These Abortion Protests Are Pathetic

It’s a fact.

Tell me why you support crime and criminals.
So where is your evidence that George Soros is behind all DA's who refuse to prosecute some crimes? And it depends on the "crime"

I don't think holding a little weed or some mushrooms is a big deal.
It depends on how unborn the child is.

I never had any issue with first trimester abortions as the first trimester is the most likely period a miscarriage is likely to occur
Ah. So are you saying you are opposed to abortions in month 5 and beyond, save for some massive birth defect or risk to mother’s life, when the unborn child is weeks away from viability?
So where is your evidence that George Soros is behind all DA's who refuse to prosecute some crimes?

Ah. So are you saying you are opposed to abortions in month 5 and beyond, save for some massive birth defect or risk to mother’s life, when the unborn child is weeks away from viability?

The fact of the matter is that abortion after the 21st week is extremely rare and 93% of all abortions occur in the first 15 weeks.

The largest percentage of abortions occur before week 6. And IMO abortion is acceptable if there is some defect in the fetus.

I have always said that once the fetus is viable outside the womb that even if the life of the mother is at stake an induced premature birth would be the preferred option.
So where is your evidence that George Soros is behind all DA's who refuse to prosecute some crimes? And it depends on the "crime"

I don't think holding a little weed or some mushrooms is a big deal.
It’s known Soros is behind it all.

As far as crimes, of course there are degrees of it - and that’s why punishment for weed is a lot lighter, if at all, than against some violent crime. Our laws already have factored that in.

But the criminal-supporting liberals are taking it further: eliminating bail for violent offenders and permitting shoplifting up to $995 (in California). Have you seen videos of looters walking into stores and brazenly loading up bags of stolen merchandise?

What about the shop owner? Many of them eke out a living (I know my great-grandfather did with his little corner grocery), and now we have liberals making it easier for thugs to steal from them?

Thank G-d we are getting rid of the Dems in a few months.
It’s known Soros is behind it all.

As far as crimes, of course there are degrees of it - and that’s why punishment for weed is a lot lighter, if at all, than against some violent crime. Our laws already have factored that in.

But the criminal-supporting liberals are taking it further: eliminating bail for violent offenders and permitting shoplifting up to $995 (in California). Have you seen videos of looters walking into stores and brazenly loading up bags of stolen merchandise?

What about the shop owner? Many of them eke out a living (I know my great-grandfather did with his little corner grocery), and now we have liberals making it easier for thugs to steal from them?

Thank G-d we are getting rid of the Dems in a few months.
If it's known then you should be able to find pages and pages of evidence to post
The fact of the matter is that abortion after the 21st week is extremely rare and 93% of all abortions occur in the first 15 weeks.

The largest percentage of abortions occur before week 6. And IMO abortion is acceptable if there is some defect in the fetus.

I have always said that once the fetus is viable outside the womb that even if the life of the mother is at stake an induced premature birth would be the preferred option.
So then Congress - NOT the Supreme Court - needs to make a law In which abortions after 15 weeks are punishable by jail. According to you, it would have little impact since only 7% are done after that time. The only thing that would change is that the women who delay and decide to kill their baby in month six would have to decide earlier, or carry to term.
So then Congress - NOT the Supreme Court - needs to make a law In which abortions after 15 weeks are punishable by jail. According to you, it would have little impact since only 7% are done after that time. The only thing that would change is that the women who delay and decide to kill their baby in month six would have to decide earlier, or carry to term.
I never said any of that.

So don't try to put words in my mouth.
you mean where we refused to force anyone to get a vaccine because a few idiots read something on facebook, and hundreds of thousands of more died unnecessarily.
Ann Coulter in her inimitable style.

Abort the Mission! Abort!

I gather from the recent hysteria that the Supreme Court has just ordered all 72 million American women of childbearing age to get pregnant and carry the baby to term.

This is big news, if true. I’m not at all surprised that every female journalist, activist and politician is threatening to burn down the Supreme Court over its decision last Friday in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.

On the other hand, even accepting the abortion cult’s belief that members of the weaker sex are incapable of either keeping their knees together or mastering birth control, I still only count about 100,000 women who won’t have easy access to abortions without Roe v. Wade.

