They burned this white girl alive and it's not a hate crime?

More Hussein revenge on Whitey. Rampant Black on White Crime is almost completely ignored by the corrupt dumbed-down MSM. The statistics are staggering. Statistically, there is very little White on Black crime in America. It's a dirty little secret the White Race-Baiter Communists/Progressives who dominate the MSM, desperately try to keep secret.

However, Black on White crime is actually out of control. That's the reality. It's time to honestly take on the issue. If you won't acknowledge truth and reality, there's no point in engaging in discussions about race. It has to begin with honesty. Why are so many African Americans harming Whites and other races? What's going on?

Black on white crime is down. You are wrong. And weird.

Statistically, it's a sobering reality. Black on White Crime is far more prevelant than White on Black Crime. And considering the population numbers, it is truly shocking. It is a dirty little secret White Race-Baiter Communists/Progressives conveniently ignore.

So, statistically speaking, post the statistics for this fact or join the other bunch of losers on this board who spout before they think.
No blogs allowed. Verified news agencies or gov't data only, preferably both. Or just simply STFU.
"Dirty little secret"....Where do you get your talking points from? The Enquirer?

Do your own research. Sounds like you need a little reality in your life. Black on White Crime is far more prevalant than White on Black Crime. And by population numbers, that is truly shocking. Stop listening to dumb White Communist/Progressive Race-Baiters. They're dumbed-down and they lie.
You don't understand the difference between being found "not guilty" and actually being innocent.

Zimmerman's actions since that night prove that he's a violent hothead.

No, he's only been accused of being a violent hothead.

But it doesn't matter how violent you are or not. Every American should have a right to defend themselves such as Zimmerman did. I would have done the exact same thing, and I give credit to Zimmerman for waiting so long before he finally used his weapon.
You wouldn't have called the cops and left it at that?

That's what Zimmerman did. He called the cops and followed Martin when he took off running. Zimmerman finished his conversation with police when he was attacked. If you look at the map, Martin stopped and waited between the houses for Zimmerman. He could have easily crawled on his knees to get back to the house he was staying at. Instead, he stayed right there where he and Zimmerman broke off. While I can't prove it, it seems to me he was trying to lure Zimmerman in between those houses where it was dark.
"Are you following him? We don't need you to do that!"

I said call the cops and leave it at that, not call the cops and go all commando exiting your car and hunting the "fleeing suspect" down like a wannabe cop.

He wasn't hunting down anybody. Martin ran and Zimmerman followed to keep an eye on him in order to point him out to police. For all Zimmeran knew, the cops could be there any second or the cops might not come until ten minutes later.

When the dispatcher noticed that Zimmerman was breathing heavy and heard brushing against the phone, that's when the dispatcher asked Zimmerman if he was following Martin. When the dispatcher told Zimmerman it wasn't necessary, Zimmerman stopped. This was evident by Zimmerman's normal tone of voice and breathing after a couple of seconds.

When Zimmerman shot Martin, Martin was breaking the law. He was in the act of felonious assault. If Zimmerman didn't have his firearm on him and the police pulled up, Martin would have been arrested, charged and his parents would have been held liable for the multiple injuries Zimmerman sustained. That is if he didn't kill Zimmerman by then.
He shouldn't have been following him, and being neighborhood watch he should have known that.
You don't understand the difference between being found "not guilty" and actually being innocent.

Zimmerman's actions since that night prove that he's a violent hothead.

No, he's only been accused of being a violent hothead.

But it doesn't matter how violent you are or not. Every American should have a right to defend themselves such as Zimmerman did. I would have done the exact same thing, and I give credit to Zimmerman for waiting so long before he finally used his weapon.
You wouldn't have called the cops and left it at that?

That's what Zimmerman did. He called the cops and followed Martin when he took off running. Zimmerman finished his conversation with police when he was attacked. If you look at the map, Martin stopped and waited between the houses for Zimmerman. He could have easily crawled on his knees to get back to the house he was staying at. Instead, he stayed right there where he and Zimmerman broke off. While I can't prove it, it seems to me he was trying to lure Zimmerman in between those houses where it was dark.
"Are you following him? We don't need you to do that!"

