There Will Not Be A Palestinian State

USAF 2023

Gold Member
Feb 22, 2012
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RE: There Will Not Be A Palestinian State
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I believe this is quibbling over various position statements. There is no one unified voice in the greater population that make-up the Arab Palestinians. And without a single voice, the Arab Palestinians are going to make little headway in the achievement of demand they have made (but not totally agreed upon).

The Palestinians are not asking to create a state.

The Arab Palestinians have their own unique definitions and view of the situation, and while they may say the are not "asking to create a state."

The Arab Palestinians are rattling a number of doors and presenting their case in a number of ways. The one P F Tinmore has mentioned here is the position that: The Palestinians are not asking to create a state (in those words) the positions they hold have the cumulative effect of being the positions on these issues make it virtually the same as demanding the creation of a state. While it is not fundamentally the assembled along the lines of the 1947 A/RES/181 (II) - Steps Preparatory to Independence, it is essential serving as an alternative approach.

◈ Borders
✦ The 1967 border, which is defined as the 1949 Armistice Line along with all legal modification thereto up to June 4th 1967...
✦ The international community does not recognize Israeli sovereignty over any part of the occupied State of Palestine, including East Jerusalem...
✦ Palestine is the homeland of the Arab Palestinian people; it is an indivisible part of the Arab homeland, and the Palestinian people are an integral part of the Arab nation.
✧ Palestine, with the boundaries it had during the British Mandate, is an indivisible territorial unit.
✧ Palestine from the river to the sea, and from north to south, is a land of the Palestinian people and its homeland and its legitimate right, we may not a waiver an inch or any part thereof, no matter what the reasons and circumstances and pressures.
✧ Palestine - all of Palestine - is a land of Islamic and Arab affiliation, a blessed sacred land, that has a major portion in the heart of every Arab and Muslim​
◈ Jerusalem
✦ Jerusalem is an Islamic and Christian [holy place], we many not give it up not relinquish any part of it, it is our right and our spirit, our history, our present and our future, which is the capital of Palestine, and dearest to the hearts of Arabs and Muslims....
✦ Israel has no legitimacy and no right to to Jerusalem at all, nor any legitimacy nor right to all of Palestine.
✦ All actions of Israel in Jerusalem to Judaize and settle and falsification of facts and attempts to fabricate history are void.​
◈ Refugees
◈ Political Prisons
◈ Natural Resources
✦ Mineral Rights
✦ Water​
◈ Security
◈ Economy
◈ Reparations
✦ Claims
✦ Restitution​
◈ Shotgun Array of Issues:
✦ Agriculture
✦ Energy
✦ Telecommunications
✦ Tourism
✦ Cultural Heritage​

There is no way that an outside observer can look at the Arab Palestinian attempt to overturn the nature and intent of the Allied Powers → other than as an attempt by Hostile Arab Palestinians to subvert (by force) the establishment of a Jewish National Home through the use of:

◈ Criminal Acts Directed Against Israel...
◈ Intended or calculated to create a state of terror...
(i) violence
(ii) against non-combatants (or, alternatively, against innocent people) for the sake of
(iii) intimidation (and, on some definitions,
(iv) coercion).​
◈ Commit an array of offences which are solely intended to harm the State of Israel...​

Our friend P F Tinmore is probably correct when he says that, technically, the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) have not specifically demanded the creation of another failing Arab State. BUT, the cumulative effect of all the various aspects and facets of their political positions hear make it abundantly clear as to the direction they are taking the confrontation.

Most Respectfully,
RE: There Will Not Be A Palestinian State
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I believe this is quibbling over various position statements. There is no one unified voice in the greater population that make-up the Arab Palestinians. And without a single voice, the Arab Palestinians are going to make little headway in the achievement of demand they have made (but not totally agreed upon).

The Palestinians are not asking to create a state.

The Arab Palestinians have their own unique definitions and view of the situation, and while they may say the are not "asking to create a state."

The Arab Palestinians are rattling a number of doors and presenting their case in a number of ways. The one P F Tinmore has mentioned here is the position that: The Palestinians are not asking to create a state (in those words) the positions they hold have the cumulative effect of being the positions on these issues make it virtually the same as demanding the creation of a state. While it is not fundamentally the assembled along the lines of the 1947 A/RES/181 (II) - Steps Preparatory to Independence, it is essential serving as an alternative approach.

