There’s Big Money in Global Warming Alarmism

One side is spending money on research and mitigation measure. The other side is spending money on lobbying and PR.

And I disagree with your numbers. Over 583 million has been spent in the last decade funding AGW deniers spew. The portion of government AGW spending going to lobbying and PR is microscopic.

"What" is that the oil companies are spending an enormous amount of money to push the idea that climate science is uncertain or false and that taking action will destroy economies and cost jobs. The reason they do so is simple and obvious: survival. The money the world's governments are spending is financing research, new power and transportation technologies and mitigation measures. Which action do you believe is more beneficial to mankind as a whole. If you're not a complete fool, you will answer the latter.

you aren't you going to tell us all these years the oil companies hasn't being doing any research how to IMPROVE things with oil.

The oil companies primary research thrust has always been to find more oil and turn it into salable gasoline and other products at the minimum possible cost. They are a for-profit corporation with a responsibility to their stockholders to do nothing but. I'm sure along the way they have spent some of their hundreds of billions of dollars profit on humanitarian, pro-ecological, pro-wildlife and pro-environmental projects. Has that accomplished anything meaningful with regards to global warming? No. And now we have learned that their own scientists informed Exxon's management no later than the early 1980s that they believed CO2 emissions from burning their fuel would cause dangerous global warming. What was their response? Did they make that public? Did they warn government agencies? Did they finance research into higher mileage cars, more efficient power plants, sequestration technology? No, they financed deniers in a massive disinformation campaign. So, no, Stephanie, I am NOT going to tell you that the oil companies did "research on how to IMPROVE things with oil".

why can't you warmers use you windmills, electric cars etc and leave the people who want to us oil alone.

You've asked this question in various forms on several occasions. The answer is always the same. We all use the same atmosphere Stephanie. You don't get to foul our air and overheat our climate because you're ignorant and lazy and you don't get to benefit from our efforts, sacrifices and outlays without chipping in your share. We are all in the same boat. We all have to pay the piper.

you have force yourselves on other by all this the sky is falling. that's just shady

Were you drinking when you wrote this Stephanie; or very tired? Your syntax and grammar are poor. I have never been able to understand how someone could suspect thousands of scientists all (and I do mean ALL) lying and putting their very careers at risk for the sake of money and yet not have the slightest suspicion that the fossil fuel industries whose very existence, much less their profits, are directly and irrevocably threatened by the effort to reduce GHG emissions. How can you possibly believe that they wouldn't do SOMETHING to prevent being put out of business?

you know what. then stop replying to me if that's all you are about. we all breath the same atmosphere. what a load of BS. you're not only greedy and full of crap making money by fear mongering. You "warmer" are bullies and control freaks. .. and you aren't just a snob but an insufferable horses ass to boot. go to hell

HAHAHAHAHaaa....Pathetic Stephanie. Absolutely pathetic. This is a discussion board. If you don't want to hear responses like this one, then YOU should stop posting here.

The overwhelming evidence of thousands of published, peer reviewed scientific studies is that global warming is real and its primary cause is human CO2 emissions and deforestation. That warming presents a real threat to our children for generations to come. That's not fear mongering Stephanie, it's a fucking statement of fact. The oil companies have long ago admitted that they were financing deniers in a disinformation campaign precisely like that waged by "Intelligent Design" folks against evolution taught in public schools and the tobacco industry against public health. That there are fools like you out there that still claim to believe its all a hoax, that climate scientists in a breathtaking display of unity have been making all of this up for years and years without a single one over confessing to the crime is one of the great amazements of our time.

No, the consensus of computer derived fiction reports, produced by people who use those reports to generate their funding claim that man is the cause. There is NO SCIENCE that supports that claim however. Learn the difference jackass.
One side is spending money on research and mitigation measure. The other side is spending money on lobbying and PR.

And I disagree with your numbers. Over 583 million has been spent in the last decade funding AGW deniers spew. The portion of government AGW spending going to lobbying and PR is microscopic.

"What" is that the oil companies are spending an enormous amount of money to push the idea that climate science is uncertain or false and that taking action will destroy economies and cost jobs. The reason they do so is simple and obvious: survival. The money the world's governments are spending is financing research, new power and transportation technologies and mitigation measures. Which action do you believe is more beneficial to mankind as a whole. If you're not a complete fool, you will answer the latter.

you aren't you going to tell us all these years the oil companies hasn't being doing any research how to IMPROVE things with oil.

