There’s Nothing Normal About Joe Biden Going AWOL for Four Days

Tell me exactly what you would like to see.
What I asked for.
AP News is the news source, followed by Reuters which does the least amount of doctoring the AP News feed to feed an agenda.
The only other source is the BBC which has no hang-ups when it comes to exposing US Republican and Democrat bullshit.
For example, the BBC will report BLM destruction and murder when CNN, etc... won't.

Other than the above 3 there is absolutely no source of information that is not doctored.

I doubt you will accept that CNN and MSNBC doctors their news but will gladly accept that FoxNews does.
I await your reply.
What I asked for.
AP News is the news source, followed by Reuters which does the least amount of doctoring the AP News feed to feed an agenda.
The only other source is the BBC which has no hang-ups when it comes to exposing US Republican and Democrat bullshit.
For example, the BBC will report BLM destruction and murder when CNN, etc... won't.

Other than the above 3 there is absolutely no source of information that is not doctored.

I doubt you will accept that CNN and MSNBC doctors their news but will gladly accept that FoxNews does.
I await your reply.

Until you can provide evidence any news source doctored anything, you are considered paranoid.
Evidunce for a dunce such as yourself?
Check out AP News, Reuters and BBC every day for a few months.
But I know you won't.
I knew you had nothing and that's the typical response.
If you had evidence you would produce it in a heart beat. You have nothing but a big mouth.
I knew you had nothing and that's the typical response.
If you had evidence you would produce it in a heart beat. You have nothing but a big mouth.
Lots of people here know you are mentally ill and if I Linked anything, you would say it only happened once.
Check them out on a daily basis.
We are talking about someone providing evidence of the statements.
You tube is not the place for facts comrade.
Try Again.
YouTube is not evidence?
But CNN is hard news!?
I would ask if you're insane but I already know you are.

Anyway, enough of my having a "discussion" with a ProgBot.
Trump bots rising up to defend him. Guess they don't know how he chews people up and spits them out once they've served his purpose. Mike Pence and Giulianni for instance.

At least they are alive!
6 or more people were killed today by the Taliban in Kabul thanks to Bi-Dung and his hand picked ex-spurts.
More to come......standby......
You can do the filthy ass Democrat spin and denial shit all you want to Moon Bat but it is this Joe Dufus piece of shit that is fucking up the withdrawal. Trying to blame a Dufus failure on Trump may be the typical Democrat thing but it is dishonest as hell.

Joe Dufus is doing what his Chicom buddies want him to do. Enabling The Worthless Negro's Taliban buddies and alienating our allies while making the US look weak and emasculated.

That money the Chinese gave to the Dufus family is really paying off, isn't it Moon Bat? You didn't vote for Joe Dufus that was on the Chinese payroll did you? Because if you did then that you pretty much make you a world class moron, wouldn't it?
EVERYTHING is Crashing and burning under BIDEN, and you attack TRump who ran things very very well. Screaming Trump did this or that trying to blow cover for Biden isn't working.
Yes its working. Drumpf is no longer in office. He fucked up the negotiations with the Taliban and Biden had to accept the responsibility. Drumpf is simply a fuckup.
Yes its working. Drumpf is no longer in office. He fucked up the negotiations with the Taliban and Biden had to accept the responsibility. Drumpf is simply a fuckup.

Did the Donald stop air support for the Afghan Army?
Did he close Bagram Airbase?
Huh, mushroom, huh??

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