There’s Big Money in Global Warming Alarmism

Irrelevant. AGW isn't about going back to the Dark Ages, it's about finding better ways to do things.

If there is money to be made somebody will find a "better way". If it makes little economic sense it will fail. Fuel cells........Targeted Solar, let them succeed from the profit motive on their own.

People are buying Tesla cars for a lot of reasons even though they cost $90K. I think there is $8K tax write off in CA? maybe? But mostly they succeeded making a product people wanted.

LOL....they still have to charge them up using the PGE power plant.

I read last week Chevy just trademark the Corvette E-Ray ...

An electric vette in the works?

Shock? GM trademarks Corvette E-Ray name
Posted on March 26, 2014
PG&E Surpasses 20 Percent Renewable Energy Milestone, On Track for 2020 Goals
PG&E has reached an important milestone for California’s Renewables Portfolio Standard – the utility delivered 22.5 percent of its power from eligible renewable resources in 2013 and is on track to meet the state’s clean energy goals for 2020 and beyond.

This marks the first time that renewable energy deliveries – including solar, wind, biomass, small hydro-electric and geothermal – exceeded 20 percent for one year and gave the utility a slight surplus for the 2011-2013 compliance period, when renewable deliveries needed to average 20 percent a year to meet California’s renewable energy mandate.

Since 2002, PG&E has signed 155 contracts for more than 10,600MW of eligible renewable power.

“PG&E has the cleanest energy portfolio among American electric utilities. More than 55 percent of our electricity comes from non-greenhouse gas emitting sources,” said PG&E’s John Conway, senior vice president of energy supply. “Through our own clean energy resources and power purchase agreements for solar, wind and other renewable fuels, we are working to grow our clean energy portfolio and do so in a way that is affordable for our customers.

PG&E Surpasses 20 Percent Renewable Energy Milestone, On Track for 2020 Goals | PG&E Currents

Looks like they are getting some of the cleanest power in the US to charge their Tesla with.
The earth's climate system is warmed by 35 C due to the emission of downward infrared radiation by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (surface radiative forcing)

huh? 35C ? please. make it stop.

How many times do you have to be shown this information before you understand what it is?

Break it down for us into little chunks because it makes no sense at all to normal citizens.
The earth's climate system is warmed by 35 C due to the emission of downward infrared radiation by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (surface radiative forcing)

huh? 35C ? please. make it stop.

How many times do you have to be shown this information before you understand what it is?

Break it down for us into little chunks because it makes no sense at all to normal citizens.
OK, here you go. From the American Institute of Physics, the largest Scientific Society in the world.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect
Posted on March 26, 2014
PG&E Surpasses 20 Percent Renewable Energy Milestone, On Track for 2020 Goals
PG&E has reached an important milestone for California’s Renewables Portfolio Standard – the utility delivered 22.5 percent of its power from eligible renewable resources in 2013 and is on track to meet the state’s clean energy goals for 2020 and beyond.

This marks the first time that renewable energy deliveries – including solar, wind, biomass, small hydro-electric and geothermal – exceeded 20 percent for one year and gave the utility a slight surplus for the 2011-2013 compliance period, when renewable deliveries needed to average 20 percent a year to meet California’s renewable energy mandate.

Since 2002, PG&E has signed 155 contracts for more than 10,600MW of eligible renewable power.

“PG&E has the cleanest energy portfolio among American electric utilities. More than 55 percent of our electricity comes from non-greenhouse gas emitting sources,” said PG&E’s John Conway, senior vice president of energy supply. “Through our own clean energy resources and power purchase agreements for solar, wind and other renewable fuels, we are working to grow our clean energy portfolio and do so in a way that is affordable for our customers.

PG&E Surpasses 20 Percent Renewable Energy Milestone, On Track for 2020 Goals | PG&E Currents

Looks like they are getting some of the cleanest power in the US to charge their Tesla with.

Wind and Solar about 5% each they say. Not bad. I thought it about 2%. getting better. I hope it true and not too many birds burned alive or chopped up.
Photo voltaics does not affect birds. And wind gets less birds than the roads beside the big wind farms. And given how much you guys want to kill the birds with DDT, it is hardly fitting that you would scream about the birds the wind farms get.
I heard several things lately.
Birds flying over Solar farms are in trouble heat waves disorientation. Wind turbines chop them up in Livermore CA. I heard some Solar farms use more energy than they produce?

