These folks are in lockdown ???? Don't think so.....

Still now crowing from the left and the alarmists.

They've got nothing.

New England continues to get sick and die. Wonder how that is happening. We are 45 days into this some states are flaring up.

South Dakota is up 10% in cases (180) and has not added to it's total of six deaths in several days.

New York added 11,500 cases.....not doing so well.

Washington County, Utah.....not really in much of a added cases.
Here we go....

Yeah...polls say.....

How do they think that is supposed to play out ?

Polls of inappropriately and needlessly frightened people of fakery are not valid nor useful

Months into the fight against the novel coronavirus in the U.S., some Americans' daily lives are still relatively normal. In Washington County, Utah, with a population of about 165,000, business is almost as usual with streets bustling and people out in public without masks or gloves.

Golf courses are open and packed -- though with only one person per cart. Parks are open, kids play on the slides and people string up hammocks and have group picnics.

The majority of businesses in Washington City remain open, though some employees wear protective gear, and some businesses have reduced capacity or have adjusted opening hours.


Shelter in the park or on the golf course.

And this isn't the only place. I've seen it personally myself.

And Washington County has a whopping 40 some odd cases....and 1 death at last count.

What do they know that you morons in New York City don't ?

No subways. No international travel. No extreme population density to compare. Not many Catholics who went to New Orleans.

How many more you want?
Last edited:

Months into the fight against the novel coronavirus in the U.S., some Americans' daily lives are still relatively normal. In Washington County, Utah, with a population of about 165,000, business is almost as usual with streets bustling and people out in public without masks or gloves.

Golf courses are open and packed -- though with only one person per cart. Parks are open, kids play on the slides and people string up hammocks and have group picnics.

The majority of businesses in Washington City remain open, though some employees wear protective gear, and some businesses have reduced capacity or have adjusted opening hours.


Shelter in the park or on the golf course.

And this isn't the only place. I've seen it personally myself.

And Washington County has a whopping 40 some odd cases....and 1 death at last count.

What do they know that you morons in New York City don't ?
The better question is, what do those in NYC know that these morons haven't learned yet?
Wait a few weeks and report back.
I give up since a whole 3,000 people out of 10 million in NYC fell ill.
Any other "statistically brilliant" observations you'd like to make?
My "state" is zero deaths/zero cases but a pretty fair lockdown, mostly self imposed. Construction guys are at it but that 3-6 guys pounding are mostly related/living a rocks throw from one another. The kids are going nuts being isolated but a lot of online shit from the schools and mini churches. A good bit of scared kids on horseback/atc and not hanging close at all. Sitting by the lake smokin thier own stuff and drinking their own beers.Wanting to play football(soccer) but not chancing it. You'll see a few kicking a ball around or at one of the skateboard parks. They're starting to bitch.Rightfully so.
Us gray hairs are doing the same thing we always did.
White porch monkeys.
Gotta go slop the hogs and rinse the pens before dark thirty.

Months into the fight against the novel coronavirus in the U.S., some Americans' daily lives are still relatively normal. In Washington County, Utah, with a population of about 165,000, business is almost as usual with streets bustling and people out in public without masks or gloves.

Golf courses are open and packed -- though with only one person per cart. Parks are open, kids play on the slides and people string up hammocks and have group picnics.

The majority of businesses in Washington City remain open, though some employees wear protective gear, and some businesses have reduced capacity or have adjusted opening hours.


Shelter in the park or on the golf course.

And this isn't the only place. I've seen it personally myself.

And Washington County has a whopping 40 some odd cases....and 1 death at last count.

What do they know that you morons in New York City don't ?

No subways. No international travel. No extreme population density to compare. Not many Catholics who went to New Orleans.

How many more you want?

But the are not social distancing.

They have cases....and I don't know about testing.

They don't seem to concerned.

Months into the fight against the novel coronavirus in the U.S., some Americans' daily lives are still relatively normal. In Washington County, Utah, with a population of about 165,000, business is almost as usual with streets bustling and people out in public without masks or gloves.

Golf courses are open and packed -- though with only one person per cart. Parks are open, kids play on the slides and people string up hammocks and have group picnics.

