There is nothing more regressive than progressives

What once was a thriving, successful nation has been decimated by left-wing ideology. Nothing ends in poverty, misery, and death like left-wing policy...

Socialism Has Destroyed Venezuela
America has had socialism since the Constitution was ratified.
And since the ratification America has continually added more socialism. As many nations America is a mixture of socialism and capitalism. I would suspect some sharp economists might even find a light sprinkle of fascism and a pinch of communism.
What once was a thriving, successful nation has been decimated by left-wing ideology. Nothing ends in poverty, misery, and death like left-wing policy...

Socialism Has Destroyed Venezuela
America has had socialism since the Constitution was ratified.
And since the ratification America has continually added more socialism. As many nations America is a mixture of socialism and capitalism. I would suspect some sharp economists might even find a light sprinkle of fascism and a pinch of communism.
That's the only thing that you've said that is accurate. America has continually added more socialism - but that idiocy didn't begin until the early 1900's with the rise of communism/socialism/marxis/liberalism. When we ratified the U.S. Constitution - there was no socialism no matter how desperately you want to believe otherwise or how desperately you want to revise history.
What once was a thriving, successful nation has been decimated by left-wing ideology. Nothing ends in poverty, misery, and death like left-wing policy...

Socialism Has Destroyed Venezuela
America has had socialism since the Constitution was ratified.
And since the ratification America has continually added more socialism. As many nations America is a mixture of socialism and capitalism. I would suspect some sharp economists might even find a light sprinkle of fascism and a pinch of communism.
That's the only thing that you've said that is accurate. America has continually added more socialism - but that idiocy didn't begin until the early 1900's with the rise of communism/socialism/marxis/liberalism. When we ratified the U.S. Constitution - there was no socialism no matter how desperately you want to believe otherwise or how desperately you want to revise history.
What of the Poor Farms that existed in America?
What once was a thriving, successful nation has been decimated by left-wing ideology. Nothing ends in poverty, misery, and death like left-wing policy...

Socialism Has Destroyed Venezuela
America has had socialism since the Constitution was ratified.
And since the ratification America has continually added more socialism. As many nations America is a mixture of socialism and capitalism. I would suspect some sharp economists might even find a light sprinkle of fascism and a pinch of communism.
That's the only thing that you've said that is accurate. America has continually added more socialism - but that idiocy didn't begin until the early 1900's with the rise of communism/socialism/marxis/liberalism. When we ratified the U.S. Constitution - there was no socialism no matter how desperately you want to believe otherwise or how desperately you want to revise history.
What of the Poor Farms that existed in America?
Not only that....but what of the white-tailed deer that existed in America? :cuckoo:
Nothing ends in poverty and misery like left-wing policy...

The left needs an uninformed, uneducated electorate. And that’s why universities are producing more and more ignorant college students such as these. Proving once again that nothing is more regressive than progressives.

Nothing ends in failure, poverty, and misery like left-wing policy...
“Portland has seen a 10% increase in homelessness in just the last two years” - 60 Minutes (01/14/18)
A double-digit increase at a time when conservative policy has the U.S. flourishing like few times in history. Inexcusable. Borderline criminal. People are suffering because of the stubbornness, immaturity, and ideology of progressives.

The left would rather see people homeless and starving than admit that conservatives have been right all along.
This is what left-wing policy does. It leaves everyone (except for those in control of course) destitute in poverty and misery. These people now hunt stray dogs to eat because they were so stupid and so greedy, that they voted for socialism. Well, they got it. And now there is no going back. The dictators will never relinquish control.

Average Venezuelan Lost 24 Pounds Last Year Due to Economic Woes
The progressive false narrative:
We love people. We have a deep humanitarian spirit. All we want is love for everyone and equality for all
The progressive reality:
Get the fuck away from me, you filthy homeless animals. Stay away from me and stay away from my community. I cannot have you showing up in the background of my selfies on Facebook. Eat shit and die you worthless creatures

California residents in affluent cities don’t want the homeless housed in their neighborhoods
Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy. Only the left could spend a staggering $22 trillion and not see a single improvement.
Over the last half-century, some $22 trillion has been spent on anti-poverty programs and yet the percentage of poor in this nation remains unchanged.
Incidentally - that outrageously unconstitutional $22 trillion is $1 trillion more than our national debt. Had the left not been so astoundingly ignorant, we would have the exact same results we have today but we would have a surplus of $1 trillion (which could be used for our military, our VA, our infrastructure).

That is a glaring, and indisputable, indictment on the idiocy of the left-wing ideology.

President Trump's Vitally Important Anti-Poverty Initiative
Nothing ends in catastrophic failure like idiotic left-wing policy...
What I found is that widespread adoption of electric vehicles nationwide will likely increase air pollution compared with new internal combustion vehicles. You read that right: more electric cars and trucks will mean more pollution.
The left always causes a problem with their policies, then insists more of their policies are needed to correct the problems they created in the first place. We are literally living Atlas Shrugged.

Are electric cars worse for the environment?
California has literally decomposed into a third-world shit-hole. The state has been so severely decimated by failed left-wing policy, that residents can no longer take a shower and do their laundry on the same day.
To make a long story short, now that these bills are law, it’s illegal to take a shower and do a load of laundry in the same day because you’ll exceed your “ration.”
The state with the largest ocean-front coastline has to ration water. Water! They also announced today that over 10,000 businesses have fled California since 2008.

In California, You Can't Shower and Do Laundry on the Same Day

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