in a primary.

Obama has proven that he is not up to the task. Not his is a difficult task...but he is not the person to handle it.
Hey - the market's tanking again today, our unemployment rate is higher than Mexico, gas is $4+ gallon, and there's a shovel-ready job for everyone !

Who wouldn't re-elect him ?

Workers still on stand by

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How in the world is Barack Obama going to get re-elected as President? The economy was in shambles when he came into office, and its still in shambles. That is not change that we can believe in, surely. Of course, it is certainly not all Obama's fault. The economy is still suffering a hangover from the financial crisis, when the problems in the system were never addressed, merely papered over. America is becoming an economic disaster zone, the exact outcome that Obama told us he would avert. It was all about jobs, and getting people back to work, the economy on track etc... What a bunch of crap.

Source: Benzinga

Remember that his base is the same kind of person that thinks FDR was a good president...the guy who presided over the worst economic performance in our history. If there were a football coach that never won a game while his team realized financial ruin...that would be their favorite coach. He might of lost every game, but we would have lost by more if it weren't for the coach??? Logic and reason is not their strong suit.
How in the world is Barack Obama going to get re-elected as President? The economy was in shambles when he came into office, and its still in shambles. That is not change that we can believe in, surely. Of course, it is certainly not all Obama's fault. The economy is still suffering a hangover from the financial crisis, when the problems in the system were never addressed, merely papered over. America is becoming an economic disaster zone, the exact outcome that Obama told us he would avert. It was all about jobs, and getting people back to work, the economy on track etc... What a bunch of crap.

Source: Benzinga

Why wouldn't President Obama be reelected? Bachmann, Romney, Perry, Huckabee, Palin, Palenty, Huntsman, Gingrich, Paul, Santorum, Cain, McCotter (who?), Roemner, Bolton and Daniels are all very good reasons to vote for President Obama.

Most of these wannabees have a thing or two in common, and that one thing is not an idea, a vision or a plan. It is an ambition to be "The Man" or "The Woman" and the willingness to arrouse the emotions, passions and prejudices of the voters to earn the power and popoularity necessary to get the GOP nomination. They are for the most part empty suits (pants or vested).

GOPers have no idea who they want to be their nominee, most pick none of the above in polls. And even some of thsoe named don't seem to want the nomination, they like Trump are simply promoting themselves - or their underlings are - for greater name recognition and some face time in the national media.
How in the world is Barack Obama going to get re-elected as President? The economy was in shambles when he came into office, and its still in shambles. That is not change that we can believe in, surely. Of course, it is certainly not all Obama's fault. The economy is still suffering a hangover from the financial crisis, when the problems in the system were never addressed, merely papered over. America is becoming an economic disaster zone, the exact outcome that Obama told us he would avert. It was all about jobs, and getting people back to work, the economy on track etc... What a bunch of crap.

Source: Benzinga

Why wouldn't President Obama be reelected? Bachmann, Romney, Perry, Huckabee, Palin, Palenty, Huntsman, Gingrich, Paul, Santorum, Cain, McCotter (who?), Roemner, Bolton and Daniels are all very good reasons to vote for President Obama.

Most of these wannabees have a thing or two in common, and that one thing is not an idea, a vision or a plan. It is an ambition to be "The Man" or "The Woman" and the willingness to arrouse the emotions, passions and prejudices of the voters to earn the power and popoularity necessary to get the GOP nomination. They are for the most part empty suits (pants or vested).

GOPers have no idea who they want to be their nominee, most pick none of the above in polls. And even some of thsoe named don't seem to want the nomination, they like Trump are simply promoting themselves - or their underlings are - for greater name recognition and some face time in the national media.

You are correct.
Not one of those canddiates stood up during the debt ceiling debate with an idea....other than Bachmann...
Not that I am saying Bachmann is the woman for the job (have not yet put any thought into it)....but the others? Spineless wannabees afraid to be criticized.

This election is for the GOP to win...not for Obama to lose....and the GOP better dam well stop playing politics and start coming up with ideas.