I don't know what true. But i am naturally skeptical. when it will sell. Let the market function. I am not going to take the time to read 999 page internet links. I need a purpose. Small chunks at a time. I am not that smart. I need something to go after, to look up.
Matt Vespa - Extra Crispy? California Solar Farm Killed 3,500 Birds

Ivanpah is a $2.2 billion dollar solar energy project aimed at powering up to 140,000 homes for twice the electrical cost in California. It also killed 3,500 birds in the first year of its operation (the Desert Sun):

this is one type plant I have heard about. Also uses a lot of Natural Gas (I heard). Efficency is problem. Not close to Nuclear ..... too lazy to find it. They hide it. I read 1/17 of nuke total? I am not against it. I don't want to pay more for it.
As a 72 year old millwright working full time in a steel mill, and taking course in a University towards a degree in Geology, I have little sympathy with your excuses for not researching before you post nonsense. And the purpose of the links is to allow one to look up one part of the picture at a time.

And don't sell yourself short, you don't know what you can do until you try. And even if you come up short of what you expected of yourself, you will have learned a lot. Learning is neither easy nor painless. Just finished a course in Linear Algebra, so I well know about the painful part.
Matt Vespa - Extra Crispy? California Solar Farm Killed 3,500 Birds

Ivanpah is a $2.2 billion dollar solar energy project aimed at powering up to 140,000 homes for twice the electrical cost in California. It also killed 3,500 birds in the first year of its operation (the Desert Sun):

this is one type plant I have heard about. Also uses a lot of Natural Gas (I heard). Efficency is problem. Not close to Nuclear ..... too lazy to find it. They hide it. I read 1/17 of nuke total? I am not against it. I don't want to pay more for it.
Ivanpah Solar Production Up 170% in 2015
By PETE DANKOon June 17, 2015 at 10:00 AM

Photo from NRG Energy/Gilles Mingasson/Getty Images for Bechtel

The Wall Street Journal has returned attention to the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System, the $2.2 billion Department of Energy-backed concentrating solar power plant whose slow start became the subject of some controversy after a Breaking Energy story last fall.

The Journal reported that “15 months after starting up, the California plant is producing just 40 percent” of the electricity it was expected to generate. The paper said Ivanpah’s operator, NRG, expects the plant to “reach power targets once the kinks are worked out,” but surprisingly didn’t check that claim against the latest data: In the first quarter of this year, Ivanpah generation was up 170 percent over the same quarter in 2014 – 108 gigawatt-hours compared to 40 GWh, according to the Energy Information Administration.

Jennifer Z. Rigney, spokeswoman for Ivanpah’s technology provider, BrightSource Energy, passed along a statement from NRG that said the upward trend continued in April, although the company did not give a precise figure for the month (EIA data for April is not yet available).

Ivanpah Solar Production Up 170% in 2015

Ever been in on the start up of a new plant? I have, several times. And nothing ever goes as planned. One always finds issues that were not foreseen. No matter what kind of operation.
One Weird Trick Prevents Bird Deaths At Solar Towers

Originally, the standby position was to create a tight circle of solar flux you can actually see above the tower.

But when the engineers focused 3,000 heliostats there on January 14th, 115 birds were killed as they flew through the concentrated solar flux at the focal point where all the reflections met.

According to the compliance report filed by Stantec with regulators as required by the BLM:

“Approximately 3,000 heliostats were staged in a position which reflected light and heat to a concentrated point above the central tower. A halo above the tower was visible from the ground (Figure 1). The heat was so intense that birds flying into the halo were immediately burned and smoke was clearly evident. Approximately 115 mortalities were noted between 11:15 AM and 3:30 PM. Appropriate agencies, including BLM, were notified of the situation around 12:27 PM when bird mortalities associated with the halo were confirmed.”

