These folks are in lockdown ???? Don't think so.....

It would have been so much worse if we had not locked everyone down is the America hating battlecry and of course is so convenient because there is no background to prove or disprove,compare nor contrast.

Win win for shutdowners(and those of us still thinking knew this of course right from the very start)
Didn’t idiot Pelosi encourage people to go to Chinatown?

The leaders of New York downplayed this.

And when the city got sick, they got serious.

Then nobody listened to them.

I have to wonder if the city really sees it as being that bad. It was a hole from the start.

The truth of the matter is from my perspective is that living in a ultra dense city like New York, jamming into subways and buses and trains, lining up to pack theaters and restaurants, always seem to be risky as far as spreading a bug.

Maybe this whole even will cause rat holes like Manhattan to thin out their population and "Spread out" as famous New Yorker Moe Howard used to say.
I hope not. Fk those over population punks
It would have been so much worse if we had not locked everyone down is the America hating battlecry and of course is so convenient because there is no background to prove or disprove,compare nor contrast.
"It would have been so much worse if we had not locked everyone down.....there is no background to prove or disprove."
You're right there--it's fruitless to argue over. We can't say how many more would have gotten sick--it's all projections and guesses and estimates.

IF the people in this country can somehow disentangle themselves from the political influence around this question, stop blindly defending a "side," when this is all over the experiences of different areas and how they fared will be sorted out. Maybe happens again we'll have a more coherent and solid approach. We're all groping in the dark. Social Distancing Extreme Edition seems to have worked in some countries. All out testing and tracking worked in others. In rural areas in the US, things are much better, but is that a surprise to anyone considering how this Virus moves? But as long as we can travel from one area to another, rural people too are at risk.

Maine's number of new cases was beginning to come down, but tomorrow it will be jumping sky high--55 cases reported in one rehab facility. When you look solely at numbers, which the headlines blair at us every day, it sounds like we're all gonna die. Then you break it down and breathe.

Months into the fight against the novel coronavirus in the U.S., some Americans' daily lives are still relatively normal. In Washington County, Utah, with a population of about 165,000, business is almost as usual with streets bustling and people out in public without masks or gloves.

Golf courses are open and packed -- though with only one person per cart. Parks are open, kids play on the slides and people string up hammocks and have group picnics.

The majority of businesses in Washington City remain open, though some employees wear protective gear, and some businesses have reduced capacity or have adjusted opening hours.


Shelter in the park or on the golf course.

And this isn't the only place. I've seen it personally myself.

And Washington County has a whopping 40 some odd cases....and 1 death at last count.

What do they know that you morons in New York City don't ?
The better question is, what do those in NYC know that these morons haven't learned yet?
Wait a few weeks and report back.

The problem with this theory is that they've clearly been going about their business since the beginning. So, how many weeks have they already experienced their normal way of life without the "dreaded NY effect"? The fear of "well, just around the corner is death!" Is unreasonable and you know people will use it to their advantage. Scary.

I have been sensing that some in Canada are trying to make this political. If I read CNN and MSNBC correctly, they've never stopped and this pandemic must have them salivating, just like the Russian investigation, Kavanaugh Hearings and Impeachment. This cannot be political and those who make it must be punished.

We have many in Canada who operate the same way, their sponsors like easy money, even if it means destroying their own nation and communities and they see Trump and bringing America to the good old days when they just want power at all costs. You cannot have society pinned down, lives rotting away while the wealthy and their lackeys call the shots.

So, I say, reasonable, cautious return to normal in some communities makes perfect sense. In fact, the level of caution right from day one was always more relevant in places like NY than others than some small town in the middle of nowhere. Life isn't without risk, you just mitigate it everyday on many issues.

If I am Trump, I conduct surveys state by state and ask citizens a series of questions to get an understanding of what they want. How they are feeling about the shutdown. Governors have to do their part, just as Premiers in Canada are. A "one size fits all" solution is completely irrational in my opinion.
Our county has had one reported case for more than a week. No one knows where it is, but our county is larger than Rhode Island. However, a nearby county now has community spread. It is where most of us go pretty routinely for specialized medical care, the Social Security office, and serious shopping.

We are under the same restrictions as the part of the state with cities and high case numbers, though, and I can see that-- because people travel. If it weren't for the social distancing and closures, we'd probably have a lot more.