The oil companies primary research thrust has always been to find more oil and turn it into salable gasoline and other products at the minimum possible cost. They are a for-profit corporation with a responsibility to their stockholders to do nothing but. I'm sure along the way they have spent some of their hundreds of billions of dollars profit on humanitarian, pro-ecological, pro-wildlife and pro-environmental projects. Has that accomplished anything meaningful with regards to global warming? No. And now we have learned that their own scientists informed Exxon's management no later than the early 1980s that they believed CO2 emissions from burning their fuel would cause dangerous global warming. What was their response? Did they make that public? Did they warn government agencies? Did they finance research into higher mileage cars, more efficient power plants, sequestration technology? No, they financed deniers in a massive disinformation campaign. So, no, Stephanie, I am NOT going to tell you that the oil companies did "research on how to IMPROVE things with oil".

why can't you warmers use you windmills, electric cars etc and leave the people who want to us oil alone.

You've asked this question in various forms on several occasions. The answer is always the same. We all use the same atmosphere Stephanie. You don't get to foul our air and overheat our climate because you're ignorant and lazy and you don't get to benefit from our efforts, sacrifices and outlays without chipping in your share. We are all in the same boat. We all have to pay the piper.

you have force yourselves on other by all this the sky is falling. that's just shady

Were you drinking when you wrote this Stephanie; or very tired? Your syntax and grammar are poor. I have never been able to understand how someone could suspect thousands of scientists all (and I do mean ALL) lying and putting their very careers at risk for the sake of money and yet not have the slightest suspicion that the fossil fuel industries whose very existence, much less their profits, are directly and irrevocably threatened by the effort to reduce GHG emissions. How can you possibly believe that they wouldn't do SOMETHING to prevent being put out of business?

you know what. then stop replying to me if that's all you are about. we all breath the same atmosphere. what a load of BS. you're not only greedy and full of crap making money by fear mongering. You "warmer" are bullies and control freaks. .. and you aren't just a snob but an insufferable horses ass to boot. go to hell

HAHAHAHAHaaa....Pathetic Stephanie. Absolutely pathetic. This is a discussion board. If you don't want to hear responses like this one, then YOU should stop posting here.

The overwhelming evidence of thousands of published, peer reviewed scientific studies is that global warming is real and its primary cause is human CO2 emissions and deforestation. That warming presents a real threat to our children for generations to come. That's not fear mongering Stephanie, it's a fucking statement of fact. The oil companies have long ago admitted that they were financing deniers in a disinformation campaign precisely like that waged by "Intelligent Design" folks against evolution taught in public schools and the tobacco industry against public health. That there are fools like you out there that still claim to believe its all a hoax, that climate scientists in a breathtaking display of unity have been making all of this up for years and years without a single one over confessing to the crime is one of the great amazements of our time.

No, the consensus of computer derived fiction reports, produced by people who use those reports to generate their funding claim that man is the cause. There is NO SCIENCE that supports that claim however. Learn the difference jackass.
One side is spending money on research and mitigation measure. The other side is spending money on lobbying and PR.

And I disagree with your numbers. Over 583 million has been spent in the last decade funding AGW deniers spew. The portion of government AGW spending going to lobbying and PR is microscopic.

"What" is that the oil companies are spending an enormous amount of money to push the idea that climate science is uncertain or false and that taking action will destroy economies and cost jobs. The reason they do so is simple and obvious: survival. The money the world's governments are spending is financing research, new power and transportation technologies and mitigation measures. Which action do you believe is more beneficial to mankind as a whole. If you're not a complete fool, you will answer the latter.

you aren't you going to tell us all these years the oil companies hasn't being doing any research how to IMPROVE things with oil.

The oil companies primary research thrust has always been to find more oil and turn it into salable gasoline and other products at the minimum possible cost. They are a for-profit corporation with a responsibility to their stockholders to do nothing but. I'm sure along the way they have spent some of their hundreds of billions of dollars profit on humanitarian, pro-ecological, pro-wildlife and pro-environmental projects. Has that accomplished anything meaningful with regards to global warming? No. And now we have learned that their own scientists informed Exxon's management no later than the early 1980s that they believed CO2 emissions from burning their fuel would cause dangerous global warming. What was their response? Did they make that public? Did they warn government agencies? Did they finance research into higher mileage cars, more efficient power plants, sequestration technology? No, they financed deniers in a massive disinformation campaign. So, no, Stephanie, I am NOT going to tell you that the oil companies did "research on how to IMPROVE things with oil".

why can't you warmers use you windmills, electric cars etc and leave the people who want to us oil alone.

