They Really Are The JV Team


Wow, how timely, and irrelevant.
I listened to some of the GOP convention yesterday. The pants shitting was non-stop.

"Are you scared? I'm scared, too! You SHOULD be scared! EEK! Herr Drumpf will make us feel SAFE!"


I thought this was an ISIS thread?
Let's not discuss Obama putting thousands of American combat troops back into Iraq to fight the JV team.
I guess you want to just wish them away really hard.

We are achieving success. The JV team is on the run. Sorry about that!
Obama said the JV team was on the run two years ago.
How many tens thousands have they slaughtered since then and how many more decades will you morons say they are on the run?
ISIS. What a bunch of pussies.

How many Americans have to die before you don't consider ISIS a threat fool? If they killed your family would that make a difference or would you go on spinning for the left? I think we all know the answer.

ISIS is small potatoes. We won't even be talking about them in ten years.

Answer the question, how many Americans can ISIS kill before you give a shit? Do America a favor and move to North Korea.

Wow, how timely, and irrelevant.
I listened to some of the GOP convention yesterday. The pants shitting was non-stop.

"Are you scared? I'm scared, too! You SHOULD be scared! EEK! Herr Drumpf will make us feel SAFE!"


I thought this was an ISIS thread?
Let's not discuss Obama putting thousands of American combat troops back into Iraq to fight the JV team.
I guess you want to just wish them away really hard.

We are achieving success. The JV team is on the run. Sorry about that!
Obama said the JV team was on the run two years ago.
How many tens thousands have they slaughtered since then and how many more decades will you morons say they are on the run?
They are on the run. They have lost half their territory in the past year, retard.
ISIS. What a bunch of pussies.

How many Americans have to die before you don't consider ISIS a threat fool? If they killed your family would that make a difference or would you go on spinning for the left? I think we all know the answer.

ISIS is small potatoes. We won't even be talking about them in ten years.

Answer the question, how many Americans can ISIS kill before you give a shit? Do America a favor and move to North Korea.
You are a hundred times more likely to be hit by lightning. So you better be safe and stay under your bed, little pants shitter. Do NOT go outdoors!
ISIS. What a bunch of pussies.

How many Americans have to die before you don't consider ISIS a threat fool? If they killed your family would that make a difference or would you go on spinning for the left? I think we all know the answer.

ISIS is small potatoes. We won't even be talking about them in ten years.

Answer the question, how many Americans can ISIS kill before you give a shit? Do America a favor and move to North Korea.
You are a hundred times more likely to be hit by lightning. So you better be safe and stay under your bed, little pants shitter. Do NOT go outdoors!

We continue to be embarrassed that you are a citizen.
ISIS. What a bunch of pussies.

How many Americans have to die before you don't consider ISIS a threat fool? If they killed your family would that make a difference or would you go on spinning for the left? I think we all know the answer.

ISIS is small potatoes. We won't even be talking about them in ten years.

Answer the question, how many Americans can ISIS kill before you give a shit? Do America a favor and move to North Korea.
You are a hundred times more likely to be hit by lightning. So you better be safe and stay under your bed, little pants shitter. Do NOT go outdoors!
Another liberal loser that doesn't care about people being slaughtered as long as it doesn't cause a traffic jam on the way to his drug dealers house. Then he would be up in arms.
ISIS. What a bunch of pussies.

How many Americans have to die before you don't consider ISIS a threat fool? If they killed your family would that make a difference or would you go on spinning for the left? I think we all know the answer.

ISIS is small potatoes. We won't even be talking about them in ten years.

Answer the question, how many Americans can ISIS kill before you give a shit? Do America a favor and move to North Korea.
You are a hundred times more likely to be hit by lightning. So you better be safe and stay under your bed, little pants shitter. Do NOT go outdoors!

We continue to be embarrassed that you are a citizen.
Yes, you are embarrassed to see a man walking upright without fear. I get it. Sorry about that!
Then there is no reason to import muslim "refugees" here by the plane load. They aren't really in danger from Oblamo's kiddie team, right?
ISIS. What a bunch of pussies.

How many Americans have to die before you don't consider ISIS a threat fool? If they killed your family would that make a difference or would you go on spinning for the left? I think we all know the answer.

ISIS is small potatoes. We won't even be talking about them in ten years.

Answer the question, how many Americans can ISIS kill before you give a shit? Do America a favor and move to North Korea.

We have 3 combat deaths in the fight against ISIS.

How many combat deaths did we have under Bush in the unnecessary war against Iraq before you gave a shit?

Oops you never gave a shit.
How many Americans have to die before you don't consider ISIS a threat fool? If they killed your family would that make a difference or would you go on spinning for the left? I think we all know the answer.

ISIS is small potatoes. We won't even be talking about them in ten years.

Answer the question, how many Americans can ISIS kill before you give a shit? Do America a favor and move to North Korea.
You are a hundred times more likely to be hit by lightning. So you better be safe and stay under your bed, little pants shitter. Do NOT go outdoors!

