They said they just wanted to ban the AR-15, where did the other 205 rifles come from?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
So we see the typical anti gun "Bait and Switch" ....the anti gunners use the dead victims of a mass shooting...add in the emotions of uninformed voters.....they mix in the lie about their real this case...

"We only want to ban those icky AR-15s"

And then.....whamo, ....when they write their legislation......there are 205 semi auto rifles on their ban list.....

This is why we don't trust you...this is why we are drawing the line with the AR-15........

Democrats Introduce the Assault Weapons Ban of 2018

The authors specifically name at least 205 guns that fit the description, including the AK-47 and the AR-15,
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So we see the typical anti gun "Bait and Switch" ....the anti gunners use the dead victims of a mass shooting...add in the emotions of uninformed voters.....they mix in the lie about their real this case...

"We only want to ban those icky AR-15s"

And then.....whamo, ....when they write their legislation......there are 250 semi auto rifles on their ban list.....

This is why we don't trust you...this is why we are drawing the line with the AR-15........

Democrats Introduce the Assault Weapons Ban of 2018

The authors specifically name at least 205 guns that fit the description, including the AK-47 and the AR-15,

Plus the way the draft is written, any semi-automatic with a detachable magazine would be banned, so that includes all semi-automatic handguns.

Basically you would be left with M1-Garands, bolt, lever or pump action rifles/shotguns, and revolvers.
So we see the typical anti gun "Bait and Switch" ....the anti gunners use the dead victims of a mass shooting...add in the emotions of uninformed voters.....they mix in the lie about their real this case...

"We only want to ban those icky AR-15s"

And then.....whamo, ....when they write their legislation......there are 250 semi auto rifles on their ban list.....

This is why we don't trust you...this is why we are drawing the line with the AR-15........

Democrats Introduce the Assault Weapons Ban of 2018

The authors specifically name at least 205 guns that fit the description, including the AK-47 and the AR-15,

Plus the way the draft is written, any semi-automatic with a detachable magazine would be banned, so that includes all semi-automatic handguns.

Basically you would be left with M1-Garands, bolt, lever or pump action rifles/shotguns, and revolvers.

Sooooooo....a double "Bait and Switch"........if they weren't evil assholes you could almost admire the brass balls they have when they lie and grab power like this....
Many legal gun owners will become illegal gun owners... they will remain semiautomatic gun owners regardless...
So we see the typical anti gun "Bait and Switch" ....the anti gunners use the dead victims of a mass shooting...add in the emotions of uninformed voters.....they mix in the lie about their real this case...

"We only want to ban those icky AR-15s"

And then.....whamo, ....when they write their legislation......there are 250 semi auto rifles on their ban list.....

This is why we don't trust you...this is why we are drawing the line with the AR-15........

Democrats Introduce the Assault Weapons Ban of 2018

The authors specifically name at least 205 guns that fit the description, including the AK-47 and the AR-15,

Plus the way the draft is written, any semi-automatic with a detachable magazine would be banned, so that includes all semi-automatic handguns.

Basically you would be left with M1-Garands, bolt, lever or pump action rifles/shotguns, and revolvers.
Sorry but they will pry my .30 out of my dead hands. I have it mounted on my Kia Rio roof and leave the sunroof open when I need to get through traffic.

Let's hope this doesn't get passed

Vote...give money, elect Trump and republicans.....any vote for a democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment and the 1st Amendment...
nah, I think a constitutional crisis will be called and then if that doesn't work, about 2 million US citizens will show up in Washington DC, because welfare queens and illegals shouldn't be voting for people who make policies.
So we see the typical anti gun "Bait and Switch" ....the anti gunners use the dead victims of a mass shooting...add in the emotions of uninformed voters.....they mix in the lie about their real this case...

"We only want to ban those icky AR-15s"

And then.....whamo, ....when they write their legislation......there are 205 semi auto rifles on their ban list.....

This is why we don't trust you...this is why we are drawing the line with the AR-15........

Democrats Introduce the Assault Weapons Ban of 2018

The authors specifically name at least 205 guns that fit the description, including the AK-47 and the AR-15,
Not one inch...
So we see the typical anti gun "Bait and Switch" ....the anti gunners use the dead victims of a mass shooting...add in the emotions of uninformed voters.....they mix in the lie about their real this case...

"We only want to ban those icky AR-15s"

And then.....whamo, ....when they write their legislation......there are 250 semi auto rifles on their ban list.....

This is why we don't trust you...this is why we are drawing the line with the AR-15........