You've asked this question in various forms on several occasions. The answer is always the same. We all use the same atmosphere Stephanie. You don't get to foul our air and overheat our climate because you're ignorant and lazy and you don't get to benefit from our efforts, sacrifices and outlays without chipping in your share. We are all in the same boat. We all have to pay the piper.

you have force yourselves on other by all this the sky is falling. that's just shady

Were you drinking when you wrote this Stephanie; or very tired? Your syntax and grammar are poor. I have never been able to understand how someone could suspect thousands of scientists all (and I do mean ALL) lying and putting their very careers at risk for the sake of money and yet not have the slightest suspicion that the fossil fuel industries whose very existence, much less their profits, are directly and irrevocably threatened by the effort to reduce GHG emissions. How can you possibly believe that they wouldn't do SOMETHING to prevent being put out of business?

you know what. then stop replying to me if that's all you are about. we all breath the same atmosphere. what a load of BS. you're not only greedy and full of crap making money by fear mongering. You "warmer" are bullies and control freaks. .. and you aren't just a snob but an insufferable horses ass to boot. go to hell

HAHAHAHAHaaa....Pathetic Stephanie. Absolutely pathetic. This is a discussion board. If you don't want to hear responses like this one, then YOU should stop posting here.

The overwhelming evidence of thousands of published, peer reviewed scientific studies is that global warming is real and its primary cause is human CO2 emissions and deforestation. That warming presents a real threat to our children for generations to come. That's not fear mongering Stephanie, it's a fucking statement of fact. The oil companies have long ago admitted that they were financing deniers in a disinformation campaign precisely like that waged by "Intelligent Design" folks against evolution taught in public schools and the tobacco industry against public health. That there are fools like you out there that still claim to believe its all a hoax, that climate scientists in a breathtaking display of unity have been making all of this up for years and years without a single one over confessing to the crime is one of the great amazements of our time.

No, the consensus of computer derived fiction reports, produced by people who use those reports to generate their funding claim that man is the cause. There is NO SCIENCE that supports that claim however. Learn the difference jackass.

Why don't you learn the differance, you senile old fool. I posted a bunch of lectures from the AGU Conferance, from real scientists. And your response was to claim that 99% of the scientists do shit science. You have branded yourself a fool.
One side is spending money on research and mitigation measure. The other side is spending money on lobbying and PR.

And I disagree with your numbers. Over 583 million has been spent in the last decade funding AGW deniers spew. The portion of government AGW spending going to lobbying and PR is microscopic.

"What" is that the oil companies are spending an enormous amount of money to push the idea that climate science is uncertain or false and that taking action will destroy economies and cost jobs. The reason they do so is simple and obvious: survival. The money the world's governments are spending is financing research, new power and transportation technologies and mitigation measures. Which action do you believe is more beneficial to mankind as a whole. If you're not a complete fool, you will answer the latter.

you aren't you going to tell us all these years the oil companies hasn't being doing any research how to IMPROVE things with oil.

The oil companies primary research thrust has always been to find more oil and turn it into salable gasoline and other products at the minimum possible cost. They are a for-profit corporation with a responsibility to their stockholders to do nothing but. I'm sure along the way they have spent some of their hundreds of billions of dollars profit on humanitarian, pro-ecological, pro-wildlife and pro-environmental projects. Has that accomplished anything meaningful with regards to global warming? No. And now we have learned that their own scientists informed Exxon's management no later than the early 1980s that they believed CO2 emissions from burning their fuel would cause dangerous global warming. What was their response? Did they make that public? Did they warn government agencies? Did they finance research into higher mileage cars, more efficient power plants, sequestration technology? No, they financed deniers in a massive disinformation campaign. So, no, Stephanie, I am NOT going to tell you that the oil companies did "research on how to IMPROVE things with oil".

why can't you warmers use you windmills, electric cars etc and leave the people who want to us oil alone.

