There’s Big Money in Global Warming Alarmism

And there's even more money in denying any man made influence in global warming..... Hence why oil companies are big into denying global warming.

I'm sure there is some, but nothing like these snake oil wailers are saying it is. they haven't even been charting the climate for how long? so it's like these people have new fangled crystal ball that sees into the future and that's what they expect us all the rely on.

So, if we don't have 100% proof of something, we shouldn't make contingency plans?

So, if we don't know the president is going to be shot, why should we bother giving him a security detail?

Spending $76 trillion and destroying our economy is not a "contingency plan."


There's certainly money to be made if you're smart enough to invest in renewables:

Top 10 Alternative Energy Stocks for 2015 (CSIQ,FSLR,ENPH)

Yes that is what Obama did and most fell flat on their face as the Obama donors got rich as people lost their jobs..

Another reason why you should never vote far left..

Wind Proposal Whips Up Controversy

None of the "alternative" energy sources are not capable of replacing the current system..

Calculate every dollar they have spent. Then compare that to the 120 billion we know the US government alone has spent on GW "research" then compare that to the 76 trillion dollars the green nazis are demanding get turned over to them. Get back to us when you can tell us who has more money and more to gain.

And go figure the far left drones uses far left drone blog sites for their "facts"..
There is Big Money backing the denial troops too! The world's biggest polluters (fossil fuel industry), are also the biggest contributors to the denial sector.

Lmao, link?

Oh do you mean all those anti climate change commercials, billboards and them sponsoring NASCAR? That we never see...

Fossil fuel firms are still bankrolling climate denial lobby groups

I will just bother reading the first one...did you even read it?

From the link

Even ExxonMobil, which spent $16m (£11m) between 1998 and 2005 to fund groups that spread disinformation

--- --- ---- -------

16 million over 6 years is laughable do you know how much it cost to be the primary sponsor of say Dale Earnhart in NASCAR for just one season? Like $10 million dollars.

To say or even hint the money they spend was around the tobacco industry misinformation campaign is a joke.

And I see you fail to mention the millions Exxon spent on green energy since the 70s ...

Btw. Check this out, hilarious, Exxon in 2007 alone spent more on advertising green energy then your link said lobbied against it between 1998~2005


Big Oil Misers

For example, ExxonMobil spent $100 million on advertising in 2007, (its 2008 advertising totals are unavailable). Some of its ads catalogue ExxonMobil’s “efforts” to combat global warming, with messages that include “saving energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”
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There's certainly money to be made if you're smart enough to invest in renewables:

Top 10 Alternative Energy Stocks for 2015 (CSIQ,FSLR,ENPH)

And not one of those companies would be in business if it weren't for massive government subsidies. Subsidies paid for by the poor and middle class.

Equivalent to the tax breaks for the oil companies?

Effective Tax Rates of Oil & Gas Companies: Cashing in on Special Treatment | Taxpayers for Common Sense


There's certainly money to be made if you're smart enough to invest in renewables:

Top 10 Alternative Energy Stocks for 2015 (CSIQ,FSLR,ENPH)

And not one of those companies would be in business if it weren't for massive government subsidies. Subsidies paid for by the poor and middle class.

Equivalent to the tax breaks for the oil companies?

Effective Tax Rates of Oil & Gas Companies: Cashing in on Special Treatment | Taxpayers for Common Sense

The oil companies have received 76 trillion in tax deductions. Really? And that IS what they are. Cost of doing business tax deductions for the most part. Subsidies is a lie.


There's certainly money to be made if you're smart enough to invest in renewables:

Top 10 Alternative Energy Stocks for 2015 (CSIQ,FSLR,ENPH)

And not one of those companies would be in business if it weren't for massive government subsidies. Subsidies paid for by the poor and middle class.

Equivalent to the tax breaks for the oil companies?

Effective Tax Rates of Oil & Gas Companies: Cashing in on Special Treatment | Taxpayers for Common Sense

The oil companies have received 76 trillion in tax deductions. Really? And that IS what they are. Cost of doing business tax deductions for the most part. Subsidies is a lie.

That was a question. See the question mark on the end?

So I guess you don't mind paying taxes for oil companies.


There's certainly money to be made if you're smart enough to invest in renewables:

Top 10 Alternative Energy Stocks for 2015 (CSIQ,FSLR,ENPH)

And not one of those companies would be in business if it weren't for massive government subsidies. Subsidies paid for by the poor and middle class.

Equivalent to the tax breaks for the oil companies?

Effective Tax Rates of Oil & Gas Companies: Cashing in on Special Treatment | Taxpayers for Common Sense

The oil companies have received 76 trillion in tax deductions. Really? And that IS what they are. Cost of doing business tax deductions for the most part. Subsidies is a lie.

That was a question. See the question mark on the end?

So I guess you don't mind paying taxes for oil companies.