SolarReserve shut down the test and brainstormed how to solve the problem to reduce solar flux in standby position. The engineering team recalibrated the standby algorithm and the next day they put this into effect. Their new algorithm was designed so that no more than four ‘suns’ would hit any one focal point during standby.
The one weird trick?
Focus no more than 4 mirrors on any one place in the air during standby. (When the focal point is the receiver – no dead birds. The potential danger is only during standby.)

“We have had zero bird fatalities since we implemented this solution in January, despite being in the standby position as well as flux on the receiver for most days since then,” he said. “This change appears to have fully corrected the problem.”

Since January’s mishap that delivered the Eureka moment for safe solar power tower development, no more dead birds at all. I did the math as of our conversation this week; a day or so short of 3 months with zero fatalities.

An engineering problem, and an engineering solution.
The earth's climate system is warmed by 35 C due to the emission of downward infrared radiation by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (surface radiative forcing)

huh? 35C ? please. make it stop.

How many times do you have to be shown this information before you understand what it is?

Break it down for us into little chunks because it makes no sense at all to normal citizens.
OK, here you go. From the American Institute of Physics, the largest Scientific Society in the world.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

sucks that CO2 lags behind temp increase

Cheapest Solar Ever: Austin Energy Gets 1.2 Gigawatts of Solar Bids for Less Than 4 Cents

Correction: Khalil Shalabi said was that 1,295 megawatts were priced below the Recurrent solar deal from last year, which was under 5 cents per kilowatt-hour not under 4 cents per kilowatt-hour.

A lot more cheap solar is coming for Austin, Texas.

The city's utility, Austin Energy, just released new data on developer bids for PV projects as part of a 600-megawatt procurement. The numbers show how far solar prices have come down over the last year -- and will continue to drop.

According to Khalil Shalabi, Austin Energy's vice president of resource planning, the utility received offers for 7,976 megawatts of projects after issuing a request for bids in April. Out of those bids, 1,295 megawatts of projects were priced below 4 cents per kilowatt-hour.

"The technology is getting better and the prices are decreasing with time," said Shalabi during a presentation in front of the Austin city council last week.

Shalabi displayed the chart below showing an "exponentially declining curve" for PV projects in Texas."If you continue the curve, you can see that if the cost points continue along this sort of exponentially declining curve. We expect to see prices out in the future that are possibly below $20 a megawatt-hour," he said.

Were we to build a distributed grid, we could use warehouse, manufacturing, and commercial roofs to generate electricity right next to the demand. Save on transmission losses, and create a much more robust grid.
Matt Vespa - Extra Crispy? California Solar Farm Killed 3,500 Birds

Ivanpah is a $2.2 billion dollar solar energy project aimed at powering up to 140,000 homes for twice the electrical cost in California. It also killed 3,500 birds in the first year of its operation (the Desert Sun):

this is one type plant I have heard about. Also uses a lot of Natural Gas (I heard). Efficency is problem. Not close to Nuclear ..... too lazy to find it. They hide it. I read 1/17 of nuke total? I am not against it. I don't want to pay more for it.
Ivanpah Solar Production Up 170% in 2015
By PETE DANKOon June 17, 2015 at 10:00 AM

Photo from NRG Energy/Gilles Mingasson/Getty Images for Bechtel

The Wall Street Journal has returned attention to the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System, the $2.2 billion Department of Energy-backed concentrating solar power plant whose slow start became the subject of some controversy after a Breaking Energy story last fall.

The Journal reported that “15 months after starting up, the California plant is producing just 40 percent” of the electricity it was expected to generate. The paper said Ivanpah’s operator, NRG, expects the plant to “reach power targets once the kinks are worked out,” but surprisingly didn’t check that claim against the latest data: In the first quarter of this year, Ivanpah generation was up 170 percent over the same quarter in 2014 – 108 gigawatt-hours compared to 40 GWh, according to the Energy Information Administration.

Jennifer Z. Rigney, spokeswoman for Ivanpah’s technology provider, BrightSource Energy, passed along a statement from NRG that said the upward trend continued in April, although the company did not give a precise figure for the month (EIA data for April is not yet available).

Ivanpah Solar Production Up 170% in 2015

Ever been in on the start up of a new plant? I have, several times. And nothing ever goes as planned. One always finds issues that were not foreseen. No matter what kind of operation.

