These People Tell Us How Government Dependence is Wrong

Stewart is just another partisan liberal rag. No thanks. Never fooled me.

All you need to know: "All Stewart’s viewers know about Benghazi is that conservatives are inexplicably upset about it."
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Those is plural. Stewart is one person.

Being non partisan is damaging in your eyes?

Sadly there are many people who believe as you do.
What I saw when Trump was President was progs going to politicians and judges homes. Never mind the citizens they attacked and threatened. And Stewart is one of many. You do not forgive a potential exterminator.
What I saw when Trump was President was progs going to politicians and judges homes. Never mind the citizens they attacked and threatened. And Stewart is one of many. You do not forgive a potential exterminator.

Checked the monsters under your bed lately?
Comedy shills are political plants from the elites. They got what they promoted the last few decades and now seeing things falling apart from it.
They are and stewart is no different. Same ol partisan liberal who claims he's not but you can easily see through the facade.
Borderism is the biggest national threat, but you fuckers dont give a rats ass. Maybe you will be T-boned by a drunk illegal, and i wont even shed a tear.
My biggest concern is from the type of domestic terrorist that will walk into a church, a grocery store, or a dollar general to kill people that look like me. Now can we stay on topic?

The topic is the corporate shakedown of U.S. citizens.
He was and still is a total hack for the left.

This is where I chuckle. In the video I posted he is condemning the spying that the government does on the citizens of the USA.

You condemn him as leftist so that must mean the right supports this spying.

Why do you do that?
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Stewart was good because he wasn't an extreme partisan. Some may miss the fact that this condemns the Democrats as much as anyone.
Stewart was at the time of his height, an extreme partisan, and helped usher in the demafascist take over of the DNC, now that they have taken over, he doesn't look that extreme.
I pay for full blown heath insurance. Without any “big event”, all I get out if it is “insurance adjustment”. They charge $1000…..then it gets adjusted to $581 for example.

All $581 I pay out of pocket (or HSA) because $10K deductible is not satisfied. The illegal in the next room gets the same care at no charge. Thx Obiden 1.0
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Stewart was at the time of his height, an extreme partisan, and helped usher in the demafascist take over of the DNC, now that they have taken over, he doesn't look that extreme.

He was never an extreme partisan Republican and that is something you can't accept.
We saw leftist goon squads out in the front of the homes of USSC justices, and one tried to assassinate a justice.

"Monsters" like that?

Protesting is one of the most sacred rights enshrined in the Constitution so again, you support violating people's right to protest and the government illegally spying on them.

This is where I chuckle. In the video I posted he is condemning the spying that the government does on the citizens of the USA.

You condemn him as leftist so that must mean the right supports this spying.

Why do you do that?
Ooooo!....He aligned with civil libertarians on one issue!....That makes him totally nonpartisan!.

Ooooo!....He aligned with civil libertarians on one issue!....That makes him totally nonpartisan!.


He condemned the actions of the IRS under Obama also. He was quite principled in his positions. Something partisans are not able to comprehend.

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