These Abortion Protests Are Pathetic

Projection is in the Trumptard and Russian DNA.

June 25 2022
QUINCY, Ill. (WLS) -- Thousands of people gathered outside Quincy all day Saturday in anticipation of a rally with former President Donald Trump.

There are still three hours before the gates open and already hundreds of people are waiting in line to make sure they get a coveted seat for the Trump rally. He doesn’t speak for 8 hours.

The rally drew thousands, creating a sea of red outside the venue.

18 months AFTER the traitor LOST the election and Trump's cult STILL attend his pity rallies.
He didn't lose an election. It was stolen from the legitimate winner.
Of course, it was, like a 5-year-old kid, he just can't PROVE it.

Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers (R) on Tuesday said he repeatedly pressed Rudy Giuliani for proof of his claims of election fraud after the 2020 election, but added that Giuliani failed to produce any.

“My recollection, he said, ‘We’ve got lots of theories, we just don’t have the evidence,’” Bowers told the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack at Tuesday’s hearing.
oh the evidence is all over the place and you know what?? you're going to be shown up as idiots in time when it becomes more than clear that this was a stolen election. Your side is going to be shown up for the liars, thieves and murderers they are in time, just as you have been ravaged by supreme court rulings recently. This IS a battle of good against evil and in the end you are going to lose again.
Projection is in the Trumptard and Russian DNA.

June 25 2022
QUINCY, Ill. (WLS) -- Thousands of people gathered outside Quincy all day Saturday in anticipation of a rally with former President Donald Trump.

There are still three hours before the gates open and already hundreds of people are waiting in line to make sure they get a coveted seat for the Trump rally. He doesn’t speak for 8 hours.

The rally drew thousands, creating a sea of red outside the venue.

18 months AFTER the traitor LOST the election and Trump's cult STILL attend his pity rallies.

What's wrong with resisting the current regime and exercising one's freedom of speech and opposing Brandon?
These protests are violent.

1) Why aren’t the Democrats charged with inciting violence?

2) Why aren‘t the insurrectionists at the AZ legislative building being charged and thrown in jail, to remain there for a year?
Rapes are violent...and just are another way to con-trol women like making abortions illegal.
Trump supporters like you are the brainwashed and are useless idiots. You guys finance Trump's lifestyle.

Right wing fascists on the Supreme Court are not going to change their minds. They are plotting how they can continue to attack this country.
Go lay on the freeway and get the SCOTUS to reverse its decision, sheeple.
Trump supporters like you are the brainwashed and are useless idiots. You guys finance Trump's lifestyle.

Right wing fascists on the Supreme Court are not going to change their minds. They are plotting how they can continue to attack this country.
Do they really think SCOTUS judges are going to run back to the court and reverse their ruling?
Even more pathetic is they’re showing what puppets they are. DC Democrats are urging for more protests.

Hello, McFly.

Those DC Democrats are responsible for creating and passing laws. But they don’t want to do their job. 50 years to act and all they give is lip service. Protesters are just useful idiots brainwashed into thinking they’re accomplishing something while their leaders go on vacation to 5 star resorts.
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Yep they are a waist of time. All we gotta do is use Trumps road map to staying in power. We'll know ain't shit going to happen to Trump. No consequences for his shit. Well we use his shit and stay in power. Kamala just ignores the electors and we send our own. Why the he'll not. Then we cram our agenda down your throats.
Didn’t you hear? No such Right to butcher babies exists in America.
Yet women will keep on doing it.

hey were not largely ignored! You incessantly open your mouth and make things up.

Check out the birth rates from 1970 to 1975. There was not a big drop in 1973. That means just as many women were having abortions before Roe as after Roe.

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