They Come Back

you feel that way about the NY Times? Rolling Stone? CBS?

R.S. took a big hit with their UVA rape story. I never looked to them for news other than Matt Taibbi and he is gone.

I don't read the Times as I can not access their stories. CBS? I dont know. Maybe.
R.S. took a big hit with their UVA rape story. I never looked to them for news other than Matt Taibbi and he is gone.

I don't read the Times as I can not access their stories. CBS? I dont know. Maybe.
so you don’t really feel that that…just news agencies that have acknowledged a retract in their past, and report stories you don’t like today

The only one I am familiar with lying was RS and I condemned them. You making a claim isn't the same as something happened.
every outlet i mentioned has lied. They literally made up stories…and frankly it was highly published when they did. I might also add the Washington Post to that list

frankly i don’t believe you, you just got caught in a lie…and once a liar, always a liar
every outlet i mentioned has lied. They literally made up stories…and frankly it was highly published when they did. I might also add the Washington Post to that list

When the Washington Post was sued and lost big time I said they deserved to lose.

frankly i don’t believe you, you just got caught in a lie…and once a liar, always a liar

Frankly you are going to say that because I shot down A.T. credibility and backed what I said.

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