◈ Borders
✦ The 1967 border, which is defined as the 1949 Armistice Line along with all legal modification thereto up to June 4th 1967...
✦ The international community does not recognize Israeli sovereignty over any part of the occupied State of Palestine, including East Jerusalem...
✦ Palestine is the homeland of the Arab Palestinian people; it is an indivisible part of the Arab homeland, and the Palestinian people are an integral part of the Arab nation.
✧ Palestine, with the boundaries it had during the British Mandate, is an indivisible territorial unit.
✧ Palestine from the river to the sea, and from north to south, is a land of the Palestinian people and its homeland and its legitimate right, we may not a waiver an inch or any part thereof, no matter what the reasons and circumstances and pressures.
✧ Palestine - all of Palestine - is a land of Islamic and Arab affiliation, a blessed sacred land, that has a major portion in the heart of every Arab and Muslim​
◈ Jerusalem
✦ Jerusalem is an Islamic and Christian [holy place], we many not give it up not relinquish any part of it, it is our right and our spirit, our history, our present and our future, which is the capital of Palestine, and dearest to the hearts of Arabs and Muslims....
✦ Israel has no legitimacy and no right to to Jerusalem at all, nor any legitimacy nor right to all of Palestine.
✦ All actions of Israel in Jerusalem to Judaize and settle and falsification of facts and attempts to fabricate history are void.​
◈ Refugees
◈ Political Prisons
◈ Natural Resources
✦ Mineral Rights
✦ Water​
◈ Security
◈ Economy
◈ Reparations
✦ Claims
✦ Restitution​
◈ Shotgun Array of Issues:
✦ Agriculture
✦ Energy
✦ Telecommunications
✦ Tourism
✦ Cultural Heritage​

There is no way that an outside observer can look at the Arab Palestinian attempt to overturn the nature and intent of the Allied Powers → other than as an attempt by Hostile Arab Palestinians to subvert (by force) the establishment of a Jewish National Home through the use of:

◈ Criminal Acts Directed Against Israel...
◈ Intended or calculated to create a state of terror...
(i) violence
(ii) against non-combatants (or, alternatively, against innocent people) for the sake of
(iii) intimidation (and, on some definitions,
(iv) coercion).​
◈ Commit an array of offences which are solely intended to harm the State of Israel...​

Our friend P F Tinmore is probably correct when he says that, technically, the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) have not specifically demanded the creation of another failing Arab State. BUT, the cumulative effect of all the various aspects and facets of their political positions hear make it abundantly clear as to the direction they are taking the confrontation.

Most Respectfully,
The one P F Tinmore has mentioned here is the position that: The Palestinians are not asking to create a state (in those words) the positions they hold have the cumulative effect of being the positions on these issues make it virtually the same as demanding the creation of a state.
The only Palestinians who are begging for crumbs are the appointed leaders in Ramallah and the remnants of the people who bought into that ideology.

The foreign concept of two states that first failed in 1937 is long overdue to be buried. Eighty years of failure is enough.
I see no real interest in another islamic terror-state being advanced by either of the islamic terrorist dictators in Gaza or the West Bank.

The UNRWA welfare fraud that showers the competing mini-caliphates with an endless supply of welfare checks is too good to pass up.

TA Picture of Life in Gaza
RE: There Will Not Be A Palestinian State
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I believe this is quibbling over various position statements. There is no one unified voice in the greater population that make-up the Arab Palestinians. And without a single voice, the Arab Palestinians are going to make little headway in the achievement of demand they have made (but not totally agreed upon).

The Palestinians are not asking to create a state.

The Arab Palestinians have their own unique definitions and view of the situation, and while they may say the are not "asking to create a state."

The Arab Palestinians are rattling a number of doors and presenting their case in a number of ways. The one P F Tinmore has mentioned here is the position that: The Palestinians are not asking to create a state (in those words) the positions they hold have the cumulative effect of being the positions on these issues make it virtually the same as demanding the creation of a state. While it is not fundamentally the assembled along the lines of the 1947 A/RES/181 (II) - Steps Preparatory to Independence, it is essential serving as an alternative approach.

