There's been a breathtaking swing in Putin's popularity among Republicans in the Trump era

From the OP's link. Whoever would have thought the GOP would look so favorably on Putin and Russia?


A poll from the same outlets released this month showed that Putin's favorability rating among Democrats dipped to negative-62. But the Russian leader's rating among Republicans improved dramatically, from negative-66 to negative-10.

Taking a closer look, in the 2014 poll, 3% of Republicans had very favorable views of Putin in addition to 7% who had somewhat favorable views. That poll showed that 25% of Republicans had somewhat unfavorable views, while a whopping 51% had very unfavorable views of Putin.

The August 2016 poll showed that some of those numbers took a drastic swing.

In that survey, the percentage of Republicans who viewed him very unfavorably dipped from 51% to 14%, and those who viewed him somewhat favorably increased from 7% to 32%.

Calls for an investigation into Russia's role in the election reached a fever pitch following a pair of weekend stories from The Washington Post and New York Times that said a CIA assessment gave credence to the idea Russia meddled in the election by hacking and releasing information from Democratic operatives in hopes of leading Trump to victory.
Putin represents precisely what Conservatives and Libertarians despise. Let's be clear, ideologically Putin is FAR more compatible with the far left. The fact that the Dynasty candidate Hillary was allowed to angle and get every Super Delegate (in and of itself, a disgusting system for choosing a leader) and they shielded her from a female in the debates, tells you all you need to know. They operated in an "anything goes" mode to put Clinton in the WH. Even using so-called allies of the world in their efforts.

Putin can go to hell as can a few other leaders of his ilk This doesn't mean Trump or anyone else doesn't have to deal with him, and it also doesn't mean that some of us (Like myself) aren't cognizant to the reality that Chin represents a far greater threat to the U.S than Russia does. In so many ways that America has never experienced. Yet, China is viewed as some great place for capitalism as they destroy America. It's frightening.
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Putin represents precisely what Conservatives and Libertarians despise. Let's be clear, ideologically Putin is FAR more compatible with the far left. The fact that the Dynasty candidate Hillary was allowed to angle and get every Super Delegate (in and of itself, a disgusting system for choosing a leader) and they shielded her from a female in the debates, tells you all you need to know. They operated in an "anything goes" mode to put Clinton in the WH. Even using so-called allies of the world in their efforts.

Putin can go to hell as can a few other leaders of his ilk This doesn't mean Trump or anyone else doesn't have to deal with him, and it also doesn't mean that some of us (Like myself) aren't cognizant to the reality that Chin represents a far greater threat to the U.S than Russia does. In so many ways that America has never experienced. Yet, China is viewed as some great place for capitalism as they destroy America. It's frightening.
Putin's a murderer.

Donald Trump reportedly joked about VP Mike Pence wanting to "hang" gays

It's Republicans who defend murder. Not liberals and not Democrats. Ask all those unarmed blacks Republicans like to see killed. Oh wait, you can't. Why? Because they are dead.
There's been a breathtaking swing in Putin's popularity among Republicans in the Trump era

Vladimir Putin's favorability rating has taken an amazing turn among Republicans since President-elect Donald Trump began praising the Russian president.


Some will say Republicans like and admire him in spite of the fact he is a murderous thug dictator.

But couldn't it be because he IS a murderous thug dictator?

LMAO!!!! I have like a thousand times more respect for Putin than I do the Barrypuppet and every CEO of USA.INC going back to JFK, the last president that gave a shit about us. You are so fucking ignorant that it's embarrassing to me that we live in the same country. The same owners of USA.INC also financed the Bolshevik revolution, they are the same ones that financed Mao Tse Tung and threw Chiang Kai-shek under the bus when he no longer served a purpose. At least Putin has his people as his number 1 concern. His biggest adversary that was stirring up trouble in Russia was being funded by Soros. Putin got rid of the Rothschild centrally controlled bank and his country's debt is manageable. The owners of USA.INC are responsible for the deaths of at least 160 million unarmed people. You are so fucking STUPID..........,you are one of the moron millions.

Leftards LOVED Russia when it was the USSR but now see it as an adversary since it has reformed itself to a republic while ridding itself of globalist influences. Russia isn't the aggressor but it has the technology to defend itself and has shown remarkable restraint since the illegal coup d e'tat of the Ukraine in 2014. Russia has it's own issues when it comes to corruption as it pertains to organized crime but it's a mere piker compared to China, USA.INC and the E.U.
From the OP's link. Whoever would have thought the GOP would look so favorably on Putin and Russia?


A poll from the same outlets released this month showed that Putin's favorability rating among Democrats dipped to negative-62. But the Russian leader's rating among Republicans improved dramatically, from negative-66 to negative-10.

Taking a closer look, in the 2014 poll, 3% of Republicans had very favorable views of Putin in addition to 7% who had somewhat favorable views. That poll showed that 25% of Republicans had somewhat unfavorable views, while a whopping 51% had very unfavorable views of Putin.

The August 2016 poll showed that some of those numbers took a drastic swing.

In that survey, the percentage of Republicans who viewed him very unfavorably dipped from 51% to 14%, and those who viewed him somewhat favorably increased from 7% to 32%.

Calls for an investigation into Russia's role in the election reached a fever pitch following a pair of weekend stories from The Washington Post and New York Times that said a CIA assessment gave credence to the idea Russia meddled in the election by hacking and releasing information from Democratic operatives in hopes of leading Trump to victory.
…which should come as no surprise.

The authoritarian right can’t help itself but admire a fellow authoritarian.
Well.......if'n you read Ruski you'd find out Vlad referred to three staff members as little fags and one of the RT news girls as really needing some knee pads for most of the work she does. Maybe they're brothers of another mother ?
There's been a breathtaking swing in Putin's popularity among Republicans in the Trump era

Vladimir Putin's favorability rating has taken an amazing turn among Republicans since President-elect Donald Trump began praising the Russian president.


Some will say Republicans like and admire him in spite of the fact he is a murderous thug dictator.

But couldn't it be because he IS a murderous thug dictator?
Well here's hoping it takes ALL your breath away!
It's Republicans who defend murder. Not liberals and not Democrats. Ask all those unarmed blacks Republicans like to see killed. Oh wait, you can't. Why? Because they are dead
1/3 (or is it half?) of all black babies are torn limb from limb because of Democrat policies.
Wow, Putin in Great Britain.
What did Trump say?

What was that?

Trump said what?

Yea, I didn't hear anything either.

Trump loves Putin.

It's circular. Trump's base says Trump can do no wrong.
Clearly, from Trump, Putin can do no wrong.
So Putin, murderous thug, can do no wrong.
Well.......if'n you read Ruski you'd find out Vlad referred to three staff members as little fags and one of the RT news girls as really needing some knee pads for most of the work she does. Maybe they're brothers of another mother ?
Wow, that sounds like comments from a typical Republican.

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