They gave the tax cut as though money grew on trees, for the rich real-estate people and corps


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
now they have a problem with it as they need to help families with food, shelter, and heath ins.

Asked about the conservative backlash to the 2008 bailout legislation, Paul said the “whole Tea Party movement arose out of that because they were sick of Washington Republicans who weren’t conservative anymore.”

Paul says conservatives are feeling the same anger today over the exploding deficit, which was projected to reach $3.8 trillion for 2020 even before lawmakers started negotiating the newest coronavirus relief package: “There’s a lot of frustration.”

and how about bailing out the farmers 28 billion and they don't need to pay it back and a lot of farmers declared bankruptcy in 2019.

That is why republicans disgust me.
now they have a problem with it as they need to help families with food, shelter, and heath ins.

Asked about the conservative backlash to the 2008 bailout legislation, Paul said the “whole Tea Party movement arose out of that because they were sick of Washington Republicans who weren’t conservative anymore.”

Paul says conservatives are feeling the same anger today over the exploding deficit, which was projected to reach $3.8 trillion for 2020 even before lawmakers started negotiating the newest coronavirus relief package: “There’s a lot of frustration.”

and how about bailing out the farmers 28 billion and they don't need to pay it back and a lot of farmers declared bankruptcy in 2019.

That is why republicans disgust me.
Since the 1960s we have given lazy liberal welfare queens and queers, 22 trillion dollars, yet we still have lazy liberal welfare queens and queers. We keep bailing out these people and they never have to pay it back.

This is why democrooks disgust me...
now they have a problem with it as they need to help families with food, shelter, and heath ins.

Asked about the conservative backlash to the 2008 bailout legislation, Paul said the “whole Tea Party movement arose out of that because they were sick of Washington Republicans who weren’t conservative anymore.”

Paul says conservatives are feeling the same anger today over the exploding deficit, which was projected to reach $3.8 trillion for 2020 even before lawmakers started negotiating the newest coronavirus relief package: “There’s a lot of frustration.”

and how about bailing out the farmers 28 billion and they don't need to pay it back and a lot of farmers declared bankruptcy in 2019.

That is why republicans disgust me.
Rome is burning and your big worry is that rich people got a tax break.
A Virus Tax Cut would be when the government tells you, your business can only operate at 20% capacity they your tax bill should be 20% of last year's tax bill. If they tell you, that you are non-essential then your tax bill should be non essential. When the government deprives you of your right to make a living then you should deprive them of their tax they claim is due.
now they have a problem with it as they need to help families with food, shelter, and heath ins.

Asked about the conservative backlash to the 2008 bailout legislation, Paul said the “whole Tea Party movement arose out of that because they were sick of Washington Republicans who weren’t conservative anymore.”

Paul says conservatives are feeling the same anger today over the exploding deficit, which was projected to reach $3.8 trillion for 2020 even before lawmakers started negotiating the newest coronavirus relief package: “There’s a lot of frustration.”

and how about bailing out the farmers 28 billion and they don't need to pay it back and a lot of farmers declared bankruptcy in 2019.

That is why republicans disgust me.

Hypocrite much? I've against over spending from the start. I was appalled by Trumps over spending.

But difference is, I've been consistent. You have not. When Obama was blowing money all over the place, you gave endless excuses.

Funny how you have all the excuses in the world, when it's your guy, but no excuses at all, when it's another guy.

You are just lying trash.
now they have a problem with it as they need to help families with food, shelter, and heath ins.

Asked about the conservative backlash to the 2008 bailout legislation, Paul said the “whole Tea Party movement arose out of that because they were sick of Washington Republicans who weren’t conservative anymore.”

Paul says conservatives are feeling the same anger today over the exploding deficit, which was projected to reach $3.8 trillion for 2020 even before lawmakers started negotiating the newest coronavirus relief package: “There’s a lot of frustration.”

and how about bailing out the farmers 28 billion and they don't need to pay it back and a lot of farmers declared bankruptcy in 2019.

That is why republicans disgust me.

Over there in Gaza, you survive based on handouts from Israel. You produce nothing, you make nothing, invent nothing, grow nothing, improve nothing.

So the concept of MAKING MONEY is one you have never encountered. You are on welfare from Israel, then strap bombs on your children to kill their children.

Tell me, when you Hezbollah scum break into a Jew's home and steal everything of value, but then leave them the china or silverware - are you giving them a gift?

A tax break lets people keep their own money - it doesn't give them anything.
A Virus Tax Cut would be when the government tells you, your business can only operate at 20% capacity they your tax bill should be 20% of last year's tax bill. If they tell you, that you are non-essential then your tax bill should be non essential. When the government deprives you of your right to make a living then you should deprive them of their tax they claim is due.

I wish this was just the Federal gubbment.