Community spread = ? How many
It is said that the COVID strain on the West Coast is from Europe and the one on the East Coast is from China and is more severe. I do not know how or if that is accurate, don’t kill the messenger please. The real question is how many deaths are acceptable?
Therein lies the rub. We accept deaths in many circumstances for the sake of convenience.

We could save tens of thousands of lives every year by making it impossible for any vehicle to travel more than 35 mph. We don't, because we like driving fast more than we care about the loss of life.
We could save thousands of lives every year by shutting down the economy every flu season and forcing people to stay in their homes. We don't, because we like being outside with other people more than we care about the loss of life.
We could save hundreds, if not thousands of lives every year by outlawing all swimming pools and denying access to beaches. We don't, because we like being in a pool or at the beach more than we care about the loss of life.

Do you see where I'm going with this? At some point, we ALWAYS accept a certain level of death for the sake of convenience. We're not really all that serious about preventing them.
It would have been so much worse if we had not locked everyone down is the America hating battlecry and of course is so convenient because there is no background to prove or disprove,compare nor contrast.
"It would have been so much worse if we had not locked everyone down.....there is no background to prove or disprove."
You're right there--it's fruitless to argue over. We can't say how many more would have gotten sick--it's all projections and guesses and estimates.

IF the people in this country can somehow disentangle themselves from the political influence around this question, stop blindly defending a "side," when this is all over the experiences of different areas and how they fared will be sorted out. Maybe happens again we'll have a more coherent and solid approach. We're all groping in the dark. Social Distancing Extreme Edition seems to have worked in some countries. All out testing and tracking worked in others. In rural areas in the US, things are much better, but is that a surprise to anyone considering how this Virus moves? But as long as we can travel from one area to another, rural people too are at risk.

Maine's number of new cases was beginning to come down, but tomorrow it will be jumping sky high--55 cases reported in one rehab facility. When you look solely at numbers, which the headlines blair at us every day, it sounds like we're all gonna die. Then you break it down and breathe.


No need to do all of this.

Just some of it.

Months into the fight against the novel coronavirus in the U.S., some Americans' daily lives are still relatively normal. In Washington County, Utah, with a population of about 165,000, business is almost as usual with streets bustling and people out in public without masks or gloves.

Golf courses are open and packed -- though with only one person per cart. Parks are open, kids play on the slides and people string up hammocks and have group picnics.

The majority of businesses in Washington City remain open, though some employees wear protective gear, and some businesses have reduced capacity or have adjusted opening hours.


Shelter in the park or on the golf course.

And this isn't the only place. I've seen it personally myself.

And Washington County has a whopping 40 some odd cases....and 1 death at last count.

What do they know that you morons in New York City don't ?
The better question is, what do those in NYC know that these morons haven't learned yet?
Wait a few weeks and report back.

The problem with this theory is that they've clearly been going about their business since the beginning. So, how many weeks have they already experienced their normal way of life without the "dreaded NY effect"? The fear of "well, just around the corner is death!" Is unreasonable and you know people will use it to their advantage. Scary.

I have been sensing that some in Canada are trying to make this political. If I read CNN and MSNBC correctly, they've never stopped and this pandemic must have them salivating, just like the Russian investigation, Kavanaugh Hearings and Impeachment. This cannot be political and those who make it must be punished.

We have many in Canada who operate the same way, their sponsors like easy money, even if it means destroying their own nation and communities and they see Trump and bringing America to the good old days when they just want power at all costs. You cannot have society pinned down, lives rotting away while the wealthy and their lackeys call the shots.

So, I say, reasonable, cautious return to normal in some communities makes perfect sense. In fact, the level of caution right from day one was always more relevant in places like NY than others than some small town in the middle of nowhere. Life isn't without risk, you just mitigate it everyday on many issues.

If I am Trump, I conduct surveys state by state and ask citizens a series of questions to get an understanding of what they want. How they are feeling about the shutdown. Governors have to do their part, just as Premiers in Canada are. A "one size fits all" solution is completely irrational in my opinion.
Our county has had one reported case for more than a week. No one knows where it is, but our county is larger than Rhode Island. However, a nearby county now has community spread. It is where most of us go pretty routinely for specialized medical care, the Social Security office, and serious shopping.

We are under the same restrictions as the part of the state with cities and high case numbers, though, and I can see that-- because people travel. If it weren't for the social distancing and closures, we'd probably have a lot more.