“Consistent with liberal psyches, the attack on the Supreme Court last week was completely schizophrenic.”
According to the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute, 930,160 abortions are performed in the U.S. every year. The lion’s share of those abortions occur in states that Biden won. Sixty-eight percent of all abortions are performed in blue states and 32% in red states, according to the CDC.

Far from restricting abortion, the blue states have begun wildly expanding abortion rights in response to Dobbs — to the extent that that’s humanly possible.
Abort the Mission! Abort! - Taki's Magazine
I never said any of that.

So don't try to put words in my mouth.
You just said 93% of abortions are before week 15. So why wouldn’t you be OK with limiting it to that, except for life of mother. Why should we allow near-viable, and worse - viable - unborn babies to be tortured to death because 7% of women delayed their decision until the baby was viable?

You‘re giving all sorts of leeway to irresponsible women at the expense of innocent babies who will have their skulls crushed and limbs torn off.

Consistent with liberal psyches, the attack on the Supreme Court last week was completely schizophrenic —

[ANSWER: One’s in the Constitution, and one isn’t.] - Ann Coulter
The hits just keep on coming….

The Dobbs decision also allowed the left to imitate Joe Sobran’s joke version of a New York Times headline: Earthquake Destroys New York; Women and Minorities Hit Hardest.

In one breath, abortion enthusiasts tell us women of color will be hit hardest by the court ruling allowing states to ban abortion. That’s true in a sense: According to the latest figures from the CDC, in 2019, 33% percent of women seeking abortions were white, 38% black and 21% Hispanic. Per capita, that’s more black and Latino babies being aborted than white babies.

But then in the next breath, they say opposition to abortion is rooted in white supremacy! Yes, that’s a big rallying cry at the white supremacist rallies: DON’T KILL BLACK BABIES!
You just said 93% of abortions are before week 15. So why wouldn’t you be OK with limiting it to that, except for life of mother. Why should we allow near-viable, and worse - viable - unborn babies to be tortured to death because 7% of women delayed their decision until the baby was viable?

You‘re giving all sorts of leeway to irresponsible women at the expense of innocent babies who will have their skulls crushed and limbs torn off.
Because there are always exceptions.
Because there are always exceptions.
Exceptions are made for life of the mother and life-threatening defect of the unborn child.

But you think that because there might be exception of less than 1% that we should permit the torturous murder of viable babies? I say NO.

And what you’re doing is what liberals always do: they say, but, but, but….there are exceptions! Everything has exceptions. But there is a horrible cost to allow abortions on demand until the baby has its head in the birth canal, and is tortured to death that we don’t even allow for Ted Buddy types.
you mean where we refused to force anyone to get a vaccine because a few idiots read something on facebook, and hundreds of thousands of more died unnecessarily.
No, I mean where we tried to force people to give up their autonomy and control of their own bodies.
No, I mean where we tried to force people to give up their autonomy and control of their own bodies.
There’s a baby at stake. Why do you leftoids think people will forget there are two bodies involved?
Exceptions are made for life of the mother and life-threatening defect of the unborn child.

But you think that because there might be exception of less than 1% that we should permit the torturous murder of viable babies? I say NO.

And what you’re doing is what liberals always do: they say, but, but, but….there are exceptions! Everything has exceptions. But there is a horrible cost to allow abortions on demand until the baby has its head in the birth canal, and is tortured to death that we don’t even allow for Ted Buddy types.
Don't tell me what I think.

And I'm not a democrat but I understand that you can only comprehend the world in 2 dimensions so anyone who disagrees with you must be a democrat.

And you didn't say anything about exemptions in your previous post did you?
Don't tell me what I think.

And I'm not a democrat but I understand that you can only comprehend the world in 2 dimensions so anyone who disagrees with you must be a democrat.

And you didn't say anything about exemptions in your previous post did you?
Yes, I did. I said exceptions for the life of the mother and if there is a life-threatening defect.
Yes, I did. I said exceptions for the life of the mother and if there is a life-threatening defect.
Yes, I did. I said exceptions for the life of the mother and if there is a life-threatening defect.
no you didn't mention any fetal defects

and I quote

You just said 93% of abortions are before week 15. So why wouldn’t you be OK with limiting it to that, except for life of mother. Why should we allow near-viable, and worse - viable - unborn babies to be tortured to death because 7% of women delayed their decision until the baby was viable?

You‘re giving all sorts of leeway to irresponsible women at the expense of innocent babies who will have their skulls crushed and limbs torn off.

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