Democrats Introduce the Assault Weapons Ban of 2018

The authors specifically name at least 205 guns that fit the description, including the AK-47 and the AR-15,

Plus the way the draft is written, any semi-automatic with a detachable magazine would be banned, so that includes all semi-automatic handguns.

Basically you would be left with M1-Garands, bolt, lever or pump action rifles/shotguns, and revolvers.
Sorry but they will pry my .30 out of my dead hands. I have it mounted on my Kia Rio roof and leave the sunroof open when I need to get through traffic.


Planning to stop any Banzai charges soon?
So we see the typical anti gun "Bait and Switch" ....the anti gunners use the dead victims of a mass shooting...add in the emotions of uninformed voters.....they mix in the lie about their real this case...

"We only want to ban those icky AR-15s"

And then.....whamo, ....when they write their legislation......there are 205 semi auto rifles on their ban list.....

This is why we don't trust you...this is why we are drawing the line with the AR-15........

Democrats Introduce the Assault Weapons Ban of 2018

The authors specifically name at least 205 guns that fit the description, including the AK-47 and the AR-15,

NOTHING TO SEE HERE! The Left only wants to register you in a gun database so that if there is a safety recall or update, you can be notified fast and easy, and they would NEVER want to ban every gun 'cept for a pea-shooter and/or the ammo that goes with it, they are just looking out for the poor little children being killed in the gun free zones they create in the socialist, angst-filled schools they operate.

If History teaches us ANYTHING, it is to never give an inch because a liberal will try to take a mile. The ULTIMATE LESSON here is that it is the LEFT which creates the need for the NRA and us "gun-nuts" because there is no "midway" with the Left, for them, it is all or nothing.

I choose to give the Left, NOTHING.
Luckily, my semi-autos were uhm stolen so they don't need to stop here to check.
Just remember that the face cannot have body armor on it.

Liddy’s Lethal Advice
Liddy places the blame for Waco on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. His personal outrage and the need to pump conservative voters may have led to the outbursts of last August and September. Republican heavyweights were no stranger to Liddy’s show during this period (or since). Did any of the Republican campaigners for “law and order” hear any of Liddy’s remarks? Did they care?
I also lay the blame of the ATF for killing those young children in Waco Texas. But since slick Willie was in charge, those murders were allowed...While the Broward Country shooting was .......
Luckily, my semi-autos were uhm stolen so they don't need to stop here to check.

which is why they want universal background they can then demand universal gun catch people like you......
To the anti gunners....allow me to explain...this is a gun ban.........there is no lying about this.....they said they wanted only the AR-15 because it was scary looking, and what they really want is all guns....

All semi automatic weapons....this includes pistols....but...but just said the AR-15.....and any magazine over 10 rounds....making any existing pistol that takes magazines over that amount, metal door stops.....

Hey.......remember all you dopes who get to keep shotguns.......?

Yeah, they want those too....

Matt Vespa - Let's Be Honest, The Latest Gun Control Bill Is Pretty Much A Total Ban On

A massive slate of weapons are slated to be banned since the legislation calls for the prohibition of semi-automatic rifles and handguns that have detachable magazines, and can carry more than 10 rounds (via Washington Examiner)

The bill prohibits the “sale, transfer, production, and importation” of semi-automatic rifles and pistols that can hold a detachable magazine, as well as semi-automatic rifles with a magazine that can hold more than 10 rounds.

Additionally, the legislation bans the sale, transfer, production, and importation of semi-automatic shotguns with features such as a pistol grip or detachable stock, and ammunition feeding devices that can hold more than 10 rounds.

Cicilline’s legislation names 205 specific firearms that are prohibited, including the AK-47 and AR-15.

“Assault weapons were made for one purpose,” Cicilline said in a statement. “They are designed to kill as many people as possible in a short amount of time. They do not belong in our communities.”

Deutch vowed during a CNN town hall last week to introduce a bill banning semi-automatic weapons.

So, it’s the same old game. Democrats say let’s have a discussion, only to spring a trap on the rest of us—yelling, condemning, and denigrating those with whom they disagree on gun policy. They use children to shield them from criticism.
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Let's hope this doesn't get passed

Vote...give money, elect Trump and republicans.....any vote for a democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment and the 1st Amendment...

That's all well & good, but I don't think it's enough anymore. Gun owners need to be more vocal than just relying on the's the squeaky wheel that gets the grease
The link in the OP includes the word 'POSSESS', which means if you got one now it's illegal to keep it. That's the bad news. The good news is there's no way in hell this bill gets passed in the House, or the Senate, or signed by President Trump. BUT - guess what happens if the liberal progressive democrats ever get control of both chambers of Congress and the WH.

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