They Did It AGAIN - 6 Jan Committee Caught Altering Evidence Then Lied About It

From outside the orange cult, it's easy to see how you've been well groomed to believe The Big Lie.
well it’s also easy to see that the dembots are once again using parody and doctored text to try and make their case
Well, yeah it is. Nancy did not have the power to turn anything down, plus she is no more or less responsible for such things than the Senate Majority leader, who was a Repub at the time.
Then she should not have any problem with testifying, although she refuses to.

So if she was so powerless, why do you think the FBI briefed her before 6 Jan? What did she do with the information? Who did she share it with? WHO in the FBI gave the warning?

Oh, I know you don't have any idea .... no one does.

That's kinda the point, especially of an 'investigation', isn't it?!

LOL. Nancy isn't on trial here pal.

Days before Joe Biden’s presidential inauguration, Republican congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene appeared in a text to White House chief of staff Mark Meadows to press for Donald Trump to overturn his 2020 election defeat by invoking martial law, new messages show.

The message – one of more than 2,000 texts turned over by Meadows to the House select committee investigating January 6 and first reported by CNN – shows that some of Trump’s most ardent allies on Capitol Hill were pressing for Trump to return himself to office even after the Capitol attack.

“In our private chat with only Members several are saying the only way to save our Republic is for Trump to call Marshall [sic] law,” Greene texted on 17 January. “I just wanted you to tell him. They stole this election. We all know. They will destroy our country next.”
Why won't 666 Satanic DemNazi aka "The Devil's Whore" Nazi Pelosi turn over her texts and emails and 1,000s of hours of video feeds on January 6 for her fake witch hunt?

Proving you wrong is like shooting ducks in a barrel.
that shows the price went up 40.00 a barrel before the war. and it had been climbing the entire presidency of xiden. So your graph doesn't show what you intended it to show.

It also doesn't show the shut down of oil production in the US. hmmmmmmm false claim as always.
Sure, that's what their media does. It's their first impulse, always.

FOX brings up BLM regularly to keep the rubes angry and paranoid.
You guys do have a huge credibility problem. Your media is a mess. Fixing data in bogus show hearings is kind of modus operandi now isn't it? I can list the last few farces if you want, but I don't want to deflect from the current thread.
Mac1958 isn't fence-sitting. He's a dedicated Biden/DNC cultist pretending to be a "moderate".
Good Trumpster.

Wait..........the source you used said there was no insurrection.
I agree, but you seem to FEEL as if there is one. You do understand the concept of 'opinions', right, the thing all your arguments and statements are based on insteadvof logic and facts?!
Sure thing, Trumpster.
Hey Mr. 'nuance.' I've got a friend like you. She hates Trump and watches CNN. I ask her if she like rising crime, inflation, and huge portions of our population who are not citizens, and she says no. She just hates Trump because he is a bad guy. The difference between you and her is that you actually like the policies that are being forced on us.
Hey Mr. 'nuance.' I've got a friend like you. She hates Trump and watches CNN. I ask her if she like rising crime, inflation, and huge portions of our population who are not citizens, and she says no. She just hates Trump because he is a bad guy. The difference between you and her is that you actually like the policies that are being forced on us.
You're free to point out my actual positions on the actual issues. I've posted them many times.

Go ahead.

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