They Did It AGAIN - 6 Jan Committee Caught Altering Evidence Then Lied About It

It shows EXACTLY what I said it shows. Oil has essentially doubled since Dec. 2021 because of Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
nah, the majority of the increase was pre invasion. So you got nothing. Stopping oil production in the US is all Xiden. Dude, you can claim all day and every day that 7% of supply causes the increase you lie about. Smart fkers like me will just tell you you are full of shit and lie.

You're full of shit and lie.

you misinformation fkers.
You're free to point out my actual positions on the actual issues. I've posted them many times.

Go ahead.
Trump called the people who violently attacked and briefly seized the U.S. Capitol building in order to overturn a Presidential election “patriots”; President-elect Joe Biden called them “terrorists.” In a section of “Leviathan” called “Inconstant Names,” Thomas Hobbes, in 1651, remarked that the names of things are variable, “For one man calleth Wisdome, what another calleth Feare; and one Cruelty, what another Justice.” On the other hand, sometimes one man is right (those people were terrorists). And, sometimes, what to call a thing seems plain. “This is what the President has caused today, this insurrection,” Mitt Romney, fleeing the Senate chamber

Thanks for that highly emotional, extremely partisan opinion, snowflake.
sure you do. 6 dollar gas you are saying is the republican's fault? really.
No but it's not all Biden's. And I'm sure the German economy sucked the year Hitler took over. Should they have elected Hitler?

You guys need to just nominate someone else not a nutter.

Here is what I want to do. I want to have Romney be the Democratic nominee. That's a win win. Moderates Republicans and Democrats would vote for him. Trump would lose. And you'd have a conservative in the White House.

Of course he'll have us go bankrupt like he wanted GM to do so there's that but that's better than Trump.

Hell I'd take Jeb right now.
Why won't 666 Satanic DemNazi aka "The Devil's Whore" Nazi Pelosi turn over her texts and emails and 1,000s of hours of video feeds on January 6 for her fake witch hunt?
She's not under investigation. This is like attacking the rape victim on the stand. You Republicans are such lawyers.
the problem is, the left is altering what they put in front of your eyes to lead you around like a carrot in front of a horse. they already got you hating, the rest is candy from a baby.

are you applying the same standards to all, or are you picking and choosing based on how you wish the outcome to go? if door #1 alex, then you will ask why the left is altering the evidence and limiting what you can see. if door #2 alex, then it doesn't matter what they show you, it's enough to feed your hate and make you feel like it's justified.

2 very different goals when going in that rational discourse will never bridge.
Yea they all do that stupid. It's up to us what we do with the information. You guys are going nuts. Shooters, banning abortion, denying climate change.

I was up north in Trump country. The radio guy was great. He played it very secular but he was clearly a god fearing man. He said, "of course man is destroying this planet" and he listed all the ways we are doing it from plastic in the ocean, depleting natural resources to pollution in the air to poison in our rivers. But you Republicans, who we all know most of you are NOT actually very religious, are denying that we are destroying the planet. Why? Why are you liars on this subject? Because the corporations who do the most pollution pay Fox News and Republican politicians to lie to you. And you come here and repeat the lies.

Trump lied. He lost the election. And he's on trail. The court of public opinion. 20 million viewers are watching and Republicans like Liz Chaney are making a very good case. And they are calling on Republicans to testify against Trump.

But you're like a black on the OJ trial. So be gone with you. Nothing will convince you.
For a bunch of people who would rather poke their eyes out than watch one second of the hearings you're pretty certain about what is going on.
It's been a year and a half since the Capitol tour. Meanwhile, the country is in a crisis. Why should anyone watch this shit show?
when you position is simply orange man bad…you are a dembot tyrannical cultist
As you must know by now, there are many reasons for thinking Trump is a despicable criminal.

It's becoming more and more clear that, for the Orange Cult, a person's actual positions on the actual issues don't matter. Your opinions and ideas on policy are completely irrelevant.

The only thing that matters to them is, do you willingly bend over for the Orange High Hard One™ or do you not?

And that's the sign of a cult.
IOW, they have adopted Dear Leader's criteria for approval, that no offense is too egregious as long as you remain loyal to him.
yeah we’ve seen your numerous accusations that have always come up flat
This article is appropriately titled..........

Trump probably won't be charged with campaign finance fraud in office. But that doesn't make him innocent.​

This article is appropriately titled..........

Trump probably won't be charged with campaign finance fraud in office. But that doesn't make him innocent.​

well he’s out of office…has been for two years

the only person associated with that campaign fraud claim that end up in prison was the dem hero creepy porn lawyer
She's not under investigation. This is like attacking the rape victim on the stand. You Republicans are such lawyers.
She should be under investigation for treason for her participation in Russian Collusion and trying to overthrow our Democracy, but I will settle for watching her being thrown into Hell along with all the other liars and corrupt people in this world on Judgment Day. She won't face a firing squad, so I'll settle for her "frying like bacon". I suggest you invest in fire proof panties.

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