I said call the cops and leave it at that, not call the cops and go all commando exiting your car and hunting the "fleeing suspect" down like a wannabe cop.

He wasn't hunting down anybody. Martin ran and Zimmerman followed to keep an eye on him in order to point him out to police. For all Zimmeran knew, the cops could be there any second or the cops might not come until ten minutes later.

When the dispatcher noticed that Zimmerman was breathing heavy and heard brushing against the phone, that's when the dispatcher asked Zimmerman if he was following Martin. When the dispatcher told Zimmerman it wasn't necessary, Zimmerman stopped. This was evident by Zimmerman's normal tone of voice and breathing after a couple of seconds.

When Zimmerman shot Martin, Martin was breaking the law. He was in the act of felonious assault. If Zimmerman didn't have his firearm on him and the police pulled up, Martin would have been arrested, charged and his parents would have been held liable for the multiple injuries Zimmerman sustained. That is if he didn't kill Zimmerman by then.

Please, just shut up while you're way behind your own incredibly stupid, bigoted, ignorant ass:


Transcript of George Zimmerman's Call to the Police
Do you think police should be able to do anything to people that they interpret as resisting? Maybe he fucking "resisted" because he couldn't fucking breathe!

Maybe he shouldn't have resisted in the first place.
Maybe not. Doesn't justify their actions.

Sure it does. When police arrest you, you just surrender. What were the cops supposed to do with a subject that refuses to get arrested? Should the cops just say "okay, if you don't want to be arrested, there's nothing we can do about it."
No, when it's a nonviolent offender they should try to calm down the situation, not escalate it by immediately trying to cuff him.

Then when he's saying I can't breathe 11 times, you listen rather than keep on grinding him into the ground.

Turn on the show C*O*P*S some night. In fact Spike TV has it on this evening and there's really nothing else to watch. Criminals frequently tell police they are hurt during a scuffle. It's their attempt to get police to back off even though they are not really hurt at all.
You watch Spike TV? Enough said.

This guy was a non-violent contact and they decided to use overwhelming force. They overreacted and used police brutality that ended up killing him. I am not okay with that.
What are you not getting folks? It's all part of Hussein's revenge on white folks. Do you really think his massive Illegal Alien invasion and Race-Baiting is just coincidence? It's what he believes in. It's time to get Whitey. It's as simple as that.
don't run don't resist. that fat forker looked about 1 burrito short of heart attack. comply or die.
Do you think police should be able to do anything to people that they interpret as resisting? Maybe he fucking "resisted" because he couldn't fucking breathe!

Maybe he shouldn't have resisted in the first place.
Maybe not. Doesn't justify their actions.

Sure it does. When police arrest you, you just surrender. What were the cops supposed to do with a subject that refuses to get arrested? Should the cops just say "okay, if you don't want to be arrested, there's nothing we can do about it."

Your failure to surrender does not authorize the police to kill you. You are really a mess.

Oh sure, that's what the cops were trying to do, kill him.

Your failure to surrender DOES authorize police to use force. That's the way they are trained and that's what they have to do with an unruly suspect.
Do you think police should be able to do anything to people that they interpret as resisting? Maybe he fucking "resisted" because he couldn't fucking breathe!

Maybe he shouldn't have resisted in the first place.
Maybe not. Doesn't justify their actions.

Sure it does. When police arrest you, you just surrender. What were the cops supposed to do with a subject that refuses to get arrested? Should the cops just say "okay, if you don't want to be arrested, there's nothing we can do about it."
No, when it's a nonviolent offender they should try to calm down the situation, not escalate it by immediately trying to cuff him.

Then when he's saying I can't breathe 11 times, you listen rather than keep on grinding him into the ground.

