They are monopolies! Will Cons believe it?

Read the report and learn something for once.

You might also educate yourself on the monopolies TR busted up.
By TR I mean Theodore Roosevelt. Just in case you’re clueless, which seems most likely.
You don’t understand and likely never will.

Apple.... They have 16% of the cellphone market, less than Samsung. They have 16% of the PC market, less than that of Dell and HP.

So, tell us all about their monopoly power. This should be fun.
Read the report and learn something for once.

You might also educate yourself on the monopolies TR busted up.

Apple.... They have 16% of the cellphone market, less than Samsung. They have 16% of the PC market, less than that of Dell and HP.

So, tell us all about their monopoly power. This should be fun.
From the report…don’t be dumb forever Adam Smith. When did you become a Fascist?

Although these four corporations differ in important ways,
studying their business practices has revealed common problems.
First, each platform now serves as a gatekeeper over a key
channel of distribution. By controlling access to markets,
these giants can pick winners and losers throughout our
economy. They not only wield tremendous power, but they also
abuse it by charging exorbitant fees, imposing oppressive
contract terms, and extracting valuable data from the people
and businesses that rely on them. Second, each platform uses
its gatekeeper position to maintain its market power. By
controlling the infrastructure of the digital age, they have
surveilled other businesses to identify potential rivals, and
have ultimately bought out, copied, or cut off their
competitive threats. And, finally, these firms have abused
their role as intermediaries to further entrench and expand
their dominance. Whether through self-preferencing, predatory
pricing, or exclusionary conduct, the dominant platforms have
exploited their power in order to become even more dominant.
To put it simply, companies that once were scrappy,
underdog startups that challenged the status quo have become
the kinds of monopolies we last saw in the era of oil barons
and railroad tycoons.
Although these firms have delivered clear
benefits to society, the dominance of Amazon, Apple, Facebook,
and Google has come at a price. These firms typically run the
marketplace while also competing in it
--a position that enables
them to write one set of rules for others, while they play by
another, or to engage in a form of their own private quasi
regulation that is unaccountable to anyone but themselves.
The effects of this significant and durable market power
are costly. The Subcommittee's series of hearings produced
significant evidence that these firms wield their dominance in
ways that erode entrepreneurship, degrade Americans' privacy
online, and undermine the vibrancy of the free and diverse
press. The result is less innovation, fewer choices for
consumers, and a weakened democracy.

Nearly a century ago, Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis
wrote: ``We must make our choice. We may have democracy, or we
may have wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we
cannot have both.'' Those words speak to us with great urgency
Commie Command Economy Over Jobs and Salaries, Especially With the Slaveboy Education Mandate

The Sillycon Valley uber-geek parasites colluded to not compete with one another by offering higher salaries to those who wanted to change jobs.

Low-IQ college graduates are too shallow to see the analogy with baseball's "Bonus Babies." Teams were punished by being forced to have any kid with a signing bonus have to spend his whole first two years with the major-league team, usually rotting on the bench while his skills atrophied.
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Bezos worked his ass off to get Amazon where it is today.
Bill Gates belongs in a coffin.
A Trite Phrase That Indicates Jealousy of the Talented

Making a virtue out of "hard work" is slave morality. Quality is far more important than quantity. Workoholic zombies are usually incompetent; that's why it takes them longer to get an adequate job done.
Not according to Congress and the experts they used. Get informed before posting.
Apple isn’t a Monopoly and it can be proven all day long, so Congress and the experts are incorrect.

Apple does not monopolies any market from Computer to Phone to Pads to IOS systems, so I am unsure why they are even in this conversation.

You are able to buy and use non-Apple products on all carriers and also obtain non-Apple computers.

Is Apple at the same level as Bell Corporation ( ATT ) was before the 1982 breakup?

The answer is no seeing you have other choices unlike when Bell Corporation was the only choice back then.
I’m not.

Apple.... They have 16% of the cellphone market, less than Samsung. They have 16% of the PC market, less than that of Dell and HP.

So, tell us all about their monopoly power. This should be fun.
You’re the one who supports Fascism, hence your strange love for Hitler and Mussolini.

Apple.... They have 16% of the cellphone market, less than Samsung. They have 16% of the PC market, less than that of Dell and HP.

So, tell us all about their monopoly power. This should be fun.
And exactly what has Facebook monopolized?

Middle aged mom's telling each other how amazing they are?

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