These trigger-happy cops make police work much more dangerous.

There are bad cops, just like any other profession or job. Discrimination still occurs for a variety of reasons, most of which are listed in the 14th Amendment plus those added by the Supreme Court after that Amendment was passed. So, statistics need to be kept and an honest effort made to fire or prosecute the bad apples, we cannot leave these guys on the force to go out and do it again and again. Better training, better ideas for non-lethal means to stop somebody without shooting them, whatever. But all of that is still only part of the problem and not even the biggest part.

Which is, too many black people resist arrest and put the cops in a position to be fearful about their safety or that of other people. We can go into the various reasons why someone resists arrest, in many cases they're looking at jail time and don't want to go back in. We can look at the reasons why they got into trouble in the 1st place, but it's not realistic to think that resistance will disappear anytime soon. Defund the cops all you want, you're still going to have crime, probably more than you had before you defunded the PD. Maybe eventually you can get at the root cause for why criminals do what they do, but that ain't going to happen any time soon.

Even if we do better at eliminating the bad cops, other ones are going to make mistakes, and it is unreasonable to expect a cop to risk his life if and when he feels threatened. So, the biggest problem here is reducing or eliminating that threat to the cops. They don't go out the door thinking I think I'll shoot a black guy today. Black people, or anyone else really, has to realize that if you get arrested you've got to accept that even if you believe the arrest is wrong or unwarranted. If you go peacefully you won't get shot, it's as simple as that. Don't give them a reason to believe they are in any danger. And THAT is on you.
If you're addressing me, I'm not a leftist or for defunding police.
I'm for justice reforms like decriminalizing weed, which would solve half the problem immediately. Prison reforms would probably be good. The most I ever did was 30 days in a county jail, which was bad enough, but in my case the judge gave me a sweet deal to clear off $6000 in fines.
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The word "Freeze" is well-defined. Easily within a kindergarten vocabulary.
The dumbfuck SHOULDN'T have run away. It's as simple as THAT.
He wasn't running and when an asshole shoots someone in THE FUCKING BACK 7 times, NO, it is not as "simple as that." No offense, but how is this not obvious to all of you cop's-ass kissers ?? Read my title !
Shooting the man, in this context, so many times in the back is difficult to see as other than either panic or trigger happy. Neither are laudable traits in an officer of the peace.
The word "Freeze" is well-defined. Easily within a kindergarten vocabulary.
The dumbfuck SHOULDN'T have run away. It's as simple as THAT.
He wasn't running and when an asshole shoots someone in THE FUCKING BACK 7 times, NO, it is not as "simple as that." No offense, but how is this not obvious to all of you cop's-ass kissers ?? Read my title !'s less than .0001% and it's spread across the racial board anyway. As has been stated on here already, there will always be the bad cop and exception to the stats that will happen in anything you measure.
There are bad cops, just like any other profession or job. Discrimination still occurs for a variety of reasons, most of which are listed in the 14th Amendment plus those added by the Supreme Court after that Amendment was passed. So, statistics need to be kept and an honest effort made to fire or prosecute the bad apples, we cannot leave these guys on the force to go out and do it again and again. Better training, better ideas for non-lethal means to stop somebody without shooting them, whatever. But all of that is still only part of the problem and not even the biggest part.

Which is, too many black people resist arrest and put the cops in a position to be fearful about their safety or that of other people. We can go into the various reasons why someone resists arrest, in many cases they're looking at jail time and don't want to go back in. We can look at the reasons why they got into trouble in the 1st place, but it's not realistic to think that resistance will disappear anytime soon. Defund the cops all you want, you're still going to have crime, probably more than you had before you defunded the PD. Maybe eventually you can get at the root cause for why criminals do what they do, but that ain't going to happen any time soon.

Even if we do better at eliminating the bad cops, other ones are going to make mistakes, and it is unreasonable to expect a cop to risk his life if and when he feels threatened. So, the biggest problem here is reducing or eliminating that threat to the cops. They don't go out the door thinking I think I'll shoot a black guy today. Black people, or anyone else really, has to realize that if you get arrested you've got to accept that even if you believe the arrest is wrong or unwarranted. If you go peacefully you won't get shot, it's as simple as that. Don't give them a reason to believe they are in any danger. And THAT is on you.
If you're addressing me, I'm not a leftist or for defunding police.
I'm for justice reforms like decriminalizing weed, which would solve half the problem immediately. Prison reforms would probably be good. The most I ever did was 30 days in a county jail, which was bad enough, but in my case the judge gave me a sweet deal to clear off $6000 in fines.

I wasn't referencing you at all, no worries. I'm okay with decriminalizing weed and for justice reform; Trump already did some of that with the bi-partisan First Step Program I think it was called. So, good job there IMHO. Don't know if it would solve half the problem, I kinda doubt that; most of the guys who resist arrest and get shot are not facing a weed charge, most are in more serious felonies with associated violence.

The larger problem is really 2 things: 1) too many guys resist arrest and put the cops in a position where they have to make a decision to defend themselves, and 2) too many times a bad cop is not removed from the force, generally because their police union makes it really hard to do that. And politicians take campaign donations from the unions which at least gives the appearance of undue influence. Defunding the police is not going to solve either problem.
Every time there's another Ferguson-like incident, a Jacob Blake, George Floyd or any number of others just like them, all it does is make people fear them.

Well.... wait a minute.
  1. This dude had been snooping backyards.
  2. Police were searching for him.
  3. He was trying to evade police suspiciously.
  4. When cornered and ordered to show his hands, he instead walked towards police with cellphone in hand.