◈ Borders
✦ The 1967 border, which is defined as the 1949 Armistice Line along with all legal modification thereto up to June 4th 1967...
✦ The international community does not recognize Israeli sovereignty over any part of the occupied State of Palestine, including East Jerusalem...
✦ Palestine is the homeland of the Arab Palestinian people; it is an indivisible part of the Arab homeland, and the Palestinian people are an integral part of the Arab nation.
✧ Palestine, with the boundaries it had during the British Mandate, is an indivisible territorial unit.
✧ Palestine from the river to the sea, and from north to south, is a land of the Palestinian people and its homeland and its legitimate right, we may not a waiver an inch or any part thereof, no matter what the reasons and circumstances and pressures.
✧ Palestine - all of Palestine - is a land of Islamic and Arab affiliation, a blessed sacred land, that has a major portion in the heart of every Arab and Muslim​
◈ Jerusalem
✦ Jerusalem is an Islamic and Christian [holy place], we many not give it up not relinquish any part of it, it is our right and our spirit, our history, our present and our future, which is the capital of Palestine, and dearest to the hearts of Arabs and Muslims....
✦ Israel has no legitimacy and no right to to Jerusalem at all, nor any legitimacy nor right to all of Palestine.
✦ All actions of Israel in Jerusalem to Judaize and settle and falsification of facts and attempts to fabricate history are void.​
◈ Refugees
◈ Political Prisons
◈ Natural Resources
✦ Mineral Rights
✦ Water​
◈ Security
◈ Economy
◈ Reparations
✦ Claims
✦ Restitution​
◈ Shotgun Array of Issues:
✦ Agriculture
✦ Energy
✦ Telecommunications
✦ Tourism
✦ Cultural Heritage​

There is no way that an outside observer can look at the Arab Palestinian attempt to overturn the nature and intent of the Allied Powers → other than as an attempt by Hostile Arab Palestinians to subvert (by force) the establishment of a Jewish National Home through the use of:

◈ Criminal Acts Directed Against Israel...
◈ Intended or calculated to create a state of terror...
(i) violence
(ii) against non-combatants (or, alternatively, against innocent people) for the sake of
(iii) intimidation (and, on some definitions,
(iv) coercion).​
◈ Commit an array of offences which are solely intended to harm the State of Israel...​

Our friend P F Tinmore is probably correct when he says that, technically, the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) have not specifically demanded the creation of another failing Arab State. BUT, the cumulative effect of all the various aspects and facets of their political positions hear make it abundantly clear as to the direction they are taking the confrontation.

Most Respectfully,
The one P F Tinmore has mentioned here is the position that: The Palestinians are not asking to create a state (in those words) the positions they hold have the cumulative effect of being the positions on these issues make it virtually the same as demanding the creation of a state.
The only Palestinians who are begging for crumbs are the appointed leaders in Ramallah and the remnants of the people who bought into that ideology.

The foreign concept of two states that first failed in 1937 is long overdue to be buried. Eighty years of failure is enough.
How will one state, muslim majority, in a part of the world notorius for not protecting the rights of minorities, protect tbe eights of it's Jewish and Christian populations? How could it be aet up to be fair to all?
The Palestinians are not asking to create a state.

Then, pray tell, what are they asking for?

The Jews to go away?

I don’t know exactly where he posted it but he posted a link in which Palestinians interviewed state
This wa
what then do envision as a future for the Palestinians?

What the Palestinians don’t envision which would eventually be a Palestinian majority
How would you accomplish that with out giving them a state?

This wa
what then do envision as a future for the Palestinians?

What the Palestinians don’t envision which would eventually be a Palestinian majority
How would you accomplish that with out giving them a state?

Look at Olmert’s offer which was rejected and then try to tell us that the Palestinians are serious about “ peace”
While we are at it, please tell us who the PLO RECENTLY put out a statement that the Western Wall is off limits to Israelis
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The Palestinians are not asking to create a state.

Then, pray tell, what are they asking for?

The Jews to go away?

Don’t know exactly where he posted it but did you see his link in which interviewed Palestinians stated they could NOT envision a “ Two State Solution “ and the ENTIRE area should be considered “ Palestine?” That’s exactly what he wants.., ain’t going to happen

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