Turn on the show C*O*P*S some night. In fact Spike TV has it on this evening and there's really nothing else to watch. Criminals frequently tell police they are hurt during a scuffle. It's their attempt to get police to back off even though they are not really hurt at all.

Dumb shits think that show is reality. It's not. It's a reality show. Not quite the same thing.
Officer Daniel Pantaleo

Yes, Zimmerman was a fine American that night. He seen somebody that looked suspicious, immediately called the police, and after he was attacked and beaten, used his firearm to stop the attack. That's why he was found not guilty.
You don't understand the difference between being found "not guilty" and actually being innocent.

Zimmerman's actions since that night prove that he's a violent hothead.

No, he's only been accused of being a violent hothead.

But it doesn't matter how violent you are or not. Every American should have a right to defend themselves such as Zimmerman did. I would have done the exact same thing, and I give credit to Zimmerman for waiting so long before he finally used his weapon.
You wouldn't have called the cops and left it at that?

That's what Zimmerman did. He called the cops and followed Martin when he took off running. Zimmerman finished his conversation with police when he was attacked. If you look at the map, Martin stopped and waited between the houses for Zimmerman. He could have easily crawled on his knees to get back to the house he was staying at. Instead, he stayed right there where he and Zimmerman broke off. While I can't prove it, it seems to me he was trying to lure Zimmerman in between those houses where it was dark.

"...While I can't prove it, it seems to me he was trying to lure Zimmerman in between those houses where it was dark."

And then.....BAM! Hit him right over the head with that bag of Skittles and blind him in the eyes with that cold iced tea.
Go back to watching your "Kojak" reruns, Sparky.
You get the gold star for the dumbest post of the day.
Be sure to join us tomorrow, you're a shoo-in for Sunday, too.

The dumbest post of the day is the one you just posted. You are commenting on a story you know nothing about apparently.
More Hussein revenge on Whitey. Rampant Black on White Crime is almost completely ignored by the corrupt dumbed-down MSM. The statistics are staggering. Statistically, there is very little White on Black crime in America. It's a dirty little secret the White Race-Baiter Communists/Progressives who dominate the MSM, desperately try to keep secret.

However, Black on White crime is actually out of control. That's the reality. It's time to honestly take on the issue. If you won't acknowledge truth and reality, there's no point in engaging in discussions about race. It has to begin with honesty. Why are so many African Americans harming Whites and other races? What's going on?

Black on white crime is down. You are wrong. And weird.

Statistically, it's a sobering reality. Black on White Crime is far more prevelant than White on Black Crime. And considering the population numbers, it is truly shocking. It is a dirty little secret White Race-Baiter Communists/Progressives conveniently ignore.

So, statistically speaking, post the statistics for this fact or join the other bunch of losers on this board who spout before they think.
No blogs allowed. Verified news agencies or gov't data only, preferably both. Or just simply STFU.
"Dirty little secret"....Where do you get your talking points from? The Enquirer?

Do your own research. Sounds like you need a little reality in your life. Black on White Crime is far more prevalant than White on Black Crime. And by population numbers, that is truly shocking. Stop listening to dumb White Communist/Progressive Race-Baiters. They're dumbed-down and they lie.

Ahem...If you make a claim like that then it's assumed you have done your own research and can back up your claim.
Loser. Lazy-assed low information voter loser.
No, he's only been accused of being a violent hothead.

But it doesn't matter how violent you are or not. Every American should have a right to defend themselves such as Zimmerman did. I would have done the exact same thing, and I give credit to Zimmerman for waiting so long before he finally used his weapon.
You wouldn't have called the cops and left it at that?

That's what Zimmerman did. He called the cops and followed Martin when he took off running. Zimmerman finished his conversation with police when he was attacked. If you look at the map, Martin stopped and waited between the houses for Zimmerman. He could have easily crawled on his knees to get back to the house he was staying at. Instead, he stayed right there where he and Zimmerman broke off. While I can't prove it, it seems to me he was trying to lure Zimmerman in between those houses where it was dark.
"Are you following him? We don't need you to do that!"

