There’s a Shocking Correlation Between Getting Vaxxed and Pushing for War With Russia

The vaccinated want war, no surprise there.

I hope the sanctions work and if there is a war it is Europe's war, not ours. I am hoping Ukraine will hold off Russia. As much as I hate Putin and Russia, this is not our war, we are not the world police and we should not be sacrificing our young men and women for this war.

Why the vaccinated are so pro war is beyond me. Terrible stance to take.
No. Pro-trumpers want the US in a shooting war, as it would be good for their domestic politics.
No. Pro-trumpers want the US in a shooting war, as it would be good for their domestic politics.
And most Biden supporters want to eat babies for lunch. At 3pm no less, the inhumanity.

Boy, making shit up sure is easy.
he just thinks Putin is a genius...

Trump calls Putin 'genius' and 'savvy' for Ukraine invasion › news › 2022/02/23 › trump-p...

Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday described Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine as “genius” and “savvy,” praising ...
Feb 23, 2022
Do you even read the articles you link? Trump called Putin's labeling of portions of Ukraine as "independent" (and thus the incursion was only a peacekeeping mission "as "genius" & "savvy"), not the invasion itself.
And most Biden supporters want to eat babies for lunch. At 3pm no less, the inhumanity.

Boy, making shit up sure is easy.
Just my observation as I can think of no other logical reason for their support for an enemy of the the free world, NATO and the United States, and have observed the people voicing support seem disproportionately to be trumpers and foreign trolls.
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The stain will never disappear for a Putin apologist.

Probably not, but you'll keep voting for them anyway.

Interesting. Very interesting. And scary when you think about it.

Those who have been at least triple-jabbed are far more likely to want to escalate Western conflict with Russia than those who have not received Covid injections, according to a recent survey in Canada. And before anyone jumps in and says, “but that’s in Canada,” please stipulate there’s a high degree of certainty that the jabbed vs unjabbed mentality is closely tied between Americans and Canadians.
Here’s the graphic posted by Human Events show host Jack Posobiec:
Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Ukraine

Pretty obvious political connection...both acts are obeisance to the high state..
Same people. Who do we know that absolutely worships big gov? Hmmmmm

Media promotion for any democrat agenda relating to political power is the key. Americans supported FDR's roundup of Japanese citizens and Truman's bungling of the Korean conflict, JFK's bungled invasion of Cuba, LBJ's faked crisis that sent Troops to Vietnam and Bill Clinton's bombing campaign on a defenseless country in Europe when he was caught with his pants down because the media supported it (at first). Democrats managed to forget Truman's "forgotten war" and blame Nixon for LBJ's criminal actions and so it goes. .
Just my observation as I can think of no other logical reason for their support for an enemy of the enemy of the free world, NATO and the United States, and have observed the people voicing support seem disproportionately to be trumpers and foreign trolls.
Perhaps an inclination to accept conspiracy theories to counter MSM reports on elections, a pandemic and Putin's invasion
see post 26
No. Pro-trumpers want the US in a shooting war, as it would be good for their domestic politics.
According to the poll the vaccinated are in favor of war. You want to side step the fact and change topic. Russia and Ukraine is not our war.
According to the poll the vaccinated are in favor of war. You want to side step the fact and change topic. Russia and Ukraine is not our war.
Sure it is. You just wish it were not, for whatever reason.
Sure it is. You just wish it were not, for whatever reason.
Why do we need to go to war? Europe is the ones that need to lead in this war. Why do you want to sacrifice the lives of our young men and women? We just left a war we were in way too long and now you want to jump into another one? Let Europe, lead, we are not the world police, we should not be laying our kid's lives on the line.

Better yet have the Russian and Ukrainian leaders battle to the death in a winner take all war, leave the innocent people out of it.
Why do we need to go to war? Europe is the ones that need to lead in this war. Why do you want to sacrifice the lives of our young men and women? We just left a war we were in way too long and now you want to jump into another one? Let Europe, lead, we are not the world police, we should not be laying our kid's lives on the line.

Better yet have the Russian and Ukrainian leaders battle to the death in a winner take all war, leave the innocent people out of it.
I agree with you. Biden agrees with you. It is not our place to jump in except to support treaty obligations with NATO, if they are attacked. We are morally obligated to support with material, as possible, money, credit, outside the country logistics (which we are really excellent at) vocal support, and it is wise, that we preposition troops, weaponry and other material as may be necessary if Vlad goes completely fking crazy.
The vaccinated want war, no surprise there.

I hope the sanctions work and if there is a war it is Europe's war, not ours. I am hoping Ukraine will hold off Russia. As much as I hate Putin and Russia, this is not our war, we are not the world police and we should not be sacrificing our young men and women for this war.

Why the vaccinated are so pro war is beyond me. Terrible stance to take.
Probably want to distract everyone from Biden's bad presidency. Only a shooting war with Russia or China could do that! If it's mainly the thoroughly vaccinated it'll be leftists, but I doubt there is anything to all this.
I agree with you. Biden agrees with you. It is not our place to jump in except to support treaty obligations with NATO, if they are attacked. We are morally obligated to support with material, as possible, money, credit, outside the country logistics (which we are really excellent at) vocal support, and it is wise, that we preposition troops, weaponry and other material as may be necessary if Vlad goes completely fking crazy.
Are we morally obligated to help a democratically oriented govt in europe when a totalitarian country uses superior artillery and aircraft to kill children? I don't have an agenda with that question. But do we have a civil and moral imperative to risk nuclear annihilation to stop Russia in its tracks.
No, we don't.
By your words,"want to distract everyone from Biden's bad presidency. Only a shooting war with Russia or China could do that!", it sure sounds that way.
Are we morally obligated to help a democratically oriented govt in europe when a totalitarian country uses superior artillery and aircraft to kill children? I don't have an agenda with that question. But do we have a civil and moral imperative to risk nuclear annihilation to stop Russia in its tracks.
Yes. I will say you way, way, overstate the nuclear issue beyond reality. It is highly unlikely Putin would resort to that, knowing he and Russia would undoubtedly die in the exchange you describe.
By your words,"want to distract everyone from Biden's bad presidency. Only a shooting war with Russia or China could do that!", it sure sounds that way.
I don't see why. Recognizing that Biden is dying for a nice distraction, and war is the very best one, is not the same as thinking we ought to have a war. I don't want war with Russia!!!
I don't see why. Recognizing that Biden is dying for a nice distraction, and war is the very best one, is not the same as thinking we ought to have a war. I don't want war with Russia!!!
This isn't wag the dog. Putin made his decision and crossed the border, in mass after a long build up. You are just eaten up by your domestic political point of view, without regard to American ideals, all in all making you a very poor example of an American citizen.
This isn't wag the dog. Putin made his decision and crossed the border, in mass after a long build up. You are just eaten up by your domestic political point of view, without regard to American ideals, all in all making you a very poor example of an American citizen.
If so, I've got very good company, and a lot of it. Conservatives on this Forum are mostly in favor of avoiding a war that has nothing to do with us. I'm pretty sure "American Ideals" don't involve being World Policeman.

Why the personal insult? I don't do that to you. Because I won't give in to your arguments and obey, obey, obey? No, I won't do that. I don't like how so many leftists go straight to personal insult. Your post was complete after the first two sentences: they express your opinion. The insulting doesn't help you convince me. This sort of thing is what we actually vote against: constant leftist hostility.

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