State and local corrupt governments have made the tax payers their personal piggy banks.
CLERKS in many California city halls making six figures, then refusing to be transparent to the public.
So many local government flat out tell the Public to go fuck themselves (but keep the money flowing in)
It's really a national crisis the corruption.
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and how about bailing out the farmers 28 billion and they don't need to pay it back and a lot of farmers declared bankruptcy in 2019.
I dont think farm assistance money is alway spent wisely

but dont forget the reason we give special attention to farmers

without what they produce we all starve
and how about bailing out the farmers 28 billion and they don't need to pay it back and a lot of farmers declared bankruptcy in 2019.
I dont think farm assistance money is alway spent wisely

but dont forget the reason we give special attention to farmers

without what they produce we all starve

The big ones would of survived. Due to tramp trade war. The taxpayers paid for it.
now they have a problem with it as they need to help families with food, shelter, and heath ins.

Asked about the conservative backlash to the 2008 bailout legislation, Paul said the “whole Tea Party movement arose out of that because they were sick of Washington Republicans who weren’t conservative anymore.”

Paul says conservatives are feeling the same anger today over the exploding deficit, which was projected to reach $3.8 trillion for 2020 even before lawmakers started negotiating the newest coronavirus relief package: “There’s a lot of frustration.”

and how about bailing out the farmers 28 billion and they don't need to pay it back and a lot of farmers declared bankruptcy in 2019.

That is why republicans disgust me.

Hypocrite much? I've against over spending from the start. I was appalled by Trumps over spending.

But difference is, I've been consistent. You have not. When Obama was blowing money all over the place, you gave endless excuses.

Funny how you have all the excuses in the world, when it's your guy, but no excuses at all, when it's another guy.

You are just lying trash.

He loaned the money, and tramp gave it away. I only hit this Message board in 2014 , were you still talking about the bail outs. Obama inherited the greatest recession since the great depression.

What tramp did was tax cut to the rich people.
The big ones would of survived. Due to tramp trade war. The taxpayers paid for it.

Thanks to "Tramp's Trade War" AMERICA will survive (name calling pejorative voluntarily removed here)

I know that pisses you and your pals off horribly

Really? We are almost at war with China? No the USA would survive without the trade war which cost us all money and we are still paying for it. Tramp had wares made in China, and now they are made in Bangladesh and India and Ivanka's too, but she has since moved into Africa .
This is the first time small businesses got anything from the government.

I personally know at least 4 business owners that had they not received a PPP loan would have shut their doors and laid off every employee and quite possible never reopened.

So for once the government actually was trying to help the little guys
This is the first time small businesses got anything from the government.

I personally know at least 4 business owners that had they not received a PPP loan would have shut their doors and laid off every employee and quite possible never reopened.

So for once the government actually was trying to help the little guys

I have no problem with the Cares Act and I'm glad they helped the little businesses but what will they now do? Defund Medicare and SS, cut food stamps (that will get people out to work-not), and gut the ACA, and thousands will lose shelter and homes??

They want people back to work, and I'd like that too, but you can't force the virus to disappear.
They gave the tax cut as though money grew on trees, for the rich real-estate people and corps

And for me too. I got a tax cut.
now they have a problem with it as they need to help families with food, shelter, and heath ins.

Asked about the conservative backlash to the 2008 bailout legislation, Paul said the “whole Tea Party movement arose out of that because they were sick of Washington Republicans who weren’t conservative anymore.”

Paul says conservatives are feeling the same anger today over the exploding deficit, which was projected to reach $3.8 trillion for 2020 even before lawmakers started negotiating the newest coronavirus relief package: “There’s a lot of frustration.”

and how about bailing out the farmers 28 billion and they don't need to pay it back and a lot of farmers declared bankruptcy in 2019.

That is why republicans disgust me.

Hypocrite much? I've against over spending from the start. I was appalled by Trumps over spending.

But difference is, I've been consistent. You have not. When Obama was blowing money all over the place, you gave endless excuses.

Funny how you have all the excuses in the world, when it's your guy, but no excuses at all, when it's another guy.

You are just lying trash.

He loaned the money, and tramp gave it away. I only hit this Message board in 2014 , were you still talking about the bail outs. Obama inherited the greatest recession since the great depression.

What tramp did was tax cut to the rich people.

There you go. You just rationalized borrowing tons of money, creating trillion dollar deficits, by making excuses for it.

Look, when I lost my job... I stop spending money. That's what you do when you lose income.

In the 1920s, when the economy hit a massive recession, the government cut spending. And result was an economic recovery, which we now call "the roaring 20s".

In 1930s, they did the opposite. That massively increased spending, and taxes, and the result was "the great depression".

Now we know which side of history you are on. And we know which side of history I'm on.

I disagree with Trumps spending. But you don't. You just pretend you do, because you don't give a crap about spending, just how can we use this to destroy Trump.

And we know this, because if an economic slow down is justification for any and all spending and deficits, then Trump has the same lame excuse. The economy is faltering right now, and deficit spending from your own statements, are justified.

Sorry, but you can't have it both ways. You can't moronically pretend that deficits are terrible, unless it's someone you support.

That makes you a hypocrite. I'm not being a hypocrite. I've had the same standards the entire time.

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