No, it was a lie. Oil companies get normal tax deductions for business costs. Every business gets them. Huge difference from a subsidy like the solar and wind companies get. Huge difference.
...most fell flat on their face...

And yet there's a "Top 10" for investors, which means there are a lot more that are also succeeding, so you'll want to be careful about claiming "most."

Notice how the far left will cherry pick words to suit their narrative..

Once again proving that they will cherry pick anything to suit their agenda..

Obama's alternative energy bankruptcies

List: 36 Of Obama’s Taxpayer-Funded Green Energy Failures
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There's certainly money to be made if you're smart enough to invest in renewables:

Top 10 Alternative Energy Stocks for 2015 (CSIQ,FSLR,ENPH)

And not one of those companies would be in business if it weren't for massive government subsidies. Subsidies paid for by the poor and middle class.

Equivalent to the tax breaks for the oil companies?

Effective Tax Rates of Oil & Gas Companies: Cashing in on Special Treatment | Taxpayers for Common Sense

Another far left narrative that falls flat on it's face..

Energy subsidies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


There's certainly money to be made if you're smart enough to invest in renewables:

Top 10 Alternative Energy Stocks for 2015 (CSIQ,FSLR,ENPH)

And not one of those companies would be in business if it weren't for massive government subsidies. Subsidies paid for by the poor and middle class.

Equivalent to the tax breaks for the oil companies?

Effective Tax Rates of Oil & Gas Companies: Cashing in on Special Treatment | Taxpayers for Common Sense
There are no tax breaks for big oil companies. That's a liberal myth. It's been discredited 100 times in this forum already,
what he found folks. is it's a big freaking SCAM. and it's being played on YOU and your families, your grandchildren, your great grand children, etc ...... wake up

There’s Big Money in Global Warming Alarmism
By William M Briggs Published on November 27, 2015 • 6 Comments

William M Briggs
A sociologist with no training in the physical sciences is puzzled why most Americans think the world is not doomed by global warming. So flummoxed is Yale’s Justin Farrell that he decided to study the question in the most scientific way possible. And he managed to publish his results, “Corporate funding and ideological polarization about climate change,” in the prestigious Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.

What do you think his conclusions were? Perhaps that thirty years of failed temperature predictions boosted Americans’ skepticism? Or that the obvious eagerness of politicians to leverage exaggerated fears have left many skittish? Or maybe it’s the dearth of severe storms, despite the many promises that floods and droughts would drown and parch us all?

No, none of that. Farrell discovered that private groups spent their own money to say that things were not as bad as alarmists claimed. He told TheWashington Post that these “contrarian efforts have been so effective for the fact that they have made it difficult for ordinary Americans to even know who to trust.” Indeed, I, myself a climate scientist, no longer trust anything non-scientists like Farrell tell me about global warming (which he incorrectly calls “climate change”).

Farrell is right about one thing: Global warming alarmism is big business. On one side you have Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, The Nature Conservancy, World Wildlife Fund, Environmental Defense Fund, The Climate Project and dozens upon dozens of other non-governmental organizations who solicit hundreds of millions from private donors and from government, and who in turn award lucrative grants to further their agenda.

You also have the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Health, the Departments of Commerce and Agriculture, both Houses of Congress and many more government agencies, spraying global warming money at anything that moves and at staggering rates — billions of dollars.

And then you also have every major and minor university — with contributions from every department, from Critical Literature Theory to Women’s Studies — all with their hands out and eager to provide the support Greenpeace, the government and others desire. Add to that another two or three dozen think tanks which are also sniffing for grants or which support government intervention to do the impossible and stop the earth’s climate from changing.

Every scientific organization which is dependent on grant money has released a statement saying “something must be done” about global warming. They’re supported, fawned over and feted by just about every news and media agency. And don’t forget the leadership of most major organized religions have their own statements — and their hands out.

We’re not done: we still have to add the dozens of Solyndra-type companies eager to sell the government products, to get “green” subsidies or to support its global-warming agenda. Included in that list are oil companies. Oil companies?

ALL of it here:
There's Big Money in Global Warming Alarmism | The Stream
The "green" lobby is all about controlling others, and making money from controlling others...
There is Big Money backing the denial troops too! The world's biggest polluters (fossil fuel industry), are also the biggest contributors to the denial sector.

Lmao, link?

Oh do you mean all those anti climate change commercials, billboards and them sponsoring NASCAR? That we never see...

Fossil fuel firms are still bankrolling climate denial lobby groups

I will just bother reading the first one...did you even read it?

From the link

Even ExxonMobil, which spent $16m (£11m) between 1998 and 2005 to fund groups that spread disinformation

--- --- ---- -------

16 million over 6 years is laughable do you know how much it cost to be the primary sponsor of say Dale Earnhart in NASCAR for just one season? Like $10 million dollars.