Community spread = ? How many
According to the Director of the Maine CDC, Dr. Shah, it is more than ten people infected and no known exposure to the virus.
It would have been so much worse if we had not locked everyone down is the America hating battlecry and of course is so convenient because there is no background to prove or disprove,compare nor contrast.
"It would have been so much worse if we had not locked everyone down.....there is no background to prove or disprove."
You're right there--it's fruitless to argue over. We can't say how many more would have gotten sick--it's all projections and guesses and estimates.

IF the people in this country can somehow disentangle themselves from the political influence around this question, stop blindly defending a "side," when this is all over the experiences of different areas and how they fared will be sorted out. Maybe happens again we'll have a more coherent and solid approach. We're all groping in the dark. Social Distancing Extreme Edition seems to have worked in some countries. All out testing and tracking worked in others. In rural areas in the US, things are much better, but is that a surprise to anyone considering how this Virus moves? But as long as we can travel from one area to another, rural people too are at risk.

Maine's number of new cases was beginning to come down, but tomorrow it will be jumping sky high--55 cases reported in one rehab facility. When you look solely at numbers, which the headlines blair at us every day, it sounds like we're all gonna die. Then you break it down and breathe.


No need to do all of this.

Just some of it.
My point is, we won't know which parts 'til it's over. Don't take mighty leaps without the knowledge.
It would have been so much worse if we had not locked everyone down is the America hating battlecry and of course is so convenient because there is no background to prove or disprove,compare nor contrast.
"It would have been so much worse if we had not locked everyone down.....there is no background to prove or disprove."
You're right there--it's fruitless to argue over. We can't say how many more would have gotten sick--it's all projections and guesses and estimates.

IF the people in this country can somehow disentangle themselves from the political influence around this question, stop blindly defending a "side," when this is all over the experiences of different areas and how they fared will be sorted out. Maybe happens again we'll have a more coherent and solid approach. We're all groping in the dark. Social Distancing Extreme Edition seems to have worked in some countries. All out testing and tracking worked in others. In rural areas in the US, things are much better, but is that a surprise to anyone considering how this Virus moves? But as long as we can travel from one area to another, rural people too are at risk.

Maine's number of new cases was beginning to come down, but tomorrow it will be jumping sky high--55 cases reported in one rehab facility. When you look solely at numbers, which the headlines blair at us every day, it sounds like we're all gonna die. Then you break it down and breathe.


No need to do all of this.

Just some of it.
My point is, we won't know which parts 'til it's over. Don't take mighty leaps without the knowledge.

That will go on forever.

We don't have the flu elminated.

What makes you think we'll conquer this one totally ?
That will go on forever.

We don't have the flu elminated.

What makes you think we'll conquer this one totally ?
These things are cyclical/seasonal. It will die down. You know exactly what I mean. Don't quibble over nonsense.
That will go on forever.

We don't have the flu elminated.

What makes you think we'll conquer this one totally ?
These things are cyclical/seasonal. It will die down. You know exactly what I mean. Don't quibble over nonsense.

What exactly are you arguing ?

We will not eliminate this virus. Ever.

What is it that bothers you about my saying that.
It would have been so much worse if we had not locked everyone down is the America hating battlecry and of course is so convenient because there is no background to prove or disprove,compare nor contrast.
"It would have been so much worse if we had not locked everyone down.....there is no background to prove or disprove."
You're right there--it's fruitless to argue over. We can't say how many more would have gotten sick--it's all projections and guesses and estimates.

IF the people in this country can somehow disentangle themselves from the political influence around this question, stop blindly defending a "side," when this is all over the experiences of different areas and how they fared will be sorted out. Maybe happens again we'll have a more coherent and solid approach. We're all groping in the dark. Social Distancing Extreme Edition seems to have worked in some countries. All out testing and tracking worked in others. In rural areas in the US, things are much better, but is that a surprise to anyone considering how this Virus moves? But as long as we can travel from one area to another, rural people too are at risk.

Maine's number of new cases was beginning to come down, but tomorrow it will be jumping sky high--55 cases reported in one rehab facility. When you look solely at numbers, which the headlines blair at us every day, it sounds like we're all gonna die. Then you break it down and breathe.
Nor can you say there would have been as many. That’s the fking point Einstein
It would have been so much worse if we had not locked everyone down is the America hating battlecry and of course is so convenient because there is no background to prove or disprove,compare nor contrast.
"It would have been so much worse if we had not locked everyone down.....there is no background to prove or disprove."
You're right there--it's fruitless to argue over. We can't say how many more would have gotten sick--it's all projections and guesses and estimates.