We continue to be embarrassed that you are a citizen.
Yes, you are embarrassed to see a man walking upright without fear. I get it. Sorry about that!

Ahahaha your no man.
Poor Giuliani. He was shitting his pants last night in front of the whole country. How much he has changed over the years.

Remember in 2004 when Giulian still had his balls and said, "Show your confidence. Show you're not afraid. Go to restaurants. Go shopping."

Just six days after 9/11, George Bush said, ""I've been told that some fear to leave; some don't want to go shopping for their families; some don't want to go about their ordinary daily routines because, by wearing cover, they're afraid they'll be intimidated. That should not and that will not stand in America."

Jeb Bush said, ""We need to respond quickly so people regain confidence and consider
it their patriotic duty to go shopping, go to a restaurant, take a cruise, travel with their family? Frankly, the terrorists win if Americans don't go back to normalcy."
ISIS. What a bunch of pussies.

How many Americans have to die before you don't consider ISIS a threat fool? If they killed your family would that make a difference or would you go on spinning for the left? I think we all know the answer.

ISIS is small potatoes. We won't even be talking about them in ten years.

Answer the question, how many Americans can ISIS kill before you give a shit? Do America a favor and move to North Korea.

We have 3 combat deaths in the fight against ISIS.

How many combat deaths did we have under Bush in the unnecessary war against Iraq before you gave a shit?

Oops you never gave a shit.

Silence nincompoop.
Remember when Bush said, "The face of terrorist is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don't represent peace, they represent evil and war."

He said that in a mosque!

"The American people have got to go about their business. We cannot let the terrorists achieve the objective of frightening our nation."

Get up off the floor, pants shitters.
You poor dumb cowards have let a loser alcoholic truck driver on the other side of the ocean scare you!

ISIS. What a bunch of pussies.

ISIS has lost half their territory in the past year. Al Qaeda managed to conquer an entire country.

ISIS managed to pull off an attack in Paris and killed 138 people, and injured 368. AQ pulled off the Madrid train bombing which killed 192 people and injured around 2,000. AQ also pulled off the London Underground attack, killing 52 people and over 700 injured.

Since the Paris attack, ISIS hasn't done shit. There have been some losers who were not members of ISIS who have done some lone wolf attacks, including an alcoholic truck driver who lost his job and went crazy. Now some loser with an ax, and ISIS is taking credit.

Really? A guy with an ax? This is a sure sign of a JV team.

Compare that to taking down the World Trade Center and hitting the Pentagon.

So why are so many people curled up on the floor in the fetal position, shitting their pants over the JV team?

Yo, first off, let me hit you with an ax, then tell me what it felt like, if you`re still breathing? Second, ISIS has their hands full with Russia, not the U.S.A.! Typical BS from the Mini Puppets!!!

This One Is Busy With His Closet Life!
Russia is a bit player in the war against ISIS. They sent, what, six aircraft?

Then they cut and run.

I don't know what special blend of crack you are on to bleev Putin's anything of a player against ISIS. His one and only interest is in keeping his butt buddy in power in Syria. And he doesn't care how many civilians he has to kill to achieve it. ISIS isn't even on his radar.

Yo, Putin`s butt-buddy crossed Obama`s Line, what did sissy do? He ran and hid under Me Shells skirt!!!

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Donald Trump has magical powers. He will stop alcoholic truck drivers with no connections to ISIS from driving into crowds.

He will stop repressed homosexual Muslims with no connections to ISIS from shooting up night clubs.

Yeah. He's the Magic anti_Negro we've been waiting for.

He will be the first President where no one will die on his watch.

Don't ask him how he will do these things. It's a secret! He doesn't want to tip his hand to the terrorists. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!
ISIS. What a bunch of pussies.

How many Americans have to die before you don't consider ISIS a threat fool? If they killed your family would that make a difference or would you go on spinning for the left? I think we all know the answer.

ISIS is small potatoes. We won't even be talking about them in ten years.

Answer the question, how many Americans can ISIS kill before you give a shit? Do America a favor and move to North Korea.
You are a hundred times more likely to be hit by lightning. So you better be safe and stay under your bed, little pants shitter. Do NOT go outdoors!

We continue to be embarrassed that you are a citizen.

Sometimes I think he's a mental patient.... maybe pigman from Seinfeld.
Donald Trump has magical powers. He will stop alcoholic truck drivers with no connections to ISIS from driving into crowds.

He will stop repressed homosexual Muslims with no connections to ISIS from shooting up night clubs.

Yeah. He's the Magic anti_Negro we've been waiting for.

He will be the first President where no one will die on his watch.

Don't ask him how he will do these things. It's a secret! He doesn't want to tip his hand to the terrorists. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Dude, what is wrong with you? You start threads freaking out over shit that you yourself deem of no consequence.

This is not rational behavior.

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