To say or even hint the money they spend was around the tobacco industry misinformation campaign is a joke.

And I see you fail to mention the millions Exxon spent on green energy since the 70s ...

Btw. Check this out, hilarious, Exxon in 2007 alone spent more on advertising green energy then your link said lobbied against it between 1998~2005


Big Oil Misers

For example, ExxonMobil spent $100 million on advertising in 2007, (its 2008 advertising totals are unavailable). Some of its ads catalogue ExxonMobil’s “efforts” to combat global warming, with messages that include “saving energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”

I meant to add this link, but last night was Christmas Eve and my house was (and still is) full of people.
"Dark Money" Funds Climate Change Denial Effort

Now only an idiot would assume that it's "just the other side" is getting funded from special interest. I have always maintained that both sides of the issue are getting paid to promote their side of the issue. In keeping up my opinion.
'Dark Money' Funds To Promote Global Warming Alarmism Dwarf Warming 'Denier' Research
I happen to think neither side can be trusted on the issue because of all the special interest money is dictating the substance of the debate.
Equivalent to the tax breaks for the oil companies?

There is tax breaks tricks and gimmicks over 75K pages of Tax code. When you go after Apple or GE or other companies you think are left..........let me know. Flat tax all of it, change the laws.
There is Big Money backing the denial troops too! The world's biggest polluters (fossil fuel industry), are also the biggest contributors to the denial sector.

Says the far left drones..

Trillions of dollars has been put out by governments to prove humans caused "Global Warming" over the course of 40+ years..

James Hansen commands a $30,000 speaking fee per 30 minutes on the subject..

Less than 10 Billion has actually been spent on figuring what makes our climate engine work..

So yes the big money has influenced many scientists so they can make in one speaking fee what they would make in a year working for said government..

Other governments wanted to use this to blame the US so they could put a tax on the US, to help fund their over bloated social programs..

The far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet..

Those that deny actual science believe in the far left religion without question or hesitation..

Your post is filled with lies, misconceptions and other erroneous information.

Governments aren't trying to prove global warming, rather governments tried to disprove it and ignore it for most of the 20th Century. It was only after the problems created could no longer be ignored that governments starting taking the problem seriously.

No one is blaming the US for the problem - the biggest offenders being China and other Third World countries with lax environmental legislation. Your conservative persecution complex is really showing. Also, no one is seeking to tax the Americans. Another conservative lie.

And yes, there are millions to be made improving access to non-polluting sources of energy, including wind turbines, solar, and other renewable sources of energy. That's why the only people sinking serious money into non-renewables are oil companies who have a vested interest in maintaining our current reliance on oil. Virtually the only scientists who are publishing studies saying global warming is a hoax, are those funded by big oil.

Liberals don't accept anything without question. The very nature of liberals is to be skeptical of anything government tells us. The one group who accepts what their fearless leaders tell them is conservatives, who hate science, and forward progress, and who, by nature, seek to preserve the status quo.
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There is Big Money backing the denial troops too! The world's biggest polluters (fossil fuel industry), are also the biggest contributors to the denial sector.

Lmao, link?

Oh do you mean all those anti climate change commercials, billboards and them sponsoring NASCAR? That we never see...

Fossil fuel firms are still bankrolling climate denial lobby groups

I will just bother reading the first one...did you even read it?

From the link

Even ExxonMobil, which spent $16m (£11m) between 1998 and 2005 to fund groups that spread disinformation

--- --- ---- -------

16 million over 6 years is laughable do you know how much it cost to be the primary sponsor of say Dale Earnhart in NASCAR for just one season? Like $10 million dollars.

To say or even hint the money they spend was around the tobacco industry misinformation campaign is a joke.

And I see you fail to mention the millions Exxon spent on green energy since the 70s ...

Btw. Check this out, hilarious, Exxon in 2007 alone spent more on advertising green energy then your link said lobbied against it between 1998~2005


Big Oil Misers

For example, ExxonMobil spent $100 million on advertising in 2007, (its 2008 advertising totals are unavailable). Some of its ads catalogue ExxonMobil’s “efforts” to combat global warming, with messages that include “saving energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”

I meant to add this link, but last night was Christmas Eve and my house was (and still is) full of people.
"Dark Money" Funds Climate Change Denial Effort

Now only an idiot would assume that it's "just the other side" is getting funded from special interest. I have always maintained that both sides of the issue are getting paid to promote their side of the issue. In keeping up my opinion.
'Dark Money' Funds To Promote Global Warming Alarmism Dwarf Warming 'Denier' Research
I happen to think neither side can be trusted on the issue because of all the special interest money is dictating the substance of the debate.

I see you are dancing around the question of the amount of money involved. So, which is bigger.....millions or billions? Simple question. How about you answer it. Then let us know if trillions is bigger than both.

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