I said call the cops and leave it at that, not call the cops and go all commando exiting your car and hunting the "fleeing suspect" down like a wannabe cop.

He wasn't hunting down anybody. Martin ran and Zimmerman followed to keep an eye on him in order to point him out to police. For all Zimmeran knew, the cops could be there any second or the cops might not come until ten minutes later.

When the dispatcher noticed that Zimmerman was breathing heavy and heard brushing against the phone, that's when the dispatcher asked Zimmerman if he was following Martin. When the dispatcher told Zimmerman it wasn't necessary, Zimmerman stopped. This was evident by Zimmerman's normal tone of voice and breathing after a couple of seconds.

When Zimmerman shot Martin, Martin was breaking the law. He was in the act of felonious assault. If Zimmerman didn't have his firearm on him and the police pulled up, Martin would have been arrested, charged and his parents would have been held liable for the multiple injuries Zimmerman sustained. That is if he didn't kill Zimmerman by then.

Please, just shut up while you're way behind your own incredibly stupid, bigoted, ignorant ass:


Transcript of George Zimmerman's Call to the Police
He was trying to be a cop and he didnt know what he was doing. He should have called the cops and let them investigate, but he was a big boy vigilante and no more scumbag thugs were going to get away from his Rambo ass.
She white. Hussein say it ok to kill Whitey. Pretty much the message he's sent out there. He's a piece of shit. It is what it is.
Wait...... Paulitician said black on white crime is out of control. It's lower now than it has been in decades.

Why won't this shithead retract his lie?
Last edited:
don't run don't resist. that fat forker looked about 1 burrito short of heart attack. comply or die.
Do you think police should be able to do anything to people that they interpret as resisting? Maybe he fucking "resisted" because he couldn't fucking breathe!

Maybe he shouldn't have resisted in the first place.
Maybe not. Doesn't justify their actions.

Sure it does. When police arrest you, you just surrender. What were the cops supposed to do with a subject that refuses to get arrested? Should the cops just say "okay, if you don't want to be arrested, there's nothing we can do about it."

I thought that's what taser guns were for. Silly me.

Suspects have died being hit with taser guns too. That's likely what would have happened anyway given his health, and then you libs would have been crying about the cop killing him with the taser gun.
More Hussein revenge on Whitey. Rampant Black on White Crime is almost completely ignored by the corrupt dumbed-down MSM. The statistics are staggering. Statistically, there is very little White on Black crime in America. It's a dirty little secret the White Race-Baiter Communists/Progressives who dominate the MSM, desperately try to keep secret.

However, Black on White crime is actually out of control. That's the reality. It's time to honestly take on the issue. If you won't acknowledge truth and reality, there's no point in engaging in discussions about race. It has to begin with honesty. Why are so many African Americans harming Whites and other races? What's going on?

Black on white crime is down. You are wrong. And weird.

Statistically, it's a sobering reality. Black on White Crime is far more prevelant than White on Black Crime. And considering the population numbers, it is truly shocking. It is a dirty little secret White Race-Baiter Communists/Progressives conveniently ignore.

So, statistically speaking, post the statistics for this fact or join the other bunch of losers on this board who spout before they think.
No blogs allowed. Verified news agencies or gov't data only, preferably both. Or just simply STFU.
"Dirty little secret"....Where do you get your talking points from? The Enquirer?

Do your own research. Sounds like you need a little reality in your life. Black on White Crime is far more prevalant than White on Black Crime. And by population numbers, that is truly shocking. Stop listening to dumb White Communist/Progressive Race-Baiters. They're dumbed-down and they lie.

Ahem...If you make a claim like that then it's assumed you have done your own research and can back up your claim.
Loser. Lazy-assed low information voter loser.

