There’s Big Money in Global Warming Alarmism

One side is spending money on research and mitigation measure. The other side is spending money on lobbying and PR.

And I disagree with your numbers. Over 583 million has been spent in the last decade funding AGW deniers spew. The portion of government AGW spending going to lobbying and PR is microscopic.

Every dollar given to a so-called "climate scientist" is a dollar of funding for pro AGW propaganda. The job of "climate scientists" in this day and age is to produce convincing propaganda the global warming is true.
One side is spending money on research and mitigation measure. The other side is spending money on lobbying and PR.

And I disagree with your numbers. Over 583 million has been spent in the last decade funding AGW deniers spew. The portion of government AGW spending going to lobbying and PR is microscopic.

Every dollar given to a so-called "climate scientist" is a dollar of funding for pro AGW propaganda. The job of "climate scientists" in this day and age is to produce convincing propaganda the global warming is true.

No, Paddie, it isn't
One side is spending money on research and mitigation measure. The other side is spending money on lobbying and PR.

And I disagree with your numbers. Over 583 million has been spent in the last decade funding AGW deniers spew. The portion of government AGW spending going to lobbying and PR is microscopic.

Every dollar given to a so-called "climate scientist" is a dollar of funding for pro AGW propaganda. The job of "climate scientists" in this day and age is to produce convincing propaganda the global warming is true.

No, Paddie, it isn't

Yes it is. Any "climate scientist" who comes to the wrong conclusion immediately finds his funding drying up. Only one conclusion is allowed by the bureaucrats who dole out the research dollars.
407 * 1500 = 610,500 miles

125 * 5000 = 625,000 miles

Gosh, after 7 years in office, he's got a 15,000 mile lead over Bush. But, hey, he didn't start a needless trillion dollar, 100s of thousands dead war in Iraq, did he.

You are ignoring facts. Staying at expensive hotel for 100-500 persons costs a bundle. Considering "he" takes up an entire floor at about $5K/night/room + all the others scattered about. During his 8 years this is weekly, Biden Hillary Kerry and all do similar. too many think massive waste is OK.

give it a rest. Your Spin don't win.

My spin? Bush more than 3x as many vacation days, yet you still cling to the idea that Obama is some vacation hog. Pathetic

So crick please tell us how did you enjoy the beaches, the golf courses and Crawford Texas famous bowling alley? Since you think it's such a vacation.
One side is spending money on research and mitigation measure. The other side is spending money on lobbying and PR.

And I disagree with your numbers. Over 583 million has been spent in the last decade funding AGW deniers spew. The portion of government AGW spending going to lobbying and PR is microscopic.

Every dollar given to a so-called "climate scientist" is a dollar of funding for pro AGW propaganda. The job of "climate scientists" in this day and age is to produce convincing propaganda the global warming is true.

No, Paddie, it isn't

I see you are too terrified to respond to my post. Why is that crick? Enquiring minds want to know....


The biggest mass extinction of the past 600 million years (My), the end-Permian event (251 My ago), witnessed the loss of as much as 95% of all species on Earth. Key questions for biologists concern what combination of environmental changes could possibly have had such a devastating effect, the scale and pattern of species loss, and the nature of the recovery. New studies on dating the event, contemporary volcanic activity, and the anatomy of the environmental crisis have changed our perspectives dramatically in the past five years. Evidence on causation is equivocal, with support for either an asteroid impact or mass volcanism, but the latter seems most probable. The extinction model involves global warming by 6°C and huge input of light carbon into the ocean-atmosphere system from the eruptions, but especially from gas hydrates, leading to an ever-worsening positive-feedback loop, the ‘runaway greenhouse’.

As one gets closer to the present date, the articles emphasize the warming far more than the cooling periods.