When a cop tells you to stop, get down, show your hands, you STOP, GET DOWN, and SHOW YOUR HANDS.

This guy made what could only be considered an aggressive, threatening action which the police can only interpret as a possible threat and they will shoot every time.
4 out of 5 drug offenders locked up are black .

My white wife has been stopped , drunk and smoking weed before on separate occasions and got off with warnings both times.
So, whats the issue???? Are you actually making the point, correct me if wrong, that urban dwelling blacks require affirmative action like treatment applied to them to make behaving and conforming with established law easier? Are you actually implying that blacks need special exemptions from law-breaking just because they are black? I think that is precisely what you are saying, if you are truly serious it is evidence of extraordinary mental dysfunction, and sociopathy....
The word "Freeze" is well-defined. Easily within a kindergarten vocabulary.
The dumbfuck SHOULDN'T have run away. It's as simple as THAT.
He wasn't running and when an asshole shoots someone in THE FUCKING BACK 7 times, NO, it is not as "simple as that." No offense, but how is this not obvious to all of you cop's-ass kissers ?? Read my title !

First of all, the guy was told to stoop and he didn't. He ran around his car to get his knife, although I heard one report that hhe already had a knife and the cops were yelling at him to drop the knife. Which apparently he didn't do.

But the real question here is, was the cop justified in shooting the guy in the back? Are we going to require a cop to wait until the guy turns around with whatever weapon he has, identify the weapon, and only then open fire if a weapon exists? For a guy who resisted arrest on a warrant for sexual assault and various charges of violence and weapons too? The cop is only a few feet away, he's got no chance to read and react if the guy turns and attacks with a knife or whatever. Does the cop really know if the guy has a gun that he is reaching for? And you want the cop to wait to find out, right? Do you want to be the cop in that scenario? I wouldn't.

Let's be clear here: the primary fault for that black guy getting shot is himself.
4 out of 5 drug offenders locked up are black .

My white wife has been stopped , drunk and smoking weed before on separate occasions and got off with warnings both times.
So, whats the issue???? Are you actually making the point, correct me if wrong, that urban dwelling blacks require affirmative action like treatment applied to them behaving and conforming with established law? Are you actually implying that blacks need special exemptions from law-breaking just because they are black? I think that is precisely what you are saying, if you are truly serious it is evidence of extraordinary mental dysfunction, and sociopathy....
That is what he is saying. We are oppressing the blacks because they are a small population that commits nearly half of all serious crime.
This anger is being fueled by the MSM -
anything to create chaos in "Trump's America"....

Well, yeah. As for your comments that black people are targeted by police because of the color of their skin, there's no evidence to support that at all. Fatal shootings of unarmed, compliant suspects arent even all that common in the first place. Of course shit happens sometimes but not everything is a damn conspiracy.
The word "Freeze" is well-defined. Easily within a kindergarten vocabulary.
The dumbfuck SHOULDN'T have run away. It's as simple as THAT.
He wasn't running and when an asshole shoots someone in THE FUCKING BACK 7 times, NO, it is not as "simple as that." No offense, but how is this not obvious to all of you cop's-ass kissers ?? Read my title !

First of all, the guy was told to stoop and he didn't. He ran around his car to get his knife, although I heard one report that hhe already had a knife and the cops were yelling at him to drop the knife. Which apparently he didn't do.

But the real question here is, was the cop justified in shooting the guy in the back? Are we going to require a cop to wait until the guy turns around with whatever weapon he has, identify the weapon, and only then open fire if a weapon exists? For a guy who resisted arrest on a warrant for sexual assault and various charges of violence and weapons too? The cop is only a few feet away, he's got no chance to read and react if the guy turns and attacks with a knife or whatever. Does the cop really know if the guy has a gun that he is reaching for? And you want the cop to wait to find out, right? Do you want to be the cop in that scenario? I wouldn't.

Let's be clear here: the primary fault for that black guy getting shot is himself.
Wing the perp! Or a Chuck Norris spinning wheel kick after some clever banter.....just like on tv!!!
It's the perfect storm. You have a "factory" called the Inner Cities that keeps pumping out Jacob Blakes. You have Cops who are forced to engage with this population of angry, scared, desperate Black men constantly. Both Cops and the Black men they arrest sometimes over-react and the results are sometimes tragic for both Cops and Black men. And though rare, EVERY SINGLE ONE of the tragic encounters is immediately released to the public with very little if any context. What is the solution? I got nothing, if you do, let's hear it.
It's the perfect storm. You have a "factory" called the Inner Cities that keeps pumping out Jacob Blakes. You have Cops who are forced to engage with this population of angry, scared, desperate Black men constantly. Both Cops and the Black men they arrest sometimes over-react and the results are sometimes tragic for both Cops and Black men. And though rare, EVERY SINGLE ONE of the tragic encounters is immediately released to the public with very little if any context. What is the solution? I got nothing, if you do, let's hear it.
Stop resisting arrest, stop being a lifelong criminal, get a job, act like a normal human being
Police are to protect citizens first, themselves second. That's the risk. Accept it or become a security guard.
Well, yeah. As for your comments that black people are targeted by police because of the color of their skin, there's no evidence to support that at all. Fatal shootings of unarmed, compliant suspects arent even all that common in the first place. Of course shit happens sometimes but not everything is a damn conspiracy.
Targeted for stolen wheels maybe ?
Police are to protect citizens first, themselves second. That's the risk. Accept it or become a security guard.
Good point...the perp could accidentally kill one of the crowd gathered around shooting video for the propaganda news

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