Ha, you actually believe more whites are harming blacks than blacks are harming whites. I have to conclude you're a typical dumbed-down White Race-Baiter Communist/Progressive. No further discussion is necessary. Movin on...
Do you think police should be able to do anything to people that they interpret as resisting? Maybe he fucking "resisted" because he couldn't fucking breathe!

Maybe he shouldn't have resisted in the first place.
Maybe not. Doesn't justify their actions.

Sure it does. When police arrest you, you just surrender. What were the cops supposed to do with a subject that refuses to get arrested? Should the cops just say "okay, if you don't want to be arrested, there's nothing we can do about it."

I thought that's what taser guns were for. Silly me.

Suspects have died being hit with taser guns too. That's likely what would have happened anyway given his health, and then you libs would have been crying about the cop killing him with the taser gun.
They didn't need to escalate the situation. He was allegedly selling freaking cigarettes. Once they escalated then they quickly went to excessive and prolonged force.
Do you think police should be able to do anything to people that they interpret as resisting? Maybe he fucking "resisted" because he couldn't fucking breathe!

Maybe he shouldn't have resisted in the first place.
Maybe not. Doesn't justify their actions.

Sure it does. When police arrest you, you just surrender. What were the cops supposed to do with a subject that refuses to get arrested? Should the cops just say "okay, if you don't want to be arrested, there's nothing we can do about it."
No, when it's a nonviolent offender they should try to calm down the situation, not escalate it by immediately trying to cuff him.

Then when he's saying I can't breathe 11 times, you listen rather than keep on grinding him into the ground.

Turn on the show C*O*P*S some night. In fact Spike TV has it on this evening and there's really nothing else to watch. Criminals frequently tell police they are hurt during a scuffle. It's their attempt to get police to back off even though they are not really hurt at all.

Interesting. Friend of mine used to be the editor for "Real Stories of the Highway Patrol" in the mid-90s. He walked because of their incessant censorship of the video he was given to edit. Actually, what he said was the raw video made him ill to watch. They wanted him to cut out everything except what made them look good. Stick to television, it seems to be about as good as it gets for your "facts" which we will know is based on reality television shows. BAHAHAHAHAA.
Maybe he shouldn't have resisted in the first place.
Maybe not. Doesn't justify their actions.

Sure it does. When police arrest you, you just surrender. What were the cops supposed to do with a subject that refuses to get arrested? Should the cops just say "okay, if you don't want to be arrested, there's nothing we can do about it."
No, when it's a nonviolent offender they should try to calm down the situation, not escalate it by immediately trying to cuff him.

Then when he's saying I can't breathe 11 times, you listen rather than keep on grinding him into the ground.

Turn on the show C*O*P*S some night. In fact Spike TV has it on this evening and there's really nothing else to watch. Criminals frequently tell police they are hurt during a scuffle. It's their attempt to get police to back off even though they are not really hurt at all.

Dumb shits think that show is reality. It's not. It's a reality show. Not quite the same thing.

It's very reality. Talk to a cop sometime about it. I've seen it happen twice in my city. The cops give you a chance. It's up to you whether you accept that chance or not.
A 19-year-old Mississippi girl was burned alive last year in a horrifying murder that has left the Courtland, Mississippi, community reeling. Chambers was doused with gasoline and set on fire by an unknown party or parties and left to die on the side of the road. The teen was found on the rural road with burns over most of her body and was rushed to a Memphis hospital, where she was later pronounced dead.

At the time of her death, reports indicated that the teen said someone’s name before passing away and led police and the FBI on a manhunt for the murderer. What was uncovered was a community rife with gang activity, drugs, stolen firearms, and counterfeit money schemes. Although a murder suspect has not been formally charged in the horrific burning murder of Jessica Chambers, the investigation into her case has resulted in the arrests of 17 people.


Read more at #JusticeForJessica: 17 People Arrested During Jessica Chambers Burning Death Investigation, Case Still Unsolved

FBI officials announced the arrests Tuesday of suspected members of the Black Gangster Disciples, Vice Lords, and Sipp Mob street gangs, according to The Clarion-Ledger newspaper.