You've asked this question in various forms on several occasions. The answer is always the same. We all use the same atmosphere Stephanie. You don't get to foul our air and overheat our climate because you're ignorant and lazy and you don't get to benefit from our efforts, sacrifices and outlays without chipping in your share. We are all in the same boat. We all have to pay the piper.

you have force yourselves on other by all this the sky is falling. that's just shady

Were you drinking when you wrote this Stephanie; or very tired? Your syntax and grammar are poor. I have never been able to understand how someone could suspect thousands of scientists all (and I do mean ALL) lying and putting their very careers at risk for the sake of money and yet not have the slightest suspicion that the fossil fuel industries whose very existence, much less their profits, are directly and irrevocably threatened by the effort to reduce GHG emissions. How can you possibly believe that they wouldn't do SOMETHING to prevent being put out of business?

you know what. then stop replying to me if that's all you are about. we all breath the same atmosphere. what a load of BS. you're not only greedy and full of crap making money by fear mongering. You "warmer" are bullies and control freaks. .. and you aren't just a snob but an insufferable horses ass to boot. go to hell

HAHAHAHAHaaa....Pathetic Stephanie. Absolutely pathetic. This is a discussion board. If you don't want to hear responses like this one, then YOU should stop posting here.

The overwhelming evidence of thousands of published, peer reviewed scientific studies is that global warming is real and its primary cause is human CO2 emissions and deforestation. That warming presents a real threat to our children for generations to come. That's not fear mongering Stephanie, it's a fucking statement of fact. The oil companies have long ago admitted that they were financing deniers in a disinformation campaign precisely like that waged by "Intelligent Design" folks against evolution taught in public schools and the tobacco industry against public health. That there are fools like you out there that still claim to believe its all a hoax, that climate scientists in a breathtaking display of unity have been making all of this up for years and years without a single one over confessing to the crime is one of the great amazements of our time.

No, the consensus of computer derived fiction reports, produced by people who use those reports to generate their funding claim that man is the cause. There is NO SCIENCE that supports that claim however. Learn the difference jackass.
One side is spending money on research and mitigation measure. The other side is spending money on lobbying and PR.

And I disagree with your numbers. Over 583 million has been spent in the last decade funding AGW deniers spew. The portion of government AGW spending going to lobbying and PR is microscopic.

"What" is that the oil companies are spending an enormous amount of money to push the idea that climate science is uncertain or false and that taking action will destroy economies and cost jobs. The reason they do so is simple and obvious: survival. The money the world's governments are spending is financing research, new power and transportation technologies and mitigation measures. Which action do you believe is more beneficial to mankind as a whole. If you're not a complete fool, you will answer the latter.

you aren't you going to tell us all these years the oil companies hasn't being doing any research how to IMPROVE things with oil.

The oil companies primary research thrust has always been to find more oil and turn it into salable gasoline and other products at the minimum possible cost. They are a for-profit corporation with a responsibility to their stockholders to do nothing but. I'm sure along the way they have spent some of their hundreds of billions of dollars profit on humanitarian, pro-ecological, pro-wildlife and pro-environmental projects. Has that accomplished anything meaningful with regards to global warming? No. And now we have learned that their own scientists informed Exxon's management no later than the early 1980s that they believed CO2 emissions from burning their fuel would cause dangerous global warming. What was their response? Did they make that public? Did they warn government agencies? Did they finance research into higher mileage cars, more efficient power plants, sequestration technology? No, they financed deniers in a massive disinformation campaign. So, no, Stephanie, I am NOT going to tell you that the oil companies did "research on how to IMPROVE things with oil".

why can't you warmers use you windmills, electric cars etc and leave the people who want to us oil alone.

You've asked this question in various forms on several occasions. The answer is always the same. We all use the same atmosphere Stephanie. You don't get to foul our air and overheat our climate because you're ignorant and lazy and you don't get to benefit from our efforts, sacrifices and outlays without chipping in your share. We are all in the same boat. We all have to pay the piper.

you have force yourselves on other by all this the sky is falling. that's just shady

Were you drinking when you wrote this Stephanie; or very tired? Your syntax and grammar are poor. I have never been able to understand how someone could suspect thousands of scientists all (and I do mean ALL) lying and putting their very careers at risk for the sake of money and yet not have the slightest suspicion that the fossil fuel industries whose very existence, much less their profits, are directly and irrevocably threatened by the effort to reduce GHG emissions. How can you possibly believe that they wouldn't do SOMETHING to prevent being put out of business?

you know what. then stop replying to me if that's all you are about. we all breath the same atmosphere. what a load of BS. you're not only greedy and full of crap making money by fear mongering. You "warmer" are bullies and control freaks. .. and you aren't just a snob but an insufferable horses ass to boot. go to hell

HAHAHAHAHaaa....Pathetic Stephanie. Absolutely pathetic. This is a discussion board. If you don't want to hear responses like this one, then YOU should stop posting here.

