There’s Nothing Racist about Steam.

Steam? We aren't talking about hot water?What anti-defmation league? The one that represents the Jewish people? What has it got to do with on line games?
Fuck that "always online DRM" bullshit!
Steam can go suck a Sonny cactus.
I did sell a computer once..It did not have steam, but the deal was he had to be able to put steam on it. It was that.
They never called fact I called them, they said it was all good. :)
The ADL wants to gentrify gaming spaces, and they’re using shoddy research to do it.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) published a report recently claiming that Steam, the world’s most popular platform for video games, is a hotbed of racism. “[T]he Steam platform is among the growing list of virtual spaces where one can encounter extremist activity,” according to the ADL. “It was disturbingly easy for ADL’s researchers to locate Steam users who espouse extremist beliefs, using language associated with white supremacist ideology and subcultures, including key terms, common numeric hate symbols, and acronyms.”
The report is the culmination of the ADL’s 2019 Gamer Survey, which found that two-thirds of online gamers in the United States experience “severe” harassment. The survey also claims that, “23% of respondents were exposed to extremist white supremacist ideology in online games.”

Remarkably, the ADL’s survey only sampled 1,045 correspondents, a small fraction of Steam’s billion-plus user base; of that, the ADL deliberately oversampled minorities. This survey, which conflates what gamers might refer to as “toxic behavior” (i.e., being yelled at over voice chat and called mean things) with extremism, begins with an agenda: how do we turn the world’s largest gaming platform into a safe space for PC/liberal gaming minorities? How do we gentrify gaming spaces?

The ADL’s deliberate failure to acknowledge and recognize context stems from a deeper instinct: the organization refuses to see gamers as people. This dehumanizing tendency allows them to ignore nuance, social and cultural complexity, norm-governance, and accountability systems that already exist in our communities. To the ADL, gamers are just empty, thoughtless vessels that transmit hateful images, utterly unworthy of consideration.

And that’s why the ADL is coming for Steam—because it’s where the gamers gather.

FFS, Seriously? I'm on Steam. This is ridiculously stupid.
Sorry to tell you, but the place chock fulla neo Nazis.

The platform itself isn't racist, and they do try to stpmit out when it's reported, but don't kid yourself. The place is packed with racists.
The ADL wants to gentrify gaming spaces, and they’re using shoddy research to do it.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) published a report recently claiming that Steam, the world’s most popular platform for video games, is a hotbed of racism. “[T]he Steam platform is among the growing list of virtual spaces where one can encounter extremist activity,” according to the ADL. “It was disturbingly easy for ADL’s researchers to locate Steam users who espouse extremist beliefs, using language associated with white supremacist ideology and subcultures, including key terms, common numeric hate symbols, and acronyms.”
The report is the culmination of the ADL’s 2019 Gamer Survey, which found that two-thirds of online gamers in the United States experience “severe” harassment. The survey also claims that, “23% of respondents were exposed to extremist white supremacist ideology in online games.”

Remarkably, the ADL’s survey only sampled 1,045 correspondents, a small fraction of Steam’s billion-plus user base; of that, the ADL deliberately oversampled minorities. This survey, which conflates what gamers might refer to as “toxic behavior” (i.e., being yelled at over voice chat and called mean things) with extremism, begins with an agenda: how do we turn the world’s largest gaming platform into a safe space for PC/liberal gaming minorities? How do we gentrify gaming spaces?

The ADL’s deliberate failure to acknowledge and recognize context stems from a deeper instinct: the organization refuses to see gamers as people. This dehumanizing tendency allows them to ignore nuance, social and cultural complexity, norm-governance, and accountability systems that already exist in our communities. To the ADL, gamers are just empty, thoughtless vessels that transmit hateful images, utterly unworthy of consideration.

And that’s why the ADL is coming for Steam—because it’s where the gamers gather.

FFS, Seriously? I'm on Steam. This is ridiculously stupid.
Sorry to tell you, but the place chock fulla neo Nazis.

The platform itself isn't racist, and they do try to stpmit out when it's reported, but don't kid yourself. The place is packed with racists.