Energy production is up. SOLAR is not. They are generating the vast amount of their power with their gas powered generators. The solar is almost nonexistent.

It's not easy being green: Ivanpah solar plant near Nevada burns a lot of natural gas, making it a greenhouse gas emitter under state law.

The administration’s initiative, which uses millions of taxpayer dollars to promote green energy, has been a boon for the Ivanpah plant in the Mojave Desert. But Ivanpah uses natural gas as a supplementary fuel, and data from the California Energy Commission show the plant burned enough of it in 2014 – its first year of operation – to emit more than 46,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide.

That’s nearly twice the pollution threshold at which power plants and factories in California are required to participate in the state’s cap-and-trade program to reduce carbon emissions.

It's not easy being green: Ivanpah solar plant near Nevada burns a lot of natural gas, making it a greenhouse gas emitter under state law.
The earth's climate system is warmed by 35 C due to the emission of downward infrared radiation by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (surface radiative forcing)

huh? 35C ? please. make it stop.

How many times do you have to be shown this information before you understand what it is?

Break it down for us into little chunks because it makes no sense at all to normal citizens.
OK, here you go. From the American Institute of Physics, the largest Scientific Society in the world.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

sucks that CO2 lags behind temp increase

Sucks that you are too damned lazy to research the lack of validity as to what you are stating. Just mindlessly repeating the nonsense put out the rightwingnuts is hardly the way to impress anyone with your intellect.
Cheapest Solar Ever: Austin Energy Gets 1.2 Gigawatts of Solar Bids for Less Than 4 Cents

Correction: Khalil Shalabi said was that 1,295 megawatts were priced below the Recurrent solar deal from last year, which was under 5 cents per kilowatt-hour not under 4 cents per kilowatt-hour.

A lot more cheap solar is coming for Austin, Texas.

The city's utility, Austin Energy, just released new data on developer bids for PV projects as part of a 600-megawatt procurement. The numbers show how far solar prices have come down over the last year -- and will continue to drop.

According to Khalil Shalabi, Austin Energy's vice president of resource planning, the utility received offers for 7,976 megawatts of projects after issuing a request for bids in April. Out of those bids, 1,295 megawatts of projects were priced below 4 cents per kilowatt-hour.

"The technology is getting better and the prices are decreasing with time," said Shalabi during a presentation in front of the Austin city council last week.

Shalabi displayed the chart below showing an "exponentially declining curve" for PV projects in Texas."If you continue the curve, you can see that if the cost points continue along this sort of exponentially declining curve. We expect to see prices out in the future that are possibly below $20 a megawatt-hour," he said.

Were we to build a distributed grid, we could use warehouse, manufacturing, and commercial roofs to generate electricity right next to the demand. Save on transmission losses, and create a much more robust grid.

yeah maybe but

too often we hear things like "your premiums are actually going to down"

instead they triple from liberals
The earth's climate system is warmed by 35 C due to the emission of downward infrared radiation by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (surface radiative forcing)

huh? 35C ? please. make it stop.

How many times do you have to be shown this information before you understand what it is?

Break it down for us into little chunks because it makes no sense at all to normal citizens.
OK, here you go. From the American Institute of Physics, the largest Scientific Society in the world.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

sucks that CO2 lags behind temp increase

Sucks that you are too damned lazy to research the lack of validity as to what you are stating. Just mindlessly repeating the nonsense put out the rightwingnuts is hardly the way to impress anyone with your intellect.

your folks consensus is not science

not even close
The earth's climate system is warmed by 35 C due to the emission of downward infrared radiation by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (surface radiative forcing)

huh? 35C ? please. make it stop.

How many times do you have to be shown this information before you understand what it is?

Break it down for us into little chunks because it makes no sense at all to normal citizens.
OK, here you go. From the American Institute of Physics, the largest Scientific Society in the world.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

sucks that CO2 lags behind temp increase

Sucks that you are too damned lazy to research the lack of validity as to what you are stating. Just mindlessly repeating the nonsense put out the rightwingnuts is hardly the way to impress anyone with your intellect.

You should follow your own advice. Other than a single paper put out by one of your faithers, every single other paper published shows that CO2 lags temperature by hundreds of years.


Not bad, not bad at all.

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