The overwhelming evidence of thousands of published, peer reviewed scientific studies is that global warming is real and its primary cause is human CO2 emissions and deforestation. That warming presents a real threat to our children for generations to come. That's not fear mongering Stephanie, it's a fucking statement of fact. The oil companies have long ago admitted that they were financing deniers in a disinformation campaign precisely like that waged by "Intelligent Design" folks against evolution taught in public schools and the tobacco industry against public health. That there are fools like you out there that still claim to believe its all a hoax, that climate scientists in a breathtaking display of unity have been making all of this up for years and years without a single one over confessing to the crime is one of the great amazements of our time.

No, the consensus of computer derived fiction reports, produced by people who use those reports to generate their funding claim that man is the cause. There is NO SCIENCE that supports that claim however. Learn the difference jackass.
One side is spending money on research and mitigation measure. The other side is spending money on lobbying and PR.

And I disagree with your numbers. Over 583 million has been spent in the last decade funding AGW deniers spew. The portion of government AGW spending going to lobbying and PR is microscopic.

"What" is that the oil companies are spending an enormous amount of money to push the idea that climate science is uncertain or false and that taking action will destroy economies and cost jobs. The reason they do so is simple and obvious: survival. The money the world's governments are spending is financing research, new power and transportation technologies and mitigation measures. Which action do you believe is more beneficial to mankind as a whole. If you're not a complete fool, you will answer the latter.

you aren't you going to tell us all these years the oil companies hasn't being doing any research how to IMPROVE things with oil.

The oil companies primary research thrust has always been to find more oil and turn it into salable gasoline and other products at the minimum possible cost. They are a for-profit corporation with a responsibility to their stockholders to do nothing but. I'm sure along the way they have spent some of their hundreds of billions of dollars profit on humanitarian, pro-ecological, pro-wildlife and pro-environmental projects. Has that accomplished anything meaningful with regards to global warming? No. And now we have learned that their own scientists informed Exxon's management no later than the early 1980s that they believed CO2 emissions from burning their fuel would cause dangerous global warming. What was their response? Did they make that public? Did they warn government agencies? Did they finance research into higher mileage cars, more efficient power plants, sequestration technology? No, they financed deniers in a massive disinformation campaign. So, no, Stephanie, I am NOT going to tell you that the oil companies did "research on how to IMPROVE things with oil".

why can't you warmers use you windmills, electric cars etc and leave the people who want to us oil alone.

You've asked this question in various forms on several occasions. The answer is always the same. We all use the same atmosphere Stephanie. You don't get to foul our air and overheat our climate because you're ignorant and lazy and you don't get to benefit from our efforts, sacrifices and outlays without chipping in your share. We are all in the same boat. We all have to pay the piper.

you have force yourselves on other by all this the sky is falling. that's just shady

Were you drinking when you wrote this Stephanie; or very tired? Your syntax and grammar are poor. I have never been able to understand how someone could suspect thousands of scientists all (and I do mean ALL) lying and putting their very careers at risk for the sake of money and yet not have the slightest suspicion that the fossil fuel industries whose very existence, much less their profits, are directly and irrevocably threatened by the effort to reduce GHG emissions. How can you possibly believe that they wouldn't do SOMETHING to prevent being put out of business?

you know what. then stop replying to me if that's all you are about. we all breath the same atmosphere. what a load of BS. you're not only greedy and full of crap making money by fear mongering. You "warmer" are bullies and control freaks. .. and you aren't just a snob but an insufferable horses ass to boot. go to hell

HAHAHAHAHaaa....Pathetic Stephanie. Absolutely pathetic. This is a discussion board. If you don't want to hear responses like this one, then YOU should stop posting here.

The overwhelming evidence of thousands of published, peer reviewed scientific studies is that global warming is real and its primary cause is human CO2 emissions and deforestation. That warming presents a real threat to our children for generations to come. That's not fear mongering Stephanie, it's a fucking statement of fact. The oil companies have long ago admitted that they were financing deniers in a disinformation campaign precisely like that waged by "Intelligent Design" folks against evolution taught in public schools and the tobacco industry against public health. That there are fools like you out there that still claim to believe its all a hoax, that climate scientists in a breathtaking display of unity have been making all of this up for years and years without a single one over confessing to the crime is one of the great amazements of our time.

No, the consensus of computer derived fiction reports, produced by people who use those reports to generate their funding claim that man is the cause. There is NO SCIENCE that supports that claim however. Learn the difference jackass.

Why don't you learn the differance, you senile old fool. I posted a bunch of lectures from the AGU Conferance, from real scientists. And your response was to claim that 99% of the scientists do shit science. You have branded yourself a fool.