No. It's not.
Fuck that "always online DRM" bullshit!
Steam can go suck a Sonny cactus.
I did sell a computer once..It did not have steam, but the deal was he had to be able to put steam on it. It was that.
They never called fact I called them, they said it was all good. :)

Do you get internet service and did the guy you were selling the computer to live in an area that had predictable internet service?
Fuck that "always online DRM" bullshit!
Steam can go suck a Sonny cactus.
I did sell a computer once..It did not have steam, but the deal was he had to be able to put steam on it. It was that.
They never called fact I called them, they said it was all good. :)

Do you get internet service and did the guy you were selling the computer to live in an area that had predictable internet service?
Yeah, they had reliable internet service.
Was probably DSL at that time.
I advised against Steam, but apparently their son was autistic and liked Steam.
He wanted to build a steam account with that computer..It could do that. it just hurt me to think of it doing so, but I had to let it go.
No doubt he built a large steam account with it.
It was all my 2nd hand parts, yet still better than any "gaming computer" I saw offered on CL at the time.
There was some quality stuff there..
Especially the all-important graphics card. It was 2nd from top of the line at that time.
I balanced the thing right.
Last edited:
Fuck that "always online DRM" bullshit!
Steam can go suck a Sonny cactus.
I did sell a computer once..It did not have steam, but the deal was he had to be able to put steam on it. It was that.
They never called fact I called them, they said it was all good. :)

Do you get internet service and did the guy you were selling the computer to live in an area that had predictable internet service?
Yeah, they had reliable internet service.
Was probably DSL at that time.
I advised against Steam, but apparently their son was autistic and liked Steam.

Then DRM wouldn't be an issue. DRM is an issue if you are paying for games but can't access them because you can't get online.
Fuck that "always online DRM" bullshit!
Steam can go suck a Sonny cactus.
I did sell a computer once..It did not have steam, but the deal was he had to be able to put steam on it. It was that.
They never called fact I called them, they said it was all good. :)

Do you get internet service and did the guy you were selling the computer to live in an area that had predictable internet service?
Yeah, they had reliable internet service.
Was probably DSL at that time.
I advised against Steam, but apparently their son was autistic and liked Steam.

Then DRM wouldn't be an issue. DRM is an issue if you are paying for games but can't access them because you can't get online.
I can get online and it's a helluva issue for me
The ADL wants to gentrify gaming spaces, and they’re using shoddy research to do it.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) published a report recently claiming that Steam, the world’s most popular platform for video games, is a hotbed of racism. “[T]he Steam platform is among the growing list of virtual spaces where one can encounter extremist activity,” according to the ADL. “It was disturbingly easy for ADL’s researchers to locate Steam users who espouse extremist beliefs, using language associated with white supremacist ideology and subcultures, including key terms, common numeric hate symbols, and acronyms.”
The report is the culmination of the ADL’s 2019 Gamer Survey, which found that two-thirds of online gamers in the United States experience “severe” harassment. The survey also claims that, “23% of respondents were exposed to extremist white supremacist ideology in online games.”

Remarkably, the ADL’s survey only sampled 1,045 correspondents, a small fraction of Steam’s billion-plus user base; of that, the ADL deliberately oversampled minorities. This survey, which conflates what gamers might refer to as “toxic behavior” (i.e., being yelled at over voice chat and called mean things) with extremism, begins with an agenda: how do we turn the world’s largest gaming platform into a safe space for PC/liberal gaming minorities? How do we gentrify gaming spaces?

The ADL’s deliberate failure to acknowledge and recognize context stems from a deeper instinct: the organization refuses to see gamers as people. This dehumanizing tendency allows them to ignore nuance, social and cultural complexity, norm-governance, and accountability systems that already exist in our communities. To the ADL, gamers are just empty, thoughtless vessels that transmit hateful images, utterly unworthy of consideration.

And that’s why the ADL is coming for Steam—because it’s where the gamers gather.

FFS, Seriously? I'm on Steam. This is ridiculously stupid.
Sorry to tell you, but the place chock fulla neo Nazis.

The platform itself isn't racist, and they do try to stpmit out when it's reported, but don't kid yourself. The place is packed with racists.

No. It's not.
I play with my son sometimes, the discord chats are indeed full of them.
The internet in general is pretty chock full of bigoted comments, really. Steam is an online gaming service, so it's no exception. Is it possible there's more idiot racist/bigot comments in gaming than the internet in general? Sure. I've been PC gaming for a couple of decades, I've seen too much of that. I see it today. It's not limited to Steam by any means, though. :dunno:

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