The majority of businesses in Washington City remain open, though some employees wear protective gear, and some businesses have reduced capacity or have adjusted opening hours.


Shelter in the park or on the golf course.

And this isn't the only place. I've seen it personally myself.

And Washington County has a whopping 40 some odd cases....and 1 death at last count.

What do they know that you morons in New York City don't ?

No subways. No international travel. No extreme population density to compare. Not many Catholics who went to New Orleans.

How many more you want?

But the are not social distancing.

They have cases....and I don't know about testing.

They don't seem to concerned.

If you don't have all of those other factors, you would not need to have social distance is hardly anyone had the COVID-19 virus.

Months into the fight against the novel coronavirus in the U.S., some Americans' daily lives are still relatively normal. In Washington County, Utah, with a population of about 165,000, business is almost as usual with streets bustling and people out in public without masks or gloves.

Golf courses are open and packed -- though with only one person per cart. Parks are open, kids play on the slides and people string up hammocks and have group picnics.

The majority of businesses in Washington City remain open, though some employees wear protective gear, and some businesses have reduced capacity or have adjusted opening hours.


Shelter in the park or on the golf course.

And this isn't the only place. I've seen it personally myself.

And Washington County has a whopping 40 some odd cases....and 1 death at last count.

What do they know that you morons in New York City don't ?

No subways. No international travel. No extreme population density to compare. Not many Catholics who went to New Orleans.

How many more you want?

But the are not social distancing.

They have cases....and I don't know about testing.

They don't seem to concerned.

If you don't have all of those other factors, you would not need to have social distance is hardly anyone had the COVID-19 virus.

Ta da !

Months into the fight against the novel coronavirus in the U.S., some Americans' daily lives are still relatively normal. In Washington County, Utah, with a population of about 165,000, business is almost as usual with streets bustling and people out in public without masks or gloves.

Golf courses are open and packed -- though with only one person per cart. Parks are open, kids play on the slides and people string up hammocks and have group picnics.

The majority of businesses in Washington City remain open, though some employees wear protective gear, and some businesses have reduced capacity or have adjusted opening hours.


Shelter in the park or on the golf course.

And this isn't the only place. I've seen it personally myself.

And Washington County has a whopping 40 some odd cases....and 1 death at last count.

What do they know that you morons in New York City don't ?
Good for them. We are not REQUIRED to wear mases in Michigan, so I dont. I'm not into the hysteria and feel bad for those who have been traumatized our elected officials and bureaucrats
I don’t. Such “useful idiots” so prone to following the directives of the “State”, that they are just as apt to slit your throat; as they are to hide under their beds. They need only be commanded...
New data coming soon that shows most all infection must come from projectile such as coughing or sneezing or kissing. You either have to force it out or pucker up.
Everyday normal going abouts are rarely an issue. Another part of the fake that will be very slow to come out and be met with great resistance.’

Months into the fight against the novel coronavirus in the U.S., some Americans' daily lives are still relatively normal. In Washington County, Utah, with a population of about 165,000, business is almost as usual with streets bustling and people out in public without masks or gloves.

Golf courses are open and packed -- though with only one person per cart. Parks are open, kids play on the slides and people string up hammocks and have group picnics.

The majority of businesses in Washington City remain open, though some employees wear protective gear, and some businesses have reduced capacity or have adjusted opening hours.


Shelter in the park or on the golf course.

And this isn't the only place. I've seen it personally myself.

And Washington County has a whopping 40 some odd cases....and 1 death at last count.

What do they know that you morons in New York City don't ?
The better question is, what do those in NYC know that these morons haven't learned yet?
Wait a few weeks and report back.

But you probably won't be around to report back to because you'll likely be dead by then.
Everyday normal going abouts are rarely an issue.
860+k infected and not a one became infected by "normal going abouts"?
As I said but your emotions did not read is kissing, coughing and sneezing is what infects the vast majority and not sitting next to you or walking past you unless you sneeze cough or kiss.
Why do you libbies so often repeat back what was never said to begin with?
Still not much from the left.

And now the WHO is saying SWEDEN did it right ?


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