"EXTINCTION MODEL". Do you even bother to read the shit you post? Like I said there is ZERO empirical data to support warming as a cause. There is ample evidence to show glaciation as a cause.
High-resolution oxygen isotope records document the timing and magnitude of global warming across the Permian-Triassic (P-Tr) boundary. Oxygen isotope ratios measured on phosphate-bound oxygen in conodont apatite from the Meishan and Shangsi sections (South China) decrease by 2‰ in the latest Permian, translating into low-latitude surface water warming of 8 °C. The oxygen isotope shift coincides with the negative shift in carbon isotope ratios of carbonates, suggesting that the addition of isotopically light carbon to the ocean-atmosphere system by Siberian Traps volcanism and related processes resulted in higher greenhouse gas levels and global warming. The major temperature rise started immediately before the main extinction phase, with maximum and harmful temperatures documented in the latest Permian (Meishan: bed 27). The coincidence of climate warming and the main pulse of extinction suggest that global warming was one of the causes of the collapse of the marine and terrestrial ecosystems. In addition, very warm climate conditions in the Early Triassic may have played a major role in the delayed recovery in the aftermath of the Permian-Triassic crisis.

Climate warming in the latest Permian and the Permian–Triassic mass extinction

But of course you choose to ignore that study.


Why do you alarmist idiots fail to read the print where their confidence level is below 32%... Stupidity should be painful.. and isolated to the idiots who are stupid.. but you idiots want all of us to freeze to death for your agenda.. Its amazing what gets published when the results have no confidence.
Yes it is. Any "climate scientist" who comes to the wrong conclusion immediately finds his funding drying up. Only one conclusion is allowed by the bureaucrats who dole out the research dollars.

And YOU know this how?
Yes it is. Any "climate scientist" who comes to the wrong conclusion immediately finds his funding drying up. Only one conclusion is allowed by the bureaucrats who dole out the research dollars.

And YOU know this how?

Many researches have said so. They also say that if you have the phrase "climate change" somewhere in your funding request, it's much more likely to get approved.
Right. The ones who had their funding approved didn't have it denied. That's all you've said.

If you think that's how it works, you shouldn't really be commenting on this thread. You don't have a clue. You are just rabbiting the points of climate deniers who don't have a clue what they are talking about. Uber conservatives like the Koch bros. are doing your thinking for you. They are more concerned about how climate change affects their bottom line than they do about what it is actually doing to our planet.

The Congressional Research Service estimates that since 2008 the federal government has spent nearly $70 billion on “climate change activities.”

Oklahoma Republican Sen. James Inhofe presented the new CRS report on the Senate Floor Thursday to make the point that the Obama administration has been focused on “green” defense projects to the detriment of the military.

The report revealed that from fiscal years 2008 through 2012 the federal government spent $68.4 billion to combat climate change. The Department of Defense also spent $4 billion of its budget, the report adds, on climate change and energy efficiency activities in that same time period.

Inhofe, the Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works and a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, argued that the expenditures are foolish at a time when the military is facing “devastating cuts.”

The "well funded" climate business - follow the money
So crick please tell us how did you enjoy the beaches, the golf courses and Crawford Texas famous bowling alley? Since you think it's such a vacation.

Do you people realize how pathetic you get trying to defend your fuckups? Obama has NOT taken excessive vacations. Just give it the fuck up.

I see you are too terrified to respond to my post. Why is that crick? Enquiring minds want to know....

What the fuck are you talking about?
So crick please tell us how did you enjoy the beaches, the golf courses and Crawford Texas famous bowling alley? Since you think it's such a vacation.

Do you people realize how pathetic you get trying to defend your fuckups? Obama has NOT taken excessive vacations. Just give it the fuck up.

I see you are too terrified to respond to my post. Why is that crick? Enquiring minds want to know....

What the fuck are you talking about?

For shame.... Such a disingenuous little twerp you are...

There’s Big Money in Global Warming Alarmism | Page 14 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I am sure there'd be big money in nearly anything that threaten our species. Asteroids, a new black death event or even another world war.

it is the way it works.

But according to the left, global warming is the source for all our woes at least according to this compiled list.

A Complete List Of Things Supposedly Caused By Global Warming

I don't have the time to read through the entire list, but it would hot surprise me to see on the list that things like Asteroids and the black death and another world war are all caused by climate change.
So crick please tell us how did you enjoy the beaches, the golf courses and Crawford Texas famous bowling alley? Since you think it's such a vacation.

Do you people realize how pathetic you get trying to defend your fuckups? Obama has NOT taken excessive vacations. Just give it the fuck up.

I see you are too terrified to respond to my post. Why is that crick? Enquiring minds want to know....

What the fuck are you talking about?

What fuck ups? Guess you think going to Crawford Is a vacation ...

I feel sorry for you little guy and your financial situation, but that's not a vacation.

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