I hate to break it to ya dumbfuck but computer derived fiction ISN'T SCIENCE! It is science FICTION. Learn the damned difference!
I hate to break it to ya dumbfuck but computer derived fiction ISN'T SCIENCE! It is science FICTION. Learn the damned difference!

How about for starters you learn how to do a quote here on the board. You've got three copies of the prior exchange.

You quite obviously don't know what the fuck you're talking about and don't want to know what you know you don't know. The temperature record is not "computer derived fiction". The atmospheric CO2 record is not "computer derived fiction". The Arctic ice extents record is not "computer derived fiction". The ocean temperature record is not "computer derived fiction". The radiative imbalance data at the ToA are not "computer derived fiction". The increase in the intensity of storms is not a "computer derived fiction". The warming lakes of the world are not a "computer derived fiction." The increased rate and intensity of drought and flooding is not a "computer derived fiction".

You know what's a computer derived fiction? The denier bullshit you get from internet blogs run by right wing journalists, lobbyists and completely discredited, pay-for-play science hacks like Lindzen, Soon, Singer, Stein, Watts, Ball, Spencer, Legates and perhaps a dozen others whose professional and academic records have a surprising amount in common, all of which involves the failures and deceptions that lead to a loss of general credibility
I hate to break it to ya dumbfuck but computer derived fiction ISN'T SCIENCE! It is science FICTION. Learn the damned difference!

How about for starters you learn how to do a quote here on the board. You've got three copies of the prior exchange.

You quite obviously don't know what the fuck you're talking about and don't want to know what you know you don't know. The temperature record is not "computer derived fiction". The atmospheric CO2 record is not "computer derived fiction". The Arctic ice extents record is not "computer derived fiction". The ocean temperature record is not "computer derived fiction". The radiative imbalance data at the ToA are not "computer derived fiction". The increase in the intensity of storms is not a "computer derived fiction". The warming lakes of the world are not a "computer derived fiction." The increased rate and intensity of drought and flooding is not a "computer derived fiction".

You know what's a computer derived fiction? The denier bullshit you get from internet blogs run by right wing journalists, lobbyists and completely discredited, pay-for-play science hacks like Lindzen, Soon, Singer, Stein, Watts, Ball, Spencer, Legates and perhaps a dozen others whose professional and academic records have a surprising amount in common, all of which involves the failures and deceptions that lead to a loss of general credibility

Where is the day to day temperature records of the oceans for the past 100 years ?

I have been still waiting for it since I made that one thread....
I hate to break it to ya dumbfuck but computer derived fiction ISN'T SCIENCE! It is science FICTION. Learn the damned difference!

How about for starters you learn how to do a quote here on the board. You've got three copies of the prior exchange.

You quite obviously don't know what the fuck you're talking about and don't want to know what you know you don't know. The temperature record is not "computer derived fiction". The atmospheric CO2 record is not "computer derived fiction". The Arctic ice extents record is not "computer derived fiction". The ocean temperature record is not "computer derived fiction". The radiative imbalance data at the ToA are not "computer derived fiction". The increase in the intensity of storms is not a "computer derived fiction". The warming lakes of the world are not a "computer derived fiction." The increased rate and intensity of drought and flooding is not a "computer derived fiction".

You know what's a computer derived fiction? The denier bullshit you get from internet blogs run by right wing journalists, lobbyists and completely discredited, pay-for-play science hacks like Lindzen, Soon, Singer, Stein, Watts, Ball, Spencer, Legates and perhaps a dozen others whose professional and academic records have a surprising amount in common, all of which involves the failures and deceptions that lead to a loss of general credibility

That is true and lo and behold the Arctic sea ice level is within the norm. Has been since they began keeping track of it. All of you claimed that it would be ice free by two years ago and DOH... you were wrong. Again. Real "scientists" who haven't had an accurate prediction in 30 years.
That is true

Excellent. You've finally taken a step towards reality. You don't know what you're talking about. AGW is not reliant on computer models, reams of empirical evidence support AGW and you have been listening to the wrong people for a good long while.

and lo and behold the Arctic sea ice level is within the norm. Has been since they began keeping track of it.

Ah... you've chosen to play games and to play stupid ones.


All of you claimed that it would be ice free by two years ago

No, we most certainly all did not. And any prediction you heard used the word "could".

you were wrong.

I'm afraid we were not. You, however, were.

Real "scientists" who haven't had an accurate prediction in 30 years.

Since AR1, consistently, the prediction has been that as long as GHGs rise, the long term trend will be upwards. Guess what?


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