Officials told the paper the investigation, dubbed "Operation Bite Back", was focused on Panola County, in the northwest of the state, and was a byproduct of the investigation into the death of Jessica Chambers.

The 17 suspects charged are between 18 and 40 years of age. They are charged with crimes ranging from child endangerment and selling narcotics to possession of stolen firearms and possession of counterfeit currency.

Investigation into Mississippi woman's burning death leads to arrests of 17 suspected gang members | Fox News

Get that folks? 17 fucking apes killed this woman by burning her alive, but it is not considered a hate crime.

Oh, but me calling these fucking animals, apes, well that is what will be offensive.

But but but Fox News.......

Liberals folks. It is not in any other national news sources.

I am shocked.


Since most conservatives don't believe there is any such thing as a hate crime,

what are you crying about?

Since ALL Liberals believe only hate crimes occur to black people, it's calling out your double standard.

"ALL Liberals" think that hate crimes occur to only black people? Nope. I believe they happen to brown, red and yellow people, too. You?

What you don't believe is they happen to white people.
A 19-year-old Mississippi girl was burned alive last year in a horrifying murder that has left the Courtland, Mississippi, community reeling. Chambers was doused with gasoline and set on fire by an unknown party or parties and left to die on the side of the road. The teen was found on the rural road with burns over most of her body and was rushed to a Memphis hospital, where she was later pronounced dead.

At the time of her death, reports indicated that the teen said someone’s name before passing away and led police and the FBI on a manhunt for the murderer. What was uncovered was a community rife with gang activity, drugs, stolen firearms, and counterfeit money schemes. Although a murder suspect has not been formally charged in the horrific burning murder of Jessica Chambers, the investigation into her case has resulted in the arrests of 17 people.


Read more at #JusticeForJessica: 17 People Arrested During Jessica Chambers Burning Death Investigation, Case Still Unsolved

FBI officials announced the arrests Tuesday of suspected members of the Black Gangster Disciples, Vice Lords, and Sipp Mob street gangs, according to The Clarion-Ledger newspaper.

Officials told the paper the investigation, dubbed "Operation Bite Back", was focused on Panola County, in the northwest of the state, and was a byproduct of the investigation into the death of Jessica Chambers.

The 17 suspects charged are between 18 and 40 years of age. They are charged with crimes ranging from child endangerment and selling narcotics to possession of stolen firearms and possession of counterfeit currency.

Investigation into Mississippi woman's burning death leads to arrests of 17 suspected gang members | Fox News

Get that folks? 17 fucking apes killed this woman by burning her alive, but it is not considered a hate crime.

Oh, but me calling these fucking animals, apes, well that is what will be offensive.

But but but Fox News.......

Liberals folks. It is not in any other national news sources.

I am shocked.


Since most conservatives don't believe there is any such thing as a hate crime,

what are you crying about?

Since ALL Liberals believe only hate crimes occur to black people, it's calling out your double standard.

Lying about me is a hazardous profession.

I have no fear of any hazard from you pussy.
Maybe not. Doesn't justify their actions.

Sure it does. When police arrest you, you just surrender. What were the cops supposed to do with a subject that refuses to get arrested? Should the cops just say "okay, if you don't want to be arrested, there's nothing we can do about it."
No, when it's a nonviolent offender they should try to calm down the situation, not escalate it by immediately trying to cuff him.

Then when he's saying I can't breathe 11 times, you listen rather than keep on grinding him into the ground.

Turn on the show C*O*P*S some night. In fact Spike TV has it on this evening and there's really nothing else to watch. Criminals frequently tell police they are hurt during a scuffle. It's their attempt to get police to back off even though they are not really hurt at all.

Dumb shits think that show is reality. It's not. It's a reality show. Not quite the same thing.

It's very reality. Talk to a cop sometime about it. I've seen it happen twice in my city. The cops give you a chance. It's up to you whether you accept that chance or not.

My son is a cop. Next.

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