My opinion.....Obama and his lack of leadership (in my eyes) has opened the door for the GOP to win.

Now the GOP needs to capitalize on it...or we will have 4 more years of passing the buck backwards and little to no progress.
How in the world is Barack Obama going to get re-elected as President? The economy was in shambles when he came into office, and its still in shambles. That is not change that we can believe in, surely. Of course, it is certainly not all Obama's fault. The economy is still suffering a hangover from the financial crisis, when the problems in the system were never addressed, merely papered over. America is becoming an economic disaster zone, the exact outcome that Obama told us he would avert. It was all about jobs, and getting people back to work, the economy on track etc... What a bunch of crap.

Source: Benzinga

Why wouldn't President Obama be reelected? Bachmann, Romney, Perry, Huckabee, Palin, Palenty, Huntsman, Gingrich, Paul, Santorum, Cain, McCotter (who?), Roemner, Bolton and Daniels are all very good reasons to vote for President Obama.

Most of these wannabees have a thing or two in common, and that one thing is not an idea, a vision or a plan. It is an ambition to be "The Man" or "The Woman" and the willingness to arrouse the emotions, passions and prejudices of the voters to earn the power and popoularity necessary to get the GOP nomination. They are for the most part empty suits (pants or vested).

GOPers have no idea who they want to be their nominee, most pick none of the above in polls. And even some of thsoe named don't seem to want the nomination, they like Trump are simply promoting themselves - or their underlings are - for greater name recognition and some face time in the national media.

That's the issue in a nutshell. The difference between Reagan/Carter in 1980 and Clinton/Dole in 96 or Bush/Kerry in 2004 is the difference between a weak President facing a strong challenger, and a weak President facing an even weaker challenger.

In 2004 common knowledge was that Bush was ripe for losin'. He was trailing to anyone but Bush in many polls. The Democrats picked Kerry, and as much as I disliked Bush I ended up voting for him, along with most of the rest of the rational folks left in the USA. Ditto Clinton, who was considered an obvious candidate for the One Term Club.

If the GOP runs a strong candidate in 2012, they'll easily beat Obama. Easily. If on the other hand they run Bachmann or her level of candidate, then you'll see Obama win.

Right now the game is entirely in the GOP's court. Choose well.
How in the world is Barack Obama going to get re-elected as President? The economy was in shambles when he came into office, and its still in shambles. That is not change that we can believe in, surely. Of course, it is certainly not all Obama's fault. The economy is still suffering a hangover from the financial crisis, when the problems in the system were never addressed, merely papered over. America is becoming an economic disaster zone, the exact outcome that Obama told us he would avert. It was all about jobs, and getting people back to work, the economy on track etc... What a bunch of crap.

Source: Benzinga

How? The Party of No has NO one.
How in the world is Barack Obama going to get re-elected as President? The economy was in shambles when he came into office, and its still in shambles. That is not change that we can believe in, surely. Of course, it is certainly not all Obama's fault. The economy is still suffering a hangover from the financial crisis, when the problems in the system were never addressed, merely papered over. America is becoming an economic disaster zone, the exact outcome that Obama told us he would avert. It was all about jobs, and getting people back to work, the economy on track etc... What a bunch of crap.

Source: Benzinga

But the Republicans are in a shambles too, so that makes it pretty much a dead heat, as long as someone like Romney is the candidate. If they're stupid enough to nominate someone like Bachmann, I don't see where they have a prayer.
He'll " win" by a small margin and you idiots, as usual, won't know the difference.
He's been very good to the people that own you.
How in the world is Barack Obama going to get re-elected as President? The economy was in shambles when he came into office, and its still in shambles. That is not change that we can believe in, surely. Of course, it is certainly not all Obama's fault. The economy is still suffering a hangover from the financial crisis, when the problems in the system were never addressed, merely papered over. America is becoming an economic disaster zone, the exact outcome that Obama told us he would avert. It was all about jobs, and getting people back to work, the economy on track etc... What a bunch of crap.