IF the people in this country can somehow disentangle themselves from the political influence around this question, stop blindly defending a "side," when this is all over the experiences of different areas and how they fared will be sorted out. Maybe happens again we'll have a more coherent and solid approach. We're all groping in the dark. Social Distancing Extreme Edition seems to have worked in some countries. All out testing and tracking worked in others. In rural areas in the US, things are much better, but is that a surprise to anyone considering how this Virus moves? But as long as we can travel from one area to another, rural people too are at risk.

Maine's number of new cases was beginning to come down, but tomorrow it will be jumping sky high--55 cases reported in one rehab facility. When you look solely at numbers, which the headlines blair at us every day, it sounds like we're all gonna die. Then you break it down and breathe.


No need to do all of this.

Just some of it.
My point is, we won't know which parts 'til it's over. Don't take mighty leaps without the knowledge.
That’s already done
It would have been so much worse if we had not locked everyone down is the America hating battlecry and of course is so convenient because there is no background to prove or disprove,compare nor contrast.
"It would have been so much worse if we had not locked everyone down.....there is no background to prove or disprove."
You're right there--it's fruitless to argue over. We can't say how many more would have gotten sick--it's all projections and guesses and estimates.

IF the people in this country can somehow disentangle themselves from the political influence around this question, stop blindly defending a "side," when this is all over the experiences of different areas and how they fared will be sorted out. Maybe happens again we'll have a more coherent and solid approach. We're all groping in the dark. Social Distancing Extreme Edition seems to have worked in some countries. All out testing and tracking worked in others. In rural areas in the US, things are much better, but is that a surprise to anyone considering how this Virus moves? But as long as we can travel from one area to another, rural people too are at risk.

Maine's number of new cases was beginning to come down, but tomorrow it will be jumping sky high--55 cases reported in one rehab facility. When you look solely at numbers, which the headlines blair at us every day, it sounds like we're all gonna die. Then you break it down and breathe.


No need to do all of this.

Just some of it.
My point is, we won't know which parts 'til it's over. Don't take mighty leaps without the knowledge.
That’s already done
No. It's. Not.

Don't be like an impatient whining child in the backseat of the SUV.
Virus likely planted in NYC as crowded and would not have to cover a large area to sicken a lot of people.
Can’t speak to the other hot zones
Non big cities very hard to seed so very little goin on in small to moderate towns

Its time for a new course with it being revealed that Beijing and Shanghai have almost zip while 10,000 Miles away NYC is worst on planet

We tried to have the conversation some time ago.

But, as usual, the left does it's onesizefitsall stupidity.
It would have been so much worse if we had not locked everyone down is the America hating battlecry and of course is so convenient because there is no background to prove or disprove,compare nor contrast.
"It would have been so much worse if we had not locked everyone down.....there is no background to prove or disprove."
You're right there--it's fruitless to argue over. We can't say how many more would have gotten sick--it's all projections and guesses and estimates.

IF the people in this country can somehow disentangle themselves from the political influence around this question, stop blindly defending a "side," when this is all over the experiences of different areas and how they fared will be sorted out. Maybe happens again we'll have a more coherent and solid approach. We're all groping in the dark. Social Distancing Extreme Edition seems to have worked in some countries. All out testing and tracking worked in others. In rural areas in the US, things are much better, but is that a surprise to anyone considering how this Virus moves? But as long as we can travel from one area to another, rural people too are at risk.

Maine's number of new cases was beginning to come down, but tomorrow it will be jumping sky high--55 cases reported in one rehab facility. When you look solely at numbers, which the headlines blair at us every day, it sounds like we're all gonna die. Then you break it down and breathe.


No need to do all of this.

Just some of it.
My point is, we won't know which parts 'til it's over. Don't take mighty leaps without the knowledge.

We are already taking steps....we need to move this in a controlled fashion.

Our country needs this.
Utah still at 18 deaths total.

Washington County has 5 new cases.

Arizona (not acting like a full blown lockdown) at 115 deaths. New cases were about 2.6% of total cases.

People are asking "What pandemic ?"
Now we have a HOt SPOT in South Dakota....

OMG run for the Black Hills. It's over.

Because S.D. didn't shelter in place.

They have 6 fucking deaths so far. What a shitassed disaster.
You'll notice the basement dwelling Chicken Littles have not responded very strongly.

Guess they can't argue with reality.

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