There’s a Shocking Correlation Between Getting Vaxxed and Pushing for War With Russia

If so, I've got very good company, and a lot of it. Conservatives on this Forum are mostly in favor of avoiding a war that has nothing to do with us. I'm pretty sure "American Ideals" don't involve being World Policeman.

Why the personal insult? I don't do that to you. Because I won't give in to your arguments and obey, obey, obey? No, I won't do that. I don't like how so many leftists go straight to personal insult. Your post was complete after the first two sentences: they express your opinion. The insulting doesn't help you convince me. This sort of thing is what we actually vote against: constant leftist hostility.
Your isolationist stance, while possibly of value a hundred plus years ago is stupid at this point in time. It never ceases to amaze me when so called conservatives want to roll back the clock to a different time. It does not matter if you have a bunch of Right Wing internet trolls on your side.
We are not being the world policemen in this. We have no troops in Ukraine.
If you took it as an insult, don't be "that guy", if you do not wish to be viewed as "that guy".
Interesting. Very interesting. And scary when you think about it.

Those who have been at least triple-jabbed are far more likely to want to escalate Western conflict with Russia than those who have not received Covid injections, according to a recent survey in Canada. And before anyone jumps in and says, “but that’s in Canada,” please stipulate there’s a high degree of certainty that the jabbed vs unjabbed mentality is closely tied between Americans and Canadians.
Here’s the graphic posted by Human Events show host Jack Posobiec:
Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Ukraine

I think you’ll find a correlation of triple jabbed supporting everything the MSM tells them.

Mass Formation Psychosis is real.
Your isolationist stance, while possibly of value a hundred plus years ago is stupid at this point in time. It never ceases to amaze me when so called conservatives want to roll back the clock to a different time. It does not matter if you have a bunch of Right Wing internet trolls on your side.
We are not being the world policemen in this. We have no troops in Ukraine.
If you took it as an insult, don't be "that guy", if you do not wish to be viewed as "that guy".
I took insults as insults. What is wrong with you? Why the constant insulting? Even now you are stupid-calling.

Stop it.
What a load.

I took insults as insults. What is wrong with you? Why the constant insulting? Even now you are stupid-calling.

Stop it.
Look, I didn't make you take this minority opinion stance against standing US foreign policy clean back to the end of WWII, that happens to favor Russia. You did it on your own, becoming "that guy".
Not one bit surprised. Intersect of the gullible brain-dead who look to CNN for what they should believe. It is a cult.

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