These Abortion Protests Are Pathetic

Did you hear the testimony yesterday, where the Secret Service had to restrain Trump from going to the Capitol and making the riot worse?

The testimony was shown to be a lie almost instantly.

Reminiscent of the lies that the libs broadcast on 60 minutes about President Bush back in 2004, which were also refuted immediately while the libs were still doing a victory dance.

President Trump knew this story was bullshit and easily disproven, but he also knew that the Pencil Necked Geek was too arrogant to actually vet the story and would put it on TV immediately.

Roger Stone was behind the Killian letters, I'd love to see if his hands were behind this as well.
Wow, so left wing insurrection is just fine with you…got it.
WOW is right.
The instances you regurgitate don't come within 1000 miles of "insurrection".
Although some of the nuts jobs traveled that far to participate in one.
Hey, the left would LOVE to have universal healthcare like any civilized country... but I wonder who keeps fighting that.

Abortion isn't even an issue in Europe.
Nobody is stopping LA or NY from invoking any kind of healthcare system they desire.

And as you admit, Dem controlled areas have pathetic healthcare for women compared to conservative regions.
You and your cult are so refreshingly simple-minded, believing everything your TV tells you with the faith of a child.
It‘s all a propaganda show, anyway. What legitimate hearing blocks witnesses from the opposing side and disallows cross-examination? It’s yet another example of Democrats counting on “the stupidity of the American voter”* to fool people into thinking 1/6 was another other than a protest that a few people took too far.

* The architect of Obamacrap said they were able to push it through thanks to “the stupidity of the American voter.” Dems think very poorly of Americans.
It‘s all a propaganda show, anyway. What legitimate hearing blocks witnesses from the opposing side and disallows cross-examination? It’s yet another example of Democrats counting on “the stupidity of the American voter”* to fool people into thinking 1/6 was another other than a protest that a few people took too far.

* The architect of Obamacrap said they were able to push it through thanks to “the stupidity of the American voter.” Dems think very poorly of Americans.
You said it, friend!
Do you EVER post a REAL link to a credible source or do you continue to get your "news" from YouTube and FaceBook?????

No wonder you post such garbage.
Translation: I'm an idiot leftist and I don't have to believe my lying eyes if I don't want to!

WE WIN and you fuckers KEEEEEEEP LOSING!
It‘s all a propaganda show, anyway. What legitimate hearing blocks witnesses from the opposing side and disallows cross-examination? It’s yet another example of Democrats counting on “the stupidity of the American voter”* to fool people into thinking 1/6 was another other than a protest that a few people took too far.

* The architect of Obamacrap said they were able to push it through thanks to “the stupidity of the American voter.” Dems think very poorly of Americans.

Wait until Eastman, Guiliani and Meadows are arrested for seditious conspiracy, and attempting to overthrow the government. It's definitely coming, and Trump has already said he won't "defend Eastman".

What a loser Donald Trump is. The guy who demands loyalty above all else, turns on his most loyal employees and is prepared to throw anyone under the bus to keep himself out of jail.

Watching the testimony of all his employees during this Hearing has been eye opening. Power above all else. Keeping Trump in power was all that mattered. That and taking revenge on his enemies. And you admire him and would vote for him again.

It doesn't say much for honour, decency or integrity in the USA today. THIS is why no one trusts your country any more. You lie, and you don't care who you hurt, as long as YOU come out OK. Home of the sleazy, land of craven.
Wait until Eastman, Guiliani and Meadows are arrested for seditious conspiracy, and attempting to overthrow the government. It's definitely coming, and Trump has already said he won't "defend Eastman".

What a loser Donald Trump is. The guy who demands loyalty above all else, turns on his most loyal employees and is prepared to throw anyone under the bus to keep himself out of jail.

Watching the testimony of all his employees during this Hearing has been eye opening. Power above all else. Keeping Trump in power was all that mattered. That and taking revenge on his enemies. And you admire him and would vote for him again.

It doesn't say much for honour, decency or integrity in the USA today. THIS is why no one trusts your country any more. You lie, and you don't care who you hurt, as long as YOU come out OK. Home of the sleazy, land of craven.
The fact that you are a foreigner from a liberal country who comes onto an American site to criticize Americans says volumes about sanctimonious, arrogant leftists. Thank G-d you have no vote.
Good to know we can violently storm a Capitol and you won’t call it an insurrection.

They "stormed" the capitol?
Just to bang on windows?

These people were armed.


Inside the Michigan state capitol in Lansing.

Do you consider that an insurrection too?
Translation: I'm an idiot leftist and I don't have to believe my lying eyes if I don't want to!

WE WIN and you fuckers KEEEEEEEP LOSING!

There was no translation required. YouTube is the home of people who's reports have no validity in the real world. Ditto FaceBook.

I like outlets who subscribe to journalistic standards. That means they have to verify what they put out. These clowns have no standards. They make shit up and post it and gullible fools like you believe them because you WANT to believe this shit.

Radicalized idiots.
There was no translation required. YouTube is the home of people who's reports have no validity in the real world. Ditto FaceBook.

I like outlets who subscribe to journalistic standards. That means they have to verify what they put out. These clowns have no standards. They make shit up and post it and gullible fools like you believe them because you WANT to believe this shit.

Radicalized idiots.

There was no translation required. YouTube is the home of people who's reports have no validity in the real world. Ditto FaceBook.

I like outlets who subscribe to journalistic standards. That means they have to verify what they put out. These clowns have no standards. They make shit up and post it and gullible fools like you believe them because you WANT to believe this shit.

Radicalized idiots.
journalistic standards like CNN who’s repeatedly confessed to lying?
Translation: I'm an idiot leftist and I don't have to believe my lying eyes if I don't want to!

WE WIN and you fuckers KEEEEEEEP LOSING!
She’s not even an American! Can you imagine the reaction of the French if we came on to one of their websites and started criticizing their president and the people who voted for him?
The fact that you are a foreigner from a liberal country who comes onto an American site to criticize Americans says volumes about sanctimonious, arrogant leftists. Thank G-d you have no vote.

The fact that you're a lying racist who wants an authoritarian dictatorship over the objections of nearly ALL normal Americans who really just want good governance, shows the extent you people will go to in order to ensure a white apartheid nation.

You've had minority rule in the USA for the past 20 years. The people blocking your progress were elected by far fewer voters than those who are trying to work on behalf of the people.

You've only won the popular vote for President ONCE since 1992. Packing the Supreme Court to overturn all of the rulings the theocrats backing the Federalist Society hates, isn't going to work.

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