Source: Benzinga

Why wouldn't President Obama be reelected? Bachmann, Romney, Perry, Huckabee, Palin, Palenty, Huntsman, Gingrich, Paul, Santorum, Cain, McCotter (who?), Roemner, Bolton and Daniels are all very good reasons to vote for President Obama.

Most of these wannabees have a thing or two in common, and that one thing is not an idea, a vision or a plan. It is an ambition to be "The Man" or "The Woman" and the willingness to arrouse the emotions, passions and prejudices of the voters to earn the power and popoularity necessary to get the GOP nomination. They are for the most part empty suits (pants or vested).

GOPers have no idea who they want to be their nominee, most pick none of the above in polls. And even some of thsoe named don't seem to want the nomination, they like Trump are simply promoting themselves - or their underlings are - for greater name recognition and some face time in the national media.

You are correct.
Not one of those canddiates stood up during the debt ceiling debate with an idea....other than Bachmann...
Not that I am saying Bachmann is the woman for the job (have not yet put any thought into it)....but the others? Spineless wannabees afraid to be criticized.

This election is for the GOP to win...not for Obama to lose....and the GOP better dam well stop playing politics and start coming up with ideas.

My opinion.....Obama and his lack of leadership (in my eyes) has opened the door for the GOP to win.

Now the GOP needs to capitalize on it...or we will have 4 more years of passing the buck backwards and little to no progress.

IMO Obama has the correct vision for leadership, he simply won't "damn the torpedos" and go full speed ahead. He is too willing to compromise and wants consensus; that is something no leader should expect.

Those who argue Democrats and Republcans are no different couldn't be more mistaken; Obama ran as a Democrat and there are some key principles on which he should not compromise, among these are social security and medicare. Republicans hope to abolish and privatize both to further enrich the investor class and the institutions (Wall Street) with whom they abet.

Obama must support unions and the ability for people to collectively bargin, history is replete with conflict and chaos where power is limited to governing body run by a wealthy ruling class. This (a plutocracy) in my opinion and not mine alone, is the ultimate goal of the New Right which today controls the Republican Party.

Those who argue, and there are many today, that the left seeks a workers paradise or utopia, and that the left is anyone and everyone who disagees with the policies of Ronald Reagan and the practices of Geroge W. Bush are simply practicing a Big Lie tactic. A tactic used by demagoues and despots throughout world history.

Yes there are extemists on the left, they have for the most part gravitated to the Socialist Workers Party or the Peace and Freedom Party or protest violently as do some environmental activists and some in PETA - YET they have not taken control of the Democratic Party as have the extremist of today who dominate the Republican Party.
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There Is No Way Obama Can Get Re-Elected



Close to 50% of the electorate are proud members of the parasitic faction - they vote early and often - so why did you exclude them from the equation.

A WELFARE STATE = Government Buy the people.

Only complete fucking intellectual IDIOTS and MORONS would vote for this little lop eared, purple lipped, pimp strut, community organizer, ZERO experience, radical, NWO, George Soros puppet, racist, muslim, socialist, marxist, black theologist, spread the wealth around, business hating, anti American piece of SHIT again.

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How in the world is Barack Obama going to get re-elected as President? The economy was in shambles when he came into office, and its still in shambles. That is not change that we can believe in, surely. Of course, it is certainly not all Obama's fault. The economy is still suffering a hangover from the financial crisis, when the problems in the system were never addressed, merely papered over. America is becoming an economic disaster zone, the exact outcome that Obama told us he would avert. It was all about jobs, and getting people back to work, the economy on track etc... What a bunch of crap.

Source: Benzinga

But the Republicans are in a shambles too, so that makes it pretty much a dead heat, as long as someone like Romney is the candidate. If they're stupid enough to nominate someone like Bachmann, I don't see where they have a prayer.

If the Republicans nominate a Tea Party type candidate, then moderate Republicans will stay home. If they nominate a moderate, then the Tea Party supporters will stay home. Remove the healthcare legislation, and Obama is just about as centrist as Romney or Huntsman.

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